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Management ROAD MAPS

Frame Work of practices

Dr.Dehgan MahmoodBy

Definition & Concept


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I d e n t i fi c a t i o n o f b o o k


Frame Work of practices - Definition & Concept Vol.1

By : Dr.Dehgan Mahmood

• Cover Designed By Zahra & Fatimah Dehgan

• Copyright © 2015, By Dr.Dehgan Mahmood

• Published By

• e-mail: [email protected]

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Dr. Dehgan Mahmood

PhD: Industrial Development & Management

Practices Professor of University in Tehran – Iran

[email protected] +98-912-318-3916

Today not every one but some from some one want to kwon future where could not have pathway and real teacher ; to design own future road map’s .So did not deeply tried. But if try may could find pathfinder methods to see thousand years beyond. From now try and care about your future way.

Call your self then beup

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Be Remember :

  THE FUTUER PULL & PUSH LEADER= Is the way of self promoting

acceptance by getting energy from mine sources online and real believe

and manage believes whit out any hesitation. We know that; every one

before writhing any thing or any dialogs , he friendly makes storming by

God, and know that he can not say any thing wrong. We know that; the

person doesn't have license to drive we never give him any keys of doing

We know that; by self implementing and operating could be push to

exercise and to get best practices by hart . If Age as guidelines of

Experience & Experience as guidelines of Age so Age will be as a

guidelines of Age & Experience as guidelines of Experience; But

remember Focal Focus Point expert our Experience what will happens in

the near future process and other future millstones. If instead of B to B

we sift to ; Be To Be to create worth to Be what will happens. Be to Be

Leaven to other Designer & trainer boosts Driver & leadership promoter

Knowledge of creating Being worth technology Peck up duty approach

Cluster builder Convener Be To Be Model which we call Besayagemen.


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Yo u c a n fi n d i n

Subjects Page No:

Introduction 6What Is Definition 7Road-Map-Roadmap-Milestones 12Milestones 17Microsoft Solutions Framework 26

Architecture 38Dimension 44Direction 48Module 56Measurement 59Performance Measurement Process


Model Description 76Metric 77Structure 90Angle 94Pyramid 101Diamond System & Strategy 114Cube 126Matrix 131Style 134Building 135

Subjects Page No:

Model 141Puzzle 157Pull & Push 159Bridge 167Orbit 183Electron 188Covalent Bonding 190Configuration 192Defragment 198Attraction And Repulsion 202Gravity 203Scenario 205Principles 227Fractal 230Ender 238

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i n t r o d u c t i o n

We know that before to know, some time we should define good definition for arranging our around of environments', but we could not, even we could not exercise due to practice .Is it lack of knowledge or profession of skills or other style.

In this book which tried to state re- arrangement of the mind process by beyond power of each reader own.

In all the way we use every reader attraction in unique gravity force. We believe that whiteout format farm; no body not only can do anything but also cannot walk in the management road.

We hops by designing this way of diamond directions of knowledge could help human to manage own and other pulls.

Now you or we are in the road by mapping systems. Whiteout precision map , may other leads us. If we would inters to move from past and past present perception to future/s perspective , we must shred and think about design and designing our definition, principle, concepts, framework and farmthinks, vision angles of direction to make excellent chain and be share partner whit other.

I should say thanks from here to all writers, which I used more than thousand references.

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W h a t i s d e fi n i t i o n

Definition is:

• 1. to state precisely the meaning of (words, terms, etc.)

• 2. to describe the nature, properties, or essential qualities of

• 3. to determine the boundary or extent of

Definition of DEFINITION

1. an act of determining; specifically : the formal proclamation of a Roman Catholic dogma

2. a : a statement expressing the essential nature of something

b : a statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol

c : a product of defining

3. the action or process of stating the meaning of a word or word group

4. a : the action or the power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear

b (1) : clarity of visual presentation : distinctness of outline or

(2) : clarity especially of musical sound in reproduction

c : sharp demarcation of outlines or limits <a jacket with distinct waist definition>

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definition :

• 1. a formal and concise statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, etc.

• 2. the act of defining a word, phrase, etc.

• 3. specification of the essential properties of something, or of the criteria

which uniquely identify it

• 4. the act of making clear or definite

• 5. the state or condition of being clearly defined or definite

• 6. a measure of the clarity of an optical, photographic, or television image

as characterized by its sharpness and contrast.

