Download - Magazine Analysis

Page 1: Magazine Analysis

Font - The title of the cover is bold and has the style that you would expect from a rock magazine, for example ripped and has a grunge look to it. The buzz words and the headings are in the style of the magazine, this is so the house style is kept the same throughout. The size of the font depends on the importance of the content for example the main title is in a large font so it is seen easily.

Layout - The layout of this magazine is very busy, there are pictures located on the left to show the content inside. The main focus is the guitarist in the middle, he has been enlarged so that he is the main focus of the magazine. It also shows that the top story in the magazine is going to be about the guitarist or relate to him some how, in this case 100 greatest hits.

Colour – The colours are very bright and bold which represents the reader. The personality of punk enthusiasts generally are loud, the shades of green and yellow are florescent and appeal to the punk and rock audience. The colours do not clash and work well together, this will make the audience want to buy the magazine.

Language – The language is very bold and up front, this is so it is appetizing to a rock audience. It is also informal and uses language that you would expect your friends to use. Again this appetizers to the younger rock enthusiasts.

Mise-en-scene – The props used such as the guitar again emphasizes that kerrang is a music magazine. The setting looks like a concert, this is so it appeals to people that go to concerts and have an interest in rock music.

Camerawork – The shot type for the main subject is a low angle, this is to show the dominance of the guitarist and to emphasize that he is the main focus. It also shows that the content of the magazine relates to the guitarist. The smaller pictures that surround the larger images are close-ups to show the expression on their faces, this shows the mode of address to the audience which is loud and aggressive.

Page 2: Magazine Analysis

Font - The font has been kept the same through out the front page and contents page, this is to keep the house style the same. Also the fonts are easy to read even at a small font size, this is because of the bold nature of the font.

Layout - The layout of the magazine is very organized as there are is one big image and little sub images that surround it. The smaller images have bylines that describe what is happening in the picture. The main headings have been placed in a column so that is easy to read and easy access.

Colour – The colours that are used appeal to both males and females, this means that it their target audience is broadened by advertising to both sex’s. The colours make the page layout clean and pleasant on the eye as there are only two colours to focus on. The colours black, white and yellow are the magazines house style, this is so people can recognizer the magazine just from it colours.

Language – The language used is very typical for a rock audience as it includes words such as chaos and blackout. These words are aggressive and dark, this appeals to the rock audience.

Mise-en-scene – The guns in one of the images suggest that the magazine is for a rebellious audience. Also it suggest that the male has authority and is the main subject. The settings for most of the images are set in concerts and have a dramatic feeling to them. The pictures have life to them and make the magazine seem more appealing .

Camerawork – The camera work on the biggest image has a close up shot to emphasize his tattoos, the tattoos make the person look appealing to the audience as most readers have tattoos and are interested in them.

Page 3: Magazine Analysis

Font - There are three types of fonts that are used within the double page spread, there is a mixture of fonts in the title from a messy font to a clean and bold font. This is so it appeals to the audience but also makes it easy to read from a distance away. The colour of the font is in the style of the page having a mixture of pink, black and white.

Layout - The layout of this double page spread is very ordered as the image is placed to the left and room has been left for the text which is located to the right. There has been room made for the large title on the right page.

Colour – The colour scheme of this double page spread consists of three colours red, black and blonde. The black background makes the models hair colour enhanced and brighter than it would be instead of the black. This draws the eyes in and focusses on the model that will make people interested in the magazine. Also the colour scheme appeals to a rock audience as they mainly where deep black makeup and clothes.

Language – The title suggests that the magazine is ‘Wild’, this appeals to younger audiences especially men as the title influences young women being wild. The ‘pretty reckless’ located at the top right of the page uses language that will interest the audience as many people are curious when it comes to reckless behavior.

Mise-en-scene – The necklace the women is wearing looks like a dog collar and is similar to the loud attitude of the audience. Having similar clothes and accessories displayed will make the audience relate to the subject more and will be more appealing to them.

