Page 1: Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7… · Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate (cont.) Aug 6/7 - We are all unique. God created us uniquely. God did not make duplicates. Every single person

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


Page 2: Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7… · Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate (cont.) Aug 6/7 - We are all unique. God created us uniquely. God did not make duplicates. Every single person

Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate

ABOUT THIS SERIES Parents love to give their kids gifts, but did you know that our Heavenly Father loves to give us gifts even more? God made each of us unique and gives us unique gifts too! These special gifts God gives us are called Spiritual Gifts. In this series, we will help kids learn about what Spiritual Gifts are and their purpose. We will also teach them how to discover their unique gifts, as well as some next steps in applying them.


“We all have gifts. They differ in keeping with the grace that God has given each of us.”  Romans 12:6


Lesson Topic Big Idea

Lesson 1 Aug 6/7

We are all unique. Romans 12:6-8

God gave us special gifts.

Lesson 2 Aug 13/14

Same but different. 1 Corinthians 12:12

Our gifts are important!

Lesson 3 Aug 20/21

Find your flow. Matthew 14:22-31

We can discover our gifts.

Lesson 4 Aug 27/28

Give it back. Luke 10:38-42

We can use our gifts to help others.

Lesson 5 Sept 3/4

The next step. 1 Corinthians 13

We can use our gifts to show love.

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


Page 3: Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7… · Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate (cont.) Aug 6/7 - We are all unique. God created us uniquely. God did not make duplicates. Every single person

Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate (cont.)

Aug 6/7 - We are all unique. God created us uniquely. God did not make duplicates. Every single person is so incredibly special, there are no two fingerprints alike. We will learn how God has given each Christ follower a Spiritual Gift. We will learn about some of the Spiritual Gifts that God gives us, which will pave the way on what we are learning the rest of the series.

Aug 13/14 - Same but different. There are various Spiritual Gifts, but they work best when they work together. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 we learn a great metaphor of the Spiritual Gifts working together as one body with many parts. Just like there are different flavors of M&Ms, every gift is important, but no one gift is better than the other. Our focus will be on when we use our Spiritual Gifts together, we can do big things for God.

Aug 20/21 - Find your flow. Most people are not able pick up a yo-yo or paddle ball and be a master the first time they try it. To become good at something, it takes practice. God gives us Spiritual Gifts and wants us to take time to discover what they are. One of the ways we can discover our Spiritual Gifts is to try different areas of serving. Just like Peter jumped out of a boat and water, we need to “step out” and discover what our Spiritual Gift is too!

Aug 27/28 - Give it back. God didn’t give us Spiritual Gifts for our own success, but to dedicate them to His service. We will learn a Bible story through a new lens of Spiritual Gifts as well as help point kids toward next step in how they can use their Spiritual Gifts! Our focus will be on how to apply and use our Spiritual Gifts.

Sept 3/4 - The next step. Learning about Spiritual Gifts, what they are, how and why we should use them is an important step after we have made Jesus the Leader of our lives. But the next step of all this information hinges on one of the most famous passages of Love, 1 Corinthians 13. The Bible tells us that we are to be Jesus for others, and we can use our Spiritual Gifts to do that. We will learn that Spiritual Gifts are gifts from God and that we can use them to show love.

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


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What You Need to DO and KNOW Each Week

Opening Do This: Encourage everyone to gather near the stage, and have FUN! Give high-fives, welcome the kids by name, dance to the music, and let kids know we’re going to have fun today! Interact with the crowd! Create a buzz about what is going to happen. Know This: This is intended to be a fun time! You as the leader need to set that standard so kids can feel comfortable. If you’re not willing to open up and be silly, they won’t either. It’s ok if some kids are shy or stand-offish, but YOU should model what we’d like to see!

Welcome Do This: Greet the kids with enthusiasm without being overwhelming. Know This: During this time you are working to gain the kids’ trust. Something as simple as telling them what is going to happen during the hour can help relieve some anxiety that they may have. We will also gain their trust by showing them that this is a place that is not weird or different from what they see in other places.

Worship Do This: Perform the provided actions to the songs and demonstrate enthusiastic worship for kids. Encourage kids to join in, but don’t force them to participate. Read aloud any verses that are on the screen (unless the song features a voice over). Direct the kids’ attention towards God. Call out upcoming lyrics when appropriate and help the kids engage in singing. Know This: It’s okay if some kids don’t sing or do actions to the songs. They may worship by just reflecting on the lyrics and listening. Our music set is generally made of high-energy songs to help kids get engaged in worship.

