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ContentMoodboard 1Analogue research 2-3 Futerra 2 Bucketlist Bombshells 3 Dionne Elizabeth 3Mashing up the analogues 4Identifying the job role 5Identifying services 6How would I do it? 7-8Marketing mix 9Instagram account 10Communication 11Instagram account content 12Networking and Instagram posts 13-16Website 17Website content 18OutcomesFeedback from the seminar 20Digital and physical outcomes 21Development evaluation 22-24Appendixes 31Image references 32Bibliography 33-35

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future of work:





making data beautiful




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SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANCY/ CREATIVE AGENCYSpecialities:Sustainability, corporate responsibility, communications, creative, branding, behaviour change, employee engagement, strategy and communications

Clients: Biggest companies, brands and essential foundations who are prepared to embrace the ofter courageous changes the delivery of a sustainable society requires.

Taking a look at the current agencies who provide consultancy services to big companies Futerra is the closest to the Final Major Project vision. Futerra is a creative and communication agency with offices in London, New York and Stockholm. It specialises in branding, strategy, behaviour change and consumer campaigns in the field of sustainability. One of the agency’s mission is to ‘make sustainable development so desirable, it becomes normal’.

When ‘Futerra’ started working, they were advising clients on communication with the consumers who were interested more sustainable consuming (both products and services).

The agency claims that sustainability is an extraordinary and essential investment and it cannot be seen just as a cost. To reach their goal they create new business models, collaborative and closed loop economies and they encourage organisations to network –send messages about their relationship with each other and the more full natural world that sustains them. They call it ‘cultural brainprint’.To make those points happen, they needed to blend as they call it ‘magic’ or in other words creativity with logic. They combined detailed strategic business transformation thinking and the compelling creative communication and storytelling and created ‘Theory of Change’ service map for their clients to improve in their transformation and make it happen.



Lucy Shea (2017), the CEO of Futerra claims that positivity is the primary key. Through showing the positivity, the social proof of climate optimism will be reached, and more and more consumers and brands will put more effort being sustainable and ethical. ‘We want to help people image better as individuals, because while collectively we can grow pessimistic about big issues such as the ability of our leaders to bring about positive change’Lucy Shea (2017)


To reach the consumers and spread awareness of their work Futerra is using social media platforms. In that way, they are showing themselves, their projects, opinions and creating a social community which consists of consumers, creatives and brands. Looking at the content of their social media, it is visible that agency spreads positivity through inspiration, creativity and information. The text of the posts is easy to read and aimed to approach:1. the consumer or the follower who seeks inspiration, information what is happening in the world, how to improve sustainable living and thinking 2. Clients who interested in their work



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By defining a freelance market, it is known that a freelance worker is often described as self-employed and has the freedom to pick and choose their projects and companies where it would like to be associated with. Analysing self-employers which focus on similar topics to Final Major Project idea I have decided to study two freelancers:

It is an educational community created by two millennium women. It consists of graphic boutique design studio, a virtual assistant company and educational platform which sells online courses. As the creators of the digital platform states, they want ‘to pave the future of remote work for millennial women world-wide’ (Cassie and Shay, 2018).

Clients: millennium women who want to start online business and travel.

Services that they provide:1. Free wide course with 4 steps to help to define online business idea2. The Bucketlist Bombshells academy provides interactive online courses teaching the technical, design and online business skills.Next to it the creators have:1. An online community where they teach and empower millennial women on creating online businesses that gives them freedom to work online and travel the world.2. Success stories section where they post their clients stories on starting online business. 3. Experience and advice section from BB founders where they share their own stories and inspire women to take actions.

The created community on Facebook now has 11787 members where they support each other, give advices and offer jobs.

Dionne is a Self Care ambassador and a Creative Coach who helps and encourages their clients to change lifestyles and improve in themselves. She runs community events and works with creative coaching clients.

Clients: All age people with a willingness to explore to trust and believe in changing their lives in work wellbeing.Services:

Flow:£ 1200 in full4 monthly payments of 350It provides 6 month 1 to 1 coaching programme for the people who want to take actions.

The package is explained as:‘I want to help you to find your flow in ways that are real, clear, focussed and accessible, avoiding fluff and superficial jargon and creating more ease ( and less tention).

It consists of:12 x 60min calls with recordingPre-consultation to see how the freelancer can work with the client Exploring core values of the client and ‘find out what floats your boat and create goals’Navigating the issues and encouraging to take actions

Catalyst:£ 200

The package helps to break through on the client’s

goal and want to ‘go back on the track’

It consists of:1x90min talk with recording

Pre consultation form and identification the focus of the session

Produce a plan and roadmap toward identified goal

Finding the ways to take action sustainability with check-ins and reflection

Social media account:Showing their daily updates which the freelancer

discovers Promoting the work that the freelancer is doing

Motivate and inspire Interacting with followers giving a discussion theme.


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1. The idea of the services provided by Futerra agency includes:

Strategy: find a promise and positioning that people will loveIdentity: bring everything to life with a name, visual identity and tone of voice.Communicating strategy: build creative approach on solid sustainability and audience insights.Campaigns: launch multi-channel campaigns that activate audiences.Outstanding creative: make creative that matters, from films to websites, print to digital. Reporting: track and share your progress in readable reports.Materiality analysis: identify the issues that your business and stakeholders agree matter the most.Product and supply chain: find sustainable solutions for your supply chain and product development.

I liked the idea that the marketing solutions are solved through creativity and always looking for a way to be more sustainable.

Looking at the freelancers, they usually promote their work through themselves. Analysing the pros and cons of it and my personality, I came up with the idea to make a similar content as Futerra does. I would promote interesting designers, inspire and inform rather than talk about my daily life.

2. The Bucketlist BombshellThe idea of service packs and a way to find their clients – to create a community. It helped me to understand that working as a freelancer I cannot provide a wide range of services so I need to be very specific and have a clear description what I can do and what I am not able to do it. Also, the variety of different packs let the client ‘get to know’ you as a freelancer, and it gives an opportunity to gain more and various clients.

To access the clients, the platform creators made a place where the community of their target clients would be interested in having discussions on traveling and freelancing, and making the right future clients come.

3. Dionne Elizabeth

The freelancer provides wellbeing services which in my opinion can be very similar working with the brands.The service pack method would suit FMP idea, and it would let to understand the description of the packs to attract the clients, and what steps need to take to make it happen.

✓Show the freelance work place through promoting, inspiring and informing the audience and customers;✓Create a digital platform to promote my work and services;✓Identify and coach brands through creative communications.


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•It is a growing future market + there is an increasing number of creatives. Creators and makers because of the internet expansion (Spear, 2017). The freelance economy has allowed millennial creatives to expose their hobbies to paying careers (WGSN, 2017) which the part of my job will be to show the information visually. Therefore it would be more affordable who do not have access to the agencies.

Meeting with succeed@careers freelancing consultant Chas Morrison.On January, I had a meeting Chas Morrison to chat about freelancing and how to start:• Set up a Self-Assessment record in• Get a ten digit come which will be needed to start working• Create portfolio, CV and business cards which will have consistency• Look for jobs and send cover lettersIt is known that earning under 11759 per year the taxes do not need to be paid. Making more than the following sum requires paying 20% out of the salary.For more information, I need to look at

Using the first-semester interview with Christine Hammond, I distinguished a view about working as a freelancer. It is claimed that it is risky to work as a freelancer due to the economy fluctuation and the need for the services at a particular period of life. There is large freedom of picking potential clients, but with that, the difficulties of working, communicating and rating work

could come, and you need to be aware of that.

WHY CONSULTANT & COACH? •These services can be done by one person having the framework and following the plan. Also, it could be affordable for the brands.•Small brands and startups usually do not have support doing successful business. •I critically analyse the trends that small brands and start-ups could quickly adapt and react to keep up with the fast-changing market requirement.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?•It is significant to the current market to have business analytics because consumers do not follow fashion rules anymore and most of the data is online which can be still accessible not for everyone.

