
Revision #8 (03-Feb-2015) Page 1 of 82


Supplier Manual



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EXPECTATIONS FROM OUR SUPPLIERS .............................................................................. 4

0.1 General Information ................................................................................................................. 5

1.0 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTATION .................................................................... 6

1.1 Supplier MMOG Assessment ................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Supplier Launch Readiness ................................................................................................... 10

1.3 Supplier Launch Plan .............................................................................................................. 13

1.4 Safety Stock and Change Response ................................................................................. 14

1.5 Supplier Bank Build Requirements ....................................................................................... 14

1.6 EDI Electronic Data Interchange ........................................................................................ 15

1.7 Packing Slip Requirements .................................................................................................... 19

1.8 ASN Advanced Shipping Notice ......................................................................................... 21

1.9 Supplier Performance Monitoring ....................................................................................... 23

1.10 Customs and Brokerage Information.............................................................................. 29

2.0 PACKAGING AND PART INFORMATION ............................................................................. 29

2.1 Part Identification and labeling ........................................................................................... 29

2.1.1 Sample Container Labels ................................................................................................... 31

2.1.2 Master Labels......................................................................................................................... 34

2.1.3 Labeling Detail of Steel Coils ............................................................................................. 36

2.1.4 Palletization ............................................................................................................................ 37

2.1.5 Mixed Skids ............................................................................................................................. 38

2.2 Supplier Packaging ................................................................................................................. 38

2.2.1 Returnable Containers ........................................................................................................ 39

2.2.2 Decanting Material Guidelines ........................................................................................ 40

2.2.3 Coil Packaging ..................................................................................................................... 41

2.2.4 Steel Coil Packaging and Unloading Requirements .................................................. 41

2.2.5 Pallet Requirements ............................................................................................................. 43

2.2.6 Load Stability ......................................................................................................................... 44

3.0 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 45

3.1 Carrier notification .................................................................................................................. 45

3.2 Shipment documentation ..................................................................................................... 45

3.3 Missed Shipments ..................................................................................................................... 47

3.4 Overseas and North American Routing Notice .............................................................. 47

3.5 Free Trade Agreement Customs Compliance ................................................................ 52

3.6 C-TPAT / PIP ............................................................................................................................... 53

4.0 SUPPLIER QUALITY ................................................................................................................... 53

4.1 Supplier Communication .................................................................................................. 53

4.2 Supplier Selection ............................................................................................................... 54

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4.3 Supplier Continuous Improvement ................................................................................. 55

4.4 Tooling .................................................................................................................................. 56

4.5 Control of Inspection Fixtures, Measuring/Test Equipment ........................................ 56

4.6 e-APQP (Electronic Advanced Product Quality Process) .......................................... 57

4.7 Defective Material Notice Reporting ............................................................................. 59

4.8 Lot Traceability .................................................................................................................... 61

5.0 ENGINEERING CHANGE ........................................................................................................ 61

5.1 SRCD ..................................................................................................................................... 61

6.0 SERVICE AND CLAIM INFORMATION .................................................................................. 63

6.1 Service Obligations ............................................................................................................ 63

6.2 Obsolescence Claims ............................................................................................................ 63

6.2.1 General Information for Claims ........................................................................................ 63

6.2.2 Claim Document .................................................................................................................. 64

6.2.3 Claimed Material Audit ...................................................................................................... 64

6.2.4 Claim Settlement .................................................................................................................. 65

7.0 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 68

7.1 Supplier Invoices and Payments ......................................................................................... 68

Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... 80

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Expectations from our Suppliers

Magna Closures Dortec Industries is committed to maintaining its position as a Global

Leader within the Automotive Sector. We will continue to be the supplier of choice to our

Customers, through continued leadership and excellence in innovation, technology, cost,

quality and delivery.

Recognizing the integral role that each Supplier has in the value chain, it is our intent to

establish strategic, long-term relationships to bring lasting value and benefit. Those

suppliers demonstrating the desire and ability to support us through the appropriate

engineering, quality and manufacturing disciplines, focused on effective design

validation, mistake-proofing, process controls, delivery, service and continuous

improvement will continue to share in this partnership.

The relationship between Magna Closures Dortec Industries and its Suppliers shall be

managed to the highest degree of honesty, integrity and professionalism. Our standard of

conduct will ensure that we consistently make our decisions based upon optimization of

value and sound business principles. We will not allow any undue influence or

inappropriate activity to compromise those decisions. We are committed to managing

our supply base in a manner that continues to bring shared value, growth and reward.

In support of maintaining a professional business relationship with our suppliers, our

Divisional Senior Management encourages an open door policy to facilitate discussion

and resolution of issues through escalation, as appropriate.

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0.1 General Information

Where conflicts exist between this Magna Closures Dortec Industries Supplier Manual and

the Magna Global Supplier Requirements manual, this Magna Closures Dortec Industries

Supplier Manual shall take precedence.

As a supplier to Magna Closures Dortec Industries, it is imperative that you are aware of

our delivery expectations. We fully expect our suppliers to deliver 100% on time to our ship


It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the carrier has been notified for each

scheduled pick up. If there is a ‘dead run’ or no material available for shipment, the

supplier must give 24 hours’ notice to the Carrier. If for any reason suppliers cannot meet

the regular scheduled shipment, they must expedite at their expense to meet the

required dock date of the release. The Material Planner at Dortec must be notified of any

delays. Any delays may be reflected in your monthly Suppliers Delivery Performance


If meeting the delivery schedule should become a chronic problem, a Recovery Plan will

be requested by Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ Material Planner.

1. During periods of holidays and shutdown at the suppliers’ facility, Dortec expects

the supplier to make arrangements to ensure that flow of material is not disrupted

at Magna Closures Dortec Industries.

2. After seeking assistance from Engineering regarding Engineering Changes,

Finance Department for AP issues, Quality for Quality concerns or Purchasing for

Commercial issues, you will need to contact your Materials Planner if any delivery

problems are expected.

3. As changes in personnel at your facility occur, please be sure to update the

Master Vendor Listing and forward to your Materials Planner Representative.

Failure to update will affect the supplier rating.

Suppliers that are on Weekly Releasing will have Authorization as follows:

2 Weeks Firm

1Week Fabrication

6 Weeks Raw material

10 – 36 Weeks Forecast (Based on Customer Authorizations)

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Overseas Suppliers that are on Weekly Releasing will have authorization as follows:

8 Weeks Firm

1 Week Raw material

10 - 36 Weeks Forecast (Based on Customer Authorizations)


Suppliers must contact their Planner to advise of any potential shipping problems and

advise any alternate shipping methods.


1.1 Supplier MMOG Assessment

As a Magna Closures Dortec Industries supplier there are certain criteria that you are

expected to achieve. An MMOG Assessment

group=MMOG is an industry standard format used to identify a company’s ability to meet

specific standards that relate to Materials Planning & Logistics. It is the suppliers’

responsibility to purchase this document.

Within the MMOG there is a Self-Assessment Report, which each supplier will be required

to complete on a yearly basis. This will provide your company and Magna Closures

Dortec Industries with important information as to how well your company operates and

where there may be opportunities for improvement. All new suppliers are required to

submit completed MMOG prior to award of new business. All suppliers are required to

submit the completed MMOG Self-Assessment results to their Material Planner. Critical

suppliers may be notified of an earlier date to complete the assessment. Failure to submit

the MMOG Self-Assessment on time will affect your Supplier Performance Rating each

month until submitted.

This document provides recommended business practices for the Materials Planning and

Logistics process within the supplier’s facility and is intended to establish a common

definition of materials practices to facilitate effective communication between trading

partners. Once this is complete, a Magna Closures Dortec Industries Representative may

visit your facility to complete an onsite audit.

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Explanation of Evaluation Results Sheet

Although every question in the document is of great importance to develop Materials

Planning and Logistics performance, a weighted scoring system has been designed to

identify areas which should be given a higher priority. This will allow focus on the urgent

issues to avoid the risk of not meeting business partners’ requirements. Throughout this document, “shall” indicates a situation where adherence to the criteria is

mandatory to the materials management function. Non-compliance to any "shall"

statement will result in a "C" level on the self-assessment rating. Three levels of focus have been defined and weighted as follows: F3: If F3 requirements are not met, there is a high risk of interruption to customer

operations with additional costs to be incurred in the short term. F2: If F2 requirements are not met, customer satisfaction and the organization’s

performance will be seriously affected.

F1: If F3 requirements are not met, the organization’s competitiveness will be adversely


The weightings are an aid to prioritizing continuous improvement activity only and do NOT

necessarily signify importance of the area in question.


Each question is multiplied by a weight factor:

F1 = Low (1 point each)

F2 = Medium (2 points each)

F3 = High (3 points each; any non-compliance will result in overall evaluation to be Level

C due to critical competency factor.

Enter "X" in each check box if process is effectively implemented at your organization


Definition: The supplier far surpasses minimum standards in every aspect and can be considered at or near "world class" standards.

Deployment from evaluation: A-Level is achieved if 90% or higher is obtained overall. Non-compliance to fewer than 6 F2-questions and compliance to all F3-questions will result in Level A.