A definition is a passage that explains the meaning of a term (a word, phrase or other set of symbols), or a type of thing. The term to be defined is the definiendum (plural definienda).

A term may have many different senses or meanings. For each such specific sense, a definiens (plural definientia) is a cluster of words that defines that term.

A chief difficulty in managing definition is the need to use other terms that are already understood or whose definitions are easily obtainable. The use of the term in a simple example may suffice. By contrast, a dictionary definition has additional details, typically including an etymology showing snapshots of the earlier meanings and the parent language.

Like other words, the term definition has subtly different meanings in different contexts. A definition may be descriptive of the general use meaning, or stipulative of the speaker's immediate intentional meaning. For example, in formal languages like mathematics, a 'stipulative' definition guides a specific discussion. A descriptive definition can be shown to be "right" or "wrong" by comparison to general usage, but a stipulative definition can only be disproved by showing a logical contradiction .

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Wait a minutes and think about

sciences knowledge

Then choose your interest ; colour , combination and


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B e A t t e n t i o n p l e a s

If you didn’t tray

sciences knowledge

in your life

pleas learn by heart

then come to

management courses!?

A great flame follows a little spark (Dante Alighieri)

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A place where one may ride or travel,

an open way or communication between other.

Key steps in development of the strategic plan.

Road map varies from person to person or country to country.

Determined by your environment.

Design new function for your characters road.

Be care on tool designing and tool life cycle management.

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• A map is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes.

• Many maps are static two-dimensional, geometrically accurate (or approximately accurate) representations of three-dimensional space, while others are dynamic or interactive, even three-dimensional. Although most commonly used to depict geography, maps may represent any space, real or imagined, without regard to context or scale; e.g. Brain mapping, DNA mapping, and extraterrestrial mapping.Cartography, or map-making is the study, and often practice of crafting representations of the Earth upon a flat surface and one who makes maps is called a cartographer

• The orientation of a map is the relationship between the directions on the map and the corresponding compass directions in reality.

• Many, but not all, maps are drawn to a scale, expressed as a ratio such as 1:10,000, meaning that 1 of any unit of measurement on the map corresponds exactly, or approximately, to 10,000 of that same unit on the ground. The scale statement may be taken as exact when the region mapped is small enough for the curvature of the Earth to be neglected, for example in a town planner's city map.


• Map types and projections : Maps of the world or large areas are often either 'political' or 'physical'. The most important purpose of the political map is to show territorial borders; the purpose of the physical is to show features of geography such as mountains, soil type or land use. Geological maps show not only the physical surface, but characteristics of the underlying rock, fault lines, and subsurface structures.



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R O a D M A P

A map, especially one for motorists, showing and designating the roads of a region. A set of guidelines, instructions, plans, or explanations: wrote an ethics code as a road map for the behavior of elected officials . A map intended for drivers, showing roads, distances, etc. in a country or area (Mathematics & Measurements / Surveying) .


road map:

A detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam" guideline plan, program, programme . A series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"counseling, counselling, guidance, counsel, direction . Something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action. A map showing roads (for your travel)

Every thing have an engine or motor and wheels; "he needs to work map.

A diagrammatic representation of your surface (or part of it).

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T h e R i g h t G r o u p ’ s C h a n g e R o a d M a p P r o c e s s

Major change does not happen easily in an organisation. Why? Many barriers innately exist to challenge the change process. These include:

• Paralysing bureaucracy

• A low level of trust

• A lack of teamwork

• A lack of leadership in middle management

• Departmental politics

• General human fear of the unknown

Our Change Road Map program is designed to address the barriers that undermine most transformational efforts, resulting in reduced resistance and improved results.

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First think then click next

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M i l e s t o n e s

A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point. An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation,

or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.

A milestone or kilometer sign is one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals, typically at the side of the road or in a median. Milestones are constructed both to reassure the traveller that the proper path is being followed and to indicate distance travelled, or the remaining distance to the desired destination. They are alternatively known as a mile marker, milepost, or mile post (sometimes abbreviated MP), notably in the United States.

A milestone is a scheduled event signifying the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverables. A milestone has zero duration and no effort -- there is no work associated with a milestone. It is a flag in the work plan to signify some other work has completed.

