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Mapping and modelling the geographical distribution ofsoil-transmitted helminthiases in Peninsular Malaysia:implications for control approaches

Romano Ngui1, Aziz Shafie2, Kek H. Chua3, Mohd S. Mistam4, Hesham M. Al-Mekhlafi1,Wan W. W. Sulaiman1, Rohela Mahmud1, Yvonne A. L. Lim1

1Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2Departmentof Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 3Departmentof Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 4Department ofOrang Asli Development, Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract. Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in Malaysia are still highly prevalent, especially in rural and remotecommunities. Complete estimations of the total disease burden in the country has not been performed, since available dataare not easily accessible in the public domain. The current study utilised geographical information system (GIS) to collateand map the distribution of STH infections from available empirical survey data in Peninsular Malaysia, highlighting areaswhere information is lacking. The assembled database, comprising surveys conducted between 1970 and 2012 in 99 differ-ent locations, represents one of the most comprehensive compilations of STH infections in the country. It was found that thegeographical distribution of STH varies considerably with no clear pattern across the surveyed locations. Our attempt togenerate predictive risk maps of STH infections on the basis of ecological limits such as climate and other environmentalfactors shows that the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides is low along the western coast and the southern part of the coun-try, whilst the prevalence is high in the central plains and in the North. In the present study, we demonstrate that GIS canplay an important role in providing data for the implementation of sustainable and effective STH control programmes topolicy-makers and authorities in charge.

Keywords: mapping, geostatistical modelling, soil-transmitted helminths, Malaysia.


Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections areamong the most widespread human diseases, especial-ly among those trapped in the vicious cycle of povertyand destitution in the tropics and subtropics (Hotez etal., 2009). Of particular importance are the twoanthropophilic species of hookworm (Necator ameri-canus and Ancylostoma duodenale), the roundwormAscaris lumbricoides and the whipworm Trichuristrichiura (Chan et al., 1994). Although the annualworldwide mortality due to STH infections variesdepending on the source (from 12,000 to 135,000)(WHO, 2005), these infections are the leading causesof malnutrition, growth stunting and cognitive deficitamong vulnerable groups, such as children andwomen of reproductive age (WHO, 2005). It can be

estimated that approximately one third of the world’spopulation (~2 billion people) is currently infectedwith at least one STH species; 1.2 billion people withA. lumbricoides, 800 million with T. trichiura and 600million with hookworm (de Silva et al., 2003; Bethonyet al., 2006).

Malaysia has witnessed rapid socioeconomic growthand infrastructure development since independence 57years ago. Nevertheless, the country is still plaguedwith parasitic diseases, in particular STH infections(Aaron et al., 2011; Ahmed et al., 2011; Ngui et al.,2011; Nasr et al., 2013). Summarising the studies con-ducted since the colonial era demonstrate that highlyendemic foci remain largely unchanged with alarming-ly high prevalence rates in poor and rural dwellers(Lim et al., 2009). The STHs are not notifiable dis-eases, and after the national deworming programmeamong school-aged children was discontinued in 1983(Anon, 1985), little effort has been made towardscombatting these infections; one of the reasond may bethat a precise account of the total STH burden in thecountry is not available. Most of the information inthis field is scattered across the scientific literature andnot systematically catalogued.

Corresponding author:Yvonne A. L. LimDepartment of Parasitology, Faculty of MedicineUniversity of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel. +603 7967-4746; Fax +603 7967-4754E-mail: [email protected]

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In recent years, however, there has been renewedinterest in STH control from international aid organi-sations leading to increased momentum in attainingmore comprehensive data and allowing available con-trol resources to be more rationally and cost-effective-ly deployed (Brooker and Michael, 2000). As a resultof changes in health priorities, tremendous effortshave been made in the development of methods tomap the distribution of STH infections, particularlythrough the use of geographical information systems(GIS) and remote sensing technologies. Most activitieswith respect to STH mapping have been attempted inAfrican countries (Knopp et al., 2008; Brooker et al.,2009; Snow et al., 2009; Pullan et al., 2011; TchuemTchuenté et al., 2012). In addition, this approach hasrecently been used to model the geographical distribu-tion of STH infections in Bolivia (Chammartin et al.,2013) and Southeast Asia (Brooker, 2002; Brooker etal., 2003).

