Page 1: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


ProviderManaged Service






WannaCry, NotPetya & Adylkuzz

The Cyber Threat

Crisis Explained

Page 2: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


MarketNow is our way of empowering and enabling IT Service Providers to go to market faster and easier with Datto products and solutions. The goal is to help you grow your business by giving you the tools and resources you need to reach the right customer, at the right time, with the right message. What’s Included:

• Launch lead generation campaigns and nurture leads

• Boost your web and social media presence

• Cobrand collateral for a custom look

• Manage contacts and leads

• Analyse your marketing results

u�Learn more about MarketNow at

Co-branded Collateral: Fully co-branded eBooks, emails, and more in just a few clicks

A powerful marketing platform available to all Datto Partners

Page 3: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

CONTENTSProviderManaged Service

News: Whats Been Going On?

The Cyber Crisis Explained

Lead Generation Q&A

Highlights From DattoCon Denver

Reading Buses Keep Rolling With Datto

Tech Talk with Tim Jeffcoat

10 Highlights From DattoCon Denver

We’ll take a look back at June’s DattoCon Denver, give you an insight into what you can expect from our new product launches and when they will be available. We will also recap our guest speaker sessions brought to you by Adam Savage & Jamie Hyneman from MythBusters.

Total Data Protectionby Datto EMEA, Managing Director: Andrew Stuart

In order to stay on top, Managed Service Providers must constantly adapt. With threats coming in all shapes and sizes, Total Data Protection is no longer simply backing up files. It is now more crucial than ever that Ransomware protection and SaaS protection is included in any apporach to stop businesses coming under threat. Datto has the solution. In this issue we will take a look at the Ransomware epidemic, our recent Datto conference and give you an insight into our partner, Complete I.T.’s recent success story.

ANDREW STUART Managing Director, EMEA

To find out more information about Datto visit a question? Email: [email protected]

Join the Conversation










Upcoming: DattoCon London

Page 4: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

The UK Department for Culture, Media & Sport have

released a Cyber Security Breaches Survey for 2017. It’s

an uncomfortable read, citing that 46% of ‘all British

businesses have identified at least one cyber security

breach or attack in the last twelve months’.

Despite the government’s best efforts to educate and

motivate businesses, 33% of all UK businesses didn’t

invest a penny in cyber security during 2016.

Two in ten believe that they have ‘nothing worth

breaching’. This mentality is strongest among ‘micro

businesses’ (with fewer than 10 employees and a

turnover of less than €2m). One even commented,

“We’re not in danger. We don’t have anything of value.”

Unfortunately, this isn’t true at all - all SMEs are

targets of cybercrime.

Larger firms (with more than 250 employees) are most

at risk, with 68% affected. Those breaches also incur

the largest cost, at £19,600. Nevertheless, small or

micro firms can’t rest easy - the average damage is

still £1,380!

In short reliable backups are the only sure-fire way to

protect a business from cybercrime-related downtime.

Almost Half of British Businesses are Victims of CybercrimeAuthor: Sarah Roberts Publish Date: Apr 24, 2017



Microsoft has issued a patch to fix a major bug.

According to security experts, the bug is considered

“crazy bad” and may be amongst the worst flaws in

recent history.

The patch fixes a bug in Microsoft’s anti-virus

scanner which could allow hackers to remotely

control Windows computers. According to ZDNet, the

vulnerability could allow hackers to install or delete

programs, steal sensitive information, create new

accounts with full user rights, and download additional


To make matters even worse, it doesn’t even require

users to open or download any attachments.

Instead, the vulnerability is triggered by sending an

email, through malicious website visits, or instant


Microsoft is rolling the patch out automatically over

the next 48 hours (May 10th & 11th), but users can

manually download it if they do not want to wait.

Microsoft’s “Crazy Bad” Bug: What Does It Mean for You?Author: Chris Brunau Publish Date: May 10, 2017


Page 5: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

ProviderManaged Service


The latest worldwide outbreak of ransomware works

just like the WannaCry epidemic from early May.