Consultant and Coach on:-Strategy development-Market research

-Media management

-Creative communications

Small fashion brands and startups who struggle with communicating brand identity and development.Who wants a positive change towards sustainability and/or conscious consuming and make a small life change that feels good about the business, consumer and environment.

I am creating value for specialists who are doing creative or innovative work, and I could be a person who finds a job for them.


‘In the new social era, consumers no longer abide by set fashion rules and define their own style and trends. Real – time fashion analytics is a powerful tool to predict consumers’ real desires today and tomorrow.’ -TIMO ELLIOTT, 2012


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IDENTIFYING SERVICESFollowing the analysed freelancer presentation, I am producing two service packages which are formed as ‘consulting’ and ‘coaching’ packages. To show clarity to the client I am presenting the working plan reaching the outcomes.

1. Consulting (£500):

• Pre-consultation: to see how I can work with the brand and support them;• Analysis of the brand, exploration of their core values;• Proposal: Identification of the issues which are the most important for their business and/or encompassing trends and competitors.

2. Coaching (£600):

Stage One:

• Either building on the consulting package, or having a 1to1 session to identify the purpose, process and the desired outcomes. • Producing a road map for the brand with alternative paths.Always prioritising customer needs and news to lay out plan for success, connecting the client with the right organisations and people.

Stage Two (paying per hour):The client has the option to continue the working. The process would be by managing and guiding the client through the agreed success plan.

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Sources that i will need to provide services

What do I need?

Who are the key partners/suppliers? What are the most important motivations for the partnership?


I have thought when the clients would be interested in my services and would buy one of the packages they would get a positive greeting letter showing the excitement to work together. Reliable sources to read about news

of fashion, innovations, sustainabili-ty. Reports how to communicate sus-tainabilityReports about small fashion brandsReports and articles about consumer behaviour Adobe cloud skills

My partners will be my followers who will seek to know more about creativity and conscious buying. Also, I will need to keep in touch with the material researchers, brands and magazines and other platforms to get the news and continue posting on my Instagram account. By having an Instagram account and attending to the networking events I will my partners and suppliers group which will be needed to expand my services to the clients.

The most important motivation for the partnership would be that I can connect different specialist to create a project and promote on my Insta-gram account.


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To interact with the clients, I will create an Instagram account and a website. The interaction aims to target the potential clients through visuals, and these two platforms will correctly accomplish the goal. The change of economy, disciplines and industries develop a fourth industrial revolution consumer who will be reached through visualisation and emotional context (Hammond R., 2017).

My communication with the client will be virtual, having calls and e-mails. If the client requires, there will be a possibility to meet in person. There will be an opportunity to promote the brand on my Instagram page if I get the permission, I will share valuable information about the area where they want to work on and updates from their field. To add I will create a network (by promoting people on Instagram) where I will be able to connect clients with the people.

To reach the target clients the Instagram account and Website will be created which will have slightly different functions:The website will show the service packs and will be orientated on my target audienceAn Instagram account will be as a platform to show my work (live portfolio), create a network and share my findings, inspirations and innovations with the online

community and the clients.

From the meeting with succeed@careers freelancing consultant Chas Morrison it was clear that there are two ways for getting the clients:

Being active – you need to take actions, contact the clients and show your servicesBeing reactive – promoting your services online and waiting for somebody to contact you.Due to the shortage of time, I decided to focus on one way interacting with clients which would be ‘being reactive’ and producing a greetings letter to the client.

To add, from the following meeting with University careers consultant it could be distinguished that it is essential to have consistency through all social media platforms and appearances. In that way, the client will easier recognise me and my work. That includes visuals, symbols or logos.

Why Instagram?

It has been stated that Instagram is one the fastest growing app among major social networks and in 2017 it reached 700 million clients where 200 million Instagram users use Instagram story every day (Mintel, 2017). On the account I will present positive approaches for creativity, sustainability and conscious consuming. An Instagram account will be as a platform to show my work (live portfolio), create a network and share my findings, inspirations and innovations with the online community and the clients.

Why Website?

I need to have a place where I will explain my services to consumers and why they need me. It is known that the services will be provided online that is why an online presence is essential for the customer to see social proof.

The website will show the service packs and will be orientated on my target audience

HOW DO I INTERACT? Useful websites to search for freelance work:

Finding employers in different

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Describe service: giving two service packs to identify and coach on creative brand development.

Does the sole trader provide information on customer care? Yes, it talks about the benefits of using the services

Does the company support any causes of charity? No

What would be my challenge? That I am targeting to small brands and start-ups all online

How many markets do they target to?: small fashion brands and start-ups online. Offline I am targeting for now to UK and Lithuania market

Does the company offer new products/services?: yes, a report at the end of the year.

Why would they choose me?Giving affordable services on improving the business. How they will find me?They will find me on LinkedIn, Events, Instagram and Website.

Where are the top seller located? OnlineWhere are they situated? Online

What is the target price range, who they are pitching to? £ 500 for analysis, £ 600 for coaching

How does the website look like? List strengths and weaknesses of each Strenght: The website shows a link to the instagram account and clearly presents the importance of instagram and the services. Weaknesses: Appears just on two digital platforms.

Does the company provide any special offers or competitions? Two packs 800 and there is a posibillity to pay montly but + 50 interest.

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Analysing the Instagram accounts and the numbers, it could be stated that there is an interest in slow fashion and conscious consuming. Different platforms are sharing these topics, one of them are:Magazines, shops, bloggers, brands.

HASHTAGS#ethicalfashion 1.429.627 posts#sustainablefashion 1.644.627 posts#positivevibes#inspiration#positivethinking#ecoconscious#consciousliving#fairfashion#sustainableootd#sustainablestyle#ecofriendlyfashion#slowfashion#fashionrevolution

MY ACCOUNTTo create an Instagram account does not cost, but the promotion does.


Inspire Promote InformDeveloping meaningful projects for small brands Sharing experience & interests#sustainability + #creativity

Community:The community which I am aiming to target is looking for new ways of consuming, linking experiences and values. It was found on analysing the trends, that due to terrorist attacks, wars on the Middle East and some economic crises made globalisation a little bit difficult and the consumers and brands are putting more effort of being local (WGSN, 2017). Being local and do not expand the products to the other countries shows that the size of the business is small, but the willingness of the quality of working and producing needs to be professional. That is why the target community, both followers and brands, will be looking at:• Creative solutions;• Conscious living;• Branding values.

TRENDSBy analysing the social media content, it was found, that there is a strong focus on ‘prioritising meaning over immediacy’ (WGSN, 2016) which brands are engaging with their customers. Liz Cheesbrough and associate director of SCB partners call that factor as demonstrating an emotional relatability with client and brand. Taking consumers values and putting them into the brand content makes the client more loyal to the client and creates trust.

By following the findings, the focus content will be created, and the posts posted on social media will have a target customer with the following hashtags and themes which will engage with the customer by inspiring and informing. In that way, I will try to create an emotional relationship with the followers and influence them.


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To reach the client and interact with it I will use visuals and positive texts to inform, inspire and promote. In that way, I will show my work, my research findings and encourage to take actions. The content of the Instagram account will show artists, entrepreneurs, designers, creatives innovators, films, innovations and similar material which will send a positive message to the follower.Analysing the consumer’s day graph from ‘Selling Sustainability’ report (fig. 1) it is known that humans deal with 24-hour cycle and usually have basic routines in their daily life. It is stated that building daily rhythms can ensure the right message reaching the right person (Lucy Shea, 2015). The graph shows that morning and afternoon time is the best term for decision making, in that way sending the message on the social media will catch the follower’s eye and motivate to think.

Phrases to spread positivity and connect with the followers:‘highlight something cool going on the fashion industry.’‘we are in aware … beautiful work’‘At …., we love…’‘We are kicking off your weekend with…’‘Don’t despair, because that means it’s time for #SustainableFashion where we highlight something cool going on the fashion industry. Wohoo!’

