Page 1: Macro-LIQ : Liquid Bio Manure

Cow Dung Because we cant grow food without it

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Why Cow Dung ?

• Natural

• Best source of organic carbon & nitrogen

• Good soil conditioner and supplies humus

• Increases soil porosity and microbial activity

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Cow Dung - Problems ?

• Cow dung comes from city dairies to villages

• Cow dung comes unchecked

• Cow dung has heavy metal impurities and sometimes loaded with insecticides

• Cow dung is getting expensive and short

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Macro – LIQ™

Liquid Bio Manure

A Tested & Trusted Alternate ?

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What is Macro-LIQ™ ?Sugarcane Molasses

Intermediate 1


Intermediate 2

Sludge Broth

MACRO – LIQ™Liquid Bio Manure


Bio-Transformation (Yeast


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Page 7: Macro-LIQ : Liquid Bio Manure

Why Macro-LIQ™ ?

• Provides Organic Carbon to the soil

• Increases soil microbial activity

• Supplies N, P and K in small quantities

• Ease of application – “Drip Applied”

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Every bottle Tested

Every bottle Trusted

Organic Carbon > 18.0 %

Why Macro-LIQ™ ?

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Every Drop Consistent

Every Drop Heavy Metal Free

Every Drop Absorbed

Why Macro-LIQ™ ?

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What gets into your manure – gets into your food…!

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Tested Trusted

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