Page 1: Maia Prata German Recommendation Letter

NATALIE TURNER-JONES Movement Director & Professor of Theatre

7 Forest Oak Court, O’Fallon, MO 63366, USA Mobile: +1 636.233.0063 • [email protected]

21st January, 2016

Re: Maíra Prata German

To Whom It May Concern: It is a genuine pleasure to recommend Maíra Prata German to you as an intern. She is a memorable student collaborator for a number of reasons, not least of which is the quiet, diligent, inquisitive presence she contributes to the atmosphere of a class, and the mature, capable, gentle presence she brings to a rehearsal or performance environment. “Maia”, as I have come to know her, was first a student in my Modern Drama literature class in the spring semester of 2014 at Lindenwood University, where I presently teach Dramatic Literature and Movement/Physical Theatre classes. As a student, Maia was an exceptional student who soaked in every detail of the material covered. It often surprised me how much she was absorbing; English is not her first language, and her quiet manner in class could be somewhat deceiving. What I initially mistook for shyness was actually discernment and contemplation. I soon learned that she is not someone who speaks unnecessarily, and when she does, what she offers is timely, considered, articulately stated, and relevant. She is a sensitive, intelligent communicator. Maia’s writing in English is exquisite and stands out in a room of native speakers – memorably so. Her written work is top-notch: detail-oriented, precise, organized, rhetorically sound, and with a use of the language that is as poetic as it is fluid. She is an extremely hard worker; I recall that she sought continued feedback on writing that was already at an “A” level standard. She is someone I would describe as “empowered”; her approach to being a student comes from a responsible, mature place rather than an obsequious, insecure one. As a member of the theatre department, she is a team player that will be greatly missed for her ability either to lead a team or blend comfortably as part of one, though I feel strongly that even when she is “blending”, she is leading others by example. Maia was a member of the Costume and Make-up crew for a production of A Christmas Carol that I directed in 2014. The production required a lot of last minute changes mid-way through the performance week that affected Costumes and Make-up more than any other department. Maia’s ability to remain flexible, calm, make a smooth transition, work within the set deadlines was excellent – the changes came off seemingly without a hitch. I have great confidence that Maia will be a great success in whatever career path she chooses and I recommend her very highly and without a single reservation. You will be challenged to find someone as easy to work with as she is, or as delightful. If I can offer any further detail in support of her, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely,

Natalie Turner-Jones

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