In the context of a preventive deworming pro-gramme, reliable and accurate contemporary mapsoffering intervention recommendations at a realisticscale are needed to minimise the cost of interventions.The establishment of reliable predictive risk maps forSTH infections in Malaysia is imperative for develop-ing and implementing sustainable control measureswhen recourses are finite and limited. We attempt hereto generate such maps not only on the basis of empir-ical survey data, but also by applying logistic regres-sion analysis for the potential effect of climate andother environmental factors. Through investigation ofecological correlations, we planned to identify STHdistribution, prioritise target areas and estimate thepopulation at risk and its implications for the STHcontrol programme in Malaysia.

Materials and methods

Data searches

Relevant information on the prevalence of STHinfections in Malaysia were identified through a com-bination of: (i) an extensive search in electronic bibli-ographic databases; (ii) manual search of localarchives and libraries; and (iii) direct contact withlocal researchers. In brief, an initial systematic searchof published articles started in 2008 and was repeatedperiodically between 2009 and 2012. The online elec-tronic databases PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge,Google and Yahoo were used to identify relevant stud-ies for STH by using the Medical Subject Headings(MSHs) hookworm, ascariasis, trichuriasis, Necator

americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, Ascaris lumbri-coides, Trichuris trichiura, intestinal parasites or soil-transmitted helminth (STH) together with Malaysiawith no restriction of publication date and language.The second search strategy involved the identificationof “grey” literature sources such as university theses,unpublished surveys conducted by government institu-tions and Ministry of Health (MoH) archives. Thethird source of information included personal contactwith researchers known to have undertaken STH sur-veys in Malaysia. In addition, cross-sectional surveyswere conducted between 2008 and 2012 in order todetermine the prevalence of STH infections in severallocations in Peninsular Malaysia.

Geo-positioning procedures

The geographical coordinates of various surveyedlocations were determined using combination of vari-ous free, on-line electronic resources including GeoNetNames Server (, Google Earth(, Wikimapia (, Maplandia ( and Tageo ( Each of theidentified locations from one source was consequentlycross-checked against other sources to ensure consis-tency of the identified coordinates. For the field inves-tigation survey conducted by our group, the locationcoordinates were recorded using a global positioningsystem (GPS) approach with a hand-held GarminGPSMAP 60CSx instrument. The recorded coordinateswere then downloaded from the GPS memory card intoa computer using GPS Pathfinder software( All the digital data coordinate systemwere synchronised using World Geodetic System(WGS, 1984) according to longitude and latitude.

Selection and entry

Pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria wereapplied to information identified through the abovesearch mechanisms. Only cross-sectional surveys wereincluded in the database. Multiple surveys from thesame location but surveyed at different times wereincluded as separate entries. Data from hospitals andrelated, clinical surveys were excluded. Survey datawere also excluded if the prevalence was reportedwithout denominator (i.e. sample size and number ofpositive samples) or if there were inconsistencies orerrors in the calculations presented. Surveyed loca-tions that could not be geo-positioned were also

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excluded. Each extracted piece of information wasentered into a Microsoft Excel database following thestandard format by Brooker et al. (2000). Informationincluded in the database consisted of the data source,survey location, survey date, methodology survey,population survey, sample size, examination methodsand the number of positive findings for each helminthspecies.

Study area

Peninsular Malaysia comprises 11 states and eachstate is divided into 81 districts, which are then furtherdivided into the smallest administrative level, the sub-district or “mukim”, of which there are 842 in total.The extracted survey data were mapped at the sub-dis-trict level, each of which identified and linked to thePeninsular Malaysia boundary map obtained fromDepartment of Surveying and Mapping, Malaysia(Anon, 2010a), here referred to as the base map.Places where more than one study had been conduct-ed (or if the survey points were less than 2 km apart)were treated as a single location and the prevalencecalculated by taking the weighted mean, according tosample size, of the individual survey prevalence rates.

