
Our commitment to delivering an excellent service

◆ Providing us with as much information as possible

when making a complaint so we can direct it to the

most appropriate colleague.

◆ Feeding back to us when you have a problem or are

unhappy with the service you have received, so we can

put it right.

helpus by

You can

Local Service Standards Bournville Village Trust, Estate Office, Oak Tree Lane,

Bournville, Birmingham B30 1UB.






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◆ Make it easy to make a complaint by

telephone, letter, email, online, via a

complaint form, in person or through

an advocate.

◆ Give you a named colleague who will

be dealing with the complaint and

to whom you should report any

subsequent concerns.

◆ Provide a tailored service for those who

are vulnerable or have speci� c needs.

◆ Resolve the issue in ten working days,

unless the issue is complex. In this case we

will agree with you a timescale and keep

you informed of progress at least every ten

working days.

◆ Apologise if we have got something


◆ Clearly communicate what action we

have taken, and advise you of what

you can do if you are unhappy with the

decision we have made.

◆ Learn from our mistakes and

communicate to residents at least

quarterly on the improvements we

have made.

◆ Provide a means for claiming

compensation where we have

signi� cantly failed to deliver a service.

◆ Give you the opportunity to provide

feedback on the service you received.

promiseto you


promisewe will

To meet this

We aim to provide an excellent service to all our customers; however, we do recognise there may be occasions where our services fall short of your aspirations and our own high standards. If we do get things wrong, we will put them right, learn from our mistakes and let you know what we have done to remedy the situation.

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