Unpatched versions of Windows are open to the

ETERNALBLUE exploit, which then delivers a payload

like the Petya malware from last year. This latest

variant is called...NotPetya, interestingly. Petya and

its variants lock up the Master File Table (MFT) of your

computer, making it unable to boot unless you pay a

ransom. The instructions are posted as a BIOS-like

screen and shows you how to pay. Don’t do it. If you

do, you will paint a red bullseye on your back to cyber

criminals, just like the South Korean firms that shelled

out roughly $1 million in Bitcoin. Don’t become a


If you don’t have a way to quickly restore data, you are

dead in the water.

Datto Continuity devices have the ability to detect if

ransomware is likely seen after a production machine

has backed up. If you have a Datto Continuity device,

then you can start the recovery process to get your

operations back up and running.

There have been reports that the payload that is being

used in the most recent attacks also includes a Trojan

called Loki Bot. Loki Bot is used to gather passwords

from numerous different sources like FTP and SSH

clients as well as web browsers. As such, following

an infection, it would be wise to enforce a password

change across users.

I cannot stress enough the need for a continuity

solution and recent news reports bear fruit to that


Ransomware Outbreak Locks Your Entire ComputerAuthor: Henry Washburn Publish Date: June 27, 2017

What are 140 characters worth to you? Most likely,

more than you think. According to Market Probe

International, 72 percent of followers were more

likely to make a purchase after engaging with a

brand on Twitter. When taking into account just how

popular Twitter has become among consumers, those

140 characters can become quite valuable to your


Some of the most successful Twitter accounts out

there right now might shock you. In this Hubspot

article, you’ll find a toilet paper manufacturer listed

alongside a B2B technical support company as some

of the most successful profiles. Their secret? They’ve

built a unique voice that resonates with their audience

and keeps them engaged. As a managed service

provider, you can definitely do the same.

- First up, create your profile. Here are some quick tips:

- Create a handle that includes your company name.

- Your profile picture should be your company logo.

- Be creative with your cover photo, but make it relatable to

your brand. Check out Datto’s profile as an example.

- Include a link to your website in your bio.

- Start following some small business profiles.

- Start following some industry influencer profiles.

To learn more about all things social media, including

more tips for Twitter, Facebook, and more, download

our eBook: Social Media Made MSPeasy.

Social Media Made MSPeasy: Quick Tips for TwitterAuthor: Chris Brunau Publish Date: May 10, 2017


Page 6: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


In May 2017 both WannaCry and Adylkuzz encrypted computer systems across the globe and Petya (also called NotPetya) struck in late June. Are you one of the lucky ones who managed to avoid this? Businesses

such as the NHS, WPP and Honda suffered greatly and quickly became global news. They are now looking for new ways to secure their data. As an IT Service Provider, you know Ransomware has been hitting the headlines for many years now, not just recently. You will also be aware of the ever-growing responsibility you face to stop outbreaks happening and reducing your clients’ downtime. The last thing your clients need is for their computer systems being held to ransom. So just how bad was WannaCry and what’s the new threat facing IT service providers?

WannaCry, NotPetya & Adylkuzz

The Cyber Threat

Crisis Explained

Page 7: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


WannaCry, NotPetya & Adylkuzz

The Cyber Threat

Crisis Explained

Page 8: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has



The day you will remember as the

biggest Ransomware attack, infecting

businesses on a global scale! With over

200,000 reports of infected computer

systems, car parking machines and even

washing machines across 150 countries,

it was an attack like we have never seen

before. However in late June we see

“Petya” also called “NotPetya” strike and

cause simiar damage across the world.

Companies such as the NHS, Renault,

Nissan and FedEx were hit by WannaCry

and as we now know faced a huge

amount of downtime costing millions.

In the case of the NHS, hospitals

across England and Scotland were

forced to cancel surgeries, rearrange

appointments and patients were asked

not to call unless it was an emergency.


The rapid spread of WannaCry would

suggest that the people behind the

attack made a huge profit. However, this

was not the case and the total is much

less than you might think. Upon infection

the Ransomware demanded £230 to be

paid in Bitcoin and doubled after 3 days.