Camerwork – The camera angle of the image is a close up as it emphasizes the models hair flowing down here shoulder and the thick black makeup she is wearing. The angle is also eye level so it gives the effect that the model is looking at you.

Page 4: Magazine Analysis

Font – The font on the front page is clear and easy to read and is in the style of the of the title (Keerang). The large bold font is also used for the headings to make them stand out.

Layout - The layout of this front page cluttered as there is lots of text surrounding several images. The main focus is the model, he has been placed in the center to make him more important than the other images. Also he has been enlarged to fill the page, this again emphasis his importance in the magazine. Buzz words have been placed so that they are clearly visible to the audience. This is so it makes the magazine more appealing and more people are more likely to buy it.

Colour – The colours used are very bright, this draws the eye into the most important subjects such as the model and the buzz words. The yellow and the red compliment each other to make an interesting looking magazine.

Language – The language used is aiming at a teenage audience, this is because they use words like sweet and include exclamation marks to make the text seem as though someone is shouting. All this appeals to a younger audience.

Mise-en-scene – The ice cream is used to correspond to one of the headings, this makes it relevant and supports the title. The setting is a clean white background. This is used to focus your eye on brighter colours such as the models t-shirt and buzz words. If the background was to complex it would interfere with the rest of the magazine.

Camerawork – The camera angle is a close up to show off the mans makeup and his prop, in this case an ice cream. The type of shot is also typical of a font page of a magazine as it has a lot of detail of the face.

Page 5: Magazine Analysis

Font – The fonts continue the house style across the magazine. The font that is used for the main content is bold and still is very easy to read. If they used a complex and detailed font it would blend in with the main picture and be difficult to read.

Layout - The layout of this contents page is complex as there is a lot of text and pictures. They have made the main image larger than the rest as he is the main focus of the contents page. To make the contents page look interesting the have used mixture of pictures and text, if the page consisted of just text the reader would lose interest.

Colour – The colours are very dark and have a depressing feel. The colours on the main page are washed out to give a scary and old feel to the image. This appeals to a rock/punk audience because the colours appeal to them.Language – The bold text at the bottom of the page highlights the band names which will appeal to the readers and overall increase the sales of the magazine.

Language – There isn’t a specific style of language that is incorporated into the contents page. They are aiming for a more general audience so that do not confuse or alienate the readers. This also increases the audience as more people can read it.

Mise-en-scene – The masks have been introduced as it is the bands trade mark. This is to entice people as they recognize the masks from other sources such as TV and live concerts. The masks also have an aggressive and scary look to them, this appeals to the target audience.

Camerawork – The larger image is a wide shot, this is to show the whole band, they have done this so the Photographer can show the detail of each mask. The angle of the camera makes the band seem intimidating because of how many there are.

Page 6: Magazine Analysis

Font – Again I have seen the font been used on the previouse pages of the magazine, this is to keep the house style.. Some words have been enlarge and made bold, this is to make them stand out from the rest of the paragraph. This applies for the words in red, the red words give the page some colour and sticks to the colour scheme.

Layout - The layout of the double page spread is clean and set out in a particular order. The text has been moved into blocks of text to keep the magazine ordered. The pictures have also been placed around the text so that they do not interfere with it. The main image has been enlarged so that he is the main focus of the magazine. The singer has been placed in the middle as he is the main attraction for the magazine, also he is the first person they will see when the audience look at the double page.

Colour – The colour scheme that has been used is very dark and depressing, this appeals to the audience as the colours are similar to what the audience wear. The red has been used to highlight the main part of the magazine, also the text is white so that it stands out against the black background.

Language – The type of language used on this page is very violent and typical of the rock genre, words such as face melting and Whiplash have been used to emphasize violence and injury, this appeals to the target audience. These words also makes the writing more exiting as they are not your day to day words that people use.

Mise-en-scene – The guitars in the images suggested that the magazine is about music, they also give the band celebrity feel as they are on stage in front of hundreds of people.Camerwork – The mid shots of the artists capture their movement and make them more interesting to look at, the stance of the lead singer make him look as he is the main singer and he most important band member.

