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With 5 blogs of Nadjita!Exclusive interview with Flaco Carrilloon page Story Telling: How do you do it? With Bodei.

Strip! The Bungee jump Adventure

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What’s in it...

4 6 116 7Collage



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23242628Plan ofCommunicationSeminarWOM


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Collage This collage shows my interests and desires. The Chilean vlag represents my background. My parents are both from Chile and the past 3 years I have been travelling back and forth from Chile to the Netherlands. There is also a symbol of Amsterdam and not a flag of the Netherlands as I don’t consided myself Dutch. Even though I was born here I don’t feel like I get accepted in this country, I will always be “a foreigner. But I love Amster-dam, here I was born and raised with all different cultures. There is also a world map in it as I would love to travel the world. I get un-comfortable if I have to stay to long at one place. I have the need to travel and to explore.

The cat next to me is Betty. Betty is a streetcat I rescued in Santiago, Chile. I was feeling very lonely at the time, living at the other side of the world. Betty is a very sweet cat, she sleeps with me everynight and makes crazy noises the whole day. I couldn’t leave her in Chile so I brought her with me on the plain to Amsterdam.

The bird is for music. Ever since I was litle I couldn’t sleep without listening to music. Every moment I am alone I listen to music. It can make me feel happy of sad and it gives me a moment of rest to think.

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AquariusAquarius personality is very independent, any at-tempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee. They need to be free to be on their own.

Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to their well being.

Beneath the detached, unemotional exterior lies a kind hearted friend that will go out of their way to help another. They love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good. They do not expect any-thing in return for this could put a damper on their freedom, they live with no strings attached. They are very unconventional and always full of excitement, an Aquarius friend always makes life fun. They might offer you a spontaneous last min-ute camping trip with no supplies prepared, if you decide to go along, you will have a weekend to re-member forever!

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Nadja CarrilloI find it hard to talk about my feelings. I am very closed and I can come across like a bitch. Actually I am a very emotional person with a big heart. True my blogs I will show you, my reader, who I am.

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vondelparkAllow me to tell you about this beautiful park in the city center of Am-sterdam. The park that has been part of the lives of all citizens and visitors of Amsterdam over the past 150 years and is the park where I, and many others, grew up. I’m talking about the green heart of Amsterdam, our countries prettiest: the Vondelpark.

The first time I remember going to the park was when my parents took me to the “pierenbadje”.A small pool with water that not even came till my knees. There is a play-ground next to it and when I was young there was a castle to climb. I could spent full days in the park without getting bored.Together with my parents friends we had pick nicks and they always played music.

The Pierenbadje is still the same with new gener-ations spending their sum-mers in the water, and the kids I used to play with are still there but now with their babies and the Vondelpark knows all of them.

Besides the Pierenbadje there is also an open air theater. In the summers they have show’s almost every day of the week. The shows are for free with pro-grams for children, young-sters and adults. There is music, theater, comedy but also dance acts and during the day it is very common to see skaters practicing their skills.

I loved to go there.

When I got bigger I started to go to the park with my friends. We laid in the grass while eating an Italian ice cream, which you can buy at various spots in the park, while watching the sculp-ture Picasso has donated

to the Vondelpark to cele-brate its 100 years of existence. Some say it is a bull, other see a fish. I think there is even a bird in it.

The green heartof Amsterdam

The beauty of this park is that you forget that it is located in the center of the city.

In Amsterdam we are not used to a lot of sunny days, so whenever its hot everyone goes to the park. In the sum-mer you can see the green parakeets fly by, boys and girls getting together with pick nicks and sun-bathing on the grass. Some play music, others play football or Frisbee and every-where you look you see people smiling. And the park smiles with them.


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The vondelpark also has a statue with a less happy mem-orie. Mother earth, made by Nelson Carrilho, was placed in the vondelpark in 1984. Every-one knows the statue but not everyone knows what it stands for. Mother earth was placed in memory of the young black boy Kerwin Duinmeijer. We also call it the kerwin monu-ment. Kerwin was murdered at age 15 after the 16 year old white boy Nico Bodemijer told him to go back to his coun-

try. Nico stabbed him and a taxi driver refused to bring the bleeding Kerwin to the hos-pital. This was the first racist murder after the second world war. This may not be happy subject, but nevertheless im-portant.

I am 24 years now and I still take the long way to work just to visit the park again. This is where we met before going to parties to have a drink. And this is where we went after the party

was over. To lie in the grass next to the statue of mother earth and watch the sun go up.