Media Do This: Sit or stand to the side of the screen (s). Watch the media and appear engaged with appropriate non-verbals. Know This: Although this is a good time to catch your breath and gather your thoughts, you are still technically “on.” Kids may be looking at you to see if you are watching the videos, and if you don’t look engaged, they may not choose to engage either.

Prayer Do This: Ask the kids to be respectful and quiet; you will pray out loud, while they pray quietly in their hearts and heads. Sit or crouch down and engage the kids as you pray. Know This: We want the kids to learn how to pray by seeing you model this. Feel free to say your own prayer – this one is simply a suggestion.

Bible Verses & Memory Verse Do This: Read any verses from the side screen aloud. Make the memory verse fun! After you’ve read it, do something silly like challenge the boys to be louder than the girls, jump up and down, add actions, or have the kids recite the verse using different voices.

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Page 5: Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7… · Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate (cont.) Aug 6/7 - We are all unique. God created us uniquely. God did not make duplicates. Every single person

Magnify Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 1: We are all unique.

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Opening Song (2:00)

Welcome (3:00)

Worship (10:00) 0:00 - 15:00

Bumper Video (1:00)

Lesson Intro (8:00)

Booger Remix: Part 1 (4:00)

Share Your Story (3:00)

Memory Verse (4:00)

Booger Remix: Part 2 (5:00)

Message: Part 1(3:00)

Game Time (5:00)

Message: Part 2 (5:00)

Thumb Print Experience (4:00)

Wrap Up (3:00) 15:00 - 60:00

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Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

Page 6: Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7… · Magnify Series at a Glance for Elevate (cont.) Aug 6/7 - We are all unique. God created us uniquely. God did not make duplicates. Every single person

Opening Song 2:00

Hey everybody! It’s time to get started, so please clean up your areas, turn off the games, and if you have popcorn, throw it away. Then come on over and join me by the stage! Today is going to be awesome, so as you are joining me over by stage, introduce yourself to 3 new people!

Do This: Go into the audience and introduce yourself to new kids.

Welcome 3:00

Welcome to Elevate everyone! Have a seat. My name is _______ and today is going to be really sweet. By a show of hands, how many of you are here for the first time or have been here before? Yes, that should be all of your hands! If you didn’t know what the plan is, we are going to be singing a couple songs, learning some things together, and having a lot of fun.

Before we get to any of that, let’s catch up with our pal, Lindsey, who has a question for us. Check out the side screens.

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. If time allows, you can ask a couple of kids to share their examples with the larger group.

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(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

“Would You Rather”

Lindsey Question Slide

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Worship 10:00

Do This: If the worship team did not do the welcome, the teacher should invite them to the stage at this time.


We are going to spend some time together worshipping God. Worshipping God is a way we can connect with Him and show how much we love Him. One of the many ways we can worship is by giving an offering. When you give an offering, you are giving God back some of the money that He has given you. It’s a great way to show God that you are thankful! If you brought an offering today, way to go! You can place it in the offering containers over ______ at any time. Another way we worship here in Elevate each week is by singing and dancing! Everyone stand up on your feet and let’s sing to God together. This song is called “Let It Be Known!”

That song is a great song with so many fantastic words in it. When it talks about how “our God saves”, it is talking about how Jesus loves us and what Jesus did for us. That song also has a really cool beat to it. Let’s continue to sing to God with another great song called, “We Won’t Be Quiet”!

Worship Slide

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Song 1: Let It Be Known

Song 2: We Won’t Be Quiet

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

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Have you ever been so excited that you just can’t help yourselves and have to yell or dance or jump? When it comes to what Jesus did by coming as a baby and growing up, then dying on a cross and coming back to life again for us… we should definitely NOT be quiet about that!

Now we are going to talk to God. Please sit down and we will pray. Now, when we pray, we are talking to God. Sometimes you might hear people say to close your eyes and bow your heads. When we say to close your eyes, it’s so you aren’t distracted by the things and people around you and bow your heads. It is just a way to show respect to God.

God, thank you for today. Thank you for the time we get to have today. We love you. Amen!

Do This: During the bumper video, the teacher comes on stage as the worship team leaves.


Hi everyone! Welcome to Elevate! My name is _________ and it is fantastic to see you here. Today we start a brand new series called Magnify. Does anyone know what the word “Magnify” means?