Most studies in the field of visual and verbal communications have presented that using pictures to interact is increasingly higher when responding on temporally, socially or geographically themes (Amit E, Wakslak C., Trope Y., 2013). Looking at Marxist theory, it is claimed that visualisation pushes the individual to ideological view of the individual and the person promotes as a source of expression and understanding which can be related with the historical, social, political and class structures and it produces the notion of individuality (Barnard M. 2001). To express my interest and purpose of the services I will use visuals related to creativity, conscious living and branding values. To add, looking at my personality, visual expressions are essential because I love taking photographs, paint and visualise everything what I can, in that way I will be able idealise and address the message to the client.

Lucy Shea aspects of communicating sustainability are to work both visually and doing a process which includes environmental protection, economic development and social progress. Recently the investigator provided three facts which will increase the interest of sustainable message.1. Targeting. Defining a single issue not the whole concept will help the client to comprehend the word.2. Be inspiring. Show the excitement for the solution, link health, wealth, jobs, home and self-improvement.3. Make it personal and practical. Do not communicate with too precise words.

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NETWORKINGThe process of choosing and deciding the people took a long time for me. By researching other analogous Instagram accounts, I knew that I want to promote and show people who make a change (it does not matter big or small) to the fashion and creative industry.Researching on sustainability reports in WGSN I found out about a new material researcher from Lithuania (my home country), that is why I have chosen to contact her and hope that it will be easier to reach her. Luckily, she was excited about my work, and she answered my short interview with her Masters Final Major project research. I wanted to promote the work she is doing right now and show the followers that combining science with creativity is possible. The conversation with her was hot, and the doubts about myself that I had at the beginning faded away since I started talking with her. The other two brands/people that I chose to promote are second-hand clothing sellers. I think that it is essential that people reuse the old piece by making a whole campaign for it and marketing strategy. James Parkes is a sole trader dealing with ‘Stone Island’ brand vintage pieces and the brand ‘I’ll be late’ resells and creates incredible outfits inspiring consumers to be different by choosing vintage pieces. It was easy to contact them and communicate through Instagram and Facebook. Furthermore, to promote a brand who makes pieces by itself, I have chosen to support Genc 4.22 who inspired me by the exciting and pure concept and showing that being a small brand is a strong statement in the competitive market. The brand’s philosophy of being slow and making a small number of pieces that show the flexibility and simplicity which could be worn in various ways. That inspired me to make a post about the meaning and concept of the brand showing the creativity.

INSTAGRAM CONTENTName: brigitaserportfolioAbout: Inspire•Promote•Inform•Developing meaningful projects for small brands•sharing experience & interests #sustaina-bility + #creativityContent:1. The first posts will be about me and my services. Too look ecstatic and to show me the one line of 3 photos will be visual typographic information about two service packs and myself. (3 Images)2. James Parkes selling vintage clothes for men Why do you think is important what are you doing? Purpose: Talk about the importance of reselling clothes.3. Austeja Platukyte material researcher and product designer Is it important to experiment in the fashion industry? Why? What would you like to accomplish in this industry? What are you working on now? Purpose: Inform people about innovations4. Greta Jankeviciute selling vintage clothes What is your philosophy? How the name of your brand came up? Does it have any relationship with your concept? Purpose: Talk about creativity and a good idea.5. Show the research did about communicating sustainability (1 image)6. Promote ‘True Cost’ film (1 image)

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1. What is your philosophy? How did the name of your brand come up? Does it have any relationship with your concept?

Our philosophy is simple and clear. Firstly, we are keeping the “being eco” idea. We want to reduce clothing usage as much as we can. Nowadays, it is important, when people buy too many unnecessary things at the high prices. So, we are here to show you that you can look trendy and unique at an affordable price and be part of reducing consumption.

The name of the brand “I’ll be late” has two meanings. Firstly, it means that the brand is for the people who love parties, who enjoy their lives and they don’t get back home early. The second meaning is about the word LATE. It’s related to ‘late’ or ‘slow’ fashion.

Instagram post (with fig.1):

Presenting a #sustainablefashion brand which is catching everybody’s eye with a playfully enigmatic style. The brand aims to reduce the usage of clothing, and they are here to show that the consumer can look unique for an affordable price. ‘I’ll be late’ is a brand representing youth culture, freedom and joy. Greta, the creator of the brand, states that the name has two meanings. Firstly, it represents the people who usually don’t get back home early and the word ‘late’ illustrates the importance of slow fashion and being conscious that second-hand clothes will allow you to stand out in the party!

ABOUT ME AND THE SERVICES:Consulting post (with fig.2).Are you a small fashion label needing guidance on your brand identity and voice? With the ability of report writing, analysing various resources of information and critical thinking, I am offering my services to identify the issues in the business that should matter the most or a proposal of how to position yourself and have a strong message reflecting on trends and competitors.


• Pre-consultation: to see how I can work with the brand and support them;• Analysis of the brand with exploration of their core values;• Proposal: Identification of the issues which are the most important for their business and/or encompassing trends and competitors.

Let’s make a change! For booking and any queries, please contact: [email protected]

About me post (with fig.3)brigitaserportfolio Are you a small fashion label needing guidance on your brand identity and voice? With the ability of report writing, analysing different resources of information, I am offering my services to help on breaking through and advice or coach on business success reflecting on trends and competitors. Let’s work for a change!

Coaching post (with fig.4)Are you a small fashion label needing guidance on your brand identity and voice? With the ability of report writing, analysing various resources of information and critical thinking, I am offering my services to help on breaking through and advice on business success reflecting on trends and competitors.


• Either building on the consulting package, or having a 1to1 session to identify the purpose, process and the desired outcomes. • Producing a roadmap with alternative paths.• Prioritising customer agreements lay out a success plan, connect the clients with the right organisations and people if/when needed.

Let’s make a change! For booking and any queries, please contact [email protected]

fig.1 fig.2 fig.3 fig.4

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Meet @jamesparker and his sole-trading business on vintage ‘Stone Island’ garments.He states: ‘Amongst the increasingly fast pace of today’s fashion industry, I think it’s important to educate and appreciate work of previous fashion design. It’s interesting to see how archive-inspired designs have returned to current runways, such as Helmut Lang’s archive reissues and the multi-coloured revival of ‘Burberry’s’ A/W 18 collection.’ The interest of vintage pieces started when he was a young teenager and started exploring charity shops, looking for any second-hand garments that he couldn’t afford at their usual high-street price. Eventually, this developed into a personal appreciation of vintage models, materials and designs which soon opened the doors to collectors’ communities and a platform to sell his curated pieces. Stone Island has a deep history of fabric experimentation and innovation that dates back to the early 80’s, creating designs with thermo-sensitive functions, reflective sailing technologies and other unusual fabric dyeing techniques that were almost alien to the rest of the fashion industry at the time of their creation.#conciousbusiness #sustainablefashion #ecofriendlyfashion #slowfashion




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‘TRUE COST’ film (with fig.3):Inspirational film weekend: ‘True Cost’ documents the truth behind the rise of fast-fashion. It led the consumers to buy more for less and the leaders to change the value chain. To add, it shows how some of the largest companies prefer to produce cheaper not considering the consequences for the developing coun-tries. Followed by the capitalist way of thinking of increasing profits is costing them and us by reducing product cost and polluting our home. #learnsomethingnewday #beaware #sustainability #truecost #fairfashion

Genc 4.221. Why did you create this brand? What is your influencer?For me, the brand is an answer for questioning my values and longevity. The meaning of the brand (which shows in the logo as well) is four generations of women who are creatives. That is my mother, me and my two daughters. The values, which every generation has, reflects on my work creating cosmopolite, conscious and sustainable products.

Instagram post (with fig.1 and fig.2)I want to highlight something that #inspires discovering different ways to be presented in the fashion industry. Lithuanian based brand @Genc4.22 specialises in visualising the answer to their important beliefs and longevity. ‘The meaning of the brand is four generations of women who are creatives in their way. That is my mother, myself and my two daughters. The values which every generation has reflects on my work creating cosmopolite, conscious and sustainable product.’#positivevibes #inspiration #creativethinking #consciousliving #slowfashion

Note: The image have been done by me using Adobe Illustrator software.