The total as of the end of May stood at

just over £70,000. This is not all from

those who were hacked. It has been

suggested that researchers were

invegisating the malware, making small

payments of under £20 in an attempt to

reclaim their files.

However was this just the start of

something bigger? Well in short... Yes!


27th June Petya became global news by

attacking companies in various countries,

including England, Ukraine, India, the

Netherlands, Spain, and Denmark.

Although it was initially believed to

be a new form of Petya ransomware,

researchers have determined it is an

entirely new strain of ransomware

dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

affected shipping giant, Maersk, as well

as the radiation monitoring systems at

the site of the Chernobyl disaster. Other

industries impacted in Ukraine, include

power grid companies, banks, the postal

service, media outlets, and cell providers.

Experts say the attack may be

functioning like the recent WannaCry

attacks that wreaked havoc last month.

However, they warn this attack may have

a larger impact than WannaCry. Instead

of only locking certain files, Petya will

lock the entire disk, potentially rendering

it useless.


Now I bet that you have been inundated

with calls around WannaCry since that

Friday in May. However, odds are that

even this next threat might have passed

you by.

Shortly after the initial WannaCry attack,

a new threat came to light, Adylkuzz.

Now, Adylkuzz is the silent assassin of

the CyberSecurity world. It quietly creeps

into your computer system behind the

scenes and the scary bit, you do not need

to click or open anything in order for it to

infect your clients’ systems.

Adylkuzz is more of a parasite than

a virus as it quietly feeds off the

computer’s energy and downloads a

series of commands in order to create

Monteros, a cryptocurrency which

is similar to Bitcoin. Hundreds and

thousands of pounds are then generated

and the hackers receive every last penny.

Unlike WannaCry and NotPetya, Adylkuzz

harvests computers, turning them into

a ‘mine’. This slows down the machines,

creates performance issues, and in time

can cause system failures. Adylkuzz links

the infected computers to a blockchain

network. Their memory is used for the

mining process which most users will

be oblivious to. Any money made from

the process is sent straight to the

ransomware writers.

It has servers around the world

scanning computers to find those with

vulnerabilities, mostly systems which

don’t have the latest Microsoft patches

installed. The most recent reports also

suggest that Adylkuzz has made a huge

profit in comparison to WannaCry.

The recent attacks have reminded us all

that threats to our computer systems

continue to be an on going problem

with no end in sight. As our IT industry

develops, the amount of malware

encrypting our machines will continue to

rise and the threat will always be growing

for your clients.

Having anti-virus installed amongst other

layers of security is a great first step but

it won’t always protect your machines

from these malicious viruses. It’s vital

that your clients know this and that you

are able to provide them with a solution.

An uninfected backup of your data

offers the only real protection from

Ransomware. If you know your data is

backed up, you can restore and carry

on as normal. The real difference

with a Datto solution versus normal

backup is the restoration side. Being

able to recover in seconds is the key to

eliminating downtime.


Cryptolocker: Ransomware has been

around in some form for over a decade,

but came to prominence in 2013, with

the rise of the original CryptoLocker

malware. While the original was shut

down in 2014, the approach has been

widely copied. So much so, in fact, that

the word CryptoLocker has become

nearly synonymous with Ransomware.

Page 9: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


Jigsaw: Jigsaw encrypts then progressively deletes

files until a ransom is paid. The Ransomware deletes

a single file after the first hour, then deletes more

and more per hour until the 72 hour mark, when all

remaining files are deleted.

Locky: Locky is typically spread via an email message

disguised as an invoice. When opened, the invoice

is scrambled, and the victim is instructed to enable

macros to read the document. When macros are

enabled, Locky begins encrypting a large array of file

types using AES encryption. The spam campaigns

spreading Locky are operating on a massive scale.

One company reported blocking 5 million emails

associated with Locky campaigns over the course of

two days.


Phishing: An email designed to impersonate a real

system and organisation. These emails often appear

to be from the government or a major corporation and

can include logos and branding.