Definition: The supplier is deficient in several areas that will impact its ability to support the needs of the customer. An action plan should be in place, and the corrective action SHOULD NOT require a significant amount of time (3 months or more) to implement.

Deployment from evaluation: B-Level is achieved if a score greater than 75% and less than 90% is obtained overall. Non-compliance to 6 to 12 F2 questions and compliance to all F3-questions will result in Level B.

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Definition: The supplier is deficient in one or more critical/high-impact aspects of a given category. Action plans are required to ensure deficiencies do not result in serious or prolonged issues to the customer.

Deployment from evaluation: Noncompliance to ANY F3 question will result from any of

the following: 1.) Noncompliance to ANY F3 question, 2.) Noncompliance to 13 or more

F2 questions or 3.) A score less than 75% is obtained

Preparation 1. Read through the document carefully 2. Discuss with other people involved, gain commitment 3. Establish preliminary time frame 4. Collect data & information 5. In the Self-Assessment, place an 'X' in the box in column D to indicate that the criteria

has been met 6. Document Data 7. For each question it is necessary to have supporting documentation e.g. flow charts,

organization charts. Please ensure your company has an evidence binder that will be

reviewed by the Magna Closures Dortec Industries Auditor. Complete Evaluation

In order to automatically populate the Scoring Sheet and Gap Analysis, the results of

each question are recorded with an “X” in the box in column “D” into the self-assessment

portion of the Excel spreadsheet. Analyze the data

Analysis of the self-assessment and weighting criteria will give a clear indication of

priorities for improvement activities.

Develop an Action Plan

An action plan is required for all criteria not fulfilled. All criteria not fulfilled will be

automatically populated onto the gap analysis portion of the Excel spreadsheet. To use the gap analysis, the following steps are to be followed:

Click on (arrow) in Column "A" labeled, "Question #" under Gap Analysis tab

Click "non-blanks"

Follow the above each time an additional "X" is recorded in Self-Assessment tab.

It will then be necessary to analyze the problem and define a measure to solve the

problem and complete the Action Plan, e.g.

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1.2 Supplier Launch Readiness

Suppliers can gain access to the following labels via the Supplier Portal through in the Suppliers section.

All Prototype Material will be identified with appropriate Pink labels. “PROTOTYPE


This label is to be used on Prototype parts.

Ensure that the label identifies the person the Prototype Material goes to.

Ensure that all the required details are completed on the label, such as part

number, Revision level, Program ECN# (engineering change notification number),

and anything else that will help identify these parts.

Place the label on at least the front and back of the container/box and the top:

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All Non-Production parts will be identified with appropriate Orange labels



This label is to be used on non–production parts: PPAP Samples, Trial Parts, etc.

Ensure that the label identifies the person the parts go to.

Ensure that all the required details are completed on the label, such as Part

number, Supplier Name, Engineering Change Samples or New Supplier Samples


Place this label on at least the front and back of the container/box and the top:

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First Time Shipment Notice – Blue Label

This label is to be used on production parts: First Time Shipments

Ensure that the label identifies what the shipment is due to: Engineering Change,

New Supplier, etc.

Ensure that all the required details are complete on the label. Such as Part

Number, Supplier Name, Part Status, etc.

Place this label on at least the front and back of the container/box and the top (if


This label is to be used for only the first shipment of the part at that particular


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1.3 Supplier Launch Plan

A Ramp-up plan is a manufacturing plan which requires frequent updates. This usually

indicates your production ramp-up volumes by part family, in order to meet customer


This plan is necessary to allow you to plan your production facilities and “ramp up” in a

linear fashion to ultimately support Magna Closures Dortec Industries requirements. The

following is a generic example of a Ramp Plan. The information entered in this Ramp Plan

should be based on Magna Closures Dortec Industries release quantities. Shipping transit

time and sub-suppliers’ lead-time needs to be taken into consideration when populating

this information.

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1.4 Safety Stock and Change Response

Fluctuations in demands have become commonplace in the automotive industry.

Suppliers must support any increases in demand up to 20% with no additional cost and

must be supplied within 5 working days or as negotiated with Magna Closures Dortec

Industries Materials Management. Increases that exceed 20% will require the supplier to

complete a “Supplier Action Plan” which will be reviewed by the Materials Planning Team

to ensure sufficient supply at Dortec. In order to prevent missed deliveries to Magna

Closures Dortec Industries, Suppliers must ensure they have the capability to maintain a

continuous flow of material, despite potential interruptions from the following:

Labour disruptions

Equipment failures

Material shortages

Capacity Shortfalls

Tool Transfers, etc.

This should be accomplished by maintaining a certain amount of safety stock. The

amount of safety stock will depend on many factors such a geographic proximity and

manufacturing processing time, but will typically amount to one week's supply.

1.5 Supplier Bank Build Requirements

Suppliers may be requested to build banks for engineering changes, moving of

equipment etc. When a bank is requested where the part up-suffixes or the tooling is

physically moving, the supplier must complete a Supplier Bank Build Plan and submit to

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Materials for approval. This form must be submitted on a

weekly basis to track the plan. As well, upon the bank being considered complete by the

supplier, a final sign off by the Magna Closures Dortec Industries Materials Manager is

required prior to any changes or moves.

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Supplier Bank Build Plan

1.6 EDI Electronic Data Interchange

Magna Closures Dortec Industries will supply the following Data:

830 Weekly Releases

E-Business Dortec Internet Application

Suppliers must be able to receive electronic release Requirements (830 or E-Business

transaction sets).

Suppliers shall transmit their release requirements (830 transaction set) via EDI to their Sub-


These electronic data transmissions for product release must occur, at a minimum weekly.

Suppliers must be able to transmit these requirements to their supplier base daily. 830 -

Supplier must be capable of receiving weekly and daily updates. It is the supplier’s

responsibility to check daily for updates to their releases.

In the event that the Supplier cannot receive or send electronically, they will be required

to use Magna Closures Dortec Industries E-Business application. This is an Internet

application for suppliers to receive releases and send Supplier ASN’s.

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Sample 830 Weekly Release

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Sample E-Business Releases

Material Planning Releases – Missed Shipments

Supplier Responsibility

If you are unable to meet the quantities required for shipment per the weekly releases,

you shall contact your Magna Closures Dortec Industries Materials Planner and the

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Freight Forwarder (which is Ranger for North America

and Cargo Services for Off-Shore) immediately via email, etc. Your Material Planner will

be able to determine if the quantities can be shipped on the next scheduled load or if an

‘expedite’ will be required.

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For Overseas Suppliers ONLY - You are required to obtain authorization from your Materials

Planner prior to booking an air-expedite, prior to the shipment leaving your facility.

All FedEx shipments that were not pre-approved will be charged back to the Suppliers.

Supplier Action Plan – Behind Schedule

Suppliers that are unable to meet weekly release quantities will be required to provide to

their Material Planners’ a Supplier Action Plan, showing when they will be able to be

‘back-on-track’ to the releases.

The Supplier shall complete the Supplier Action Plan matrix, as well as the Supplier

Shipping Plan, and return it within 24 hours, to your Material Planner.

The Supplier will need to provide the following information:

Reason for Short Shipment

Immediate action required to cover the release requirements

Permanent Corrective Action to prevent any reoccurrences

You may be required to attend daily conference calls

Sample Supplier Action Plan

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Sample Supplier Shipping Plan – Shipping

1.7 Packing Slip Requirements

Magna Closures Dortec Industries requires that all material shipped be identified on a

Packing Slip or Bill of Lading. The following information must be noted:

Shipment Date

Packing Slip and/or BOL number

Sold to

Ship to

Line item for each part number shipped (where full part number must be shown)

Description of each part must be noted as per 830 Order Release descriptions

Purchase Order Number for each part number must be noted on same line as

part number and quantity

Quantity Shipped

Quantity Ordered

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Order Release Number

Lot number of Shipped quantities

Number of containers of each part number shipped with the extended quantity

noted. E.g.: Pc/Carton, #cartons, #skids

Gross Weight

Net Weight

Signatures of Shipper and Carrier

Sample Supplier Packing Slip

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1.8 ASN Advanced Shipping Notice

An Advanced Shipping Notice – (856 transaction) must be sent to Dortec at the time of

shipment. If an ASN does not arrive at Dortec prior to the supplier shipment, or if it is

incorrect, a Receiving Discrepancy Report (RDR) will be issued for non-conformance of

ASN and the monthly SPM delivery rating will be affected. For all International shipments,

a copy of the invoice and packing are to be faxed to your Material Planner when the

shipment leaves your facility.


Payment delays may occur if incorrect ASN is received.

ASN’s must be sent by ALL Suppliers. For Production and Service shipments. No

ASN will be required for Non-Production or Prototype material.