Cumulative prevalence

The combined STH prevalence (i.e. proportion ofinfection with any one STH species) is important whenmaking decision about targeting effective treatment.However, the combined prevalence per STH species isseldom reported in epidemiological studies as mostsurvey reports typically only provide proportions ofindividuals with single-species infections (de Silva andHall, 2010). The cumulative prevalence of STH (i.e.the combined STH prevalence) was calculated using asimple probabilistic model after incorporating a smallcorrection factor to allow for non-independencebetween the species in question. Briefly, the combinedprobability of having infection with any one STHspecies is the simple probability law for the unionbetween three aspects after assuming the probabilityof infection with a single species to be independent ofeach other. The proportion infected with a combina-tion of STH species was then calculated according tothe formula:

PATH = A + T + H - (AT) - (AH) - (TH) + (ATH)

where PATH is the combined proportion of infectionswith all three STH species, A the prevalence of A. lum-

bricoides, T the prevalence of T. trichiura and H theprevalence of hookworm infection. However, de Silvaand Hall (2010) also reported that there was overesti-mation in the combined proportion of being simul-tanously infected with all STH species (i.e. PATH) ascalculated using this probability model. Due to thenon-independence effect of each species, it has beendemonstrated that the proportion of PATH increasesby 0.6% for every 10% increase in the prevalence rateby calculating the true observed combined prevalenceof STH through incorporating the over-estimation fac-tor p as equal to PATH ÷ 1.06 (de Silva and Hall,2010).

GIS and remote sensing

A set of environmental variables was gathered froma variety of sources. Monthly averages of the 1-km res-olution land surface temperature (LST) were collectedfrom the WorldClim database (, which comprises global weather stationtemperature records gathered from various sources forthe period of 1950 to 2000. A thin-plate smoothingspline algorithm was used to interpolate the data fol-lowing the approach of Hijmans et al. (2005).Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) datawere obtained from the Moderate Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS) as described byScharlemann et al. (2008). Altitude was gathered fromthe interpolated digital elevation model (DEM)derived from the Department of Surveying andMapping, Malaysia (Anon, 2010). For each of theenvironmental variables, minimum, mean and maxi-mum values were extracted for each pixel correspon-ding to the various survey locations. These data werethen exported and stored into ArcGIS 9.3 software(ESRI; Redlands, USA) for further exploration andanalysis.

Statistical analysis, mapping and modelled STH distri-bution

The statistical analysis for each test was performedusing the statistical package for the social sciences(SPSS) software (SPSS Inc; Chicago, USA) forWindows, version 17. Logistic regression was used fordeveloping statistical risk models and to identify sig-nificant environmental factors known to influence thetransmission of infections (Fielding and Bell, 1997;Pearce and Ferrier, 2000). Since previous studies(Brooker and Michael, 2000; Brooker et al., 2002a,2002b) have shown that temperature is an important

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factor in determining STH distribution because of theeffect of heat and low humidity on embryonation,development and survival of free-living infectivestages. This variable was entered into the regressionmodel first and then followed by the minimum andmean LST values. The remaining variables, such asNDVI (minimum, maximum and mean) and altitude(minimum, maximum and mean) were added to themodel in a stepwise manner (i.e. introducing each vari-able in turn).

The accuracy of the model was assessed using clas-sification table derived from regression analysis bydividing the probability of infection into two groupswith a cut-off value of 0.5 (i.e. an infection probabili-ty of <0.5 was categorised as 0) while probabilities>0.5 were categorised as 1 (meaning with infection)(Menard, 2002). The “goodness-of-fit” test advancedby Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989) was used to deter-mine whether our model fitted the observed preva-lence data. Moran’s I (Moran, 1950) was used forcontrolling spatial autocorrelation, i.e. to determinewhether or not the infection patterns found were spa-tially correlated. Following the development of thestatistical risk model, the best-fit logistic regressionmodel was used to generate a predictive risk map ofthe distribution of STH prevalence probability exceed-ing 50%. The observed and predicted prevalence rateswere categorised according to prevalence thresholdsfor treatment established by the World HealthOrganization (WHO), i.e. 0, 0.1-9.9, 10-19.9, 20-49.9and 50-100%.


Survey data and STH distribution

The current database incorporated 99 survey loca-tions conducted between 1970 and 2012 throughcombined search strategies, of which all locationswere successfully geo-positioned to actual coordinates(Table 1). Nineteen surveys had been undertaken inthe same locations but at different times and weretherefore excluded. Of the included surveys, 80 werefrom spatially unique locations and represented astudy population of 47,118 individuals of all agegroups and both genders. Overall, 22,790 (48.4%)individuals were found to have been infected withT. trichiura, followed by 15,642 (33.2%) with A. lum-bricoides and 5,578 (11.8%) with hookworm infec-tion. The estimated combined prevalence of individu-als infected with any STH species was 74.5% as cal-culated using simple probabilistic model following de

Silva and Hall (2010). Data extracted from the pub-lished papers accounted for 82.8% surveys and con-stituted the main data source. Personal communica-tions or direct contact with the researchers was thesecond most important data source (10.1%) whileunpublished reports related to theses accounted for7.1% (7/99) of the surveys. Based on our communica-tion with the MoH and its relevant agencies such asthe public health division or the non-communicabledisease division, no studies or data related to STHinfections were available in their records. Overall,75.8% surveys were community-based, while the rest(24.2%) were school-based. The most common wayof stool examination with respect to STH diagnosiswas combinations of at least two different conven-tional microscopy techniques (67.7%).

