Page 1: Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan ...€¦ · Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were ... Investigate new sources of income – We’ve

Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan 2020-2023

Page 2: Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan ...€¦ · Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were ... Investigate new sources of income – We’ve

The way forward

When we published The Way Ahead – Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were setting some very ambitious goals. In it we demonstrated how we were aiming to consolidate our business to ensure our future, extend our services to more people, maximise income to pay for those additional services and explore different sources of funding.I am delighted to say that now, as we publish our strategy Making Every Moment Matter for 2020-2023, we have made headway in all of these areas.John Taylor Hospice celebrates its 110th anniversary in 2020 and we are building on our impressive legacy but we are also determined to provide more care when, how and where it is needed into the future.Our staff and volunteers are working together with colleagues across end of life care, with other care providers and with supporters to ensure we achieve our mission and our vision.

Penny VenablesCEO


Page 3: Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan ...€¦ · Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were ... Investigate new sources of income – We’ve

Our mission - is to provide specialist end of life care for people living with a terminal illness and their families.

Our vision - is a compassionate and dignified death for all.

Our values - underpin all that we do:

What we have achieved

In our previous strategy we pledged to: Develop our community engagement – we’ve visited schools, attended fetes, held open days at the hospice and launched an art competition for children.Involve more local people in volunteering – we’ve hugely increased the numbers of people volunteering for the hospice and created new retail roles. We’ve also celebrated with Volunteers’ Weeks, Thank You parties and new volunteer awards.Develop new services – we relaunched our day service as the Living Well Centre with a therapeutic programme, new social groups and complementary therapies.Influence locally and nationally – our senior managers form part of the Birmingham and Solihull End of Life Oversight Group helping to shape care within Birmingham and Solihull.Develop staff – we introduced Thrive at Work, a wellbeing programme for staff, and launched our Above and Beyond staff awards which recognise teams and individuals from all areas across the charity.Extend care in the community – Our Hospice at Home service now runs extended hours and our clinical nurse specialists have almost tripled the number of patient contacts.Investigate new sources of income – We’ve opened four shops and launched a new events programme with successful events and campaigns including Sunset Walk and Big Brummie Bake.

Care for all

See the person

Be right first time

Simplify the



Page 4: Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan ...€¦ · Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were ... Investigate new sources of income – We’ve

Responding to the needs of our local population

Over the next three years we want to ensure that our services are available for all those who need them and that our hospice is financially secure. We want our patients, their families and carers to experience the highest possible standards of care and compassion from our services and for John Taylor Hospice to be a leader of best practice in end of life care. At the moment too many people are spending their last days in hospitals – our strategy aims to work with Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure that people have the very best care at the end of their life whether it be in the comfort of their own home or in our specialist Inpatient Unit here at the hospice.

In order to reach and support more people, John Taylor Hospice needs to work in partnership with other organisations including clinical commissioning groups, hospital trusts, neighbouring hospices and other charities and third sector organisations. By working together we can ensure the best care for people in Birmingham and the West Midlands as they approach the end of their lives.

The national healthcare environment will also see an increased emphasis on personalised care. John Taylor Hospice is at the forefront of providing individual care through the work we have done piloting personal health budgets. By working with partners to expand this provision, we can ensure more people can take control and make informed decisions around the care provided at the end of their lives.

The size of the population we serve is growing. Birmingham’s population is projected to increase by 146,000

(13%) over the next 20 years.

People aged 65-84 are projected to increase by 35%. People aged 85+ are expected to increase by 75% by 2035.

Birmingham54% of patients across

Birmingham and Solihull die in hospital.

The target set by the CCG is a reduction to 42% by 2020/21. Extending our reach in

the community will help achieve this.


Page 5: Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan ...€¦ · Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were ... Investigate new sources of income – We’ve

Our priorities for 2020-2023

Consolidate current business

We will continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all we do:Continue to develop and support our workforce. Our staff are central to the success of John Taylor Hospice and it is important we have the most efficient and effective teams who are fully supported by the charity.Expand our use of technology by evaluating systems already in place and looking for ways of introducing new digital technology to improve patient care.Continue to build our volunteer strategy and increase numbers of volunteers, identifying new roles and developing ways to train, develop and maximise the skills of our volunteer workforce.Undertake an estates review to investigate whether our current site is best meeting our needs and examine new ways of maximising the space.Expand brand awareness to increase knowledge of the hospice, its services and its need to fundraise.Consolidate our Board governance, continuing to attract expert and experienced trustees who can help the hospice to drive forward.Continue to work with commissioners and other partners to ensure the hospice can adapt to changes in healthcare provision. 5

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Extend clinical services

We will make clinical services available to more people who need them:Work in partnership with the aim of extending our Hospice at Home service to provide 24/7 access and round-the-clock expert palliative care in the community.Continue to build on our current partnerships to make personal health budgets more widely available for patients at end of life, offering people more control and choice.Improve care for people with dementia and people living in care homes so they have access to palliative and end of live expertise and support.Develop our wellbeing services for patients and their families.Provide ‘in-reach’ services for acute hospitals to reduce the pressure on hospital beds and provide specialist care for patients.Develop nurse-led beds in our Inpatient Unit to maximise provision and meet increased demand.Create specialist areas at the hospice to meet individual needs – these include a young persons’ room and a bariatric room.Continue to expand our non-cancer provision so we are supporting people with a range of conditions including multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Page 7: Making Every Moment Matter: Our Three-Year Strategic Plan ...€¦ · Our Three-Year Strategic Plan in January 2017 we knew we were ... Investigate new sources of income – We’ve

Maximise income

We will continue to focus on retail and fundraising:Develop our retail strategy, opening more shops, including investigating the potential of specialist stores and developing online retail.Increase income from trusts and grants to enable us to expand and improve services and facilities.Develop our events, ensuring a programme of fun and exciting events which give participants a great experience while supporting John Taylor Hospice.Increase our presence in the community and build stronger links with schools, groups and businesses while participating in community events and raising the profile of the hospice.Investigate the potential for deriving income from extending our specialist services to other organisations.Develop partnership working with other healthcare providers and charities with the potential for joint bids to run services and the possibility of reducing costs.Build on our excellent relationship with donors, ensuring a supporter journey in which people who give to the hospice feel valued and appreciated.Increase individual giving through developing the lottery and regular giving, major gift and legacy fundraising.


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We can't do it without you

John Taylor Hospice is funded by NHS income and donations from fundraisers, corporate supporters, trusts and grants, and gifts in wills. This support means we can be there for people when they need us most.If you would like to help us achieve our goals and support us in delivering the best possible care for families across Birmingham and the West Midlands you can:Donate – every pound you give helps us to provide essential care for local families. Volunteer – we’d love you to be part of our teams at the hospice, in our shops and at our fundraising events.Shop – whether you’re donating or buying items, you’re supporting us with every visit.Leave a gift in your will – and help us to be there for future generations.Find out more about how you can join us in making every moment matter for patients and families by visiting us at

John Taylor Hospice is a registered charity in England and Wales (No 1156964) and company limited by guarantee (No 08991245). Registered office: 76 Grange Road, Erdington, Birmingham B24 0DF.

76 Grange Road, B24 0DF

0121 465 2000



[email protected]


John Taylor Hospice

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