
Department of Tourism

Ramon R. Jimenez Jr.

Department of Tourism


Department of Tourism

• Aims to improve accessibility of travel destinations

• Make tourism products better and more affordable

• Promote a culture of tourism among local residents

• Increase recognition of tourism as an effective and efficient tool towards socio-economic development of the Philippines


Department of Tourism

• Generating foreign currency and employment

• Spreading the benefits of tourism to a wider segment of the population with the support, assistance and cooperation of both the private and public sector

• Ensuring the safe, convenient, enjoyable stay and travel of foreign and local visitors in the Philippines.


Department of Tourism

• To encourage, promote, and develop tourism as a major socio-economic activity to generate foreign currency and local employment

• To spread the benefits of tourism to a wider segment of the population with the support, assistance, and cooperation of both the private and public sectors.

• The DOT assures the safe, convenient, enjoyable stay and travel of foreign and local tourists in the country.

Department of Trade and Industry

Honorable Gregory Domingo 

Department of Trade and Industry


Department of Trade and Industry

• More Prosperous Philippines by 2016

• We see the Philippines occupying its rightful place in a community of nations, prosperous and free.

• Together with business, we are an active and leading partner in propelling the Philippines toward an inclusive, dynamic and thriving economy.

• Our success is anchored on global competitiveness, with social responsibility and consumer welfare as our platform.

• In all these, we adhere strictly to the tenets of professionalism, integrity, and transparency.

• We continue to be the public's Agency of Choice, an organization where creativity, innovation, professional and personal growth find full expression.

We are One DTI.


Department of Trade and Industry

• Enabling Business• Enabling business environment /reduces cost of

doing business to facilitate trade and investments

• Global Competitiveness• Value chain and industry cluster management• Empowering Consumers• Safe and reasonably-priced products and

services• Supply chain management


Department of Trade and Industry

The DTI is responsible for realizing the country's goal of globally competitive and innovative industry and services sector that contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation.Pursuant to Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016, we shall endeavor to improve the business environment, increase productivity and efficiency, and enhance consumer welfare. By 2016, the following would have been achieved:

Goal 1 - Improve country's competitiveness. Land in the top one-third ranking (for country's competitive environment for the firms) in major international surveys;

Goal 2 - Generate 4.6M employment from industry and services sector, 2M of which shall come from MSME sector;

Goal 3 - Increase the level of awareness of consumers on their rights and responsibilities from 50% to 80%.

Department of Transportation and


Honorable Gregory Domingo 

Department of Transportation and Communication


By 2030, DOTC is a world class organization, providing integrated

transport, connecting people, islands, families, communities and the nation

with the rest of the world, and constantly responding for

environmentally sustainable and global competitive transport.

Department of Transportation and Communication


To provide the country with efficient, effective, and secure

transportation systems that are globally competitive, compliant

with international standards, and responsive to the changing


Department of Transportation and Communication

MANDATEThe Ministry shall be the primary policy,

planning programming, coordinating, implementing, regulating and

administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the government in the

promotion, development and regulation of dependable and coordinated networks of

transportation and communications systems, as well as in the fast, safe,

efficient and reliable postal, transportation and communications services.

Department of Transportation and Communication

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