This is the park I grew up with, the park where my mom and dad had their first date, where I have had mine and where I’ve partied and where I spend my summers. You should go there too. Visit the Vondelpark and let it be part of your lives too.

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MY LIFE AS A AIR BNB HOSTI’ve always been interested in hav-ing my own company. My dream is to havemy own tourism company. It all started when I got my first job at age 16 at an bar/restaurant.The owner bought the place from someone and made it grow into a very successful restaurant. When I travelled to Ecuador in 2012 I got greater ambitions. I wanted to have my own hostel at the beach with a bar/restaurant for my guests.

To make all of this happen you have to start small. I started by studying Tourism Management and last year I got the opportunity to start renting a room in my house.

I have guest almost all the time, mostly young couples. It is always exciting when I get a new message on my AirBnb app. Mostly these are very enthusiastic messages of people introducing themselves. We always have a little chat in which I tell them about the house and of course that I’ll be more than happy to receive them in my home.

Most of my guests are young, cute couples. I always have happy guests and they all really love Betty. Betty is a Chilean streetcat I brought with me to Amsterdam. Every time I have new guests she greets them and researches their bags. We are like a team.

I really like being a host. I get to know people from different countries with different cultures. Sometimes we have a really hard time understanding each other because of the language but with hands and body language we al-ways manage to have conversations. As I’m still learning I always try to im-prove my “hostingskills”. I have a map for the public transport and a citymap with all the museums of Amsterdam. Soon I’ll have bikes for the tourist to rent as wel!

I really like being a host. I get to know people from different countries with different cultures. Sometimes we have a really hard time understanding each other because of the language but with hands and body language we al-ways manage to have conversations. As I’m still learning I always try to im-prove my “hostingskills”. I have a map for the public transport and a citymap with all the museums of Amsterdam. Soon I’ll have bikes for the tourist to rent as wel!

A lot of people underestimate what it means being a host. They think it is just making the bed and opening the front door but it’s not. It means sharing your home with different people week-ly, like having a new roommate each time. The house and room have to be clean and you have to clean up behind you every time. There is no such thing as “I’ll do the dishes tomorrow” or “today i’m not in the mood for wearing any pants”. But I get the chance to meet a lot of new people and to make new friends. And everytime I read the messages they left in the guestbook I get new energy to prepare the room for the new guests.

Visit my page for more blogs!


Pictures by Dennis Krgc.

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The stadion life

I have various interests. One of the things I really like is football. I love it to play on the streets but what I love most is going to the stadion. My team is Universi-dad de Catolica, from Santiago, Chile.

It al started three years ago when I travelled to Chile to visit my family and I met a boy. We started going out and he took me to my first game: Universidad de Catolica against Union Espanola. I remember the red smoke, the drums and everybody in the stadion was singing. By the time the second half started I was singing too.

Since that first game, I have been to almost every game Catolica played dur-ing my stays in Chile. Since that year I spend every year around six months in Chile, which means lots of football!

Before every game we gather with our group of friends, Los Precisos as they like to call them selves. We meet at the park or at the house of one of us and have a barbecue, drink beer & wine and we sing. And then we go to the sta-dion, the prettiest one of Santiago, singing with the flags hanging out of the windows. On our way to the stadion other cars start to join us till you see a long line of cars with flags and singing supporters. It is really beautiful to see. The feeling is hard to describe. It is a feeling of unity and we stick together, either we win or lose.


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Te vengo a alentar campeón y vamos a romper la voz

votar la galeria por la UC estamos alentandote otra vez

Vamos catolica a ganar y otra estrella llegará

Festejaremos juntos otra vez como nunca jamas lo imagine

Vamos vamos los Cruzados yo te sigo a todos lados

por que es un sentimiento mi pasión somos pocos pero locos

soy Cruzado hasta los cocos mi delirio mi locura mi pasiooon

Visit my page for more blogs!

Pictures by Nadja Carrillo & los Precisos

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Anne Frank’s back House

Since februari this year I started work-ing at the Anne Frank house. It is a very special place to work if you think of the things that have happened in this house. In the summer of 1942, Sunday morn-ing on the 5th of July, the whole life of a Jewish girl changed. Her sister Margot got an letter demanding her to work in Germany. In these times working in Germany meant deportation. The family decided to hide in the back house of the fathers company at the Prinsengracht, Amsterdam. This is the story of the 15 year old Anne Frank.

