

Case study – MaMa doC MediCine

Case study

MaMa Doc MeDicine Book Launch

the american academy of Pediatrics and author

Wendy sue swanson needed a simple and cost

effective solution for spreading the news of the

launch of an evidence-based advice book called

Mama Doc Medicine. they were looking for a way

to drive awareness of the book launch, increase

purchase intent and drive online sales with a key

focus on activating dr. swanson’s large online

followers across a multitude of touch points.

The Challenge

Our Solutionthe Content Capsule offered Dr. Swanson and The AAP an innovative and cost effective solution

that distributed their complete marketing story to all digital touch points. dr.swanson was

able to develop one digital unit that contained content that was optimized to take the viewers

through a complete consumer journey of awareness, engagement and conversion. she was

then able to use this unit as the book website and core Facebook experience, but the true

benefit came via the Content Capsule’s unique embed feature. The complete marketing story

was embedded on national and local news channels, book reviewer sites, national publishers’

sites, hospital sites and personal blogs all via a simple copy and paste of an embed code.

Case study

MaMa Doc MeDicine Book Launch

the Content Capsule turned dr.swansons’ followers and enthusiasts into a marketing engine by giving them

a unit they could embed on their properties enabling consumers to go deep into the consideration path. the

Capsule featured: an overview video by dr.swanson, access to a free excerpt of Mama Doc Medicine, video

examples of advice from dr.swanson , downloadable infographics, video excerpts of dr. swanson on nBC.

and most importantly, once

a consumer moved past

consideration and was ready to

purchase, the Content Capsule

contained direct links to

purchase the book on amazon.

the Capsule also tracked and measured

every embed, click, video view and download,

allowing dr.swanson to see what video, tip

or piece of advice was truly resonating with

her audience and letting her update the

Capsule content on the fly everywhere it’s

been embedded. these real-time insights also

let her tailor her story during interviews to

align with what book excerpts and advice was

resonating best with her target audience.

Case study

MaMa Doc MeDicine Book Launch

the Resultsthe aaP and dr. swanson were able to create a complete digital

marketing campaign with one highly interactive and sharable creative

unit. the Content Capsule served as an dr. swanson’s website, a social

media solution, a unique media relations tool and a highly interactive

partner website and key influencer marketing tool.

One turnkey solution for all digital channels at a fraction

of the cost of a microsite and delivered in a matter of days.

the Mama doc Content Capsule was embedded on several key sites,

such as,,,

as well as over 30 blogger and book review sites.

Case study

MaMa Doc MeDicine Book Launch

experience the live Content Capsule Click on the links below

• Mama doc website

• Partner site

• KtVB news outlet

• Blog

• Facebook tab

to schedule a live demo call us at (212) 612-1516. contentcapSuLe.coM | copyright© 2014 nextworkS

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