Sample Supplier ASN

ASN – Required Information

ASN#: Enter ASN number. This should be the same as your invoice or packing slip number ASN Date: The date the ASN was created Process Time: Time the ASN was processed and sent to Dortec Shipped Date: Date the freight is picked up at your facility

Expected Date: Expected Delivery Date at Dortec Vendor: Enter your Dortec Vendor Number and Name SCAC Code: For Overseas suppliers PAL: For ocean shipment via Manitoulin Cargo Services PALA: For air shipment via Manitoulin Cargo Services

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FEDEX: For air shipment via FEDEX SUPP: For air shipment arranged by the Supplier Carrier Name: Name of Carrier, Ocean vessel or Air Cargo Services Transportation: Mode of Transportation – Ground, Ocean or Air Freight Bill#: Manitoulin Ocean confirmation number (HBL Number) Air Bill #: Manitoulin Air confirmation number (HAWB Number) or FedEx Tracking number Gross Weight: Total weight of the freight Net Weight: Weight of Product without the packaging

P/N Magna Closures Dortec Industries part number found on PO

Part Description Magna Closures Dortec Industries part description

PO# for Each P/N Purchase Order Number for each part number

Tot# of Cartons/Skids Total Number of Cartons and or skids

Qty Ordered Quantity Ordered

Qty Shipped Quantity Shipped

Order Release# Order Release Number

Address Sold To

Address Shipped To

Receiving Discrepancy Reports – RDR

Dortec uses an RDR Notice to communicate all receiving discrepancies. Your Customer

Service representative for Magna Closures Dortec Industries will be receiving this

notification via email. Depending on the severity of the issue, you will be asked to provide

an 8D, to clarify and ensure that the issue has been resolved and that there will be no

more occurrences. Through the RDR we will also be communicating to you any line-

downtimes attributed to short shipments or missed shipments.

General reasons for discrepancies:

Material Received without a packing slip

Incorrect Quantity received

Incorrect Part number received

Incorrect suffix level for part number received

Over or Under shipment Received


ASN received prior to receiving product

Error in the EDI ASN

Incorrect Packaging Received (container or skids)

Incorrect Label format

Incorrect information on label

A $250 Administration fee will be charged with every RDR issued. You will have 48 hours to

dispute the RDR. Should a corrective action be sent within this 48hrs, the administration

fee may be waived.

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Sample Receiving Discrepancy Reports

1.9 Supplier Performance Monitoring

Magna Closures Dortec Industries tracks and measures the performance of its supply

base on a monthly basis (with new reports on the 15th of the month in question). This

includes Quality, Delivery and Commercial ratings per the report card. The Supplier

Performance Management Database is accessible through the Magna Closures Dortec

Industries Corporate web page. You can get access via your company’s Administrator.

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It will be the supplier’s responsibility to update and maintain the contact information for

your company through the Web Registration. Direct link is or, click on “Suppliers” on the left hand side, then “Magna

Closures Supplier Portal” button. Then you login, click on “Applications” “WebReg &

Information Update”.

The Web Registration:

is an online tool that allows suppliers to manage their own information,

provides secure access to Magna Closures Dortec Industries online applications,

allows mass communications with suppliers,

allows automation of communication from Magna Closures Dortec Industries.

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40% for Quality:

o PPM: 5 for every 25 ppm;

o OEM issues: 20 per OEM issue;

o DMN: 5 per DMN;

o DMN Responsiveness: 5 per late;

o Repeat Issues: 10 per repeat;

o Launch Issues: 10 per issue;

o PPAP Performance: 5 per late;

Quality 40%

Delivery 40%

Commercial 20%

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40% for Delivery:

o On time #/mth x 5

o Customer Line Interrupt #/mth x 30

o Dortec Line Interrupt #/mth x 15

o ASN #/mth x 5

o Over / Under x 2

o Label / Packaging x 2

o MMOG (yearly) / mth x 10 (each month late)

o Supplier Manual x 5 (each month late)

20% for Commercial:

o 5 for TS/VDA/ISO/CQI

o 3 for NAFTA

o 2 for monthly login to SPM

o 6 LTA (yearly)

o 4 VAVE (yearly)

Suppliers must maintain a 6 month rolling average of 80% minimum in order to bid

on future business and remain on the Magna Closures Dortec Industries Preferred

Supplier Listing. Meetings will be scheduled for any Supplier falling under 80%.

OEM Issues: Any Prototype, Pre-Launch, Launch, Production or Service Quality

issues incurred by an Magna Closures Dortec Industries OEM Customer

attributable to a supplier caused or related issue.

DMN: The total number of Defective Material Notice Reports issued against a

supplier. DMNs can be issued for both product and system non-compliance.

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DMN Responsiveness: Supplier responds to a Magna Closures Dortec Industries’

request for corrective action, for a quality discrepancy, within the specified

timeframe. Initial response is 24hrs and a Permanent Corrective Action (Plan) is to

be received within five days.

Repeat Issues: The number of DMN reports issued against a Supplier, reflecting a

similar, systemic failure mode as a DMN previously issued, The failure must be of

the same mode, however it can be related to different part numbers and may

occur over an extended period of time.

Launch Issue: A DMN issued during the Launch period of a new component or

assembly. Launch period is typically considered from Job 1 through 90 days,

however may differ between divisions.

PPAP Performance: PPAP submissions that are submitted past the Program Due

Date as reflected in the Magna Closures Dortec Industries web-APQP electronic

database; PPAP submissions that are rejected for reasons such as incomplete,

insufficient data, incapable processes, dimensional errors, etc. Rejected status is

as reflected in the Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ web-APQP electronic


On-Time Delivery: of Production shipments are received within the delivery

window specified, utilizing normal freight (no premiums). Unless you have been

advised by your Materials Planner and or Program Manager, Air Shipment Pre-

approval form will need to be completed and approved prior to shipping.

Line Interruptions (Major): Any line stoppage or interruption at a Magna Closures

Dortec Industries OEM Customer facility that is directly related to a supplier issue.

The interruption can be caused by a quality, delivery or any other supplier-

related issue.

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Line stoppage or any line interruption (Minor): at a Magna Closures Dortec

Industries facility, that is directly attributable to a supplier caused or related issue.

The interruption can be caused by a quality, delivery or any supplier-related issue.

ASN Compliance: Supplier complies with Magna Closures Dortec Industries

procuring Division requirements to send electronic Advanced Shipping Notice,

detailing transit method, quantities and time of departure. ASN shall be sent as

soon as the truck leaves the suppliers facility.

Over or Under Shipments: Suppliers shall ship only the quantities specified on the

material releases, or similar documentation, as directed by the Closures Division.

Any deviation from normal ship quantities shall have written authorization.

RDR 8D Response: Supplier responds to a Magna Closures Dortec Industries

request for corrective action, for a shipping discrepancy, within the specified

timeframe. Initial response is to be received within 48 hrs and a Permanent

Corrective Action (Plan) is to be received within 5 days.

Label/Packaging Compliance: Packaging and labeling on all prototypes,

production and service product must be labeled as per AIAG and Magna

Closures Dortec Industries requirements.

TS16949: Supplier has applicable TS16949certification, at minimum ISO9001:2008.

NAFTA: Supplier has applicable NAFTA documentation. See section 3.5 in this


Supplier performance data is monitored closely and is integral to sourcing

decisions. In the event a Supplier exhibits chronic performance issues, or systemic

deterioration of key performance metrics, they may be requested to attend and

IQ Meeting. It will be incumbent upon the Supplier Senior Management to

present to Senior Magna Closures Dortec Industries Management, the Supplier’s

plan to address the systemic drivers to deteriorating or unacceptable

performance levels.

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1.10 Customs and Brokerage Information

Brokerage fees for all importation of shipments are Dortec's responsibility, unless otherwise

specified. All exportation e.g.: Defective Material returned to supplier is the supplier’s

responsibility and are moved accordingly. The suppliers Broker will process customs

clearance and invoice the supplier directly.

Dortec’s Custom Broker into Canada: Buckland Customs Brokers Phone: 1-800-991-4944

Dortec’s Customs Broker into the U.S.: Buckland Global Trade

Services Phone: 1-888-806-1156


2.1 Part Identification and labeling

All product received at Magna Closures Dortec Industries must have approved

bar code labels which reflect Dortec and industry standards. Magna Closures

Dortec Industries abides by FIFO; therefore it is a direct requirement that our

Suppliers employ FIFO (First In, First Out) as well when they are shipping to Magna

Closures Dortec industries. All material must be labeled with an A.I.A.G. standard

format bar code label and Global REACH requirements. Label standard is “3 of

9”. Label must be submitted prior to first shipment to

[email protected].

Adhesives on Labels for Returnable Containers

SHALL be removable type, pressure sensitive adhesive based on synthetic elastomers

featuring moderately high initial tack, a high level of ultimate adhesive, clean and


SHALL be wrinkle free and assure adherence to the package substrate; adhesive types

can be pressure sensitive or dry gummed. If the specified label cannot be affixed to the

package/container because of container size or design, special arrangements will be


At a minimum the following information must be present on the designated areas of the

label in legible characters as well as bar code symbols.

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Expendable containers must have 2 labels; 1 on each adjacent corner.

Returnable containers must have 2 labels; 1 on each end

Full Magna Closures Dortec Industries part number (bar coded) (P)

Supplier Name and Dortec Supplier Code (bar coded) (V)

Part description

Part quantity (bar coded) (Q)

Part lot number (for traceability) (bar coded) (1T)

Ship to address

Unique serial numbers (bar coded) (S)

Purchase Order Number (bar coded) (K)

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2.1.1 Sample Container Labels

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Box or Carton Identical labels shall be

located on two adjacent sides (wrap

around label acceptable). The upper

edges of the labels should be as high as

possible up to 20 inches from bottom of


Cartons on Pallet

Each carton shall be individually labeled

as described above. One master label

may be used as described in Section 8.1

or one mixed load label as described in

8.2. Each pallet shall contain a master

label or mixed load label. Note: Mixed

Skids only- All boxes/tote labels must be

visible with labels facing outwards. There

shall be no boxes with in the center of the

skid that cannot be verified during the

receiving process. No more than 4 part

numbers per mixed skid.