Communicating sustainability post (with fig. 4):I am aware of small business owners asking how to drive sustainability into their projects. Traditionally, reaching the consumer and sending a message needs clarity and crisp thinking of a vision and a process. An interesting fact, which I found browsing in the UNEP and ‘Futerra’ report, is not necessary defining your message of the entire concept. Focus on a single issue.


fig.1 fig.2



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INSTAGRAM POST (with fig.1):I am proud to introduce you @austejaplatukyte, a new material researcher and a product designer who aims to expand the #recycling process of textile materials and create a new product function and appearance. ‘It is exciting to see how art works in science terms’ and she targets to find new concepts and purpose of items. Her research will offer a new way to be innovative in the design area. Why?... Because ‘make-use-dispose’ consuming model must be changed into a more effective and ecologic model which makes the products stay in the economic chain and be reused.Interested? Follow her Instagram account to watch the process. #inspiration #motivation #imaginebetter #sustainability #recycling #newmaterial #positivevibes #positivethinking

The Interview with Austeja Platukyte:‘Currently, I am working with used textile processing method, when the fabric is crushed and returned to the fibre. It is not very useful right now, because it is still difficult to recycle such fibres into the new products. Good condition clothing and other textiles can be donated and sold for re-use. The fabrics, which are not suitable to be transferred to another person, can be used as the secondary raw material and be recycled into a new material.

The use of secondary textile as the raw materials is increasing - large manufacturing companies seek to demonstrate their environmental responsibility by developing products from secondary raw materials, developing studios where designers use secondary raw materials for new products, innovative processing technologies are being developed, and higher education institutions and universities are talking and experimenting. ‘The Top Textile Innovations of 2017’, published in the ‘Sourcing Journal’, says that if the companies would not focus on innovation, they may be misunderstood. Last year, fabric manufacturing companies were successfully improving their material productivity, sustainability and technology by expanding their product lines. It is essential to experiment and look for alternatives - both new organic compounds, ‘clever yarns’ or disintegrating materials that could be the replacement of synthetic textile fabrics and recycled textile waste would generate into the new resources. Following these aspects, there is a need for cooperation between professionals from different fields to improve the development of projects to reduce the environmental and human impacts of pollution.

My current process is mostly related to Therimin’s scientific experiment, where I seek more precision in the results of my design research. I associate my experimental study with the art and science when artists collaborate with representatives of nature and science and put their laboratory knowledge. I wonder, how science can be colocated with the art or design, which is why I want to test it in my research. The current project is based on existing knowledge and methods but replaces an old concept. The purpose of experiments, examining new cases in other situations and identifying different variables are the essentials for providing opportunities and improvements in design. As a result, cooperation with representatives of science and professionals have been developed, to carry out an experimental study, based on my master’s project – to create a model of textile waste by recycling to bioplastics raw materials.

My current research on design is geared towards solving the problem as a process that develops artefacts and conducts scientific experiments to undoubtedly improve the aspects of existing textile processing technology and the functional and artistic features of a product, in this case, the material being created.

By creating innovative design solutions, I want not to follow established standards, definitions of traditional terms and the usual rules - experiment with various tools and different methods and do what the designers do not do at all in the creative process.Austeja is working on a project which would improve the recycling process of textile materials and create a new product function and aesthetic appearance. She claims that it is fascinating to see how art works in scientific terms and she aims to find new concepts and purpose of items. In that way, she is looking at the new ways to be innovative in the design area. ‘



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fig. 1

fig. 2

Analysing the design of the websites, I became interested in Brutalism movement. It is marked as a ‘ruggedness and lack of concern to look comfortable or easy’ and is a ‘reaction by a younger generation to the lightness, optimism, and frivolity of today’s Web design’. The idea of imperfection, 90’s website design and simplicity would perfectly portrait my creative expressions and show the information which I need to provide to my client.

Taking a look at web design trends for 2018 from AWWWARDS, a web design competition body which promotes the best innovative web design, there is a growing interest in experimenting with typography. It claims in the article that hero fonts and large letter sizes in paragraphs are rising and it got more ‘purpose’, not only being as a visual but ‘expressing the personality of a product while forming part of the “Voice and Tone” of the communication’ (Awwwards team, 2018).

Here (fig. 1 and fig.2) I am showing two examples which I am going to follow creating my website. I liked the concept of the first website, where the creator shows his work linking the twitter account. Taking the idea, I would like to show my Instagram account on the main page as a board of my visual work and interests and then explain my services.

The second website got my interest in typography and its simplicity. I am aiming to create a website that would not have a clean and tidy design, but it would be simple and easy to use. Playing with the typography, I am aiming to show my creativity and explain myself

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HOME PAGEShowing:Instagram account and Menu bar

ABOUTTell about myself, explain the purpose of instagram account

SERVICESTell the services I am providing

Following ‘brutalist’ web design, I need to be accurate and straightforward with the words and not to overload the website with the information.

The Home Page:The home page will present , and what I am doing, that is why I linked Instagram account. To appeal more to the client, I will put a quote about myself and questions to catch the brand’s eye. Quote:

‘Advising and consulting brands on positive change: change, that feels good for the brand, their consumer and the environment.’


Are you a small fashion label needing guidance on your brand identity and voice? With the ability of report writing, analysing different resources of information, I am offering my services to help on breaking through and advice or coach on business success reflecting on trends and competitors.

Let’s work for a change!

ABOUT PAGEOn the section ‘ABOUT’ I will explain the purpose of the Instagram account to explain why Instagram plays a leading role in my work. Also, I will introduce myself, my background.Hello,

I am Brigita Sermuksnyte.I am a creative consultant & coach focusing on sustainable solutions for small businesses and start-ups on:Market research, Strategy, Media management, Creative communication with a focus on sustainable solutions.

Instagram account explanation:

My Instagram account is a platform where I share my experiences & inspirations.

• Creative solutions;• Conscious living;• Branding values.

Why?To inspire followers To inform them about meaningful projects & stories

To promote small fashion brands & start-ups who want to bring about positive change, that feels good to the brand, consumer & the environment


My services are offered at two levels:

1. Consulting:

• Pre-consultation: to see how I can work with the brand and support them;• Analysis of the brand, exploration of their core values;• Proposal: Identification of the issues which are the most important for their business and/or encompassing trends and competitors.

2. Coaching:

Stage One:

• Either building on the consulting package, or having a 1to1 session to identify the purpose, process and the desired outcomes. • Producing a roadmap with alternative paths.Always prioritising customer needs and news to lay out a plan for success, connecting the client with the right organisations and people.

Stage Two (paying per hour):The client has the option to continue the working. The process would be by managing and guiding the client through the agreed success plan.

What is a coach?

‘The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organisation’s valuable resources’ Harvard Business Review.

Coaching targets high performance and improvement at work and usually focuses on specific skills and goals, although it may also have an impact on an individual’s attributes such as social interaction or confidence.

What is a consultant?

Consultation provides professional or expert advice in a particular field.

What is my working style?

To analyse, support and guide when it comes to creating and nurturing a profitable business.

I use report writing, analysing information from a wide range of different sources and marketing insights, tailored goal setting frameworks to create a successful strategy or/and identify the issues.

Why me?I am a dedicated, trustworthy and creative individual with the ability to adapt to different working environments; passionate explorer; efficiently address the research logically and critically with useful definitions and purpose.

Why these services?

There is a growing interest in:

Local market. Customer values and motivation is changing. They tend to look for experiences rather than materialism that is why they seem to gain experience and explanation in every purchase. (WGSN, Worth Global Style Network)

Creative era. The intention of self-expression influences the growing of creator and influencer movement. The need for innovative pursuit and the consumer expectations of experiences are getting more extensive, that is why content marketing is essential, and companies in all around the world are already looking forward to exploring advertising. It’s all about creating a creative experience and be interrupted, not a disrupter. (WGSN, Worth Global Style Network)

Slow consuming. The impact of the production chain and conscious living is growing essential in people’s lives.