Baiting: Baiting involves offering something enticing

to an end user in exchange for private data. The “bait”

comes in many forms, both digital, such as a music or

movie download on a peer-to-peer site, and physical,

such as a corporate branded flash drive labelled

“Executive Salary Summary Q3 2016” that is left out

on a desk for an end user to find. Once the bait is

downloaded or used, malicious software is delivered

directly into the end users system and the hacker is

able to get to work.

Quid Pro Quo: Similar to baiting, quid pro quo involves

a request for the exchange of private data but for a


Pretexting: A hacker impersonates a co-worker or a

figure of authority within the company in order to gain

access to private data.

Tailgating: Is when an unauthorised person physically

follows an employee into a restricted corporate area or

system - normally by donning a high-vis!

Malvertising: Hackers will insert code into a legitimate

site which redirects unsuspecting users to their

malicious site. In 2015, Google received over 100,000

complaints from Chrome users.

HOW TO ENSURE RANSOMWARE PROTECTION As an IT Service Provider are you equipped to deal with the threat of Ransomare? What if you had a device that could detect Ransomware?

Datto has the solution!

Our devices take snapshots of your data at regular intervals and store the information in our secured cloud or local location. This means you will be able to detect and stop Ransomware before it has a chance to encrypt an entire network!

No ransom, no downtime, no problem.

Don’t pay the ransom. This does not guarantee that you will get your data back and flags you as easy prey!

Backup your data! Taking regular backups is your ultimate line of defence.

Don’t open an email attachment if you are not expecting one.

Take the time to educate your employees! Thorough Cyber Security training could save you a lot of time and money!

Don’t ignore software updates. As well as ensuring your software is running smoothly, they also contain important security updates!

Look for decryption keys. If you become infected and don’t have a valid backup, websites such as No More Ransom publish decryption keys.

Don’t rely on your anti-virus. This will not always stop Ransomware infecting your computer. Our recent poll discovered that 92% of victims still had anti-virus installed!













Page 10: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

When is comes to email marketing, do you recommend buying a list? If you choose to purchase a list you need to look at the type of list you are going to get. Companies who are selling cheap data might not necessarily be selling good data. Quality data might be more expensive, however this will be more beneficial to your company. You need to decide which businesses you want to target and in which area. The size of the company will affect the message you are trying to communicate and of course who you deliver it to.

Once the email has been sent, when would you recommend doing the call outs? After the email has been sent it is a good idea to leave a 48 hour window before calling the ‘customer’. You might want to look into who has clicked and opened the email so you can do a little research on the company before calling.

Where is the best place to find email addresses to start marketing? Do you specialise in a particular area? If so you will want to buy a database. You will need to think about the businesses you want to

Jessica Symondson

Marketing Manager Complete I.T. Ltd

One of the areas we focus on is educating our clients and prospects around protecting their data and disaster recovery through blogs, quarterly newsletters, email nurture campaigns and podcasts. We plan a number of informal client events that are co-sponsored by Datto, these give us an opportunity to introduce our clients to Datto and discuss their needs. We also put on quarterly seminars that are aimed at prospects and clients and are focused on various key areas that they need to be aware of with speakers from Datto and CIT.




JOIN THE CLUB Datto is a channel-focused vendor

and we put our partners first. Our new

Partner Program aims to engage,

empower and motivate.

target and their location. If you want to market to your local area make sure the database covers a certain radius.

LinkedIn and Google searches are a great tools to use when gathering prospect data.

Is email marketing the best lead generation activity?

There are many ways to engage with new prospects other than sending out emails. Events are great for networking and get people all together in one room. You can either organise a company event, or look out for what other businesses are doing in your local area.

Social media is another great platform to use. You can run campaigns on LinkedIn and Facebook and communicate with your prospects via Twitter to advertise. Your social media presence will enable your campaigns to reach a wider audience finding those who are not on your database, expanding your brand awareness.

Although it might seem old fashioned, postcard mailing is another useful and overlooked tactic. So many people are inundated with emails, receiving post can actually be a nice surprise!

We take a look back at April 2017’s lead generation webinar run by Julie Mitchell and Kerrie Featherstone. Below are a few of the most frequently asked questions from people looking to improve their lead generation and grow their business.