Usually a milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and revalidate work. Milestones are also used as high-level snapshots for management to validate the progress of the project. In many cases there is a decision to be made at a milestone.

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M i l e s t o n e - B a s e d P r o c e s s M o d e l

Overcoming these drawbacks requires a more flexible, iterative, process-oriented development model. The milestone-based process model presented here is derived from the product life cycle model proven so successful within Microsoft Corporation. It encourages thinking about work in terms of processes rather than tasks.

Milestones mark the self-regulation points of these processes.

The four characteristics of the milestone-driven model are:

1. Milestone-based approach   The application development process is driven by external and internal milestones, which are checkpoints to guide the development process.

2. Clear ownership and accountability   The process model connects responsibility for each milestone to the project team roles.

3. Risk-driven scheduling   High risk components of a project are completed as early as possible.

4. Versioned releases   The concept of versioned releases is an important one throughout the systems development life cycle because it impacts how expectations are set and how the entire project is planned and managed.








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M i l e s t o n e - B a s e d A p p r o a c h

This process model consists of four high-level milestones as represented in the following diagram.

The milestones are depicted as points on a spiral — rather than a straight line — to emphasize that the process is cyclical and iterative rather than linear. Milestones are not freeze points. Rather, they are "baseline" points at which the deliverables described by the milestone are placed under change control. This facilitates flexibility and successive refinement.

Process milestones

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1. Vision/Scope Approved milestone Once a new application gains interest and approval, a project team is assembled to define the product. A vision statement establishes scope and provides direction. The Vision/Scope Approved milestone is an opportunity for both end users and the development team to agree upon the project scope and vision.

2. Functional Specification Approved milestone The next visible milestone is availability of a functional specification baseline. This specification provides enough detail about the application so that the project team can begin identifying resource requirements and determining commitments. At this milestone, users and team members agree on what is to be delivered and establish priorities and expectations. This is an opportunity to reassess risk and to revalidate earlier estimates for schedules and resources.

3. Code Complete milestone An approved functional specification provides the baseline for focused development to begin. The development team sets a number of interim delivery milestones, but the critical milestone is, of course, Code Complete. The Code Complete milestone is an opportunity for users and team members to make a final assessment of the release and to verify that rollout and support plans and procedures are in place. At this milestone all new development

ceases, and any deferred functionality is noted for the next release.

4. Release of Product milestone After the code has baselined , beta programs, testing, and quality assurance activities are performed concurrently with further code refinement, driving the system to the Release milestone. The Release milestone is the point when the application (or "product") is formally turned over from the project team to the operations and support groups.

These four milestones are major progress points that embody all major development concepts. They are review milestones. Again, deliverables for the milestones are not frozen; instead, they are placed under change control.

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T h e P r o c u r e M i l e s t o n e s

The Milestones process has been designed together with a group of leading public authorities to ensure its practicality and effectiveness , and is based upon the typical management cycle of “Plan, Do, Check, Act”.

The following diagram provides an overview of the steps to be taken:

Following the simple steps presented here will ensure a continuous improvement in

environmental, social and economic performance based upon formulating and

implementing an Action Plan for sustainable procurement, monitoring its implementation,

reviewing progress and the making of necessary changes.

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Milestone 1

•Date 1

Milestone 2

•Date 2

Milestone 3

•Date 3

Milestone 4

•Date 4

T h e r e f o r e

• What progress has been made since the previous milestone?

– Which tasks have been completed?

– What issues have been resolved?

– What new issues have risen?

• Is the project currently ahead of schedule, on track, or delayed?

If delayed, what is the mitigation plan?

• Description of the issue

- How was it resolved?

- What and how did it impact the project?

I. Time

II. Cost

III. Other

- When is the next milestone?

- What are the expected deliverables?

- Known risks and issues

- What is the investigation timeline for these issues?

- What are the immediate next steps?

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• Follow the history of the visioning project

• according to the milestones achieved and the

• process chart that was established

• to guide the visioning journey...