Do This: Let kids answer.

Wow, great answers! Let’s look a definition together.

Magnify means to make something appear larger than it is AND it means to glorify. When we see the word “glorify”, it means to honor or praise. When we talk about making

Bumper Video

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Lesson Intro 8:00

(Auto advance) “Magnify”

Magnify - 1) Make something appear larger than it is, 2) glorify

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something appear larger, that is just a fancy way to say we are going to look at it like a magnifying glass would. When you use a magnifying glass on an ant hill, you can see things better. In this series, we are going to take a look at some special gifts that the God tells us about in the Bible. What is cool is that we will find out that these gifts help us to praise or worship or glorify God! So the idea of Magnify works because we will be learning about some really cool gifts that God gives to us, and then we will learn that we can use those gifts to praise or worship God. Sweet, huh?

Since we are talking about taking a look at something and making it appear larger in this Magnify series, let’s have some fun and play a little game. We are going to see some close ups or magnified objects on the side screens. If you think you can figure it out before the answer pops up, give a shout out okay? Check out the side screens!

That was a lot of fun! Some of those were really tough. I mentioned a little earlier that we were going to be talking about the special gifts that God gives us who follow Him.

Do This: If you don’t already have it on stage, bring out or reference wrapped gift box.

How many of you like gifts? Yeah, I think we all do. Who can tell me what the best gift you ever got was?

Do This: Have a few kids raise their hand and answer. Be sure to repeat what they said so others can hear what the answer was.

Those are some really great gifts. One of my favorite gifts was ___________. I think it was my favorite because it ______________.

Did you know that God gives special gifts to us? For those of us that have made Jesus the Leader of our lives, God gives us special gifts. Maybe some of you here today have never heard about Jesus. Maybe some of you have heard about Jesus but you have not yet made a decision to make him the Leader of your life. If that is you, that is okay! We are going to be learning about these gifts together. In the next couple of weeks as we

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Close Ups, Version 1 (2:55)

(Auto advance) “Magnify”

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learn more in this series Magnify, you might even get to know more about Jesus through this series!

Speaking of gifts, some of you might be wondering what is inside this gift. Anyone curious to know if there is anything inside? Should we open it up and discover what is inside together? Does anyone want to take a guess about what is inside?

Do This: Open up the box and remove the finger prints card from inside.

This is pretty cool! Does anyone know what these are? Does anyone know what these are used for?

Do This: Allow kids to interact and answer.

These are fingerprints. This is a fingerprint card. These are used for a lot of reasons. Some people need to fingerprinted when they are teachers or pastors or leaders. When police catch bad guys, they fingerprint them too. Fingerprinting happens so that if there was a crime committed, police could match the fingerprint at the scene to a suspect. How are fingerprints helpful to people like police? Because each and every fingerprint is unique! There are no two fingerprints in the world! Isn’t that amazing?

Tech team, would you bring up the lights? Take a look at your fingerprints right now!Fingerprints are one of the earliest things to form on your body. When each of us were teeny tiny little babies, before we were even born yet, our fingerprints were created. Unlike other parts of our bodies, fingerprints do not change. You may grow taller, get more hair, gain weight, lose weight, or even lose teeth, but the thing that always stays the same is your fingerprint. From the time before you were born until now, your fingerprint is always yours and is not the same and anyone else.

Speaking of fingerprints, does anyone in your life have a phone or tablet that you have to put your finger on so it can read your fingerprint to open? Have you ever tried to open it up using your fingerprint, but you can’t? It needs the correct and unique finger print to open and unlock it.

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Bring up house lights

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Video One 4:00

So why are we talking about gifts and fingerprints today? Because for those of us that have chosen to follow Jesus, God gives us unique and special gifts just like he gives us unique and special fingerprints. The gifts he gives us are actually called Spiritual Gifts. Before we move on, let’s make sure we all know what the word “spiritual” means.

Spiritual means not of this world, it comes from God. That means, these are not gifts you can buy at the store or anything like that. These gifts are not things we can have or hold or look at. They are more like a talent or skill. One of the Spiritual Gifts is serving. Some of our volunteers love to work with computers, so they are helping run the lights and sound in the tech booth and are serving in that way. One of the Spiritual Gifts we will talk about is Leadership, and some of the people that help out will be Small Group Leaders because that is the gift they have. Maybe you have someone in your life that always knows the right thing to say to you and you feel so good when they are around you because they have the Spiritual Gift of Encouragement. We will be learning more about Spiritual Gifts in just a little bit. But each of us have really cool Spiritual Gifts and when we use them we feel incredible!