LEAD GENERATION Q&A ProviderManaged Service

Page 11: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

Of all the channel events I have personally attended this was hands down my favourite, and was extremely successful. This event deepened my respect and love for Datto.

Hilton Metropole 225 Edgware Rd, London W2 1JU 23 - 24 October 2017

DattoCon is back in Europe! Join 350+ Managed Service Providers to discover new products, new ideas

and become part of the best MSP Conference in Europe!

Find out more:

Tom Sopwith, Direct of Partner Success, IT Glue

The DattoCon event in London is a worthwhile

investment - it’s an opportunity to learn the lastest

developments in data backup & business


Owner,The Final Step

Page 12: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


We dive into the latest product launches & services updates all focused on helping MSPs to grow and increase profitability.

Datto attracted more than 1,000 Partners to 2017’s DattoCon in Denver!

Page 13: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has



This year’s DattoCon was our biggest ever and it’s now

one of the world’s biggest MSP focused events. Over

1000 Datto Partners attended and saw the exciting new

range of products and service upgrades to our business

continuity and SaaS protection product lines.

CEO Austin McChord announced Datto’s latest market

leading solutions during his keynote presentation which

focused on product innovation, performance and ease of

management for Partners. Austin highlighted how Datto’s

technology provides MSPs with the most innovative

managed service solutions targeting small-to-medium

businesses (SMBs).

The new updates include an expansion to Datto’s flagship

all-flash SIRIS 3X line, an all new ALTO 3 device targeting

smaller environments, a new architecture for Datto SaaS

Protection services and significant enhancements to

Datto’s Partner Portal.


With Datto already providing some of the most

comprehensive BDR products available, including devices

ranging from 500GB to 120TB. We have taken another big

step forward with updates to both our SIRIS and ALTO

products, as well as launching the completely new SIRIS

3X4 Professional line which is offered as a 4, 8 and 12 TB

RAID SSD with a 1U rack-mounted server option and a

new 4 TB desktop S3X4 model.

But thats not all. Datto’s most popular device, the ALTO,

also received a makeover with new hardware and an



The new ALTO 3 offers double the performance for local,

Cloud-based backup and restore than its predecessor

and is still available with no upfront charge.

Updated SIRIS 3 software includes a new Fast Failback™

feature that allows MSPs to spin-up a virtual machine

(VM) with a “rescue agent”. This agent forks the initial

backup chain, providing restore from any agent recovery

point, while requiring significantly less space than

alternative solutions, returning business to normal

operation faster than competitive alternatives.

In addition to reducing business downtime, SIRIS 3 now

provides hardware independent restore on virtualization,

additional Cloud VHDX exports and an improved setup

process all designed to be the most reliable BCDR on the


Page 14: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

Denver International Airport (DEN),

is the most on-time airport in the

United States.




In addition to new products, features and

service updates we also announced the

official launch of our global marketing

automation platform, MarketNow. Available

for free to all Datto MSPs, MarketNow

enables partners to utilise pre-written

content to create campaigns, social media

posts, web pages and branded collateral.

Powered by MindMatrix, the platform does

not require extensive training, nor extensive

marketing experience. Since the initial

launch in March, the platform has been used

by over 1600 Datto Partners across the globe.


Bringing it all together is the Datto Partner

Portal, which allows the company’s MSP

Partners to purchase, educate, manage

and market products all in one location.

Several new dashboards were announced

and are now available, including a device

status ‘compressed’ view, SaaS status page

and mobile status page - ensuring Datto’s

partners always have the most relevant

information at their fingertips.

Carya Group (EMEA), PowerNet IT

Solutions (ANZ), SWK Technologies,

Inc. (US), and Sysgen Solutions

Group (CAN): These Partners are

true advocates for Datto and have

contributed significantly to our




Located one mile above sea-level,

Denver is nicknamed the “Mile

High City”.


Denver has 300 days of annual

sunshine, more annual hours of

sun than San Diego or Miami.

300 DAYS

We have to choose the best of the best for back up and disaster recovery. You never know when you are going to hit a disaster and then you need a machine that just does the trick to recover all of the data.