Figs. 1a-1d observed the geographical distributionof each STH species as well as the estimated combinedprevalence based on all survey data at the sub-districtlevel. For each STH species and combined STH, theprevalence of infections varied considerably with noclear pattern across the surveyed areas with the excep-tion of hookworm. Fig. 1 shows that the observedprevalence of A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and com-bined STH species was high in most of the surveyedareas. In contrast, most of the areas had low preva-lence of hookworm infection. In addition to these geo-graphical variations, there were also marked varia-tions in the observed prevalence of STH infectionsover time (Table 2). For example, the mean prevalenceof A. lumbricoides was 61.8% in the period of 1970-1979, but declined to 37.3% for 2010-2012. Similarly,mean prevalence of hookworm also shows distinctvariations over time from 31.8% in 1970-1979 to13.0% for 2000-2012.

Statistical and spatial analysis

The results with regard to ecological correlation inun-sampled areas based on satellite derived environ-mental data and logistic regression indicated thatmaximum and mean LST values and minimum andmean NDVI values are significant explanatory vari-ables for A. lumbricoides infection (Table 3) with theodds of A. lumbricoides negatively associated withmaximum LST (odds ratio (OR) = 0.88; 95% confi-dence interval (CI) = 0.78-0.99) and minimum NDVI(OR = 0.98; 95% CI = 0.96-0.98). Only the A. lum-bricoides model was developed since no statisticallysignificant explanatory variables were recorded forT. trichiura, hookworm and the estimated combinedSTH infections.

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The model’s predictive ability was generally goodand reliable. The accuracy test as derived from classi-fication table of logistic regression showed that theoverall percentage of correct predictions of areas withand without infections was 67.7% (18/27). Thisincludes a 63.7% (17/27) capability of exclusively pre-dicting the areas with infection and 70.4% (19/27)indicating only those without infection. The goodness-of-fit (according to Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989) wasnot statistically significant (χ2 = 6.27; degrees of free-dom (df) = 8; P = 0.508), but we failed to reject thenull hypothesis (P >0.05), which states that there is nodifference between our model and the collected data,suggesting that our model estimates are indeed well fit-ted with the data. The Moran’s I demonstrates that

there was significant positive spatial autocorrelationfor A. lumbricoides infection within the sub-districts(Moran’s I index = 0.04; z-score = 6.98; P <0.01).

Modelling of helminth distribution

The significant environmental factors such as maxi-mum and mean LST and minimum and mean NDVIwere used to model and predict the distribution ofA. lumbricoides using logistic regression. The predic-tive risk map (Fig 2) of A. lumbricoides shows that theprevalence of infection was clustered and higher thanelsewhere (the areas within the blue colour range withprevalence of at least 20% and up to 100%) in thecentral and northern plains of Peninsular Malaysia

Characteristic Frequency %

Total number of indentified surveys

Total number of of individuals examined

Total numbers infected with T. trichiura

Total numbers infected with A. lumbricoides

Total numbers infected with hookworm

Estimated combined prevalence of STH speciesa

Source of survey

Published papers in scientific journals

Unpublished reports (MOH reports, thesises, symposia)

Personal communications (direct contact with researchers)

Time covered (decades)






Study populations



Fishing villages


Squatter areas

Age-range examined


All age groups

Stool examination methodology


All othersb















































aEstimated combined prevalence of STH species was calculated using a simple probabilistic model following de Silva and Hall(2010); bOther diagnostic methods included direct smear, formalin ether concentration, zinc-sulphate flotation, merthiolate-iodine-formalin (MIF), thiomersal-iodine-formol (TIF) and/or Harada Mori technique.

Table 1. Prevalence survey of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections between 1970 and 2012 in Peninsular Malaysia: thedescriptive database.