During these years, the young Anne shared her thoughts and feelings with Kitty, her diary. In august 1944 the fam-ily got discovered by the Germans and the family was deported. Thanks to Mr. Franks friend and secretary, the diary of Anne could be saved and is now ex-posed in the museum.

Per day we have around 4000 visitors from all over the world and with different backgrounds. Sometimes the visitors get very emotional but they are always very grateful. I don’t remember my first visit to the house, I guess I was too young to understand. But now that i’m older I understand.

During the day, lots of visitors ask ques-tions about the history of Anne Frank and her family and I enjoy telling them about it. It may not be a happy story but never the less very important to under-stand this part of the history.

There is not too much to see at the house, which I think is the beauty of the house but also the hard part. The house is exactly as how Mr. Frank found it. Empty. The closet is still there though. You go through it into the backhouse. The kitchen and the stairs to the attic too.

The pictures, videos and stories in the house give you the opportunity to im-agine yourself how it was. If you are looking for history and an impressive experience that you’ll never forget, the Anne Frank house is the place to be. You’ll have to wait in line for a while but it is worth it. It will get you closer to understand what the people where going through during this war, which is important as the same thing is happen-ing now. Only not against the jews but against the moslims. It is something to think about.

Visit my page for more blogs!

Pictures by the Anne Frank Stichting.


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Dividida Blog

Dividida, the spanish word for divided. That’s me. Im divided over two countries, which I both love and where I have friends and family. In 2010 I met this guy, his name is Cristobal. We were just friends till I went to Chile in 2012 and met him again. We fell in love and I changed my ticket to stay 2 months longer in Chile. That is when my life changed, we started trav-eling back and forth to Amsterdam and Santiago. I started creating a life there and he started creating a life here.

After one year he proposed and within 6 months we got married. Sinds then I have been living 6 months in Santiago and 6 months in Amsterdam. I have two lives now and I live in two different cultures at the same time. My life has completely changed. In a good way, I have learned a lot but it is very hard because I know that someday I’ll have to choose a country.

Amsterdam is the city where I was born and raised. Since I have been living abroad I see Amsterdam as the prettiest city of the world.Santiago is beautiful too, from my bedroom window I can see the mountains with their white tops. I love the culture, everyone speaks Spanish, the parties are different and ofcourse the Stadion life.

When I’m here I miss Santiago and when I’m there I miss Amsterdam. I guess this is how it always will be since you can’t have both ways. It feels like I have two homes and therefore this theme: Dividida.

Visit my page for more blogs!

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Exclusive interview with “FLACO CARRILLO”

Marco Carrillo, leader of Flaco Carrillo is an 56 year old Chilean music and songwriter, living in Amster-dam. He came to Amsterdam in 1982 and was the starter of various bands as Mate, Epico and Kumbia CL. Flaco Carrillo’s sound is an mix of ska, reggae, funk and rock. Besides an talented mu-sician he is also my father and therefore the creative person that inspires me.

How would you describe your music?I would describe my music as Latin-fusion musicWhen did you start writing songs?About 25 years agoWhere did your career start?Everywhere I guess..Which instruments do you play? I play the guitar, bass, percussion and flute. And also a littlebit on the keyboard.Are you very precise in what you do? I try to beWhat do you think can’t be missed in a good song?A good melody. What inspires you?Everything, life, the nature and the people.What are you dreams?Play music till i’ll die.What are your future plans, is there annew album coming?At the moment I am very busy with recording an new album, which will be coming out soon!What are your ambitions?I don’t have ambitions. I do have a wish, namely to survive with my music

Can you tell me about the steps of producing a song?Sometimes I start with the melody but sometimes I start with a guitar chord. Or with the lyrics, actually it is always different.lWho are the other members of FlacoCarrillo?Well, there is me, the leader and I play the guitar and Marco Toro who playesthe drums,Alejandro Varbajar who plays the bass, thenPancho Espinoza, our singer and Emerson Quiroz on the keyboard and Rudy Albano, he plays the saxophone.When did you form Flaco Carrillo?in the beginning of 2014, but we have played together before in my other bands Mate and Kumbia CL.What is your latest single Asamblea Constituyente about?It is about the Chilean constitution. It hasn’t changed since the dictature of 73 and we are not living in a dictature anymore. The constitution should change. Where can I find your music?At my myspace page:

Images by Flaco Carrillo

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GuestlectureStorytelling When I think of storytelling I think of the histories I used to tell my litle brither and sister when they were growing up. I used to look around me and used all the elements I saw into the story. The storytelling the lecture was about, wasn’t any different. The guest lecture was meant to help us with our presentations. The most important thing is to get the attention of the audience. Make your presentation worth their time.