God gave us these special Spiritual Gifts so that we could use them to help more people know about Jesus and help more people know how to have a relationship with Him. God gave each of you really great ways you can use the gifts too! We’ll talk more about that later.

Right now, let’s catch up with a couple of our friends that some of you might recognize and see what they are up to this week!

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Booger Remix, Pt. 1

(Auto advance) “Magnify”

Spiritual - not of this world, comes from God

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Share Your Story 3:00

That sure seems like a fun little gameshow that Booger came up with.

Have you ever done something where you felt like you blinked and it was over because you had so much fun and it was over before you wanted it to? I remember when I….

Do This: Share a 2-minute appropriate, relevant personal story about a time that you served somewhere and time flew by and then you realized it was something you’d like to do again.

That experience was incredible. I loved being able to do that and look forward to having more opportunities to serve like that! At first, I didn’t know I was going to even like that, but now I cannot wait to be able to serve like that again. I was doing what God created me to do using the gifts he’s given me.

Memory Verse 5:00

Each series we learn or review a new memory verse. This week our Bible verse comes from the New Testament. Before we get to our Bible verse, let’s take a one-question Bible quiz!

The correct answer is “B) Fishermen”. Most of the men that followed Jesus were first fishermen. They made their living by catching and selling fish. Cool huh? Let’s check out the memory verse for this week. Let’s all stand together as we read this verse. I will read it first, then I would like us all to read this together.

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


Many of the disciples (or followers of Jesus) had what job? A) Teachers B) Fishermen C) Janitors

(Memory Verse) Romans 12:6 “We all have gifts. They differ in keeping with the grace that God has given each of us.”

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Great job reading, everyone! Let’s say it one more time but this time we will cover one eye as we say it. Ready? Go!

Do This: Have fun with this.

Awesome job! Did anyone have a tough time reading with one eye? Me too! You can all sit down again. Let’s take a look at what this verse is talking about.

It starts out saying that “we all have gifts.” God tells us in the Bible that for those of us that have made Jesus the leader of our lives, we get gifts which are a lot like abilities. We will learn more about what some of these gifts, or Spiritual Gifts, are through this series. The next part of this verse tells us that “they differ”. Each of us are given a gift, but each gift is different. The fact that these gifts are different is important and will get to that in a different lesson this series. The next phrase is, “in keeping with the grace that God has given each of us.” Whew! That seems like a really complicated verse so let’s really break that one down.

Grace means getting something we don’t deserve. You see, we didn’t do anything to earn these gifts that God gives us. He gives them to those of us that have decided to follow Jesus as the leader of our lives. But we don’t earn them. He loves us and wants us to have these gifts. Let’s see that verse again.

Everyone has a Spiritual Gift if they have made Jesus their leader. Each of these gifts are different, and they are given to us because God loves us. That is the simple way to explain this verse.

Video 2 5:00

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(Memory Verse) Romans 12:6 “We all have gifts. They differ in keeping with the grace that God has given each of us.”

Grace = getting something we don’t deserve.

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Let’s get back to Booger and Lindsey.

Message: Part 1 3:00

Booger and Lindsey sure are fun! Did you catch when Booger said, “God gave you the perfect gifts for YOU.” That is exactly what we are talking about today.

We have learned that Spiritual Gifts come from God. A Spiritual Gift is not the same as a natural talent. Anyone who has made Jesus the leader of their life has a Spiritual Gift.

Spiritual Gifts are not the same as natural talents. Has anyone had someone tell you that you have a natural talent at something? Does anyone know what that means?

Do This: Let kids respond.

When you have a natural talent, it means something comes easily to you or that you’re able to do it without working that hard at it. For some of you, maybe arts or theater come easy to you. Maybe you love to act and love to be on stage and have every eye on you. If that comes easy, then you might have a natural talent for acting.

Through this Magnify series, we are going to learning these five big ideas:

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


Booger Remix, Pt. 2

(Auto advance) “Magnify”

1. God gave us special gifts. 2. Our gifts are important! 3. We can discover our gifts. 4. We can use our gifts to help others. 5. We can use our gifts to show love.

