  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Magne&c fusion energyStatus and challenges

    Stewart PragerPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The Sun is a natural fusion reactor

    A hot gas of billions of par&cles a PLASMAPar&cles undergo nuclear fusion reac&ons

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The Sun is a natural fusion reactor

    A hot gas of billions of par&cles a PLASMAPar&cles undergo nuclear fusion reac&ons

    Temperature in sun10 million degrees

    Fusion reactor100 million degrees

    Surrounded by material

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    It required the development of the new eld ofplasma physics

    Fusion energy is one of the most difficult science andengineering challenges ever undertaken

    Accompanied by the development offusion engineering

    We have come very far along the path

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The fusion reac&on

    energy 1 1deuterium + tri&um helium + neutron

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The fusion reac&on

    energy 1 1deuterium + tri&um helium + neutron

    Hot gas of charged par&cles(PLASMA)

    At temperature of 100 million degrees C

    need many D and T nuclei moving rapidly

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Why fusion? Nearly inexhaus&ble

    Deuterium from sea water, Tri&um made from lithium

    Available to all na&onsreduced conict over resources

    Cleanno greenhouse gases, no acid rain

    Safeno runaway reac&ons or meltdown;only short-lived radioac&ve waste

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    create a star on Earth

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    create a star on Earth

    This wont work gravity is too weak

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Solu&on: conne plasma in magne&c cage

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The largest tokamak (England)

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    We have come very farRou&nely producing plasmas at astronomical temperatures:

    300 million degrees

    radius (m)

    Temperatu re

    (million degrees)



    And manipula&ng hot plasmas with remarkable nesses(with radio waves, par&cle beams, magne&c elds..)

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Hea&ng a plasma to astronomical temperatures

    injec&on of electromagne&c waves

    injec&on of fast neutral atoms

    neutral beam injec&on

    RF wave injec&on

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    RF antenna Neutral beam injector

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    We have produced fusion energy

    10 MW in 1994

    In theUS

    1997: 16 MW produced in the UK

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    huge advance in fusion power


    fusion power

    Progress in fusion power halted by lack of facility, not science

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges




    Similar huge strides in key scien&c gure of merit(density) x (temperature) x (energy loss Bme)

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    These results in the early 1990s

    triggered an increase in the worldwide fusioneffort

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    We have high condence that we can makepower-plant-scale fusion power,

    Ques&ons: how quick? how a rac&ve? how economical?(reactor design studies predict cost-compe&&ve fusion power need to prove it)

    We know the R D steps needed to proceed,

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The interna&onal ITER experimentWill generate 500 MW of fusion power for 500


    Study key physics and technology for fusion,The rst burning plasma

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The interna&onal ITER experimentWill generate 500 MW of fusion power for 500


    Study key physics and technology for fusion,The rst burning plasma

    D+ + T+ He++ + n100 million degree plasmaelectricity

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The interna&onal ITER experimentWill generate 500 MW of fusion power for 500


    Study key physics and technology for fusion,The rst burning plasma

    Partnership covers half the worlds popula&onthe European Union (45%)ChinaIndia

    JapanRussiaSouth KoreaThe United States

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    ITER is a reactor-scale experiment

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    site prepara&onin France

    Will operate in 2020

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Will operate in 2020

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    US ITER construc&on cost:

    about $2.5B over about 10 years

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The interna&onal context

    fusion research in other naBons is surging,

    in Asia and the E.U.

    The escala&ng magne&c fusion ac&vity across the world

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The escala&ng magne&c fusion ac&vity across the world

    Korea: superconduc&ng tokamak

    China: superconduc&ng tokamak

    Japan: superconduc&ng stellarator

    New major facili&es

    The escala&ng magne&c fusion ac&vity across the world

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The escala&ng magne&c fusion ac&vity across the world

    Korea: superconduc&ng tokamak

    China: superconduc&ng tokamak

    Japan: superconduc&ng stellarator

    England: tokamak

    The escala&ng magne&c fusion ac&vity across the world

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The escala&ng magne&c fusion ac&vity across the world

    Korea: superconduc&ng tokamak

    China: superconduc&ng tokamak

    Japan: superconduc&ng stellarator

    England: tokamak

    M j f ili& d &

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Major facili&es under construc&onJapan: superconduc&ng tokamak Germany: superconduc&ng stellarator

    France: ITER

    The world has entered the eraof superconduc&ng facili&es(steady-state)

    M j f ili& d &

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Major facili&es under construc&onJapan: superconduc&ng tokamak Germany: superconduc&ng stellarator

    France: ITER

    The world has entered the eraof superconduc&ng facili&es(steady-state)

    Many na&ons are planning for a demonstra&on plant

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Many na&ons are planning for a demonstra&on plantFor example,

    The US operates a strong set o medium-scale

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The US operates a strong set o medium scaleexperiments

    General Atomics MIT Princeton (PPPL)

    Performing world-leading fusion researchfor ITER and beyond

    However, in 10 years, some facili&es overseas will, in some ways, bemore capable than the US facili&es

    Need to evolve to new US facili&es to a ack remaining issues for


  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    US has been the world leader in fusion,

    has a fusion science workforce second to none,

    on verge of falling behind to second &er

    Fusion Challenges

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Fusion Challenges

    PPPL can play major and broad role in fusion

    Plasm a connement and controlburning plasmasteady-state plasma

    The plasma-material interfaceeffect of plasma on materials, effect of materials on plasma

    Harnessing fusion power (fusion nuclear science)effects of neutrons on materials,managing neutrons (tri&um breeding, power extrac&on)

    T l d

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    To conclude,

    Scien&sts are condent we can make fusion power forlarge-scale energy use

    Research challenges remain that will determine economica rac&veness, &me to commercializa&on

    If there is societal will, we can have a clean, safe,

    abundant, domes&c fusion energy source in our life&me

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The fusion budget challenge

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    To fund ITER and a vital domes&c program

    The fusion budget

    (in round numbers)

    FY 12 FY 13(needed)

    FY 14(needed)

    Domes&c $300M $300M $300MITER $100M $200M $300MTotal $400M $500M $600M

    Th FY 13 Ad i i t & R t

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The FY 13 Administra&on Request

    Domes&c $248M $45M cut (16%)

    ITER $150M $45M increase ($100M needed)

    Total $398M constant

    We are at a turning point: can dismantle our world class scienceworkforce, or maintain our leadership

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    The poli&cs of fusion in the US

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    J. Willis, MacFusion

    Steady funding for decades

  • 7/31/2019 Magnetic fusion energy: Status and challenges


    Steady funding for decades,but declining

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