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Page 1: Management style

… as it was outlined by our trainers completing a series of management training and experience exchange

About my management style

Page 2: Management style

Once I participated in a series of management training and experience exchange

At the farewell event, our greatly respected trainers, Ms Gabi Szabó and Mr Péter Csanádi chose a quote to characterize each of the participants.Even if it was merely a dynamic metaphor, I return regularly to the verse, striving for materializing the described virtues again and again.A kind of curiosity, I share with you the verse in original English and in Hungarian as Gabi and Peter honoured me that time.

Page 3: Management style

15. The Leader’s TeachersThey practiced meditation. Meditation made them good at seeing how things happen. Meditation grounded them in the infinite. That is why they sometimes appeared deep and inscrutable, sometimes even great. Their leadership did not rest on technique or on theatrics, but on silence and on their ability to pay attention. They moved with grace and awareness, and they were able to negotiate complex situations safely. They were considerate. They did no injury. They were courteous and quiet, like guests. They knew how to yield gracefully and how to be natural and inconspicuous. They were as open and receptive and available as the valleys that lie among the hills. They could clarify events for others, because they had done it for themselves. They could speak to the depths of another person, because they had known their own deeper conflicts and blocks. Because they had given up selfishness, they could enhance others. They were not trying to become enlightened, because they were enlightened. (John Heider. The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age. Kindle Edition.)

Page 4: Management style

15. A tanítókRejtetten éltek, mégis fényben.Szemükben a végtelen tisztasága ragyogott.Módszerük nem volt, csak tudásuk.Tiszteltek kicsit s nagyot.Nem sebeztek és nem sebződtek.Csak jelen voltak: zajos világ csendes vendégei.

Elhagyták a széles utat, s keskeny ösvényen vándoroltakmezítláb, egyszerű ruhában.Lényük, akár a fölkavart folyóvíz: mély és átláthatatlan. Nagy titkok őrei voltak.Útjukat végigjárták, ismerték saját vágy-démonaikat, találkoztak valódi önmagukkal.Ezért lehettek mindenki társa, tudásuk fénye ezért világíthatott.

Türelemmel és szelíden szóltak, nem feledve, hogy valaha ők isugyanígy keresgélték az ösvényt, miközben az a lábuk alattsimult bele a végtelenbe.Csendben és szerényen jártak, magukhoz engedve mindent,ahogy a vihar dúlta hegycsúcsok tövében a völgy befogadja alegördülő sziklát. A szikla a zajongás, a völgy a csend.

Mocsárba merültek, s nyomaikon éltető forrás fakadt:nem vágyták a tisztaságot, ők maguk voltak tiszták.” (John Heider. Tao, út a vezetéshez. Edge 2000 Kiadó. Budapest 2004)

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