Drums, Barrels, or Cylindrical Containers

Identical labels shall be located on the

top and near the center of the side.

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Identical labels shall be located at the

upper corner of an end and the adjacent

side (wrap around label is acceptable).

Basket, Wire Mesh Container

Identical labels shall be located on two

adjacent sides.

Metal Bin or Tub

Tag one visible piece near top, or use a

label holder.

Pallet Box

Identical labels shall be located on two

adjacent sides (wrap around label is


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Telescopic or Set-Up Containers

Identical labels shall be located on two

adjacent sides of the outer box. Some

applications may also require

identification of the inner box (wrap

around label is acceptable).

2.1.2 Master Labels

Every skid must contain a Master Label.

At the top of this label, the heading "MASTER LABEL" should be printed in bold. All skids will

have 2 labels, one on each adjacent corner. The following information must be legible

through the shrink-wrap

Dortec Part number (bar coded) (P)

Quantity (bar coded) (Q)

Dortec PO Number (bar coded) (K)

Supplier Number (Assigned by Dortec) (bar coded) (V)

Serial Number (Assigned by the supplier) (bar coded) (M)

Ship from location

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Sample Master Label

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Sample Vendor Steel Coil Label

2.1.3 Labeling Detail of Steel Coils

Steel Labels must contain the following:

Each coil must have one label. See pictures for proper label location.

(P) Dortec part number (bar coded)

(V) Supplier Code (bar coded)

(S) Unique serial number (bar coded)

(K) Purchase order number (bar coded)

(1t) Heat number (lot number for traceability) (bar coded)

(2Q) Quantity (weight in lbs.) (bar coded)

Description and size of steel required

Press number required in special data field

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2.1.4 Palletization

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2.1.5 Mixed Skids

Suppliers may put up to four (4) unique part numbers on one skid. Every box of one part

needs to be on the same pallet, unless total is more than one full pallet. The skid must be

labeled with a mixed skid label, outlining part number and number of containers. Any

mixed skid not identified in this manner will affect your supplier rating.

Supplier is responsible to ensure shipments are secure and the pallet load meets the

following criteria:

Even level pallet (not a pyramid)

Proper securing e.g. Straps, stretch wrap etc.

Height of pallet does not exceed 50 inches.

Pallets must be stackable (unless approved through Supplier packaging proposal)

Excessive handling will be charged to the supplier if the shipment does not

conform to requirements.

2.2 Supplier Packaging

It is the responsibility of each supplier to provide all products sold to Magna Closures

Dortec Industries in approved packaging. The criteria necessary to determine suitability


Initial packaging approval/change requests - A completed "Supplier Packaging

Proposal" form (see P150 supplemental section) must be submitted for approval to

[email protected]. Approval must be granted

prior to first shipment. Packaging is also part of the PPAP submission.

All returnable packaging submissions must have an expendable back-up packing

submission approved.

Robust to ensure integrity of product

Double-wall corrugated boxes are required (Triple wall for Non-North American


Compliance with health and safety guidelines (no box shall be over 3 lbs.)

Compliance to AIAG standard guidelines

Page 39 of 82

Sample P150 Form Packaging Proposal


2.2.1 Returnable Containers

During the PPAP process, suppliers are required to submit packaging approvals. If you are

selected for a returnable program, you will need to obtain packaging approval for

returnable pack and also an expendable backup. Magna Closures Dortec Industries

Packaging Coordinator will then establish the amount of the returnable containers to be

in circulation. This is determined by volume, pack density, transit time and frequency of

pickup to support demand. New suppliers will be provided the initial start-up containers 2

weeks prior to SOP (start of production). Returnable packaging will be delivered to your

facility upon pick of product. If an issue arises regarding returnable packaging, suppliers

should contact [email protected] for.

Page 40 of 82

Suppliers are responsible for the removal of all expired labels and debris from containers

prior to packaging new material. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that all containers

are clean and that all functional gates or hinges are operational and safe.

2.2.2 Decanting Material Guidelines

The Guidelines for decanting material for any product that requires totes that

Dortec supplies:

Packaging Information for decanted product:

All totes to be de-labeled as required by Supplier,

All totes require (2) standard AIAG BARCODE LABEL’s provided by Supplier


All material to be supplied on 30x32 or 48x45 Pallet(provided by Supplier),

All material must be to the standard pack as approved by Dortec

(Packaging FORM P150 to be filled out by Supplier),

All material decanted variance needs to be reported out weekly to

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Inventory Control by Supplier,

Supplier shall notify Magna Closures Dortec Industries planning team of

tote shortages 2 days in advance,

All ST 21 totes are 12 per layer 6 layers high (15x12x4.5),

All ST 26 totes are 12 per layer 6 layers high (15x12x7),

All ST 28 totes are 12 per layer 5 layers high (15x12x9),

All ST 39 totes are 6 per layer 6 layers high (24x15x7).

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2.2.3 Coil Packaging

Pallets must provide 2-way fork entry. Skids will have a minimum of four ¾” ID

(inside diameter) bands, and banded to the skid using two 1 ¼” bands unless

otherwise dictated by customer. 1 ¼” ID bands may be used depending on the

size and gauge of the material. All coils to be shipped standing up will have a

minimum of two ID bands. If spacers are required for stand up material, 48”

runners will be used. They may be either 2” x 4” or 3” x 3” depending on customer

needs. 1 ¼” OD (outside diameter) bands are applied to each coil. On light-

gauge material, ¾” bands may be used. When packaging material standing up,

the minimum single coil width is 18”. Narrower width coils can only be shipped

standing up if they are banded together to meet the 18” minimum width

requirement. Minimum 2” x 2” spacers required between two coils on a skid or

two coils standing up banded together. All skids will have waterproof paper or

plastic on top runners, and all spacers will be wrapped with waterproof paper or

plastic unless specified by customer.

2.2.4 Steel Coil Packaging and Unloading Requirements

20” ID (Inside diameter) required for all coils,

Maximum coil weight 20,000 lbs.,

Maximum skid weight 10,000 lbs.,

Maximum two coils per skid,

Max coil weight and max OD (Outside diameter)will be specified on P.O.,

Rear tow motor or overhead crane unloading,

No side unloading AVAILABLE.

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Examples of skidded and stand up material with proper label location.

Standard wood requirements for steel pallets (see picture) Two 3” x 3” bottom runners Two 2” x 4” top runners Standard skid size is 36” x 48”

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2.2.5 Pallet Requirements

Magna Closures Dortec Industries-approved pallet sizes are as follows (any use of non-

standard pallet sizes must be approved by Materials Dept. at Magna Closures Dortec


North American: 48”Length x 45” Wide or 30”L x 32”W Heat-Treated Pallets

Offshore: 39” Length x 45” Wide (or 43” Length x 43” wide for Asia suppliers only) Heat-

Treated Pallets

Pallets must provide 4-way fork entry, and be of double-face, non-reversible wood

construction. A 3-1/12" (88 mm) under-clearance on two opposite sides with a minimum

of 2-1/12" (63 mm) under clearance on the remaining two sides is required. All pallets must

be constructed from hardwood. Plywood pallets are not acceptable. Pallets of other

than wood construction are to be reviewed and approved by Magna Closures Dortec

Industries Manufacturing Engineering of the receiving activity prior to use.


Packaging failure is often attributed to a poorly constructed and/or sized pallet. Pallets

must be single stringer and spacing must be 12” or greater. Pallet height must not

exceed 6”. No product shall over hang the pallet. Only hardwood pallets allowed.

Sample Supplier Pallet Construction

Standard North American 48” x 45” x 5”

Page 44 of 82

Standard Overseas 39” x 45” x 5”

2.2.6 Load Stability



50"(l250 mm) would be tiered 2 skids high - Total height 100”

33" (838 mm) would be tiered 3 skids high - Total height 99”

25" (635 mm) would be tiered 4 skids high - Total height 100”



45"(1l43 mm) would be tiered 2 skids high - Total height 90”

30" (762 mm) would be tiered 3 skids high - Total height 90”

22" (558 mm) would be tiered 4 skids high - Total height 88”

Stretch/shrink wrap, banding, or other stabilizing techniques shall adequately secure

palletized loads. Nailing, stapling or gluing is not an acceptable method for securing the

loads. When banding is used, non-metallic banding is required. Horizontal or "belly"

banding corrugated boxes, in order to achieve load stability, is prohibited. Under these

circumstances an upgrade of the corrugated board and/or the additions of dunnage or

corner-posts are recommended. (The use of wood is discouraged if an economical

substitute becomes available.)

Page 45 of 82

For part identification, label legibility, stretch/shrink wrapped loads must have

identification labels on both the container and on the exterior of the wrap. Banding,

Stretch/shrink wrap should extend low enough on the single or double winged pallet to

secure the load to the pallet.