Page 7: Magazine Analysis

Font – The font used for the title is very stylized and suits the picture on the font cover. The style of the font is very aggressive , this is because of its blood dripping effect and sharp edges. The blood effects are represented with the rock genre as they give off a depressive and angry feel.

Layout - The layout of this magazine is very complex and wild. Text has been placed all around the image and looks to untidy. The rock star has been enlarged so that he is the main focus of the magazine. Bold buzz words such as ‘Rob zombie’ have are bigger than other text as they are the main attraction.

Colour – The red represents blood, death and evil, this attracts the audience as they are the subjects the target audience are interested in. The green and red colours are very bright and represents a comic book feel. This gives the magazine a hint of comedy.

Language - The language of this magazine is aggressive and out of the ordinary. Names of well known rock stars have been placed along the magazine to attract the audience. The language is over exaggerated because they have used words such as kill and undead. They will attract the reader because of the emotion of the words that are used.

Mise-en-scene – The chain saw signifies anger and aggressions which is associated with the rock genre, this then appeals to the target audience. The models makeup consists of dark black eyes and a cross painted on his head. This is also associated with the rock theme .

Camerawork – The camera angle is a close up to show off the mans makeup and his prop, in this case an a chain saw. The chain saw represent anger and aggression.

Page 8: Magazine Analysis

Font – The font of this contents page consists of a couple of fonts, the first font is the old rock font. The style of this font consists of straight lines and fonts, this is typical of the rock genre a commonly see it on rock products for example album covers.

Layout - The layout of this contents page is complex but is still ordered. This is because the text and pictures have been placed in a certain order. The main pictures have been placed at the top to show them off before the less important images. Page numbers have clearly been placed this shows that the magazine is organized.

Colour – The colours have been the same through out the contents page and the title, this is to keep the house style so that people can recognize the magazine. The colours are depressing and mainly consisting of black, red and brown. These colours normally appeal to a male audience.

Language - Words such as ‘access all areas’ attract an audience as they suggest that there is exclusive information inside. The word Chinwag has been used suggesting that it is for a British audience, this is because only British people use this word.

Mise-en-scene – The settings that have been used are dark and depressing which again are associated with the rock genre. The costumes that the band members are wearing are usual black to signify their personality, they usually consist of blacks reds and browns which relate to the style of the magazine.

Camerawork – A close up has been used for one of the images to show his mean and aggressive expression, these over exaggerated expressions are usually associated with the rock genre. Several wide shots have been used to show the band members, this is to show off there clothing as it is a main part of their trademark.

Page 9: Magazine Analysis

Font – The font style corresponds to the style of the magazine, for example the grunge effect located at the top left of the magazine is similar to that on the font. Layout - The layout of the double page spread is organized as the text has been clearly placed at the bottom of the page. The main picture covers the page suggesting that they are the main focus. Buzz words have been located at the side but still can clearly be seen because of the bright colour that has been chosen. A side bar located at the far right of the page includes other information, it is kept to the side as it is not the main story on the page.

Colour – Colours such as black, red and yellow have been seen In the magazine several time, this is to keep the house style the same, the red also relates the titles as red represents blood. Again red also represent heat which has been used for the background to the buzz word.

Language – - Hot Metal and fresh from the forge are a play on words suggesting there are popular metal players that have been recently discovered. These play on words attract the audience to the buzz words. Words such as WTF are typically used by the younger generation meaning that the content is meant for a younger audience. The title ‘baptized in blood’ is unusual and is eye catching because of it strange nature.

Mise-en-scene – The setting of the shot is located in what seems to be a dark ally way, the location is typical of a rock magazine as it dark and spooky. The clothing ranges from black to white, the bland colours signify the personality of the readers and band members.

Camerwork – The wide angle shot of the band shows the outfits and the style that they have, the shot also the energy that the band are trying to show.

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