Page 1: Making characters move in your game without being Make

Saving your world and adding a description

Making characters speak

Making characters move in your game without beingcontrolledThis is really handy for enemies in your game. Draw a pathusing the path tool from the menu and place your enemynear the path. Then give the enemy this code:

Characters can speak for all sorts ofreasons. In a larger game, you may wantsome characters to give hints. This hut tellsyou how to jump if you bump into it.

Select the HOME tool from the menu and save your world.When you do this, you can add a description. If you wantyour description to appear every time your game is played,turn on this option in the WORLD SETTINGS. To makekeyboard symbols appear in your description, use the squarebrackets, e.g. [up] [down] [left] [right] [space].


Programming a character or object in your gameFirst select the object tool:

Right click on the character or object you want to programand select PROGRAM from the menu. Then create a line ofcode that tells the object or character what you want themto do. Remember if you don’t tell them to do something,they can’t do it!

Make your world a fun place to play in!Explore these buttons to create an exciting world for yourgame environment.


Page 2: Making characters move in your game without being Make

Controlling a character’s movement: moving aroundThis line of code will move a character when you use thearrow keys. You could use the WASD keys or any keys thatyou choose. You can tell the character to move in a specificway (e.g. really quickly or slowly) by pressing the + next tothe MOVE tile.

Controlling a character’s movement: jumpingThis line of code will make a character jump when you pressSPACE. You can use other keys and make it jump higher orlower.

Making an object disappear so that you score pointsThe code below will cause any apple you bump into todisappear. It will play a sound as you bump it and you willscore 1 point. Make sure you choose VANISH+IT (not ME)otherwise you will disappear when you bump an apple! Youwill find VANISH in the combat menu. I have chosen to score1 red point. Having coloured points means that you can domore complicated things later on but you don’t need to adda colour.


Background music in your gameAdding music to your game suddenly makes it better! It isreally easy. Just add an object, such as a tree that willalways be there (don’t choose something that will disappearat some point in your game) and add the code below.Choose the music that suits your game best.

Changing the camera angleThe code below will make sure that you play the game infirst person. You can make this more complicated bycontrolling it with keys, e.g. WHEN+KEYBOARD+1, DO+1st

PERSON and have other controls to make the camera followthe action. This gives you more control in the game.

Making the game end by winning or losingThis line of code will cause you to win when you bump thecastle.

This line of code will cause the game to end when you bumpthe cycle (an enemy).


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