The 'four stages' model of the Hillsboro 2020 visionsing project.  refer to Maroochy 2025


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There are four stages of growth in the TCC Development Model:

The first stage is called “Pre Revenue”. This period is typically the time when the client is working to develop the technology into a marketable product. Milestones that apply to this stage of development include:

• Development of an R&D plan

• Market Definition and Sizing

• Legal structure of the company

• Barriers to entry – Intellectual property

• Business model

• Capital assessment

• Preparation for the funding process

The second stage of development is Early Revenues. These may come in the form of the first sales or distribution of beta test technology to paying customers. This stage is notable by the fact that the company has a proof of concept with demonstrative features for their product or service. Activities during this period include the following milestones:

• Formal R&D project management process

• Deployment of the business model

• Implementation of the barriers to entry – Patents

• Development of a staffing plan

• Development of a sales and marketing plan

• Financial systems in place

• Plan for partnerships and alliances

• Identification of advisors and possible board of directors

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In stage three the company is able to sustain itself with profitability and cash from the operations of its business model as opposed to living off grant funding or equity investments. Thus, the company has begun to get traction in the marketplace. Milestones of this stage include:

• Management Team in place

• Channel Strategy deployed

• The funding strategy has been implemented

• The operation’s infrastructure is in place

• Financial model is complete

Stage Four is Growth and Graduation. At this point, the company is typically fully funded and poised for growth in the marketplace, or they have exercised an exit strategy. This is the point at which the TCC program graduates the company.

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M i c r o s o f t S o l u t i o n s Fr a m e w o r k ( M S F ) P r o c e s s

The process model helps us to improve project control, minimize risk, improve

product quality and increase development speed. MSF process model is based on

milestones. Milestones are review and synchronization points rather than freeze

points . This model embraces rapid iterative development with continuous

learning and refinement, due to progressive understanding of the business and

project of the stakeholders. Identifying requirements, product development, and

testing occur in overlapping iterations resulting in incremental completion to

ensure a flow of value of the project. Each iteration has a different focus and

result in a stable portion of the overall system.

(A) Foundational Principles : The following are the eight foundational

principles, which

form the backbone for the other models and disciplines of MSF:

1. Foster open communication

    2. Work towards a shared vision

    3. Empower team members

    4. Establish clear accountability and shared responsibility

    5. Focus on delivering business value

    6. Stay agile, expect change

    7. Invest in quality

    8. Learn from all experiences

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(B) MSF Models : MSF consists of two models:1. MSF Team Model. This describes the role of various team members in a software development project . The members of this team would be:   ● Product Management: Mainly deals with customers and define project       requirements, also ensures customer expectations are met.   ● Program Management: Maintains project development and delivery to the       customer    ● Architecture: Responsible for solution design, making sure the solution design       optimally satisfies all needs and expectations.   ● Development: Develops according to the specifications.    ● Test: Tests and assures product quality.    ● Release/Operations: Ensures smooth deployment and operations of the software.   ● User Experience: Supports issues of the users.2. MSF Governance Model. This describes the different stages in processing for a     project. The MSF Governance Model has five overlapping tracks of activity (see     below), each with a defined quality goal.     ● Envision - think about what needs to be accomplished and identify constraints     ● Plan - plan and design a solution to meet the needs and expectations within those       constraints     ● Build - build the solution     ● Stabilize - validate that the solution meets the needs and expectations... "synch        and stabilize"     ● Deploy - deploy the solution.

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(C) MSF Project Management Process:     ●Integrate planning and conduct change control.     ●Define and manage the scope of the project .    ●Prepare a budget and manage costs.     ●Prepare and track schedules.     ●Ensure that right resources are allocated to the project .    ●Manage contracts and vendors and procure project resources.    ●Facilitate team and external communications.     ●Facilitate the risk management process.    ●Document and monitor the team's quality management process. (D) MSF for Agile Software Development (MSF4ASD) methodology:     ● a light weight, iterative and adaptable process.     ● it includes learning opportunities by using iterations and evaluations in each iteration.

(E ) MSF for Capability Maturity Model Integration Process Improvement

) 4 ( : M SF CMMI methodology    , ● h as more artifacts more processes ,

more signoffs, more planning.     ● intended for projects that

require a higher degree of formality and ceremony.

    ● formal methodology for software engineering

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T h e e i g h t f o u n d a t i o n a l p r i n c i p l e s o f M S F

1-Foster open communications. The MSF Process Model enables an open and free flow of information among the team members and key stakeholders to prevent misunderstandings and reduce the probability that work will have to be redone. Documenting the progress of the project and making it available to the team members, stakeholders, and customers can best achieve this.