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including central Pahang, Kelantan, northern Perakand Kedah, particularly in areas bordering southernThailand. In contrast, the predicted prevalence ofA. lumbricoides was lower (the areas within the greencolour range with prevalence of ≤20%) along the westcoast and southern part of Peninsular Malaysia (Fig.2). A visual comparison of our prediction map withthe observed prevalence map for A. lumbricoides wasnot much different. For example, up to 70% of thesurveyed areas with observed high prevalence showedlevels similar to our predicted model.

Continuous probability contour map of prevalenceexceeding 50% is illustrated in Fig. 3. The areas with-in the red colour range (i.e. probabilities >70%) arethe areas where there is high probability that theWHO mass drug administration (MDA) threshold of50% is exceeded, while areas within the green colourrange (probabilities of at least 30%) are those wherethere is a low probability of 50% MDA thresholdbeing exceeded. The yellow colour range (probabilitiesbetween 30% and 70%) can be assumed as areas ofhigh uncertainty where further surveys would be help-ful or continued surveillance programmes are recom-

mended. Figs. 4a and 4b show recommended inter-vention areas and population density (person per km2)in Peninsular Malaysia. A visual comparison betweenboth maps indicates that most of the recommendedintervention areas are areas with a population densitybetween 10 and 100 persons per km2.


The present study provides a description of the dis-tribution and prevalence of STH infections inPeninsular Malaysia from available empirical datasources using GIS. Findings of the present study indi-cate that there is considerable geographical variationin the STH distribution and that geographically tar-geted control programmes are required to maximiseavailable resources with regard to populations ingreatest need. In the absence of an easily accessibledatabase, the identification of priority areas for con-trol has commonly been made using unsystematic datacollection. Indeed, absence of appropriate informationhas sometimes led to deworming being included as acomponent of public health control programmes in

Fig. 1. Distribution maps based on available survey data of STH species at the sub-district levels in Peninsular Malaysia 1970-2012.

White indicates areas whererelevant data are lacking

State boundaries

(a) T. trichiura (b) A. lumbricoides (c) Hookworm (d) Combined STH

DecadeTrichuris trichiura Ascaris lumbricoides Hookworm Estimated combined STH

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD*














































Table 2. Mean prevalence of individual and estimated combined STH infections between 1970 and 2012.

*Standard deviation

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areas with absent or only low prevalence STH infec-tions (Brooker et al., 2009).

Since the STHs have life cycles involving sexual mat-uration in the human host and free-living stages in theenvironment, development and survival rate of theseparasites depend on environmental factors, such ashumidity and temperature. Studies have shown thatenvironmental variables indirectly influence transmis-sion success and thus influence the spatial pattern ofthese infections (Brooker and Michael, 2000).Therefore, we investigated the ecological correlationsof STH infections and predicted their prevalence in un-sampled areas based on satellite derived environmen-tal data using logistic regression analysis.

Despite the lack of records on STH infections in

Malaysia at the MoH and its related agencies, and thefact that few or no data are available in many areas ofthe country, we were able to assemble a databasewhich is not only one of the largest, but also the mostdetailed on the geographical distribution of STH infec-tions in Malaysia. The situation is not very different inother endemic countries; for example, STH data forsome East-African countries were extracted from morethan half of the available but unpublished surveysfrom the Division of Vector Borne Diseases, MoH inKenya, confirming the importance of this type of exer-cise (Brooker et al., 2009). Similarly, mapping of filar-iasis in Vietnam (Meyrowitsch et al., 1998) and malar-ia in Kenya (Omumbo et al., 1998) also demonstratethe significance of unpublished data.

Fig. 2. Predicted prevalence of A. lumbricoides in PeninsularMalaysia.

Fig. 3. Spatial distribution probability prevalence of A. lumbri-coides exceeding 50% in Peninsular Malaysia (continuous pro-bability map).

Characteristic Coefficient (B) Standard error ORa (95% CIb) P-value


Maximum LSTc

Mean LSTc

Minimum NDVId

Mean NDVId












0.88 (0.78-0.99)

1.12 (1.00-1.25)

0.98 (0.96-0.98)

1.03 (1.01-1.05)






Table 3. Regression coefficients used for estimation of the probability of finding a subject infected by Ascaris lumbricoides.

aOdd ratio; bCI = confidence interval; cland surface temperature; dnormalized difference vegetation index.