There are different ways to get the attention of your audience. One way is to start with a “random” story, make the audience wonder what your story has to do with the presentation, make them curious. Finish your story with a great punshline that gets your audience to laugh. The best is when it is something unexpected.

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Another way to get the attention of the audience is to play with their feelings as humans are very emotional creatures. We can get emo-tional with the story of a fictive person or even with a cartoon, as long as the story is good and we can relate to it.

Bodei, the girl who gave us the lecture, made us sit together with our project group and gave us half an our to prepare a story relat-ed to our project.

Our assignment was to volunteers for the SAIL.stainables eco teams for our client SAIL. With these volunteers we would create awareness among the people in Amsterdam about how important it is to be sustainable. We decided to make our story a litle dramatic, using examples from real life.

The story was about a young girl who came from Austria to live in Amsterdam. The dirt on the street made her very sad as she was used to live on clean streets. She was so suprised by the mental-ity of the dutch people and the fact that even the well educated people didn’t even took the time to throw their trash in the garbage but on the streets. Ironicaly enough the only ones recycling were actually the birds in the canals. They would make their nests out of plastic, making it waterproof. Funny, but very sad.

Picture by Selma Salo

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GuestlectureFood: A creative industry?

On may 21st I attended a guest lecture about food. My first thoughts are: How can you possibly give an lecture about food. But then the class start-ed and I learned about the many features of food in relation to the creative industry.

Food is something we all need and something we all love. Food influences my mood in many ways. When I don’t eat I get very cranky and when the food is good I get very happy. Food rules our everyday life. Having good breakfast mostly means having a good day.But how can we be creative with food? There are many ways.

“Food as an element of experience”, for example when you have dinn-ner and whatch a show. Our having dinner at the canal cruise while pass-ing throught the canals of Amsterdam. Another example is Dans le noir, when you have dinner in the dark. You can not see what you are eating but you can only taste it and as you are only focussed on tasting the food you can really experience it.

Dinner can also be art, when you go to a restaurant it is not only the taste of the food that counts. It is the whole presentation. The vegetables are all cut in the same sizes and the chef even thought about the combination of colors on your plate. Color is very important and has influence on how you experience the food. You could even say that you can taste color. One I went on a cruise and my watermelon was cut into the shape of a drag-on.

Food is also media. There are magazines, blogs, apps and tv shows all dedicated to food. Food makes a living and creates stars, think of programs of Master Chef or Gordan Ramsey. Or cook books filled with recipes.

Food is sustainable. Well, not always as we throw about 1/3 of our food away. But there are restaurants who are really focussed on being sustainable. They try to throw away as less food as possible. There is an restaurant who uses just one garbage bag a year! Others recyle their compost.

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Food is ethics. Think of fair trade brands as Max Havelaar of Tony Chocolony.

There are many examples of food in the creative industry. I have an un-cle who is a chef. I remember that when I was little he used to come over and cook for us. Having one of his plates was always a pleasure as he made everything beautifull. The lemons in the salad were never cut in half but always had zigzags in it and the small tomatoes always had lettuce on top of it. Sometimes I wouldn’t touch my food because it was too pretty to eat.

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GuestlectureTransmedia storytelling

The definition:Transmedia Storytelling (also known as transmedia narrative or multiplatform storytelling, cross-media seriality) is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats including, but not lim-ited to, games, books, events, cinema and television.(wikipedia)

It sounds very boring but it is actually pretty fun. During this lecture Rene gave us various examples as Harry Potter. The story started with a book, from the book they made a movie, later there were made games and now you can also listen to the story on a CD.

There are three parts in Transmedia Storytelling namely participation and interaction, transmedia as a comminication tool and the message in transme-dia. The first part was explained with a video “Cinderella 2.0”, a very nice example of a girl at a concert. The girl sang with the group and lost somehow her shoe. A guy who went to the concert uploaded the video on facebook and another girl made a GIF out of it. Later there were more versions and the girl without a shoe went viral. The singer of the group started looking for the girl and true internet and everyone sharing pictures and other creative crea-tions they found eachother.

