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Managing your research profile

Aug 2018

Farah KarimiTechnology Consultant, North America

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Objective: To introduce the Pure system (frontend and

backend) to the researchers at Nebraska

1. What is Pure?

2. The Pure Portal

3. Managing your profile in Pure

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What is Pure?

- Research Information Management System

- Research networking and collaboration tool

- Repurposing research information

Pure is the most comprehensive system-of-record for research information…

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A comprehensive, structured data model

A data model covering the full research lifecycle… …while being highly structured for maximum insights (subset of data model shown)

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Pure’s data model captures 20 data types/signals across the research lifecycle

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Public profiles of researchers, departments, institutes, centers at

Nebraska Medical Center

Discover areas of expertise. Connect with UNMC

Manage user accounts & data

Create dashboards & custom reports. Extract data to other


Pure comprises a public web portal and backend system for entering, managing and reporting info

Portal (

Backend system(access using Single Sign on)

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The Pure Portal

→ Represents your intellectual output to the world

→ Publicly accessible

→ Typical use cases- Discovery of your work by

potential collaborators- Finding collaborators- Viewing a researcher’s profile and

network- Connect to your personal and

departmental web pages

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Portal Demo

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Accessing Pure’s backend…

Need access?Please contact Linda Wilkie: [email protected]

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User roles and rights- Access to Pure’s backend Manual:📕

- Roles and rights Manual:📕

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Your profile in the backend

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The Scopus Pure Connection

• Pure data from Scopus includes:• Publication data, such as publication status, title,

abstract, journal, and DOI• Department and Researcher data

• Metrics such as h-indices, citations, journal metrics

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Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, and features smart tools that allow you to track, analyze and visualize scholarly research.


22,800+Serial titles


70 millionItems

12 millionAuthor profiles

~70,000Affiliation Profiles

1.4 billion cited referencesdating back to 1970

Identify and analyze which journals to read/submit to

Help researchers manage career-citation counts and h-index

Decide what, where and withwhom to collaborate

Track impact of research;monitor global research trends

Find out what already exists inthe global world of research

Determine how to differentiateresearch topics, find ideas

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Scopus includes content from more than 5,000 publishers and 105 different countries• 40 different languages covered• Updated daily

Source:, January 30, 2018

Scopus Content Coverage - Global Representation Means Global Discovery Across all subjects and content types

23,507Peer-reviewed journals

301Trade journals

3,784Active Gold Open Access journals

>8,000Articles in PressFull metadata, abstracts and cited references

Physical Sciences 12,263

Health Sciences 13,819

Social Sciences 10,905

Life Sciences 6,809

106KConference events

8.3MConference papersMainly Engineering and Computer Sciences

613Book series



165,768Stand-alone books

1.34MItemsFocus on SocialSciences and A&H

Number of Journals by subject area Journals Conference Books

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Online AvailabilityRegularityJournal StandingQuality of ContentJournal Policy

Transparent Scopus Selection Criteria for Serial ContentAll titles should meet all minimum criteria in order to be considered for Scopus review:

Eligible titles are reviewed by the Content Selection & Advisory Board according to a combination of 14 quantitative and qualitative selection criteria:

• Convincing editorial concept/policy• Type of peer-review• Diversity geographic distribution of editors• Diversity geographic distribution of authors

• Academic contribution to the field• Clarity of abstracts • Quality and conformity with stated aims & scope• Readability of articles

• Citedness of journal articles in Scopus• Editor standing

• No delay in publication schedule

• Content available online• English-language journal home page• Quality of home page

Continuous review process using an online Scopus Title Evaluation Platform (STEP)Info: Questions: [email protected]

Peer-review English abstracts

Regular publication

Roman script references

Pub. ethics statement

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CiteScore™ metricsarethenewstandardthathelptomeasurejournalcitationimpact.• Comprehensive, Transparent,

Current and free metrics forhelpingtoanalyzewhereresearchoutputsarepublished.

• CalculatedusingdatafromScopus,CiteScoremetricshelp validate citations received by journals and proceedings,andempoweruserswithinformationtomake well-informed decisions regarding where to publish.

Source-Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)• DevelopedbyCWTS,UniversityofLeiden

Netherlands.• Measurescontextualcitationimpactby

weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.

• Theimpactofasinglecitationisgivenhighervalueinsubjectareaswherecitationsarelesslikely,andviceversa.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)• DevelopedbySCImago,Spain.• A prestige metric thatcanbeappliedto


• WithSJR,thesubjectfield,qualityandreputationofthejournalhaveadirecteffectonthevalueofacitation.

Journal metrics in Scopus

More information: and

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Profile Refinement Services (PRS)PRS allows you to minimize manual maintenance of your profiles with pre-

built, automatically updated profiles based on Scopus data.

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Pure Backend tasks for researchers Manual: 📕

✎ Manage your research profile

✎ Customize how you appear on the Portal

✎ Improve discoverability in the Portal

✎ Create customized CVs

✎ Manage research related content

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Updating a Profile in PureThere are 2 ways to edit your profile:

Method Access Level (Roles)

Through Pure Backend • Researcher (Personal User)

• Research Admin (Editor of Persons)

• Trusted User

Through Pure Portal • Researcher (Personal User)

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Updating your Profile in Pure’s Backend

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Updating your Profile in Pure Portal• Login to the backend of Pure once

• A cookie is added to your browser

• The cookie is detected when you visit your own profile page in the Pure Portal

• Edit buttons will only be shown on your own Portal profile page

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Adding more research content in Pure

• Add publications from sources beyond Scopus

• Add activities, prizes, press and media

• Setup automated searches for your research content from other online sources

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Adding research output1. Create from template

2. Create from file

- DOI/ bibteX of all pubs


Role Personal user / Editor

Personal user / Editor

Bulk file import X X

Copy-paste import X X

Author name matching X X

Duplicate detection Title/DOI Title/DOI

3. Import from online source

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Automated Search

• Find publications from different online sources

• Setup email alerts when import candidates are found

• Import or reject any candidates in Pure

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Integration with ORCID

✎ Import content into Pure from ORCID (5.13 release, Oct 25th)

✎ Export content from ORCID to Pure

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Managing your Funding Profile

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Managing your Funding Profile

✎ Customize your funding profile

✎ Adjust your fingerprint to enhance your profile

✎ Create multiple funding profiles

✎ Share funding opportunities with colleagues

✎ Refine opportunities from a wide selection of in-built filters

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Backend Demo

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Help ResourcesManual Link 📕

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- What is Pure?

- Navigating the Pure Portal

- Pure’s backend from a researcher’s perspective

- Updating your profile in Pure

- Adding content to Pure

- Building your CV

- Maintaining your funding profile

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Questions?To learn more about Research Nebraska, please contact

Linda Wilkie VT, BS:Office of the Vice Chancellor for ResearchDirector of Core OperationsInstitutional Research Analyst(402) [email protected]

Research Nebraska Portal link:

Help and FAQs for the Portal:

Farah KarimiTechnology Consultant, North America Elsevier [email protected]+1 (347) 387-1628

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