2-Work toward a shared vision. The MSF Process Model provides a phase (the Envisioning Phase) and a separate milestone (Vision/Scope Approved) for creating a shared vision. A vision includes detailed understanding of the goals and objectives that the solution needs to achieve. A shared vision highlights the assumptions that the team members and customers have for the solution.

3-Empower team members. Empowering the team members implies that the members accept responsibility and ownership of work assigned to them. Team empowerment can be achieved by preparing schedules where the team members commit to complete their work on a fixed date. This makes the team members feel accountable and also provides a method for identifying any potential delays early in the project.

4-Establish clear accountability and shared responsibility. The MSF Team Model is based on the principle that each role is accountable for the quality of the solution. All the team members share the overall responsibility of the project because the project can fail due to a mistake made by a single member.

5-Focus on delivering business value. The solution must deliver value to the organization in the form of business value. This business value is achieved only after the solution is completely deployed into the production environment.

6-Stay agile, expect change. MSF assumes that the solution will encounter continuous changes before being deployed to the production environment. The team should be aware and prepared to manage such changes.

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7-Invest in quality. In MSF, each team member is responsible for the quality of the solution. To confirm the quality throughout the project's duration, a test team is formed. This ensures that the solution meets the quality level of the stakeholders.

8-Learn from all experiences. MSF states that the experiences derived from one project should be used and shared with teams in other projects. These experiences can also help to identify the best practices that should be followed in your organization.

The MSF Process Model describes a high-level sequence of activities for building and deploying IT solutions. Rather than prescribing a specific series of procedures, it is flexible enough to accommodate a broad range of IT projects. MSF combines two industry standard models: the waterfall model, which emphasizes the achievement of milestones, and the spiral model, which focuses on the continual need to refine the requirements and estimates for a project. An innovative aspect of the MSF process model is that it covers the life cycle of a solution from project inception to live deployment. This helps project teams focus on customer business value, because no value is realized until the solution is deployed and in operation. MSF is a milestone-driven process. Milestones fall at the end of each phase and contain criteria for completing the phase. Important deliverables must have been completed

and critical questions, such as: Does the team agree on the project scope? Have we planned enough to proceed? Have we built what we said we would build? Is the solution working properly for the customer? must be satisfactorily answered. The project team and key stakeholders review the deliverables and reach agreement that the project can proceed to the next phase in a milestone meeting

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What Are Process Models?

Process models guide the order of project activities during the project life cycle

• The waterfall model: Uses milestones to transition from one phase to the next

• Spiral model: Used for rapid development and continual process refinement (no milestones).

How the MSF Process Model Works?

• Milestone-based planning

– Combination of waterfall and spiral models

– Allows for feedback and creativity

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How We Organize Project Teams?

• MSF Team Model specifies six distinct roles

– Can also include project sponsor, customer, end user, and operations

Our MSF Disciplines

• Risk management

• Readiness management

• Project management

– Project scope

– Change control

– Budgeting, cost control and schedule

– Communication

– Vendor management


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How We Manage Tradeoffs?

• Define and manage scope

• Identify project constraints

• Manage tradeoffs

• Establish change control

• Monitor project progress

How we Use Iteration in Projects?

• The project develops in smaller steps

• Each iteration is identified with specific deliverables

• The team can produce versioned releases


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Phases in the MSF Process Model:

What Is the Envisioning Phase?

• Broadly describes the project goals and constraints

• Deliverables

– Vision/scope document

– Project structure document

– Initial risk assessment document


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What Is the Planning Phase?

• Determines what to develop and how to develop it

• Deliverables

– Functional specifications

– Master project plan

– Master project schedule

What Is the Developing Phase?

• Creates the solution

• Deliverables

– Source code

– Executable files

– Installation scripts

– Configuration settings

– Finalized functional specification

– Performance support elements

– Test specifications and test cases35

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What Is the Stabilizing Phase?

• Integrates, loads, and tests the solution

• Deliverables

– Final release

– Release notes

– Performance support

– Test results and test tools

– Source code and executable files

– Project documents

– Milestone review

What Is the Deploying Phase?

• Deploys the solution

• Deliverables

– Information systems

– Document repository

– Load sets

– Configurations

– Scripts and code

– Project completion report36

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Think As Scientific Engineer


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