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Interestingly, in addition to the wide geographicalvariation discovered, our analysis indicates that theobserved prevalence of STH infections also variedtemporally, generally showing a gradual decreasingpattern. For example, mean prevalence of each STHinfection was high for the period 1970-1979 but grad-ually declined over time across the country especiallyfor the period 1980-1999. One possible explanationfor this trend may be due to the positive impact ofschool-based deworming programmes. In 1974, theMoH launched the National Worm ControlProgramme involving 1,468 schools with more than 3million children receiving anthelminthic drugs but theprogramme was discontinued in 1983 (Anon, 1985).Other factors, such as urbanization that usually leadsto improvement in the socioeconomic status, mayhave contributed indirectly through improved livingstandard. Better personal hygiene and environmentalsanitation may also have had a positive impact result-ing in the decline of prevalence rates over time.

While considering the value of the mappingapproach, it is important to identify the limitations.Different parasitological methods and techniquesemployed in the surveys might reduce comparabilityof the data and ability of the map to represent infec-tion prevalence accurately in every survey area(Brooker et al., 2003, 2009). Most of the parasitolog-

ical survey reports were based on single faecal exam-ination. This could lead to potential bias due to sev-eral factors such as poor sensitivity in detecting lightinfections or day-to-day fluctuation, i.e. intermittentegg excretion in excretion by the adult worm (Engelset al., 1996; Booth et al., 2003). Additionally, previ-ous studies indicated that Kato-Katz technique wasmore sensitive compared to other microscopicmethod for the examination of faecal samples(Goodman et al., 2007; Knopp et al., 2008).However, only one-third of the reported prevalencesurvey in our current work used the Kato-Katz tech-nique as the main diagnostic tool. Another potentialbias in the observed prevalence surveys was the delayin sample processing after sample collection, which isparticularly important with regard to hookworminfection (Dacombe et al., 2007). While this inherentpotential bias should be borne in mind when inter-preting prevalence data, they are unlikely to lead toany different conclusion at policy decision level. Thisis because current treatment guidelines are still relyingon prevalence data determined by the current diag-nostic “gold standard” (i.e. stool examination bymicroscopy) recommended by WHO (Montresor etal., 1998).

Although it is possible to estimate the national aver-age prevalence of STH infections based on observed

Fig. 4. Maps used for public health control planning in Peninsular Malaysia. Sub-districts recommended for intervention (a) anddensity (person per m2) of local population (b).

(a) (b)

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prevalence figures, it is clear that such an exercise ispotentially misleading (Brooker et al., 2000). Forexample, we found very few prevalence studies andthese data were obtained mostly from endemic areasknown to have high prevalence and national preva-lence was actually based on extrapolation of these val-ues. Indeed, such extrapolation more often reflects thenumber of studies carried out and their locations,rather than being reliable indications of the true preva-lence rate. Moreover, a large proportion of these pub-lished data were more than a few years old making thepresent-day interpretation uncertain. Despite theselimitations, the current data have provided a crudeestimation of the overall picture of STH infections andtheir distribution in Malaysia. Apart from these limi-tations, the work presented has generated predictivedistribution of STH infections based on environmentalvariables derived from satellite data. Since ecologicalfactors are known to influence the development andsurvival of the free-living transmission stage of theSTH parasites, they can be used as proxy to prevalencerates (Brooker and Michael, 2000). The correlationsbetween infection patterns and ecological factors canthus serve as tools to extrapolate risk estimates inareas for which no data are available, thus serve asbaseline data to identify priority areas and the popu-lations with the greatest needs.

Results of the present study indicate a significantassociation between prevalence of A. lumbricoides,LST and the NDVI. Findings of the current study alsosuggest a negative association between prevalence ofA. lumbricoides with maximum LST and minimumNDVI. In other words, as the temperature increases,transmission and prevalence of infection decrease.Such observations are most probably due to the effectsof heat and low humidity on the embryonation andsurvival of ova. Temperature and humidity are thedensity-independent factors influencing STH speciestransmission and infection patterns as measured by thebasic reproductive number (Ro). Increases in Ro willlead to increase in the prevalence and intensity ofinfection (Anderson and May, 1991). The thermal lim-its of infection as reported in our current study arealso in agreement with other studies. Studies in Africasuggest that A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infec-tions were most unlikely to occur in areas where max-imum LST exceeds 37 °C (Brooker et al., 2002a,b).Likewise, mapping of STH infections in Kenya (Pullanet al., 2011) and Vietnam (Brooker et al., 2003) alsoreport low prevalence of A. lumbricoides andT. trichiura infections in areas where maximum LSTwas above 37 °C. A study in South Africa also showed