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First, we are going to learn that God gave us special gifts. Everyone that makes Jesus their leader, or savior, is given at least one gift. The Bible is clear that each Christian has one gift.

Second, we are going to learn that our gifts are important. God gives each of us these special gifts and God wants all of the different people with different gifts to work together.

Third, we can discover our gifts. God gave us these gifts to help each other be the best we can be. There are different ways we can figure out our gifts, and we’ll learn how to in a couple weeks.

Fourth, we can use our gifts to help others. God doesn’t want us to just know what our gifts are, he wants us to use them to help those around us!

Finally, we will learn together that we can use our gifts to show love to others. Knowing we have gifts, and learning what our gifts are is really cool. But we need to use them to love people. We will learn how to use our gifts to love through everything we do another weekend.

We are going to change things up today and do something a little different right now. We have been talking about gifts, and we will get back to that in just a little bit, but maybe we should play a little game right now. We are talking about gifts, so it is only fitting we play a game that has gifts in it.

We will need two teams of two people. You will have one minute to wrap one of you up, and whoever has the best wrap job wins the round! We have some gift wrap supplies in this box.

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Game Time 5:00

Human Gift!

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Do This: Call up two teams of two contestants to stage. You could even do boys versus girls for this game. You could modify this game as you need and use any number of contestants as you see fit. You may have as many or as little gift wrapping supplies out as you choose.

That was a lot of fun! Thanks for playing! Okay, let’s get back to this idea of gifts. God has a special gift for you. What is really special is that when you use it, it will probably feel like time flies by and you will feel pretty awesome. So let’s learn what some of these Spiritual Gifts are.

We learned that the Bible verse we are talking about in this series is found in Romans 12:6. Since we learned that the word “Magnify” is to make something appear bigger than it is, let’s check out what that the next couple of verses say about Spiritual Gifts.

Read along with me if you are able to. This first part should sound familiar. Do This: Open your Kids Quest Bible to page 1470 or feel free to follow slides.

We just learned that verse a few minutes ago and discussed what it means, so let’s read about the first Spiritual Gift mentioned.

Game music

We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Romans 12:6-8

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Message: Part 2 5:00


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The first gift mentioned is prophecy. One of the definitions of prophecy means you can predict things. This doesn’t mean you will be able to tell who will win the Super Bowl, or know where the rare Pokemon will be when you are playing Pokemon Go. But with prophecy, God gives you the sense of things to come. Let’s check out the next Gift.

Serving is the next gift we discover. What are some ways that we might be able to serve? Do This: Let a few kids answer.

Yeah! Those are all really great ways we can serve. What is cool about Spiritual Gifts is that if you have the gift of serving, you might love to serve by greeting people at church, while a friend might love to serve by going to Feed My Starving Children and making rice bags for kids in need. There are so many ways to serve! Let’s keep going!

We learn that the next Spiritual Gift in this verse is teaching. People that have this Spiritual Gift have a special God-ability to teach and really make the lesson make sense. Now remember, Spiritual Gifts are different than a natural talent. Not every teacher has the gift of teaching. Some people are really good at teaching but have a different Spiritual Gift. As you continue to study your Bible, this will make more and more sense! Let’s find out what is next.

We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Romans 12:6-8

We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is your gift to serve? Then serve. Romans 12:6-8

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is your gift to serve? Then serve. Is it teaching? Then teach. Romans 12:6-8

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This next Spiritual Gift is not called “telling others how to live”, but it could be known as Encouragement. The verse does say that you should tell people how live, but most Pastors and scholars would use the word “encouragement” to describe this Spiritual Gift. We can encourage people in a lot of different ways. What are some different ways we might be able to encourage each other? Do This: Let a few kids answer.

Right! We can tell people good job or send a letter to someone if we think about them. If this is your Spiritual Gift, you might find yourself wanting to make someone’s day by saying nice things to them that you genuinely feel.

There may be some of you that love giving things to people. You almost can’t help yourself. You want to give all of your things away almost. If that is you, you might have the Spiritual Gift of Giving.