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QUESTIONNAIREIt is known that idea needs to be tested. Researching different models to check the idea I found a prototyping method in website.

• Firstly, to start prototyping, the questions need to be created:The aim is to question small fashion brands about the need for the Final Major Project services and present research skills which required for the job. Following this factor, the speaking, researching and presenting skills will be examined. • Thinking of the best way to examination the prototype and make interaction with my target audience I will create an event in Lithuanian boutique, Klaipeda city. The purpose of the event will be to gather small fashion brand representatives and a little seminar about marketing and branding tendencies. During the seminar, I will present my Final Major Project idea with the description of the services.

The questionnaire aims to define a need for sustainable, ethical and conscious brands from the consumer per-spective.

The questionnaire shows that out of 81 respondents, three-quarter does not know the origin country of the shirt they are wearing today and more than a half of participants tend to pay more if they would know where the item has been made.

More than a half (65%) of the respondents are not aware of the processes involved making a shirt, and over 80% would be interested to know it.

85% of participants would change their buying decisions if they were aware of sustainable processes.

Taking everything into consideration, it is evident that the questionnaire answers proved the need for the new content and interest in the slow and fair fashion industry. To add, I found that these figures can be used for a cover letter reaching potential clients.

The purpose of the created seminar was to gather small fashion brands from Lithuania to prove that the services of my project are needed and to present:global and local consumer through my primary and secondary research, ways of communication spreading sustainable, ethical and ecologic mes-sages.

The content of the seminar:

• The theme of the seminar• Show the objectives of the seminar. Talking about my Final Major Project idea, what the listener will get from the seminar and presented the sources of analysis.• About me. Showing my experience in the research area.• Showing the tasks of the seminar. Performed the jobs of the talk. ‘To start the presentation, I will show the analysis summary of the global consumer trends and my observations of Lithuanian consumer doing work experience in Lithuania. To add I will present some ways to communicate sustainable, ecologic and ethical themes.’• Showing the differences between generations, factors. • Sustainability and ecology. Why is it important?• Explaining why is it important to talk about sustainability and why is it important to start talking about these topics. I used a new material re-searcher work to reflect facts of the fast fashion industry. Explained ques-tions like: Why is it important? Where can we start?

• Branding. Why does it matter to business? Why is one brand more appealing than other? Explaining the instincts, how a brand should speak about honesty and transparency. • Looking for a personal message. How to attract your client. Using Futerra’s ‘Selling Sustainability’ report search for value exercise ex-plained how the brand could define its authenticity. • ‘Greenwash’. Using Futerra’s ‘Selling Sustainability’ report highlight-ed main mistakes that brands are doing communicating sustainability.• List of useful links, films, talks and people. Promoted my own Insta-gram page where I put posts to inform the brands about creativity and sustainability.


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With this presentation, I made an exchange with the brands – I asked to give me the comments and fill in the feedback form about the presentation, the provided information and express their opinion about the project specialist. The idea of the Final Major Project and services were explained on the other side of the feedback form.

To test the idea of the final major project I evaluated the participant’s perception.There is an example of questions that small fashion brand representatives will be asked:

Date:The topic of the seminar:Was the provided information useful?Did you learn something new?How would you evaluate the presentation? (About the content, the speaker)Do you think that it is essential to invest in people who research and analyse trends and gives recommendations and changes to improve the business?

Analysing the finished feedback forms, the observed factors are:• Out of 15 people, seven people came. 4 representatives of the small fashion brands, three fashion industry workers. • 2 out of 7 people identified the theme of the seminar and all of them apparently understood the tasks of the upcoming presentation. That means that the proposition was clear and understandable. • All the respondents claimed that the provided information was useful and it gave new ideas.• To the question asking to evaluate the presentation, two people insisted that they needed open presentation and they noticed the speaker’s perturbation which was in the beginning. Most of the respondents claimed that the provided information was interesting to listen.• All the respondents contended that there is a growing need for the specialist working on trends, research and analysis.•I should take mentoring, pitching or coaching seminars to explore different ways of helping to improve client’s performance. Searching the means of strengthening psychology skills, I found NLP practice methodology. The critical element of NLP practice is that it works absorbing our five senses from the world around us and implements in the better performance. By taking NLP training, I would get a certificate and show the experience in psychology.

The seminar started at 4:20 pm, 2018-04-05

It has been planned that the seminar will start at 4 pm.

Firstly, there were issues with the media and projector. We were looking for a media to show the slides and we couldn’t find a place to rent it. The problem was the shortage of time.

The seminar started 20minutes later because people were still looking at the goods in the shop and we were waiting for the people that didn’t even showed up. There was a miscommunication with the brands, and some didn’t also make a notice that they are not going to show up.

At the beginning of the seminar, I was very nervous, and I didn’t put my eyes from the paper. I was kind of scared that I didn’t miss anything that is why I read everything I had.

While I was talking about the problem of polluting and over consuming clothes we started a live discussion about the nowadays facts in the world and we came with the conclusion that the consumers begin to be aware of the over-consumption. We were discussing the H&M problem with unsold clothes and why it happened. Also, we talked some points why did It happen and we came with the conclusion that consumers started noticing why they should not buy from mass companies.

After the first discussion, I felt more confident in myself, and I didn’t follow my text and gave more examples to discuss with the listeners. I wanted to engage with them more to let them understand the theme I am talking about.

The whole presentation took 40 minutes. After that, I got some live feedback that it was interesting to listen and look at the perspective of communication. I felt such a relief that people were interested in my talk.

Using the following event, I am going to analyse and apply some recommendations and conclusions where it should be improved. I will implement Gibbs (1988) investigating strategy by examining the feelings focusing on a single event.

Description: The event didn’t go as I planned. I did not have a lot of time for an event that is why till the seminar day I was still doing the slides and text, and I relied on the owners of the shop to create an event and look for a media because I was not aware of these things. It was predicted that around 15 people would come, seven showed up. Feelings: A primary concern that I noticed was that I felt a little bit apathetic to the event and my seminar because of the shortage of time and I relayed on others to reduce the pressure. At the start of the workshop, I felt disappointed in myself and very nervous presenting the talk especially when it didn’t look like a talk because I didn’t have media to show the slides. That is why we made a circle with the chairs and put the table in the middle with drinks and snacks to create a friendly atmosphere. During the talk, I understood that I am nervous and I am reading everything from the paper because of the fear to miss something. The representative of one brand started discussing with me, and I felt more relaxed and confident of what I am saying. After that the talk went smoother, I improvised more and added few examples to let people think and start another discussion. At the end of the seminar, I felt relief and happiness because I thought that I spot the problem during the seminar and pushed to another way to make a connection with the listeners. Evaluation: At first I could not see any real sight that is why it made me even more nervous. During the talk, I spotted my weakness and changed as much as possible to have a different impression of the seminar. Analysis: I have noticed that I still have lack of knowledge of different communications and public speaking. Needed to show enthusiasm and motivation to inspire other people because the seminar was mostly just for me. Conclusion: I feel the approach that I took during the talk break my negativity and had learned a right lesion how improvising is a strong point. But you should have a lot of knowledge and opinion of the different topics. To start, I would change my attitude at the start and try to connect with the people by myself to show my enthusiasm which could motivate people to come. Action Plan: I will research and read more when I can to understand the ways of communication and holding a conversation. Also, how to express my opinion. I believe that it was a definite step towards which led me to learn and not to make some mistakes when I work as a professional.


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Thinking the ways to present digital outcomes which are the main outcomes of Final Major Project idea I came up with the idea making postcards which would look as an Instagram post, showing my Instagram account and describing the services I am providing. To add I am encouraging to reuse the postcard by sending it as a message to the friend.

