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Strategic Planning:Strategic plans are designed with the entire organization in mind and begin with an organization's mission. Top-level managers, such as CEOs or presidents, will design and execute strategic plans to desired future and long-term goals of the organization. Strategic plans look ahead to where the organization wants to be in three, five, even ten years.Tactical Planning:The tactical plan describes the tactics the organization plans to use to achieve the ambitions outlined in the strategic plan. It is a short range, with a scope of less than one year, low-level document that breaks down the broader mission statements into smaller, actionable chunks. If the strategic plan is a response to What? the tactical plan responds to How?Operational Planning:The operational plan describes the day to day running of the company. They are the plans that are made by frontline, or low-level, managers. The operational plans are used to achieve the tactical goals within a realistic timeframe. This plan is highly specific with an emphasis on short-term objectives. Increase sales to 150 units/day, or hire 50 new employees are both examples of operational plan objectives.

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