For the second part Rene gave an example of the “Dela Campaign”, a dutch funeral insurance company who came with an idea “Why wait till it’s too late”, inspired by all the beautifull speaches people give during funerals. The idea is too do it when someone is still there. A very emotional video and impressing.

The third part was the funniest part. Here Rene showed us a video of a flash-mob that took place at the Heathrow airport in London. The flashmob was for the new T-mobile commercial. I loved how the people react to the flash-mob as they got welcomed at their arrival. And that was the message, “con-necting people”.

This was the best of the three lectures as it was very interesting to see how easy it is to influence people with a good story. The creative industry is every-where. When I started this minor I didn’t see the importance of the creative industry, maybe because I didn’t even knew what it was but it turned out to be really fun!

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nadja Carrillo

1995 - 2003 Primary schoo in Amsterdam2003 – 2008 HAVO in Amsterdam2008 - 2010 VWO in Amsterdam2010 – 2011 European studies University of Amsterdam2012 – heden Tourism Management, InHolland

date of birth17/02/1991



Contact men*******@hotmail.com061234567

Hello! My name is

02 -2008/ 10-2008 Eetcafé Langedijk 03 -2009/ 09-2009 Café De Toog 06-2010/ 12-2010 Eetcafé ’T Pakhuis 04-2011/ 12-2011 Café Heffer 11-2011/ 08-2012 The Hospitalitist 2012/2014 Hostess Amsterdam Boats 03-14/ heden Bartneder Ziggodom03-2015/heden Museum worker Anne Frank House

Stage Santiago, Chile09-2013/11-2013 Sales department tour operator Turavion11-2013/01-14 Marketing department tour operator TuravionCursus23-03-15 AED/BHV

Nederlands advancedEngels advancedSpaans advanced

SPSS, Word, Excell, PowerPoint, InDesign

Reading movies travel trekking sport salsa concerts-

zumba music culture

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Word of Mouth campaignThe SAIL.Stainables In order to attract volunteers for our Sail.stainables eco-teams it is impor-tant to get known by our target group. We already now that youngsters between the age of 17 en 27 make full use of social media and also that we can find a great amount of possible volunteers at high schools and universities. Based on this information the WOM Campaign will be set up.

For the campaign social media channels as Facebook, Twitter and Ins-tagram have been chosen as these are the most popular social media channels amongst youngsters. Each social media channel has a dif-ferent strategy. As someone else is responsible for all the social media channels of SAIL, we will work together intensively.

FacebookFacebook is the most used social media channel by youngsters. They find it easy to use Facebook for events as they can just press “like” and all the information and updates on this event will appear on their time-lines. A Facebook page is easy to visit and to promote as long as it gets updated often. The Saill.Stainables page will be updated 4 times a week.

The Facebook page will contain news about the SAIL event and the Sail.stainables. Creating awareness starts with us and therefore the Face-book page will also be used to publish topics on sustainability. The Sail.stainables will be easy to contact trough the wall or private messages or by simply commenting on our topics. The page will also show our con-tact information for the volunteers to send their curriculum and motivation letter to.Based on the information in the statistics, our Facebook page will be updated on the times that most youngsters are online. The page will also be shared on Facebook pages of high schools and universities and stu-dents on Facebook will be invited to like the page.

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To get an Instagram campaign to work it is important that the followers feel relata-ble to the content. The pictures, upload-ed by volunteers, will contain images of unsustainable things in your daily life.

The Instagram page will be promoted by the SAIL Instagram page by using the #sailstainable hashtag and also on the Facebook page and Twitter in order to reach a greater audience.

Because of the very strict rules of SAIL it wasn’t possible to actually start the WOM Campaign myself. The project was in the conceptual stage, which means that it is still a secret. Now the summer has be-gun and the project is finished SAIL has started with the WOM Campaign on Insta-gram.

InstagramInstagram is a social media channel to share pictures with followers. With more than 200 millions users, Instagram is the best social platform to tell and share visual stories. During the campaign, Instagram will be used to share our flyers and to share quotes and pictures to create awareness. This will happen several days a week.

Everyone can join our campaign on Instagram by using the #sailstainables hash-tag. Hashtags allow followers to publish pictures related to a topic. When searching this hashtag, all the related pictures will be visible. Therefore the Sail.stainables Instagram will not only be used for the campaign to attract volunteers, but will also be used by the volunteers to create awareness among the SAIL visitors on sustain-ability.

