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MAPA Task GroupMAPA Task Group

MAPA Toolkit:Making Your MAPA

More Effective

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And I quote…

“Leadership is not a magnetic personality - that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not making friends and influencing people - that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”

- Peter F. Drucker

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The best kept “secret” is…

Me! Me! Me!

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MAPA Evaluation Instrument MAPA TimelineMAPA Training Document Resource MatrixTraining PowerPoint Feedback GuidesEvidence for Proficient Rating SMART ObjectivesQ & A about MAPA and ILPs Sample ILPs (x4)Performance Assessments MentoringTask Group Members MAPA Misconceptions

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Evidence for Proficient Rating

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Evidence for a Proficient Rating

• This is a list of examples, not requirements.• Focus should be on quality, not quantity.• Other evidence may be used.• Method of documentation is determined by

supervisor and you.• Inclusion of evidence does not guarantee a

specific rating.

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Pithy Quote

It’s your aptitude, not just your attitude that determines your

ultimate altitude.- Zig Ziglar

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Resource Matrix

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Resource Matrix

• Comprehensive list of websites that provides resources for various aspects of administrator performance.

• Includes descriptions of contents of websites• Correlates with 4 goals of MAPA• Provides various modes of sharing information, i.e.,

web page, blog, podcast• Excellent list of websites for any educator to use as

resources• All sites are public domain

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Notable Quotable

By failing to prepare, you are preparing

to fail.

Benjamin Franklin

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Sample ILP

ILP Example, TechnologyS = Specific objective Clearly define

what you will do and how you will do it

Lead the infusion of technology…Provide staff development opportunities targeted at use of video communication, multi media and on-line resources.

M = Measurable Data used to assess or measure effectiveness

Concrete criteria for tracking progress and determining success

The mean score of students’ performance on the technology assessment developed from the NET standards will be 80% or higher on the post test. Teacher proficiency… An increase in positive perception…

A = Attainable Resources/strategies/research support to achieve objective

Show the connection between your actions/results

Develop pre- post-test for students. Develop and administer needs assessment for teachers… Ensure training is provided by the educational technologist, etc. Students will complete projects using technology throughout the school year.

R = Results-focused impact

Clearly define the result you expect to achieve. Be specific.

Students will attain a score of 80% or higher on the NET and demonstrate proficiency in the use of multimedia as measured by performance tasks. An increase in positive perception of the use of technology as measured by feedback…

T = Timeline List dates…start, review(s), etc.

August 2009 – startSept – October 2009 – administer NET pre-assessmentsNovember 2009 – staff development (continued)

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The ILP…What it is!

• Promotes professional growth• Aligned to our Community Strategic Plan• Vehicle for dialogue with supervisor• YOUR plan, YOUR Objective• 1-2 page document • Short term (1-2 year) plan• Addresses one area of CSP• Data-driven (multiple data sources recommended)• Written in SMART format

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The ILP…What it is not!

• A one-size fits all plan• Designed to address multiple goals• Expected to be lengthy or cumbersome• Expected to last more than 1 or 2 cycles

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Guiding Questions• What data will serve as the baseline? • What data will indicate success? • How and when are data collected?• Are there barriers to the successful completion of this objective? • Are there sufficient resources available?• Does the objective support an organizational or a strategic goal? • How does the successful completion of this objective influence staff, students or community?• Are there conflicting events that might not support success?

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Notable Quotable

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say 'infinitely' when you mean 'very'; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.

C. S. Lewis (1898 - 1963)

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Writing Effective Performance Appraisals

Characteristics of Good Self-Assessments

• Focus on results, not tasks.

• Use the rubric to write to a specific performance level.

• Be clear, concise, and precise in writing.

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Writing Effective Performance Appraisals

Tips for the Pre-Write1. Have your mid-year or previous

performance assessment handy while writing.

2. Have any documentation of evidence available when writing.

3. Start early; do not wait for the deadline.4. Use rubric as a reference.

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Writing Effective Performance Appraisals

Tips for Writing – Be Clear, Be Precise, Be Concise1. Write to the rubric. (Yes, we’re saying it again!)2. Be specific.3. Use action verbs.4. USE DATA - Avoid slang, generalizations, and opinions. 5. Use bulleted or short, direct statements…do not use

flowery language.6. Use active, not passive voice.7. Results…How do your actions increase student


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Performance and performance alone dictates the predator in

any food chain.-SEAL Team

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Writing Effective Performance Appraisals

Guidelines for Comments from Supervisors

• Should be aligned with one or more goals of MAPA.• Designed to acknowledge success and improve

performance.• Recognizes self-assessments or presentations of

evidence.• Considers professional needs of the individual and

continuous professional growth.• On-going and continuous – not a once a year event.


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Actual Comments

What not to write……….• “This employee is depriving a village of its

idiot.”• “The wheel is turning but the hamster’s dead.”• “If you gave a penny for his thoughts, you’d

get change.”• “…a photographic memory, but with the lens

cover glued on.”

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Activity Checklist Aligned with one or more goals of MAPADesigned to acknowledge success and improve

performance; helpful suggestionsRecognized self-assessments or presentations of

evidenceConsidered professional needs of the individual and

continuous professional growth; growth orientedImplied on-going and continuous – not a once a

year event

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Notable Quotable

“Don't say you don't have enough time. You

have exactly the same number of hours per

day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur,

Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da

Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

H. Jackson Brown

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Icing on the Cake!

Time to Shine!


Face-to-Face Interaction

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Conferencing Tips

• Schedule at least 3 face-to-face conferences per cycle

• Address documentation and supporting evidence for each goal

• Should be collaborative between employee and supervisor

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Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the

right direction.John Crosby

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Definition of MentoringA mentor is an experienced professional who partners with an administrator to assist and support the individual in developing leadership skills in a collegial and safe environment. Mentoring refers to the process in which a knowledgeable person willingly guides and advises the other administrator.

- Carl J. Weingartner, 2009

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Characteristics of Effective Mentors• positive outlook • committed to process • communication skills/effective listeners• problem solver/sound judgment• visionary/able to support as well as lead• willing to share knowledge/ask thought-provoking

questions• effective time managers

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Making Your MAPA More Effective


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Notable Quotable

The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.

Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809)

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Summarizing Activity

3 - 2 – 13 - 2 – 1• Jot down 33 thoughts you will definitely share with

a colleague about today’s presentation.• Think of 22 words that describe your reaction to

today’s presentation.• Tell 11 other individual your 33 thoughts and 2 2


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