No container shall exceed 35 lbs.

No skid shall exceed 1600 lbs unless Supplier obtains specific approval from

packaging engineer on the p150 form. The loads >1600lbs. must contain

overweight load stickers.

All suppliers providing goods to Magna Closures Dortec Industries, that are considered to

be “controlled” under the Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS),

must comply with appropriate legislated regulations for packaging and shipping,

including MSDS documentation. No material requiring MSDS approval shall be shipped,

without approval. All solid wood packaging/pallets and crates must comply with the

International Plant Protection Convention Standard ISPM #15.


3.1 Carrier notification

One day prior to the regular shipments. North American suppliers will have to

provide the carrier the details by email at [email protected] (# of skids,

weight and dimensions). Even if shipment is done by FedEx, DHL, UPS or other

carrier, the supplier still has to advise Hybrid. If the commercial invoices are

available at this time the supplier can send them to the carrier as well.

The closing date for the overseas suppliers will be advised by the agent listed

below and the supplier has to advise the shipment availability a week before this

closing date.

3.2 Shipment documentation

All shipments must be accompanied by appropriate paperwork to comply with

Dortec, Carrier and Transportation regulations. Cross Border shipments must have

the necessary custom documents to avoid any delay.

Page 46 of 82

Information required on the Bill of Lading is as follows:

Bill of Landing number

Total quantity of Shipment

Total boxes/skids

Total weight (Gross/Tare/Net)

Overall description of Goods

FOB Conditions

Ship from/Ship to

Packing slip number

Information required on the Commercial Invoice:

Date of Export

Shipper address and name

Recipient address and name

Country of origin of the goods

Full description of goods

Magna Closures Dortec Industries part #

P.O. number

HS Code to the 6th digit level


Total number of packages

Total weight

Unit price

Page 47 of 82

Total price

Custom broker name, phone and fax number (refer to section 1.10)

All documentation will have signatures from the following:

Supplier shipper


Magna Closures Dortec Industries Receiving

3.3 Missed Shipments

All missed shipments must be expedited the same day at the supplier’s expense.

If Magna Closures Dortec Industries is organizing the ‘Expedite’ on the Supplier’s

behalf, the Supplier will receive an email notification regarding the charges.

Note: It is the Suppliers’ responsibility to ensure that the carrier has been notified

for each scheduled pickup. If there is a ‘dead run’ or no material available for

shipment, the supplier must give 24-hrs notice to the carrier or a charge for a

rescheduled pickup will be sent to the Supplier.

3.4 Overseas and North American Routing Notice

Suppliers will receive a Routing Control Notice to support both North American

and Global supplier origin ship from locations. The various modes will be either via

Land, Sea or Air and all required information would be identified on the routing

Control Notice. It is imperative that the supplier follows the instructions, e.g.:

allowed window times for pick up, carrier selection etc. All related cost will be

charged back if deviated from the specific outline instructions. These notices

must be acknowledged, signed and returned with 48 hours.

Page 48 of 82

Sample Overseas Routing Control Notice

Page 49 of 82

Sample North American Routing Control Notice

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Freight Contacts

Page 51 of 82

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3.5 Free Trade Agreement Customs Compliance

Suppliers within the North American NAFTA region (Canada, Mexico, and United

States) must complete the NAFTA Certificate of Origin, as directed by Dortec on

an annual basis. The Certificate of Origin must contain the Dortec Part Number

and be provided to Dortec annually by December 31st of each year.

Suppliers outside the North American NAFTA region must complete a Declaration

or Statement of Origin. Both the NAFTA Certificate of Origin and the Statement of

Origin are available at

Suppliers in Korea must complete the Korean-Canada Certificate of Origin on an

annual basis. The Certificate of Origin must contain the Dortec Part Number and

be provided to Dortec annually by December 31st of each year.

At times, other documents may be requested to fulfill our obligations under the

North American Free Trade Agreement or other Free Trade Agreement.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is your responsibility, as a supplier, to notify Dortec within 30

days of any change in the FTA status of a procured good. Failure to do so may

affect your rating and have potential impact on future business

opportunities. Suppliers shall be responsible for costs incurred as a result of

missing, late or incorrect reporting.

Suppliers must inform Dortec immediately in the event there is a change to the

origin of the goods supplied.

It is expected that suppliers maintain sufficient and required expertise to ensure,

in partnership with Dortec, all necessary NAFTA and other FTA are in compliance

with the regulations.

Documentation to support ALL Free Trade Agreement declarations must be

retained by the supplier for a period of no less than 6 years.

Page 53 of 82

3.6 C-TPAT / PIP

Dortec is a participant of the Canadian Customs Partner in Protection Security

program. Suppliers who are currently registered to PIP or C-TPAT will be required

to complete the appropriate sections of the PIP/CTPAT questionnaire on an

annual basis. Suppliers, who are not currently registered to PIP or CTPAT or other

recognized security program, will be required to complete ALL sections of the

PIP/CTPAT questionnaire on an annual basis as directed by Dortec.

Shipments that cross international borders should ensure that the truck container

shipments have a high security seal that meets or exceeds the standards outlined

in ISO/PAS 17712. The seal number MUST be included on the supplier’s ASN for

production and service shipments.


4.1 Supplier Communication Magna Closures Dortec Industries communicates to its Suppliers in a variety of ways,

including through our website at You can also access this site

directly at

At this site, you will find important information relative to our business, as well as our

expectations of our Suppliers. While the Purchasing and Quality links are accessible to the

Public, you will require a Logon Identification and Password to access the “Suppliers

Applications” Link. Within this Link, you will find the Global Supplier Performance

Management Report as well as the Links to our Web-APQP and Web-Registrations


Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ reliance on electronic and web-based

communication and procurement tools is intended to maximize our effectiveness and

efficiency in dealing with our Suppliers. As a pre-requisite for doing business with Magna

Closures Dortec Industries, Suppliers are expected to complete our Supplier Request for


As a Supplier to Magna Closures Dortec Industries, you will also be required to access our

electronic applications for the purposes of updating key supplier contact information as

well as reporting Advance Quality Planning activities, via our electronic APQP site.

Although our manufacturing operations are global, and there may be unique

requirements dictated by regional needs, we have attempted to implement common

standards and practices across all our Divisions. Our reliance on our electronic and web-

based applications is intended to streamline our procurement process and ensure

effective communication with our supply base.

An essential ingredient to a successful partnership is clear and concise communication.

At Magna Closures Dortec Industries, our means of communicating direction,

expectations and guidelines may include, but not be limited to:

Page 54 of 82

Purchase Orders

Supplier Performance Data

Letter of Intent

Sourcing Commitment Documentation

Statement of Work (SOW)

Website Links



Scheduled Meetings

Revisions will be made to this manual, as appropriate, and the latest revision level will be

posted on the Magna Closures Dortec Industries website.

4.2 Supplier Selection

To become a supplier to Magna Closures Dortec Industries, a Supplier Request for

Information (RFI) should be completed. The Supplier RFI can be obtained by contacting

Purchasing at [email protected]. Once the RFI has been completed,

Magna Closures Dortec Industries will complete the “Supplier Assessment” if appropriate.

Business cannot be awarded to a potential new supplier to Magna Closures Dortec

Industries, unless Magna Closures Dortec Industries has completed the Supplier

Assessment or has an Assessment on file completed by another Magna Group.

In those cases where sources are directed by Magna’s Customer, for a specific part or

commodity, any and all directed sources shall be obliged to meet all requirements as

detailed within this Supplier Manual.

Current Suppliers

Current Suppliers listed within the Magna Closures Dortec Industries Supplier Management

Database must continue to meet performance objectives of the divisions. Supplier

performance will be monitored as specified in the “Supplier Performance Monitoring /

Evaluation” section (Section 1.9) whereby these performance measures will serve as the

basis for future sourcing decisions.

All suppliers are required to finish a supplier profile consisting of general information,

company contacts, etc. Some data may also be required, such as financial and

technical information, union contract status, etc. as a means for supplier consideration

and monitoring. The Supplier, on a quarterly basis via the web-Registration application,

will update critical information.

The Supplier Management Database exists for production suppliers and is utilized by

Magna Closures Dortec Industries for strategic sourcing decision-making by commodity or

service performed. The database will be updated on a continuous basis in order to

ensure the latest information, from all Magna Operating Groups, is included.

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TS16949 / ISO14001 Certification

As specified by TS16949, Magna Closures Dortec Industries will perform supplier quality

management system development with the goal of supplier conformity to TS 16949. At a

minimum, Magna Closures Dortec Industries requires suppliers be registered to

ISO9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004, by an accredited third-party certification body.