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SeminarNetworking at the SAIL Academy

On the 27th of may I was invited by the SAIL Academy to join their networking day at the Koffiehuis in the east side of Am-sterdam. This day was meant to give us, young talents, the op-portunity to network with companies in the creative industry in order to get new contacts, find a job or internship.

When we arrived we all got an red hearted paper with our names around our neck. The idea was to write down our values on the backside of the heart so it would be easy for the companies to start an conversation. While people were still arriving we had the opportunity to start conversations with the companies as they were also wearing hearts but theirs were white.

We first got welcomed by Margit Bosch and Rene Blom from the SAIL Academy. They explained us the meaning of the networking day and we got divided into three groups with both young talents as companies.

The first assignmentOur first assignment was based on different quotes. Everyone in the group got an paper with an picture and a quote. First you had to find two others of your group with the same picture on their paper and then start a conver-sation, leaded by the quotes. The quotes were related to our future plans and to our opinions in life. In total we have discussed three different onces and each of us had the chance to share their thoughts. Then the big ship’s bell rang and we had to move on to our second assignment.

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The second assignmentOur second assignment was outside. There were three circles of chairs and in the middle was a papel and colored pions of the “mens erger je niet” game. Everyone had to stand on a chair and get one pion and then we had to exchange papers with the other two circles. The paper matches its color with the color of the pion. The idea was to get to the cirle with the paper that had the same color as your pion, without touch-ing the ground. As everyone was standing on a shair we had to work together to get to the other cirle. This was actu-ally really fun as we had to help eachother to cross over. You really had to make contact with the other person and that’s how conversations got started. A very creative idea to get people to talk with eacho-ther. We kept on conversation till the ship bell rang again.

The third assignmentFor the last assignment we had to write down our accomplishments that we were proud of and our am-bitions. These were the guidelines for new conversa-tions.

The whole day was meant to think about what we wanted in life and to connect with other people. Some-times it is difficult to start an conversation and these assignment really helpt us to give us something to talk about. The companies were really enthusiastic about this whole day and interested in the young talents.

Unfortunaly for me there were no companies in my area as I study tourism and the companies present that day were all within the creative company but nev-er the less it was an nice experience.

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Communication plan

Me & Social Media To be really honest I am not into social media. I used to be though, when I was young I had Hyves, Cu2, Partypeepz and everything that was trend-ing at the moment. But lately it makes me feel uncomfortable. I get mes-sages all the time on my smartphone or invites. That’s why I have deleted all my social media accounts but Instagram and Facebook.

I mainly use Facebook to keep in touch with my family in south Amer-ica. It makes it easy to communicate and to keep eachother updated. I also use it to create events and to invite my friends, or to see who is going to which party.

El VerdaderoI also use it to promote a business I have in Chile with my husband. We have a small restaurant called “El Verdadero”. By publishing pictures and anouncements we attract new clients. These clients share our page or react to our pictures, making other people curious to the products we are selling and eventually come to visit us. I have noticed that it is important to be very active and to keep publising pictures. When I left Chile, the other workers forgot about the facebook page. The reach of our messag-es decreased from 500 people to 200. Less persons came to ask for our promotions. In the summer I will start to post actively again as you really notice the difference.

Instagram is lately more my thing. I like posting pictures and getting new followers.I mostly post pictures of sneakers, nails, selfies, my cat and friends. The sneakers, selfies and cat get the most amount of likes.

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Numbers & Facts

156 Followers & 59 UploadsLogin: DailyPosting: WeeklyStatus: ActiveStarted: June 2013

761 Friends & 2261 Photo uploads Login: DailyPosting: WeeklyStatus: ActiveStarted: January 2nd 2009

“El Verdadero” Like page

353 Likes Login: DailyPosting: MonthlyStatus: ActiveStarted: november 2014

Fans: 52% female 48% male Age: 53 % between the age of 25-34

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1 2









STORY BOARD “the bucketlist”


the only thing left is to jump of a bridge, where should I go?

okay lets do this!


E c u a d o r ! T h a t ' s where im going!

Wauw the amazone looks amazing from up here

Oops.. That is a very high bridge! Maybe tomorrow!

I’m so excited!!

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1 2









STORY BOARD “the bucketlist”


the only thing left is to jump of a bridge, where should I go?

okay lets do this!


E c u a d o r ! T h a t ' s where im going!

Wauw the amazone looks amazing from up here

Oops.. That is a very high bridge! Maybe tomorrow!

I’m so excited!!

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