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When I was three, lighting would often strike on, or near,

my house. And my mother said that I was too quiet, and

that once, I awoke both her and my father while I was lying

asleep in another room beyond a glass door.

Throughout my days I watched how evil beings

transformed and manipulated my family, friends, and

strangers like puppets. Often I knew they were "evil beings",

and sometimes I sensed when it was the same one. usually because

it would use the same words against me, but in different

people. They brought early deaths to my brother, mother,

and girlfriend at Different times. In 1989, I received a

telegram from a Minister/Pastor whom I did not know, and I

wasn't sure whether it was a practical joke

(although no one I knew would play such a joke). It

approximately said:

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[my name], I recently had two dreams where God spoke

to me. I MUST get in contact with you as soon as possible.

God has told me that you are special, and he has plans

for you.

I never heard from him again.

Whether or not this was real, something unique was

definitely happening to me. Moreover, I have been given

the ability of "perception", and I can connect disconnected

events with unique success, most of the time. This is how I

am able to determine magic that works. I need to practice


In 1999, I had a very bad dream. For days that followed,

I had a terrible feeling something bad was going to

happen. It’s the feeling you get when you’re almost certain

you had left on the clothes iron when running of the house

for work or school, and that if you don't go back home and

turn it off, it will burn down your home.

This feeling pulled me toward warning president Clinton

of "this feeling". I suggested that he be careful to improve

foreign relations and to make extra effort to know who

our enemies were. This, of course, could have meant

anything. But I'd never written a president before. He

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wrote back thanking me. I need not tell you what events

unfolded a couple years after.

Before president elect Obama, my words to someone had been,

"a time for change is needed. The next president

should be a woman or minority.” I sense that during the next couple

of years people will have to guard their health, although

the change forthcoming may be beyond the control of

ordinary people. I often struggle to see whether this will be

an attack or a natural disaster. I will keep trying to see. I know this

time I can't sit and simply watch as I had in 2001. I want to

make changes for the better. The loss doesn't have to be.

Hopefully, by now knowing this now, you can help to alter the future.

As a new president, Obama will be occupied with many

tasks, as well as hidden enemies. Let us help him in any way we can,

especially to deal with possible dangers. Send positive energy to him.

Encourage him to think ahead, and not to ignore bad possibilities.

Sometimes it feels better to not see a problem, even when that won't

make it go away. He must look at those areas.

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Now let's turn our attention toward you.

What I'm about to say may seem familiar, but I want to

drive this point into you. I'm doing this partially out of a

natural feeling that I must.

Religion is not separate from magic. Once, I stood in a

field of golden grass, listening to the wind and watching the

sun set, and I asked myself, "is the world of angels and demons the

same as the world of fairies and dragons?" The truth, as I

believe it, is that all things in the imagination are the brain's

interpretation of the messages/feelings it receives. A

dragon may be a real creature, unseen, not exactly as

you imagine it, but real. It may kill and cause unexplainable fires.

God, the being in our minds, has been given many

human characteristics because it is the best way for our

limited minds to understand God. The Goddess is as real as God,

yet not separate, moreso, because they don't have an individual, physical

body. (my opinion of course)

Whether you want to call this a war or a game, you are, and have

been, part of it.

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Take a stand as to which side you serve, if you seek to

gain a more raw power. If you have often been unjustly

attacked, repeatedly, you must come to fully understand that

you may be a chosen being of light, chosen by God

(or a God of good/creative power). The attacks are coming

from your adversaries. The more you don’t believe in them,

the easier you make their task. You must fulfill your destiny, part

of which involves an amazing power and magic that is inherently

yours. Understand this. My message is in no way coming

from a doctrine or from a Christian perspective. So this may

seem a bit strange. There are evil creatures, of different levels of

power and authority. They have many intentions. Because they are

different from us, it does not make them stupid (a common mistake

in the human psychology). They plan and play with you.One tactic

is to lead you into doing something wrong (a sin let's say). Many would

have you believe that such is end all result of a devils game. OH NO.

Hear me.

Commonly believed is that the process is as follows:

1. temptation

2. sin, in order to place a mark against you

3. God is mad at you for that sin

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My belief is that the true process is as follows:

1. temptation

2. sin, you know it was wrong (possibly feel guilt)

3. that sin is used as a weapon against you by evil

beings (which in turn can ultimately keep you separate from

your God)

I don't want to bore you, or make myself sound like a

Sunday school teacher, but unless you know this, your

hidden enemies, if you have any, will continue to drain

your spirituality, and bar you from powers that you were

meant to possess and use to help others.

A devil, or evil spirit, wants you to commit a sin so that

he can use it against your mind, as a weapon, or barrier, to

keep you from having faith in yourself, to keep you from

believing in yourself, that you are good and capable

of doing good, and that you were meant to possess

powers many humans dream of. Keep in mind, that the

most ancient of ancient priests and magicians "sought to

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please their Gods" in order to be granted favors.