“ “Verteks and Dynamic Business

Technologies: This award recognizes

Partners who are blasing the path

for Datto as we continue our rapid



Invenio IT found an innovative way

to promote the value of business

continuity and disaster recovery

(BCDR) to a specific vertical.


RCC PC Support, Intellicomp,

Contegix, Aldridge, and Kilpatrick

IT : This award recognises active

Partners who have been with Datto

since our early days and have

maintained Premier or Elite status in

our Partner Plus Program.


Page 15: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has


87% 73%27%

15%report customers who have suffered a ransomware attack

of which reported multiple attacks in one day

reported eleven or more customers had become victim to ransomware

22% of respondents were forced to pay up

With a backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solution, 97% of small businesses could recover from ransomware. Without BDR, only 68% could recover.

90% of those infected had Anti Virus installed

report more than one customer who have experienced attacks

According to nearly 100% of IT service providers surveyed, ransomware attacks against small businesses are becoming more frequent, a trend that will continue over the next 2 years.

Source: Datto’s 2016 Ransomware Report, with survey findings gathered from 1,100 IT service providers in Europe and the US.

89% Report Cryptolocker, 41% Report Locky

To learn more about ransomware and how to protect your business, visit today.

49% Claim the source is spam mail

39% Blame lack of awarenessOnly 4.3% of infected companies had implemented cyber training

62% experienced business-threatening downtime

47% of businesses lost data as a result of ransomware!

Page 16: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

Complete I.T. (CIT) are a Managed

Service Provider based in

Buckinghamshire, with 5 other offices

in the UK. They have a wide range of

clients, from 2 users to 250, spanning

across all industries. As a result, CIT

are aware that businesses of all shapes

and sizes can be hurt by downtime -

and make it a prerogative to keep their

clients running.

One of those businesses is Reading

Buses, which provides a 24/7 service

for the inhabitants, workers and visitors

of one of the UK’s largest towns. With

over 150 buses and over 400 drivers

to co-ordinate, the control team face

a complicated ‘jigsaw’ of routes and

rotas which they need to put together.

Staff use sophisticated industry-

specific software to plan who drives

where and when.

Plus, every single mile of operation

needs to be accounted for and reported

to the Traffic Commissioner for

auditing. Any errors can result in fines,

or worse. With Datto, there’s no risk of

a file disappearing due to accidental


Reading Buses works as proactively

as they can, so rotas are created well

in advance. Nevertheless, even a few

hours of downtime would cause a

knock-on effect which would seriously

cost them, and affect the SLAs they

have with their Partners.

One consistent bump in the road has

been Ransomware. Although Reading

Buses has anti-virus, the hackers are

often ahead of the game and know how

to work their way through.


Reading Buses Keep Rolling With Datto!

SUCCESS STORY ProviderManaged Service



IT Manager Reading Buses

Page 17: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

Reading Buses can’t disregard emails from unknown senders as they

receive many enquiries from their customers and suppliers.

Therefore, CIT proposed Datto, which uses Hybrid Cloud Technology.

This duplicates Reading Buses’ data to both the Datto Cloud and

an on-site device every fifteen minutes. Plus, Datto only backs up

what’s changed (a technology called ‘Inverse Chain’) so there’s no

strain on their connection.

Datto proved its worth last year when a Ransomware strain called

‘Locky’ threatened to put the brakes on operations. Arriving as an

email attachment, Locky quickly encrypted not only the user’s

machine, but also all shared locations that the user had access to.

With Datto, it was easy for CIT to locate the infected files, delete

them, and restore the files from the backup without affecting

Reading Buses.

‘Our customers aren’t affected, we don’t lose revenue, and our

reputation is safe,’ said Mark Price, Reading Buses’ IT Manager, ‘Datto

restores systems and data very quickly and also eradicates the need

for any running around retrieving backup tapes, too.”

Initially, only their critical systems – which included scheduling

applications - were backed up by Datto, but Mark saw the benefit

of a consolidated system. ‘We wanted to upgrade and bring all of

our backup technologies into one.’ Reading Buses upgraded their

device to a Datto SIRIS 3 6000 – which offers 6TB of storage. Now, all

aspects of the business, such as vehicle maintenance and Payroll,

are safe.