The final look if the website is very plain and simple. I wanted to focus on typography and word content that is why the text takes all space. By getting the feedback from the tutor, I implemented some visuals to make it less plain and empty. I think in the future I could add image gallery of my pictures showing creative and interesting brands and ideas captured with my film camera.

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Executive summary:The Final Major Project development evaluation clarifies different areas and exercises which have been done to get creative solutions in the business context. In the following paragraphs, I will present an assessment and thoughts on different aspects which need to be processed to reach the outcomes.

My Final Major Project aims to create a freelance job title, providing consulting and coaching services on strategy development, market research, media management and creative communications. The target clients for the services are small fashion brands and start-ups.

Working as an individual, I created a job role, definition and working method of two service packages. I am aiming to target a more sustainable market, that is why I am implementing sustainability and creative messages to my project idea. The current and future demands and social trends have been explored to support the identification of services and job meaning. Different job roles and working models have been investigated to create and define my working method and community which will be interested in work I am doing. To support the idea, I think it will be a small step towards sustainable life which is urgently needed for us and future generations. As Hammond C. (2017) claims, we cannot carry what we are doing now, because we are damaging ourselves and others.The chosen target audience can be presented as one of projects’ USP. The aim is to unite and engage with three types of generations and show the possible combinations of creativity and data. Millennium and Gen Z representatives appeal to visuals, but sometimes they usually have a lack of marketing knowledge, that is why I want to show information visually to catch their attention and inform. Whereas, Gen X generation people tend to struggle with visualisation and are interested in data and here I will help them to develop creativity.

Introduction:The part of the aim of the Final Major Project is to produce and analyse the development journey within prototyping results and synthesising research findings. It is known that the development plays an essential role in creating a new freelance job title and services for small fashion brands and start-ups. To develop an idea, it requires a different approach and ways of working (Design Council, 2005) and design thinking leads to a creative problem solving (Stafford L. C.). Exploring Self-Development models, a knowledge of marketing, branding and communications provided in the Southampton Solent University I will present an analysis of the live event and the journey of Final Major Project development which led to approach the idea differently using creativity.

FIG. 1

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Audience:The following attendance for the identified job role was small fashion brands and start-ups helping on market research, strategy, media management, creative communications with a focus on sustainable solutions. To implement and prove the findings of the target customer I analysed the results and created an event. It is claimed that consumer behaviour is changing and businesses are looking at the new solutions to engage with the clients, by creating emotional context, as the segmentation does not work anymore (Hammond R., 2017). Additionally, it was found that due to economic and politic events, deglobalisation is growing and consumers tend to look at local businesses because they know the producing chain, the quality and working conditions.

Communication:Following the findings of the research, it was clear that the focus of the discussion is visualisation, creativity and sustainability. On analysing myself, it was found that I am a strong communicator through visuals and that it is essential in the current online media. It was found that looking at the change of the consumer behaviour the shoppers show the willingness to know the process and impact to the environment of making and selling the item (Mintel, 2018). Additionally, the statement has been proved by analysing the questionnaire. The questionnaire has been created to define a need for sustainable, ethical and conscious brands from the consumer perspective. The results showed, that more than 80% of the respondents are interested in the life cycle of the garment they are wearing now (where the material was sourced and its global distribution, the labour transparency and the place of producing) and more than a half of the respondents would tend to pay more (+10pounds) if they knew where it was made and if it was created ethically. The summary of the findings proved that it is essential to look for new ways of engaging with the client and satisfying their curiosity. Relying on the current brands, it is vital to join with the client by creating a more honest relationship and spread the positivity, which the client could feel better not only by having the item but helping the environment. I understood that it is essential to talk about sustainability and teach small fashion brands to leave a lower carbon footprint because of its importance and growing market interest.

Website:To have an online presence (which is very important for a freelancer) and have a platform showing the services I created a site suitable for laptop and phone. Taking a look at the website development, I found it very interesting because I could express myself and apply my style which is relevant to the current trends. By attending the IT lectures with John Whalvin, I learned how to use Adobe ‘Muse’ software which allowed me to visualise the vision and the following ‘Brutalist’ style. Also, I understood the principles of the web design and how it must be implemented to look practical. I feel that evaluating the website creation I found the most challenging to learn with ‘Muse’ software, which apparently got my interest and now I am learning more by myself and had thought to work as a web designer in the future.

Freelancing: The study of the development showed that one of the primary objectives was to identify a freelance work description. The gathered data allowed to find the freelance work description and it was recognised as consultant and coach providing two service packages and working per hour with small fashion brands and start-ups.

By taking part of Solent Mentoring program, I had a chance to discuss my values with my mentor and analyse how it can be present in the workplace. The following table shows (fig.1) personal values which was applied in the working environment. It was found that working as a freelancer a person needs to be true to themselves and in that way, it will be easier to get the right clients (Logue G., 2016). By using the following values I will be right to myself, and it will be easier to get the clients.

On evaluating my development journey and research, it was clear that one of the hardest and most exciting phases is to find the clients and reach them. When attending 1to1 tutorial with Southampton Solent freelance careers consultant, it was clear that there are two ways are reaching the clients, which are: to be active and contact the clients and/or to be reactive, and wait for the clients to contact you. It could be claimed that looking back at the personal values talking openly and showing respect to the people will help me to communicate by reaching or already having the clients. Observing the interview done in semester one, the interviewer Christine Hammond (2017) claimed that it is good to have a network which would help to get regular work proposals, and following the given values it will be easier to do it. Looking at other positive factors, I find that it is possible to get a variety of clients, and al-ways work on different projects, which would be useful for stimulating my imagination.

Services:When studying the project, it was essential to clarify the length of working with one client, in contrast, to have time for other clients and get a profit. Additionally, I analysed the ways of combining sustainability with business, to solve the problems by helping the environment and satisfying the consumer. At the start of the second semester I found hard to define the purpose of the services, and by analysing the companies and freelancers again and mashing it up, I identified my description of services and the effective working way for the packages. By observing the ‘Futerra’ agency, ‘The Bucketlist bombshell’ and Dionne Elizabeth I was able to identify working and methods I acknowledged my method which combines freelance, or in other words one person’s work with the following topics, providing the most needed services. Additionally, I applied the noticed trends, that large companies are looking for the new content marketers who can produce advertising in a more creative way to get the customers who need experience attention.


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How will it work in the future?Considering the evaluation of the Final Major Project idea it could be stated that the services have the interest to grow and the hypothesis of the need has been proven by having active learning. Additionally, it is predicted that the demand will increase rapidly in the future. Consumers tend to seek more extensive experience by shopping, and it becomes an integral part of the business, helping to direct the industry and product designs. Additionally, the companies start to look for some new ways to advertise and choose new concept marketers to brand (WGSN, 2017). It is known that digital showcase goes through visuals, that is why the need for creative solutions and conscious messaging will be vitally needed. It is claimed that the fashion industry is slowly changing from ‘batch-based, data-orientated supply chain’ to more ‘flexible, iterative and data-driven’ and better analytics will directly help to have a profit (Elliot T. 2012). Following Amanda Parkes (2017) thought, that marketers and workers using social media, which is rapidly growing, need to implement their skills in the digital system.

Recommendations:Nevertheless, to improve the future few observations were highlighted. Summing up all the research and be more appealing with defined job description I could take courses and seminars to promote on pitching, mentorship and coaching. To add I found a ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’ method to improve the performance which would help me to understand how to succeed with my client. To add, I wish I would have time to explore the project on the business side by making a business plan, action plan and cash flow predictions.

To gain better trust from the clients I should at the beginning work for free or smaller price to and analyse the working path with the brand. I would recommend keeping track the brand improving after using the services and use charts and surveys to see if there was an improvement or not. Later, the positive feedback can be used promoting the services.

The outcomes:Personally, the results of the project made me happy by having an opportunity to test my developed idea and try it in real life. At the start, it was hard to identify the purpose of the services and find the USP. Throughout the development, I changed my outcomes several times because of the limitation of time, and I synthesised my findings to understand which I needed to improve the most. By having this opportunity, it was possible to follow my personality, working habits and how to combine the finding with the personality. By developing the project, I analysed pros and cons of all the aspects, and I will be ready to take more risk creating new projects or expanding the following one.