Without power from a source, you will be powerless.

Who is your source? What do your feelings

tell you? Your source will either create or destroy. Evil, by

nature, will destroy. That is its nature, its purpose. Some

are born to serve this energy. I can destroy well, but I

choose not to. It is not my nature.

Have you ever been sitting somewhere and thought of

someone you felt was such a good person, and then

suddenly a voice or thought arose in your mind, reminding

you of a sin in your past? It's time to understand where

these adverse thoughts manifest from. In psychology,

this topic gets caught in a web of explanations (why?),

because no one has an answer "they can fully prove".

Even the Christian message on this subject has been

polluted, convoluted, and confused. So I am clearing the

haze with a light born upon my staff.

I have no easy solutions for this fight. Oh yes, I have

placed a very deadly magical sword upon a black cloth

on an alter of gold before you. This fight shall begin within

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yourself. There really is no easy way about this. It will hurt

so much, and you alone will have to carry it, but with

maturity. You will grow, and in Godlike power, you shall

grow also. The task will be to 1) forgive your self; 2) commit yourself to

acts that benefit as many people at one time as possible.

Forgiveness. Simple word huh? Let me tell you something

for you to remember. You are incapable of forgiving anyone

until you have truly forgiven yourself. How? You must do

something good (for another person or persons) for each

sin you have ever done in your life.

"What!?" You ask. "there's no connection!"

On the contrary. There is. Hear me. Each time you do

something truly good for another person, you are asserting

that you are a being of light. By asserting that you are a

being of light, a vessel or good power, you automatically

assert that you are free of sins, for no being of pure good

can possess sins. Additionally, forgiving yourself, takes

deep, subconscious changes, not just "words".

Let yourself be reborn as a being of this nature you

were intended to be. As you do this, the source will listen

to you when you speak. Your magic will carry with it the raw

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power from the force. You will begin to receive signs

and dreams, since these are the realistic mediums for

higher powers to communicate to you. They don't exactly

speak English. (smile)

Of course no prince or princess is free from danger.

You will face challenges, so your learning must not cease.

Don't subscribe to one magical philosophy alone. Why?

because knowledge of this kind CANNOT be exclusive to

one group. That would be like sayingthat one group has

the only true knowledge of algebra, or like saying only

blond woman can cook the best clam chowder.

This kind of power was not meant for us to handle

alone. Pray before any magic, and pray after. Otherwise,

you will, in time, be sorrryyy.

~~ A Little Magical Operation ~~

Now that you have studied my lessons up to this point, I

believe it is safe for you to begin the first operation. If you

have not read, or fully understood, the first lessons, go back and

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study "Magical Advice 1 and 2", for your own safety, and

the safety of others".

Meditate your on your intention for this operation for at

least 30 minutes. Then pray, for at least 30 minutes, on

your intention for this operation. If you are not sure whether

you should be doing this operation, your chances that it

will work are slim to none.

Next, pray to your God and Goddess to give you four

symbols of power to affect the outcome of your operation.

(if you don’t have a Goddess, it's ok.)

Then sit before a clear area of floor and ground, and while

holding a sheet of paper and pen (black ink)

in hand, REPEATEDLY say, "let four symbols of power

appear upon this paper". Only begin to drawn these

symbols when you feel certain that the symbols

were placed in your mind by your God and Goddess.

Now your should have four small symbols. Have ready,

3 or four more sheets of paper (such as 8 1/2 x 11). Next

you are going to chant your desire while creating an outward spiral

(clockwise for creating and counterclockwise for removing

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or destroying -- don't even think about counterclockwise

unless you're trying to kick a habit or something like that).

Create the spiral by choosing one of the four symbols

and drawing the small symbol upon the paper and tearing

off the small symbol and placing it on the ground, one piece at a

time, until a spiral begins to form. The result will be a

lot of little pieces of papers, with little symbols upon them, on the

ground. The magic is especially affected by your intuitive choice of

which symbol to place upon each little piece of paper. You'll

have four to choose from. Each time you place down one,

you are saying your desire, sending your intention into each


You will spiral the little papers outward while chanting

and you will stop when you feel it is time to stop. When you

stop, you should be worked up into a very tense state of

intention. Assert the final chant, and bring your hands

together with a loud clap. and then say, "in

the names of [your God and Goddess], so mote it


Optionally, you may substitute the words “four symbols

of power” with a more descriptive phrase for the four

symbols of power.

My first operation of this type, had instant results. You

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bravely facing this untrue reality as they remain,

fascinated by every passing moment to witness this unfolding mystery,

while so much damage done by some has allowed my power to become,

hopefully having this moment to enjoy with those wise enough to hear this evermore,

this time has come.

Mysticalgod 12.27.08

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