Magna Closures Dortec Industries specific requirements will supersede the OEM

requirements if and only if the requirements are more stringent or in addition to the OEM


Where applicable, suppliers shall also maintain CQI-9 (Heat Treat System Assessment),

CQI-11 (Plating System Assessment), CQI-12 (Coating System Assessment), CQI-14

(Warranty), CQI-15 (Welding), CQI-17 (Soldering), CQI-23 (Moulding System Assessment)

and all other FMVSS Standards, including but not limited to FMVSS 302 (Flammability

reporting) requirements, if directed and in support of applicable OE Customer-specific

requirements ( For all Ford suppliers, heat treatment must

comply with WHTX. PPAP submission for heat treated parts must be a full batch or load at


Steel Suppliers that provide HSLA material must provide inspection plan to Magna

Closures Dortec Industries which includes at minimum:

inspection plan: must cover each coil/bundle

PPAP - original mill certification must be provided

General Motors’ GP-12 (Early Production Containment - GM1920) is a requirement for all

new product/suppliers regardless of the end-customer or model year. Magna Closures

Dortec Industries is mandating its suppliers to abide by the GP-12 procedure if there is a

new design, material, manufacturing method, history of poor performance of this

component, or if requested. GP-12 instructions must be approved by Magna Closures

Dortec Industries. GP12 will be stopped only upon Magna Closures Dortec Industries

approval. Per GP-12, section A2: Implement GP-12 with entry date, exit criteria, and exit

date as defined by the customer, namely Magna Closures Dortec Industries responsible

Quality/SQA personnel.

4.3 Supplier Continuous Improvement

Magna Closures Dortec Industries promotes the effective use of statistical applications

and we direct that our Suppliers monitor the performance of their manufacturing

processes, through appropriate techniques including Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk etc. (refer to

AIAG SPC Manual). Statistical tools, when combined with process audits, shall provide the

data necessary to support continuous improvement. Evidence of these activities shall be

supported by maintaining records for a two year period, at minimum, or as otherwise

dictated by the Record Retention Policy. Records shall be available for review by Magna

Closures Dortec Industries, upon request.

Page 56 of 82

4.4 Tooling

Tooling design and build is generally the responsibility of the supplier, however Magna

Closures Dortec Industries has developed detailed Tooling Standards to ensure Suppliers

manufacture tools that will provide high quality parts throughout the life of the tooling.

These tooling standards will be communicated to you via the procuring division, if

necessary. Tooling standards are also available at Suppliers

are responsible for the maintenance of all tooling, testing and inspection equipment. All

tooling must be identified with the appropriate Asset Tags as provided by the Division

Purchasing Group. The supplier will also be required to complete Bailee Bonds for tooling

owned by Magna Closures Dortec Industries. Final payment of tooling will be contingent

upon verification of proper identification and completed Bailee Bond. Following

notification to the Supplier, Magna Closures Dortec Industries reserves the right to

complete on-site inspection of tooling owned by Magna Closures Dortec Industries.

4.5 Control of Inspection Fixtures, Measuring/Test Equipment


The supplier must have a documented system in place to control, calibrate, and maintain

the proper function and an accepted level of gage repeatability and reproducibility of

all inspection fixtures, measuring / testing instruments and equipment. The system used

must be in compliance with AIAG Measurement System Analysis Manual and any O.E.

specific requirements.

Updating Instructions

Operating instructions must be displayed at every inspection station with a gage,

describing the proper methodology for use in inspection. These instructions must include a

reference of the gage identification number, and revision level, and be approved by

appropriate plant management. When there is any change to the inspection procedure

that affects the use of the gage, or when any identification information is revised, the

operating instructions must be updated to reflect the current status.


All gages and test equipment must at a minimum be calibrated annually. The calibration

certificate must be on file at the supplier’s facility, and be traceable to the actual gage

identification information. Calibration Services of equipment must meet the requirements

of the latest released edition of TS16949.

Equipment Identification

All gages and test equipment must have an identification tag affixed reflecting the gage

identification number, the gage revision level, the last calibration date, and the

calibration expiration date.

Page 57 of 82

4.6 e-APQP (Electronic Advanced Product Quality Process)

Supplier shall not ship production parts without either PPAP Approval, or PPAP Interim

Approval (IA shall only be active for three months maximum). If warranted, an APQP kick-

off meeting will be scheduled upon business award. Personnel representing the suppler

program management and quality assurance shall participate to establish and outline

APQP requirements, timetables, contacts, etc. All immediate technical concerns must be

addresses at this time.

The PPAP submission is a validation of the production process. It is not an isolated one day

event. Suppliers are expected to submit PPAP documentation in accordance with the

sequential development of their manufacturing process. This will ensure proactive

resolution of issues prior to the required final PPAP submission date. The expectation is that

all issues are resolved by the PPAP date.

It is the responsibility of all Suppliers to ensure that their subcontractors (Tier 2, 3, etc.

Suppliers to Magna Closures Dortec Industries) are meeting similar expectations and


Suppliers must submit electronic Level 3 PPAP requirements, as defined in the web e-

APQP, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Magna Closures Dortec Industries

Division. Suppliers are required to report all APQP activities via the Magna Closures Dortec

Industries web-based e-APQP program. Submissions will be electronic via e-APQP or by

registered Courier, as directed by the Division. PPAP submissions will not be faxed.

Suppliers must retain physical Master PPAP Samples, reflecting the most recent approval

level. All PPAP submitted documentation must be completed / translated into English.

For OEM directed Suppliers: prior OEM Approval does not negate the need for initial

submission or for annual validation, to Magna Closures Dortec industries. All suppliers shall

submit annual validation PPAP (minimum complete annual layout including all sub-

components), as determined by the date of the original approval.

Web APQP (Level 2) PPAP must be submitted for service components that have not been

in production for a period of greater than 12 months.

Prototype PPAP will be submitted to meet all Level 2 requirements as defined in the AIAG

PPAP Manual, unless otherwise directed by Magna Closures Dortec Industries. Suppliers

shall submit the following items as a package for prototype submission, unless a deviation

is permitted by Dortec:

marked up (ballooned) drawing addressing all dimensions and notes

dimensional results

100% inspection and reporting of all defined significant or critical characteristics


laboratory and functional results shall include: Material Certification, and

Performance Results (as per PPAP manual)

appearance approval (AAR) if required

Page 58 of 82

PSW level 2, etc.

For suppliers with reporting requirements as defined by IMDS Standards, IMDS

documentation shall be part of the Supplier’s PPAP Requirement. The IMDS number

should be included on the PSW (Part Submission Warrant) at the time of PPAP submission.

For dimension or product requirements that do not meet specification, the Supplier shall

obtain approval as documented on a “Supplier Request for Deviation (or) Change”

(SRCD) prior to submitting PPAP. The signed authorization must be included in the

submission. Failure to comply will result in rejection of the PPAP submission.

A Defective Material Notice (DMN) and resulting Administration Fee (up to $500) may

result for PPAP submissions that are:

Rejected for non-compliance

Rejected for non-conformance

Late or Incomplete

Critical characteristics shall be identified either on the part drawing, or on separate

documents as detailed in the Statement of Work (SOW). Suppliers shall establish, validate

and maintain acceptable short - and long – term capability on all critical characteristics.

The applicable Magna Closures Dortec Industries Division will communicate the

appropriate method of critical characteristic designation.

Run at Rate (R@R)

All production processes are required to have a completed Magna Closures Dortec

Industries R@R package submitted with the PPAP. Depending upon the risk associated

with the Supplier and Part Number, the R@R may be observed on site, by Magna Closures

Dortec Industries. If deemed to be low risk by Magna Closures Dortec Industries, the

supplier will complete the R@R without the presence of a Magna Closures Dortec

Industries representative.

R@R’s must be conducted on the production process, and parts made from the R@R shall

be used for the PPAP Submission to Magna Closures Dortec Industries.

Page 59 of 82

4.7 Defective Material Notice Reporting

This system is designed to prevent the use of suspect and/or non-conforming purchased

material. Purchased components found to be non-conforming through either line

rejections, testing failures, failed inspection results, customer concerns, warranty and

customer returns or obsolete material are handled through the following procedure:

Supplier will be notified of the concern via telephone and / or electronically. All

relevant containment actions will be handled at this time. This includes any

immediate containment activities to ensure adequate supply of material to keep

Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ manufacturing lines in operation.

Supplier will receive a Defective Material Notice for the issue and is required to

acknowledge receipt of the notice within 24 hours

Quality non-conformances will be reflected monthly on the supplier rating

Note: Should a response not be received from a supplier, any stated charges associated

with the notice will be considered accepted by the supplier.

A corrective action report is required to address the concern and must be

received within the following time frames:

o Initial response and containment plan must be received within 24 hours

o Interim corrective action must be provided within 3 days

o Full root cause analysis must be provided within 5 days

o Corrective and Preventive Action plan must be submitted within 10 days

o The Magna Closures Dortec Industries 7-step format must be used

Terms (e.g. length of time charges can be applied and factors such as sort costs and

methods of calculation) of any costs charged to the supplier as a result of a quality

concern are determined by the Magna Closures Dortec Industries manufacturing


Charges that could be applied to a quality concern are as follows:

Division sort of supplier product on production line until certified stock arrives

Production line shutdown

Finished product sort and/or scrap of material

Any material movement/transfer of nonconforming supplier product

Page 60 of 82

Quality Department time for problem investigation

Testing if required

Any sort/rework charges incurred by the Division

Related transportation expenses

Any costs incurred by the Magna Closures Dortec Industries Division for disruption

of Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ customers

All charges incurred by the supplier will be documented on the DMN, discussed and

approved through the Quality Personnel of the Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ Division

and the designated personnel of the Supplier facility. If mutual agreement cannot be

reached, the issue will be directed to the appropriate Magna Closures Dortec Industries

buyer within 30 days of final notice of issuance.