Following the Final Major Project brief, it was enquired to produce digital and physical outcomes which will represent the Final Major Project idea. As the digital outcome, I have chosen to show my Instagram account and a Website describing the services, and as a physical outcome, I am producing reusable postcards which shows essential themes of my idea - Instagram account and service description.

Instagram:To promote me and the services through the social media, an Instagram app has been created. Throughout the development of the project, two social media platforms have been chosen, Instagram and Facebook, but because of the shortage of time and the studied research, there was a more significant consideration to put more effort to Instagram account. Due to different ways of reaching the client using hashtags, tagging, Instagram storytelling and the growing usage of the app allowed me easier to achieve the clients and accomplish the aims. The chosen followers are creatives who are looking for inspiration for creating or improving their work or looking for fashion industry news. It is predicted, that within the existing followers, it could be easier to build a working network, which will be needed providing the services or looking for the potential clients. As it was stated before, my strength is to communicate through visuals, that is why I enjoyed creating content for the social media platform and try to find as much different information as possible. The used data was from my research, both primary and secondary and specialists’ thoughts which allowed me to apply my mission, which is to inform, inspire and promote the followers and the potential clients. Following analogous Instagram accounts the content was identified which are sustainability, conscious living, branding values and creativity. To connect with the readers and maintain a warm relationship, I have chosen to address the messages in the first person showing my capability to analyse and think critically, which is essential for the services. The creation of the content got me inspired, because I was researching, learning and informing the followers. However, I found it challenging to formulate the verbal message, due to the difficulty of having a second language as English and finding ways how to grab readers attention. The purpose of Instagram account creation was not based on the marketing plan, just on content creation, that is why the promotion and popularity analysis is not valid.

Seminar, action learning:It was decided that the best method to adopt for this investigation was to do a seminar to prove that the services are relevant to small fashion brands in Lithuanian and an online market, and as an exchange, I would provide my findings of communication, current consumers and how to send sustainable, ethical or ecological messages. What was not clear, was how the observed research works in reality. There was almost no research has been found about small fashion brands, that is why the location of the event has been chosen to be in my home country, because of the created network.The participants of the event claimed that the presentation skills are excellent and on looking at the reflection of the experience, it was found that I needed to improve more by understanding new ways of communicating, holding a conversation and presenting the opinion. Additionally, the feedback and attendance were compared, and the viewpoint has been created, that it is essential to have not only a degree of Communications and Marketing but next to it, there is a need of having certificates of course about coaching and mentoring. By looking at the number of people who attended, the assumption would be that my provided services do not seek professional enough and need to gain more trust from the clients. Looking at the seminar reflected analysis it was found that it is essential to be active on client research and be the first one to show the services, rather than waiting for a client to reach you. It was found through the active learning that the second way should have more proof of my working methods, success and trust which would be showed by analysing and presenting the previous clients. Therefore, the respondents approved the raised question, and it is known that they are willing to pay a specialist who can provide research and analysis on trends and the marketing needs of today and in the future.


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Interview with Christinne Hammond.

Could you introduce yourself? What is your background?

I am Christine Hammond and I currently work as a senior lecturer in Southamp-ton Solent University. I am working with different courses that are Fashion Man-agement with Marketing, Fashion Promotion and Communication and Fashion with PR. I have a background working with women’s wear fashion designers as well as previous experience freelancing for different companies and running my own businesses.

In 2009 when the big recession kicked off I was currently working as a freelance fashion designer but the company went bankrupt and I lost my job. Not only other jobs didn’t pay well I also couldn’t find the one where I could feel fully satisfied and other perspectives were less wide as few years back. After a while I started freelancing as a teacher. I took teaching training courses and specialised with over 16 years old pupils. I always wanted to work with higher education, like university level and so after a while I joined Southampton Solent University.

How could you describe the generation of students?

I would assume that these students would fall into Millennium bracket. Probably the most major thing that effects this generation is the dominance of technology. All of you grew up using computers and smartphones, whereas for us, it was difficult to communicate because the phones were usually in a public place where everybody can hear you. Also, you are growing in the world which shows the consciences of what happened in the previous generations and especially you can notice that there was a lack of care for the planet. And now, there is a global movement of people of all ages and if they care or not they are affected anyway. I think, it is becoming more and more noticing and urgent. Do you think that this ‘dominance of technology’ and social media takes part in fashion world?

It is changing and will change the fashion world. The information is more acces-sible and the pace of the world is much faster. For example, in the past when The International Fashion weeks were taking place you had to wait till the magazine will be published to see the fashion yourself. Whereas now, many brands like Burberry and Topshop are doing live feeds and you can almost be a part of it in the real time. In this way fashion became accessible for so many different people.

I think, fashion became less rarefied. For example, if you have opinion on fash-ion you don’t particularly need to be a fashion designer to communicate your opinion to other people. Now you can have an Instagram account and share your thoughts. Maybe people will be fascinated about that. Before that you needed to get famous to get people to listen to you, but now everything is much easier and you can build your own blogging platform.

Then would you agree that people are getting more creative?

Honestly, I don’t know if people are getting more creative. But now you can experiment and you don’t need to have any permission to publish your photo-graphs. It’s not as restricting and I would like to think that creative people can get even more creative and benefit more. However, I need to mention plagiarism as people have started terribly copying each other!

Do you think that online market will be more popular in the future?

Yes, I believe that it is growing. Even now it would be very strange for you not to have your own presence online. Nowadays everything goes through visuals. Me-dia platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest are the most visual and very popu-lar. Alongside people usually have a website, another great way to show yourself.

However, because of the variety of these platforms I feel that now people want to simplify its use. For example, I, I could say that I become choosy on which plat-forms to use.

Appendix A

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anymore. I think people these days think differently. They want to support themselves but it doesn’t necessarily mean they want to become ‘bigger’. What they might want is to reach their optimal size and potential and just ‘getting bigger’ produces whole range of new challenges. Small brands can focus on one part and where they are well at.

There is a good example of small clothing brand Rapanui in Isle of Wight. I worked with them in the past. They are brothers and they set the business with a very small amount to be sustainable. They got they supply chain is traceable and they been using cradle to cradle economy. They take back your worn clothes and give a credit for that. In that way, they get loyalty for original principal. They showed me what you could do with a small brand. If anyone is interested in correct principles of a small business their brand is something worth taking a look at.

What is your opinion about freelance market?

Positive side: you get variety, which is great. I enjoyed working with different brands because they had different clients, different markets. I think the only thing is that sometimes you will find someone you don’t really like working for. Depending on the company I sometimes could not use my ideas. If you are somebody that like to meet and work with different people, like challenges it is a really good place for you to work. Freelancing is a great way to meet

and work with different people. Nonetheless it can be challenging and it is not the most secure way of living and you need to be brave. One year you can earn a lot of money and next year you could make way less.

Is it complicated for you personally to find freelancing jobs?

It depends how you are. It depends what connections you have. You can get regulars if they like you and your work. However, if the economy goes down, they don’t want to hire anyone and they want to do everything by themselves. That is why you need to be very clear with your services and be specific of your packages, what you could offer to them.

How are established fashion brands within the industry trying to become more sustainable? Is there any negativity towards the topic?

I think there could be an issue with global manufacturers. Of course, you can come to those manufacturers and fix the working conditions because noth-ing substitutes visiting manufacturers itself, but sometimes the one manufac-tures can give work to other manufacturers where you don’t know the work-ing conditions and the chain continues.To add, most people think that organic cotton is amazing but it is hard to produce ethically. However, it is easier with small brands. If you really care about your people, you will take care of those people.

How could you describe current consumer behaviour towards to ethical and sustainable fashion? Are ethically produced clothes a privilege for the wealthy? (How fashion choices impact the world?)