And a Disaster Recovery Plan isn’t a plan until it’s been tested and

proven. That’s why Complete I.T. and Reading Buses run a full DR Test

every six months.

Reading Buses orginally used Datto to back up its critical systems,

however, it has since upgraded its data protection service and Datto

now protect all aspects of the business.




Complete I.T. (CIT)

Based in Buckinghamshire, with 5 other offices in the UK


Telephone: 01628 552860

Email: [email protected]



able to offer their customers data

geo-replication. Find out how this

solved their data protection and

distaster recovery plan issues.


WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY GETS A CLEAN SLATEFind out how Datto were able to put a

stop to the ongoing issues Wastecycle

were having with their previous

backup service. With the help of PKF

Cooper Parry IT Solutions and Datto,

Wastecycle no longer fear downtime.

HOW A RETAILER REDUCED DOWNTIME BY 95%From an archaic tape system, to a

collapsed melted server, find out why

Mandarin Stone think their Datto is an

invaluable solution which they know

they can trust.

LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE!Find out how Datto prevented lightning

affecting Custom Assemblies twice.

How their Datto worked just fine after

both lightning strikes, and why they are

thankful for a true disaster recovery


Page 18: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

We have clients who use Microsoft Office 365 for their email doesn’t that mean I don’t need backups?

While Office 365 represents a highly stable and resilient platform from which you can run a number of essential services, it still doesn’t provide long-term protection from accidental data loss. Datto’s Cloud-to-Cloud protection for SaaS applications like Office 365 gives users protection when someone accidentally deletes or overwrites a file, and makes sure that business-critical cloud information isn’t tied to the person who created it. It also gives users more flexibility when employees leave the company, providing options to archive their account to a secure location separate from Microsoft’s Cloud platform.

What happens if my clients business data grows faster than anticipated, and I no longer have enough storage space to keep backups?

It’s often difficult to predict how your data will grow over time. With a Datto solution, it’s easy to scale your backup and business continuity as your clients grow. Datto appliances can be field-upgraded to add more storage capacity, and we also have an easy upgrade path to larger-capacity form factors. Both of these types of upgrade are non-disruptive, and don’t involve downtime for the backup and business continuity service provided. 

Another benefit of Datto’s solution is our Cloud, which gives you infinitely scalable disaster recovery. It’s clearly important to try and size up a backup and business continuity solution to take into account future growth, but Datto’s straight forward approach gives you peace of mind when it comes to upgrading further down the line.

Can datto protect old operating systems like Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP?

We’d obviously recommend that, where possible, you plan a migration to newer operating systems with better levels of support! But for some of your clients with custom applications or environments, this may not be possible, and it’s also important to be able to protect such systems while migration projects are undertaken. Datto’s Windows Agent is compatible with all versions of Microsoft Windows from XP/2003 onwards, and Datto is also compatible with ShadowSnap agents for Windows 2000 and NT. This enables you to capture full snapshot-based backups of your clients older environments, before or during a migration project.

Data is sensitive; how can I make sure it stays secure while being backed up?

Data security is a fundamental part of Datto’s backup and business continuity solutions. Whenever data leaves an on-premise Datto appliance (for instance when being sent to the Datto Cloud), it is transmitted via an SSL connection and encrypted with 256-bit AES protocols. Datto’s Cloud data centres are PCI-DSS 3.0 Certified for Managed Hosting Colocation, and operated in compliance with SOC 1 TYPE II ISAE 3402 standards. Datto also has features to enable per-server end-to-end encryption, giving you the ability to provide and manage your own encryption keys for complete security.


Our Sales Engineers are on the front line when it comes to questions and enquiries! Here are a few of our most frequently asked, answered by Timothy Jeffcoat.

The Datto Solutions Engineers’ Youtube Channel has a wealth of walkthroughs and video tutorials.


TECH TALK ProviderManaged Service


Page 19: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

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Useful Sales Tools

Page 20: Managed Service Provider - Datto · be a new form of Petya ransomware, researchers have determined it is an entirely new strain of ransomware dubbed “NotPetya”. The attack has

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