It is expected and the responsibility of the supplier to notify the Magna Closures Dortec

Industries division in the event, that there is reason to believe, that a nonconforming

condition of supplier components exists in Quality, Delivery, Warranty etc. Notification

must be followed by:

Immediate containment action within 24 hours (e.g. new material, new lot

number, etc.)

Interim Corrective action within 3 days

Permanent corrective action plan within 10 days

Controlled Shipping

When directed by the Magna Closures Dortec Industries division, suppliers may need to

certify product after a lot rejection has occurred. Usually, two types of controlled shipping

actions are employed when this situation occurs:

Supplier conducted sort and certification of subsequent part shipments, and

Third-party sorting and certification

All controlled shipping actions are the responsibility of the supplier to coordinate and

follow-up on. Part supply to the Closures division must meet released quantities without

supply interruption. The supplier and Magna Closures Dortec Industries division will

mutually define the certified material identification.

Page 61 of 82

Defective Material Notices will be issued for both non-complying material and/or non-

compliance to requirements and standards. Repeat DMNs for the same failure modes

may be charged double the Administration Fee.

4.8 Lot Traceability

All material received by Magna Closures Dortec Industries must contain a lot code, or

serial number, clearly identified on each label and container, ensuring full traceability of

all material. Material must be traceable from receipt of raw material to each processing

stage and through final assembly and shipping to Magna Closures Dortec Industries.

The supplier shall communicate the traceability method used (e.g. date and shift of

manufacture along with sequential processing number). In some cases, the component

may be critical enough so as to warrant part identification. These instances will be

communicated through the appropriate quality and engineering groups.

A lot code should contain a specific quantity of parts, and should not typically exceed

eight hours, or one day of production, at a maximum. In the event of certain commodity-

based material, methods such as “dye lots” or steel coils will be acceptable. For approval

of a traceability method exceeding eight hours, or one shift of production, the Magna

Closures Dortec Industries division’s quality group must be contacted. The supplier shall

ensure implementation and management of an effective FIFO method of stock rotation.

Failure to comply with traceability requirements may lead to rejection of material and

issuance of defective material notice. Traceability records shall be maintained and

accessible for the life of the product, including service, plus one year.


5.1 SRCD

Please check Supplier Application website

for further information on SRCD’s.

Page 62 of 82

SRCD Sample

A processed SRCD is NOT an approval to ship parts. This can ONLY be achieved through

the following:

PPAP approval

Written approval from the applicable Magna Closures Dortec Industries Division

through an EDR (Engineering Deviation Request)


All part number(s) shipped under this must have EDR # on it.

Page 63 of 82


6.1 Service Obligations

Suppliers will maintain the ability to support all service requirements for a minimum of

fifteen (15) years after the end of production or as notified by Purchasing, and as per PO /


Continuous maintenance of all tooling

Ensuring ongoing manufacturing capability

Ability to procure raw material


The disposal of tooling must be pre-authorized in writing by Magna Closures Dortec

Industries Purchasing Management.

6.2 Obsolescence Claims

Follow the procedure and guidelines that are outlined below to submit an

Obsolescence Claim for a Production Part. All Suppliers must ensure inventory

levels are minimized at the end of production or during engineering changes as

claims will be based on release authorization only.

6.2.1 General Information for Claims

Allowable Claim

Only Production Parts discontinued or cancelled:

Only claims in excess of $500.00 Cdn. will be accepted,

Parts must be certified stock and not damaged or defective,

Claims must be submitted to Magna Closures Dortec Industries Materials with 30

calendar days from the final release issue date,

Claim quantities must be within release authorization (Incorrect quantities will

lengthen the approval process),

All claims must indicate a "Salvage Value" or "Recovery Cost.

Page 64 of 82

Un-allowable Claims:

Parts that were previously exhausted,

Service Requirements.

6.2.2 Claim Document

Only one Production Part per claim document,

Material must be claimed at the appropriate stage e.g. Production Part, Work in

Process (WIP), Raw Material,

It is the supplier's responsibility to ensure the claim has been received by the

inventory Planning Department,

Material location information must be completed,

Only one contact name on Copies of the release,

Fabrication and Raw Materials authorization documents must be included with

the claim,

The supplier must complete all data fields in the Claims Document. Completion

will be validated upon receipt. If discrepancies are found, claims will be returned

to the supplier and processing will stop. If the supplier does not resubmit within the

original 30-day time frame, claims will not be accepted.

6.2.3 Claimed Material Audit

Material identified on a claim must not be scrapped, disassembled or reworked in

any way without written authorization from Materials Department,

Magna Closures Dortec Industries reserves the right to physically audit all claimed

material at their Supplier and sub-supplier locations,

Dortec Auditor will arrange audit date, time and specify claims for auditing,

Weighing and handling equipment to be available as requested,

Supplier is responsible to be fully prepared when the Auditor arrives,

Supplier is expected to investigate all recovery actions prior to submitting a claim

and include any recovery opportunities with claim submission.

Supplier will segregate all material prior to audit,

Page 65 of 82

Magna Closures Dortec Industries auditor will notify the Supplier-Claim contact of

the audit date and time,

Material must be at location specified on the claim,

Verify quantity, stage of completion, condition of parts and material,

Verify work in process and raw material are correctly identified and priced,

Verify materials are labeled or tagged the same as reported on the claim,

Supplier will count and/or weigh each production part and/or material to be

verified on the claim,

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Auditor may ask to confirm actual piece cost

against invoiced piece cost,

Magna Closures Dortec Industries’ Auditor will record audit results on a "Physical

Audit Worksheet", This document to be signed by both Magna Closures Dortec

Auditor and supplier representative after the completion of the physical audit and

serves as an agreement of verified information

6.2.4 Claim Settlement

Claims reduction may occur for the following instances:

Actual quantity is different from claimed quantity,

Material is incorrectly identified on claim,

Material claimed is at the wrong stage in the process vs. raw material,

Piece cost discrepancies,

Material is damaged and is not certified stock (e.g. rusted, cracked, soiled,

deformed, and disassembled),

Open service requirements exist for current or forecast requirements,

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Auditor to issue a Final Disposition document to instruct

on the handling of material

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Auditor will mail the Final Disposition to the supplier

contact on the claim. The Final Disposition authorizes the supplier to invoice Dortec for

claims payment. If the Supplier is unable to comply with the disposition instructions, or has

any questions regarding these instructions, they should contact the Magna Closures

Dortec Industries Auditor for clarification. Invoices for claim payment should be submitted

Page 66 of 82

to Magna Closures Dortec Industries only after the supplier has complied with all the

disposition instructions specified on the Final Disposition.


Magna Closures Dortec Industries reserves the right to witness the disposal actions of the

production parts. They also may elect to cancel the audit if the Supplier is not prepared

on the scheduled date and time.

Page 67 of 82

Sample Obsolescence Claim Form

Page 68 of 82


7.1 Supplier Invoices and Payments

Magna Closures Dortec Industries Suppliers must follow these guidelines in order to avoid

delays in payment of outstanding invoices:

Supplier invoices must be submitted directly to the Accounting Department,

Supplier invoices must reference a valid Magna Closures Dortec Industries

purchase order number,

Supplier payments will be based on pricing as per Magna Closures Dortec

Industries' valid purchase order in effect at time of shipment, if different from

invoice price,

All production part purchases must be shipped to Magna Closures Dortec

Industries on a packing slip with a packing slip control number and purchase order

number clearly identified,

All sample shipments must be documented on a separate packing slip.

Production materials and samples cannot be combined on one packing slip,

Supplier's payments will be based on pricing as per Dortec's valid purchase order

in effect at time of transfer, for title of goods, if different from packing slip price,

All payment inquiries must reference the supplier packing slip control number

Suppliers must provide statements of account on a monthly basis, when

specifically notified.

Supplier invoices must contain the following information:

Full Supplier name,

Full Supplier mailing address and full remittance address (if different than mailing),

HST registration number (where applicable),

Suppliers must provide statements of account on a monthly basis, when

specifically notified.


Payments will be withheld if Purchase Order requirements are not met.

Page 69 of 82

FCD0524 Rev1 PPAP Report / Checklist

Report Date:

(Date Of Review)

PPAP Submit Level:

(Level 1-5)


Part Number:

Part Name:

Drawing Date: Drawing Level: PCN:

PPAP Samples

Reject / Accept

Are part number, revision level and cavity number on part, if applicable?

1 pc per cavity or 1 pc from each side of 2 up die – Must be numbered part (s) from dimensional layout

Are PPAP samples properly identified?


Drawing Reject / Accept

Is the drawing approved by the customer? (Should have customer’s engineering signatures.)

Is the drawing at the correct level? Check the ECN for release level on the ECN tracking matrix.

Is the drawing ballooned to indicate dimensions inspected standards and notes?


Page 70 of 82

Warrant (Latest Edition) Reject / Accept

Correct part name (description) – check /drawing.

Correct part number – check drawing.

Mark box if this is a safety item – check drawing.

Correct engineering drawing change level – check drawing.

Correct drawing number – check drawing (drawing number may be different than part number).