That sense of feeling rich by having more clothes is false. I think that the market created false economy, where you can get more but sometimes we need to ask is it matter or not. First of all, we don’t think how they are made. In terms in our soul, there is nothing wrong to buy cheap clothes but you are adding to the problem, and you don’t see the deeper cost. The sellers don’t want to bring attention to human and planet cost. I think fast fashion is the biggest problem, giving the false understanding of the life of clothing and how quickly it can be thrown away. Who comes first and needs a bigger change – the consumer or the industry itself?

I think, we are individually and as a group responsible. Because of the con-sumers interest the shops will led what they are buying. If people want to car-ry on buying fast fashion there is no motivation for shops to change. H&M is very interesting example because it has and other stories and cc. But H&M is the only one who is unsustainable, where other shop collections doesn’t seem like that.

Do we need to work with unsustainable brands or against them?

We need to create an alternative. We need to give choice and we need to do in a positive way. If you make a new business appealing enough for different types/groups of people, naturally other businesses would change slightly as well. The problem with most people is that they see fashion as cheap and cheerful addition to life but they constantly miss out on the problems with the indus-try. The same with small brands.

But fast fashion is somewhat of a class issue. For many people, investing in premium clothing that is ethically made and avoiding more affordable brands isn’t financially viable. Is that a fair argument?

What small steps could improve sustainability and ethics?1. Young people under 20 working in retail earn less which I think is unfair.2. Companies could create at least one range of clothing to prevent sustainability and ethics. Small steps would work. It is the volume and the amount we buy.3. Affordable and cheap clothes that could be recycled.

I think that one way or another we cannot carry what we are doing because we are damaging ourselves and others.

Do you think fashion world needs innovators?

Always! Even those people who are commonly called ‘disrupters’. It always starts from innovation. After something becomes fashionable and stays ‘in trend’ it’s no longer held as innovation but it’s the starting point that counts. Fashion must be driven by new things, ideas and people which together disrupt what is common. Take for example rose gold. It started as a very rare and very special feature? and now mostly everything is covered with rose gold! Personally, I was never into that but one time I caught myself looking at some items that I never considered purchasing/being interested in. It wasn’t appealing colour to me but if you buy into it, so everybody else does.We always need innovators and we always need disrupters to disrupt the common way of seeing.

Do you think brands need to have their brand philosophy?

It is interesting because If you are in a big concern you need to think what values you are targeting. For example, H&M main client doesn’t necessary need to know the values. They want a fashion mix, they want to see the new trends in a accessible and affordable way. If they would care more about issues, they would look at conscious market. But H&M customer does not need that. However, if you are not fast fashion brand, I think you should have a point of view. People are looking for the set of views, the values or principles. When you get over your teens and 20s you start your first jobs. Then you earn your own money and you start to better understand the value of it. You have your own choice where to spend your money and that is where I think concept brands take part. It’s where you can find a deeper meaning. But the values must be common and need to regularly reflect the consumers. There are capitalist business models, and there is a lot of different models that it is not popular anymore. Nowadays, their (the customers) principles are your principles and that is obviously is a strength.

How do you think brands can benefit from trend forecasting? What kind of models they should follow?

There are different business models and it depends how they understand business. If we think about fast-fashion, it is very difficult and I don’t really know how they could adapt with that.If you think about middle market and Karen Millen or Fat Face I think it is much easier to change their models and be updated.

Talking about small brands it depends what they want. If they want to reach other successful huge companies, they should follow capitalist models which is all about expansion, growing and making profits.

It is commonly advised if you run a business to be big, but it is not the case

Appendix B

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manufacturing companies seek to demonstrate their environmental responsibility by developing products from secondary raw materials, developing studios where designers use secondary raw materials for new products, innovative processing technologies are being developed and higher education institutions and universities are talking and experimenting. ‘The Top Textile Innovations of 2017’, published in the ‘Sourcing Journal’, says that if the companies would not focus on innovation, they may be misunderstood. Last year, fabric manufacturing companies have been successfully improving their material productivity, sustainability and technology by expanding their product lines. It is very important to experiment and look for alternatives - both new organic compounds, ‘clever yarns’ or disintegrating materials that could be the replacement of synthetic textile fabrics and recycled textile waste would generate into the new resources. Following these aspects, there is a need of cooperation between professionals from different fields to improve the development of projects in order to reduce the environmental and human impacts of pollution.

My current process is mostly related to Therimin’s scientific experiment, where I seek more precision in the results of my design research. I associate my experimental research with the art and science, when artists collaborate with representatives of nature and science and put their laboratory knowledge. I wonder, how science can be colocated with the art or design , which is why I want to test it in my research. The current project is based on existing knowledge and methods, but replaces an old concept. The purpose of experiments, testing new cases in other situations and identifying different variables are the essentials for providing opportunities and improvements in design. As a result, cooperation with representatives of science and professionals have been developed, in order to carry out an experimental study, based on my master’s project – to create a model of textile waste by recycling to bioplastics raw materials.

My current research on design is geared towards solving the problem as a process that develops artifacts and conducts scientific experiments to clearly improve the aspects of existing textile processing technology and the functional and artistic features of a product, in this case, the material being created.

By creating innovative design solutions, I want not to follow established standards, definitions of traditional terms and the usual rules - experiment with various tools and different methods and do what the designers do not do at all in the creative process.Austeja is working on a project which would improve the recycling process of textile materials and create a new product function and artististic appearance. She claims that it is very interesting to see how art works in science terms and she aims to find new concepts and purpose of items. In that way she is looking at the new ways to be inovative in the desing area.

Interview with Austeja Platukyte, new material researcher and product designer.

Is it important to experiment in the fashion industry? Why?The clothing and textile industry, after oil, is the second largest polluter in the world. According to the European Commission, the European Union generates around 16 million tonnes of textile waste. It includes the waste of making and the made items together. Only 25% of them are used repeatedly or recycled. Consumers respond to fashion changes for both clothing and home interior design. Seasonal fashion changes mean that clothing must be very quickly replaced, which promotes the replacement and removal of a new good quality clothes. In response to the needs of the public, manufacturers are increasingly developing large quantities of low durability clothing, so experimenting with the search for new, more sustainable solutions and greener production methods are essential.

In the field of design, more and more sustainable designs have been created from secondary and recyclable materials, developing new production and waste utilization strategies that influence the product design and its modification.

Most companies and design studies are usually choosing secondary use of raw materials and adapting it in the new design production, rather than experimenting with different types of textile processing. Mechanically recycled materials reduce fabric quality and make it more difficult to adapt. For example, recycled fibers (for new products such as curtains or fabrics) and textile processing adaptation requires more time and more financial support.

In modern society, there is a developed ‘use-dispose’ linear model, which has created a ‘fast-fashion’ “consumer culture. In my opinion, that must be changed to more efficient and economical model which shows the circular economy. A similar process review is also needed for designers and manufacturers. Today’s goods should be tomorrow’s raw materials. When this happens, products with a longer lifespan will begin to be manufactured, easier to repair, recycle or reuse and finally process.

Austėja claims that ‘make-use-dispose’ consuming model must be change into more effective and ecologic which makes the products stay in the economy chain and being reused.

What would you like to accomplish in this industry? What are you working on now?Currently, I am working with used textile processing method, when the fabric is crushed and returned to the fiber. It is not very effective right now, because it is still difficult to recycle such fibers into the new products. Good condition clothing and other textiles can be donated and sold for re-use. The fabrics, that are not suitable to be transfer to another person, can be used as the secondary raw material and be recycled into a new materials.

The use of secondary textile as the raw materials is increasing - large

Appendix C

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Appendix D


SERMUKSNYTE BRIGITA, Sustainable and Ethical fashion questionnaire Available from:

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Appendix E

Feedback forms

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KOLUPAILAITE, IEVA, 2018. Seminar. authors archives

KOLUPAILAITE, IEVA, 2018. Seminar. authors archives

KOLUPAILAITE, IEVA, 2018. Seminar. authors archives

Appendix F

Pictures from the Seminar.

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Appendix G

Pictures of the idea development.

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