Magnify Lesson 1 Aug 6/7


We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is your gift to serve? Then serve. Is it teaching? Then teach. Is it telling others how they should live? Then tell them. Is it giving to those who are in need? Then give freely. Is it being a leader? Then work hard at it. Romans 12:6-8

We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is your gift to serve? Then serve. Is it teaching? Then teach. Is it telling others how they should live? Then tell them. Is it giving to those who are in need? Then give freely. Romans 12:6-8

We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is your gift to serve? Then serve. Is it teaching? Then teach. Is it telling others how they should live? Then tell them. Romans 12:6-8

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Leadership is a gift that looks different in different people. When you think of a great leader, who comes to mind? Do This: Let a few kids answer. Each leader might have a different style of leadership. Jesus led by being a servant. He was one of the most powerful men ever known because He chose to serve others through His leadership. Is your principal or dean a good leader? Each person might lead in a different way. If you find yourself wanting to lead a group of people and be in charge, this might be your Spiritual Gift. We have one more to check out!

Mercy might also be known as compassion. This gift shows up in people that have a desire to help others. They want to give all they have or serve in a way that helps other people. When they see a need, they do what they can to fill that need. If someone is hungry, they might get food for them. That kind of thing.

There are several places in the Bible that mention Spiritual Gifts. I really want to encourage you to pick up your Bible and read these verses for yourself! The Bible is all true and God inspired its writing. We didn’t go through all of the Spiritual Gifts, but from Romans 12:6-8, we learned the Spiritual Gifts of Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leadership, and Mercy. Again, these are not ALL of the Spiritual Gifts, just some of them from these verses.

As we heard in some of the descriptions of each gift, they are all unique and different. God gave you a gift and you need to figure out what it is. We are going to learn more about how to figure out our gifts next week, so don’t miss that!

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We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is your gift to serve? Then serve. Is it teaching? Then teach. Is it telling others how they should live? Then tell them. Is it giving to those who are in need? Then give freely. Is it being a leader? Then work hard at it. Is it showing mercy? Then do it cheerfully. Romans 12:6-8

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Earlier, we talked about how we each have a unique fingerprint. That fingerprint helps to identify who we are. When we discover and use our Spiritual Gift, we can show people whose we are. That means that when we use our gifts, we have a chance to show people that God is in our lives.

We are going to do something really cool right now. Since we have been talking about how God gave us special gifts, and also have been talking about finger prints, we are going to have a chance to see each of our own finger prints right now! Do This: Hold up 4x4 card and ink pad.

We have these really neat cards that we created for you. You’ll line up, take one of your thumbs, press it into the ink pad, then place it on the paper slowly. Then, grab a wet wipe to clean your thumb off. As you go back to your seat, please throw that wet wipe in that garbage.

Do This: Make as many lines that make sense of your campus. Know This: You should have 3 packets of wet wipes on stage with your three ink pads and stacks of “thumb print” cards. Make sure you have a garbage nearby that kids can dispose their wet wipes.

Once you have your thumb print card, show some of the others in the room and look at some of the differences you see. It might be difficult at first, but can you see any pattern in your thumb print? Can you spot the differences between each of your cards?

Know This: You can have some extra time and adjust this as necessary for your campus.

That was awesome! Did you get a chance to check out some other thumbprints around the room? Isn’t it amazing how God created us special? Isn’t it wonderful to know that God loves us so much that he gives us special gifts and cares about each one of us so

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Upbeat music

Thumb Print Experience 4:00


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much that even something as small as a fingerprint is special? We have a really incredible God that cares so much about us.

Next week, we will be talking about how important each of our gifts are, but as you leave today, I want you to remember that…

God gave us special gifts! We are going to continue to learn more about these Spiritual Gifts in this series.

Do This: Hold up the Family Connection Card

On your way out, we want to make sure you have this special edition of the Family Connection Card. Normally, this would be just a regular paper that you would hand to your family. This series, we want you to be able to learn what your Spiritual Gifts are, so we created a special tent Family Connection Card!

Do This: Show kids how to trifold the card.

This card can actually be folded on its three sides and you can stand this up at your table! We always love when you read the Family Connection card because it will help you remember what we learned and tell your family what you learned today. You can also practice the Bible verse we are learning!

One more thing you need to know about this Family Connection card. This Family Connection card talks about a book that we recommend them getting. They can pick it up in the bookstore if they want. Through this series, that book will REALLY help them understand what we are teaching and help you too! Check it out on the Family Connection card!

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Wrap Up 3:00

God gave us special gifts.


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Before we dismiss, let’s take one more moment to talk to God and thank him for today. Dear God, you are so awesome. Thank you for today. Thank you for always being with us. Amen.

Do This: Dismiss however you like best. Know This: If you get done early, you could dismiss to games.

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