Weight must be on warrant in “kg” (to three decimal places). Individually weigh ten randomly selected parts,

calculate &

report average weight. For parts weighing less than 0.100 kg, weigh ten parts together, calculate & report the


weight to four decimal places.

Correct supplier information.

Correct application (program name – model year) ‘ if specified ‘

Correct submission level.

Correct customer information.

All boxes checked.

Correct reason for submission.

Correct submissions results (inclusions: i.e., parts, CP, FMEA, FLOW, etc.).

Supplier signature and title must be present, and dated

Production rate Included?

IMDS and #


Dimensional Results

Reject / Accept

Latest Edition format

The supplier’s name should appear on the dimensional sheet.

The part number and part description must match the drawing and the warrant.

Item number must correlate with marked drawing.

Page 71 of 82

Dimension / specification must be listed and match the drawing.

A minimum of six samples must be measured (For multi cavity tool / die, a minimum of 1 pc per cavity

totaling a minimum of 6 ).

All dimensions and notes must meet specification and should be marked ‘OK’.

Signature of inspector and date of inspection should appear on the inspection sheet.

Where bonus tolerance is used, add feature size, i.e. , etc.


Material Test Results / IMDS Reject / Accept

Include specification number and revision date of the specification / standard.

The supplier’s name should appear on the material sheet.

The part number and part description should match the drawing and the warrant.

The material specification number / date / specification should be called out for each test and should be the


called out on the drawing. (All material specifications on the drawing must be listed).

The tests listed along with the tolerances should match those in the material specification.

Test results should be listed on the material test results sheet AIAG 4th

edition and should meet the specification.

The Material Composition breakdown must satisfy IMDS requirements for submission ( Other or Misc must be <

10 % total)

IMDS submission complete

Copy of lab accreditation & scope must be submitted – Check expiry date.

Signature of inspector and date of inspection should appear on the inspection sheet.


Note: IMDS breakdown for clarification or questions see product engineering.

Performance Test Results Reject / Accept

Page 72 of 82

The supplier’s name should appear on the performance test results sheet.

The part number and part description should match the drawing and the warrant.

The performance specification number / date / specification should be called out for each test and should be the

specification called out on the drawing.

The tests listed along with the tolerances should match those in the performance specification.

Test results should be listed on the performance test results sheet and should meet the specification.

Copy of lab accreditation & scope (when applicable) – Check expiry date

Signature of inspector and date of inspection should appear on the inspection sheet.


Appearance Approval Reject / Accept

Appearance approval sheet is filled out as required.


Control Plan Reject / Accept

Pages should be numbered and include a header in each page.

Correct part #, part name, eng. level

The AIAG control plan format should be used.

Process steps should match those in the FMEA and Flow diagram.

SC and CC characteristics should be addressed and controlled using SPC ( (See Special Char. Class)( if


SC and CC characteristics should match those on the drawing.

Other toleranced dimensions should be addressed on the control plan at some specified frequency.

Page 73 of 82

Sample size and frequency of inspection should be adequate for the product and reflect RPNs in the FMEA

(Past history on similar product can be used to determine frequency).

Special Processes require identification and additional controls (See Process Flow section)

Lot traceability plan procedure must be made available and identified in the control plan.

If material used is High Strength Low Alloy, control plan must include HSLA requirement - "Rockwell

hardness of each coil must

be checked at the press"


Process FMEA Reject / Accept

Correct part #, part name, eng. level

All SC’s related to the process should be identified.

The AIAG PFMEA (Latest Edition) format should be used. Prevention & Detection controls must be identified &

ratings in


Process steps should match those in the control plan and flow diagram.

Special Processes must be identified with appropriate RPNs. See Process Flow section.

RPNs multiplied correctly


Process Flow Reject / Accept

Process steps should match those in the control plan and FMEA. (Process steps should be numbered and


identified, i.e. Station # Press 351).

Customer’s part number and Revision Level to be identified and correct.

Key inspection points should be listed and match those that are in the control plan.

If Welding or heat treatment is included in the Process Flow, it must be identified as a Special Process

Page 74 of 82

and identified in the PFMEA and Control Plan.


No - If no, full approval cannot be given.


Process Potential / Capability Study (Ppk or Cpk) Reject / Accept

Ppk / Cpk should be submitted for all CC and SC characteristics. This data should be submitted for each tool

cavity, and

be comprised of at least 100 data points

The Ppk / Cpk results should meet PPAP requirement ( Ppk ≥ 1.67, Cpk = 1.67 )

Corrective action including immediate containment must be in place for those products that are less than 1.67 but


than 1.33 and 100% check for less than 1.33.

Actual results of each piece measured should be submitted with the capability report, histogram and x-bar & R



Gauge R & R Reject / Accept

Gauge R & R must be less than 1 year old.

Gauge R & R must be present for all gauges used to measure SC and CC characteristics.

Gauge R & R must be less than 10% for SC and CC characteristics.

Gauge R & R must be submitted for all checking aids as per control plan.


Page 75 of 82

Extended Enterprise Reject / Accept

If applicable, ie., DCX Product

Is it included and complete? Must include material and process supplier back to raw material.


Supplier Containment Plan Reject / Accept

Is applicable? Yes or No

Is it included and complete as per Control Plan? Does it address previous Non-conformances / Issues?


TS16949 / ISO 9000:2001 Certification / QSA Reject / Accept

Is the supplier TS16949 / ISO 9000:2000 certified? If not certified, check file for QSA.


Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment ( CQI-9 )

Reject / Accept / Not Applicable

Page 76 of 82

CQI-9 audit less than one year old

W-HTX survey less than one year old


No - If no, full approval cannot be given.


Special Process: Plating System Assessment ( CQI-11 )

Reject / Accept / Not Applicable

CQI-11 audit less than one year old


No - If no, full approval cannot be given.


Special Process: Coating System Assessment ( CQI-12 )

Reject / Accept / Not Applicable

CQI-12 audit less than one year old


No - If no, full approval cannot be given.


Don’t forget to:

Ensure that Control Plans / Inspection Sheets are updated to the latest level.

Ensure that Receiving Inspection sheets is updated and released in QSI data base.

Page 77 of 82

Send a copy of the Part Submission Warrant to the Purchasing Department.

Update the PPAP data base.




Checked by: Date:


This checklist is a guideline only, and does not replace the AIAG PPAP Standard Requirements. For more details reference the

AIAG PPAP Standard. This record is retained with the PPAP for the part listed on the front page, and will be disposed of when the

PPAP is disposed of. See PPAP record retention on the record retention list.

Page 78 of 82

Page 79 of 82

Page 80 of 82


Please complete this form acknowledging you have read, understand

and agree to the procedures outlined in the Dortec Materials Supplier

Handbook, and submit it to your Material Planner at Dortec (please print)

Company Name: ___________________________

Name: __________________________________

Position _________________________________

Date: __________________________________

Signature: ______________________________

Page 81 of 82



Accounting Information ................. 68

Acknowledgement .......................... 80

Adhesives on Labels for Returnable

Containers ....................................... 29

Allowable Claim ............................... 63

ASN Advanced Shipping Notice .... 21

ASN Required Information ............... 21


Change Response ............................ 14

Claim Document .............................. 64

Claim Settlement .............................. 65

Coil Unloading Requirements ......... 41

Customs and Brokerage Information

.......................................................... 29


Decanting Material Guidelines ...... 40

Dortec 830 Weekly Release, E-

Business ............................................ 15


Ebusiness Releases ............................ 17

Electronic Data Interchange .......... 15

Engineering Change ........................ 53


First Time Shipment Notice ............... 12


General Information for Claims ...... 63


Label Approval ................................. 29

Labeling Detail of Steel Coils .......... 36

Launch Plan ....................................... 12

Launch Readiness ............................ 10

Load Stability ..................................... 44


Master Vendor Listing ......................... 5

Missed Shipment ............................... 47

Mixed Skids ........................................ 38

MMOG Assessment ............................ 6


Non Production Parts ....................... 11


Obsolescence Claims ...................... 63


Packaging and Part Information .... 29

Packing Slip Requirements .............. 19

Palletization Rules ............................. 37

Page 82 of 82

Part Identification ............................. 29

Prototype Material............................ 10


RDR (Receiving Discrepancy Report)

.......................................................... 23

Receiving Discrepancy Reports- RDR

.......................................................... 22

Returnable Containers ..................... 39


Safety Stock ....................................... 14

Sample Container Labels ............... 31

Sample Mater label .......................... 35

Sample Obsolescence Claim Form 67

Sample of Label for Steel ................ 36

Sample P150 Form Packaging

Proposal ........................................... 39

Sample Supplier ASN ........................ 21

Sample Supplier Packing Slip .......... 20

Sample Supplier pallet construction

.......................................................... 43

Service and Claim Information ....... 63

Service Obligations........................... 63

SRCD Sample .................................... 62

Steel labels must contain the

following .......................................... 36

Supplier Action Plan ......................... 18

Supplier Bank Build Plan ................... 15

Supplier Bank Build Requirements .. 14

Supplier invoice must contain......... 68

Supplier Packaging .......................... 38

Supplier Shipping Plan ...................... 19


Unallowable claims .......................... 64


WEBREG (Web Registration) ............ 24

Weekly Release ................................. 16

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