that the average prevalence of A. lumbricoides andT. trichiura was below 20% in areas with mean annu-al temperature below 15 °C (Appleton et al., 1999).This observation was further supported by field inves-tigations. A national parasitic survey in China demon-strated that prevalence of STH infections was signifi-cantly associated with temperature and humidity fac-tors (Lai and His, 1996). In addition, low prevalenceof STH infections was observed in northern Chinawhere estimated LST was less than 20 °C and in Indiaand Pakistan with the estimated LST as more than40 °C (Brooker et al., 2004, 2006). Dunn (1972) con-ducted a field survey to investigate the intestinal para-sitism among different rural communities living in dif-ferent habitats in the Malaysian rain forest. The indi-cation is that communities at higher and cooler eleva-tion suffer less from STH infections.

Although findings of the present study can playimportant roles and offer basic information for therapid planning and sustainable control programmeof STH in Malaysia, there are some other factors thatmay result in underestimation of the prevalence andinfluence the distribution of infection (Brooker et al.,2009; Pullan et al., 2011). Issues such as differencesbetween rural and urban areas, poverty, lack of edu-cation, poor hygiene and environmental variables areknown to influence the distribution pattern of infec-tion especially at small, spatial scales. We must alsobear in mind that this information on socioeconomicand behaviour variables is difficult to collect overlarge spatial scales (Brooker et al., 2009). Apart fromsmall-scale spatial variations, other factors such asuneven data distribution or the need for a betterunderstanding of the impact on the different life-cycle biological stages with environmental factors arealso essential (Brooker and Michael, 2000). Thesevariables could not be incorporated in the currentmapping survey, but constitute the aim for a futurestudy. In the present study, however, our method ofselecting variables for the geostatistical modellingrelied on standard methods such as stepwise logisticregression that is more suitable for non-spatial data.However, ignoring spatial correlation might lead toincorrect estimates of the statistical significance ofthe predictor included in the model (Raso et al.,2005; Clements et al., 2009). The use of a more rig-orous and powerful geostatistical modellingapproach such as Bayesian geostatistical approachshould be incorporated in future work as it can pro-vide a more robust tool for identifying determinantsof the disease distribution and predicting risk andburden at high spatial scale (Diggle et al., 2007).

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Despite the fact that predictive model may under-pre-dict true prevalence which may arise as consequencesof these small-scale spatial variations, it still providesa reliable indication of whether or not MDA inter-vention is warranted in prioritised areas and popula-tions with greatest needs in accordance with WHOrecommendation.

Reliable maps of infection distribution and riskenhance cost-effectiveness of preventive chemotherapyintervention programmes. GIS and remote sensingfacilitate effective storage, mapping, analysis anddevelopment of STH distribution maps by makingdata integration more accessible and reliable thanbefore. This approach also permits the modelling ofspatial infection distribution in relation to ecologicalfactors, thereby enhancing understanding of the biolo-gy and epidemiology of the infections. The predictiverisk maps produced in the present study can be used toidentify endemic areas and provide more precise esti-mation of populations in greatest need, particularlywhen the resources for control are limited.


A low-cost approach in surveying, designing andtargeting by identifying priority areas and simplifyingthe monitoring and evaluation processes has been pro-vided and important improvements of the survey andsampling strategy at the national level outlined. Areasthat require further surveying in order to accuratelyestimate disease burden have been highlighted andhigh-risk population identified so that sustainablestrategies and national control measures can be opti-mally targeted at a realistic scale.


We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Simon

Brooker and Dr. Rachel L. Pullan from the Department of

Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene

and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom for their

input and counsel during the initial stage of this work. We are

also grateful to all those who have assisted and supported the

collection of necessary data for this study including MoH,

Ministry of Rural Development, headmasters and teachers in

the schools and all the villagers who have voluntarily partici-

pated in this study. Special thanks also go to Mr. Saidon Ishak

and Mr. Muhammad Aidil Roslan for their technical assistance

during the fieldtrips. This research project was funded by the

UM/MoHE High Impact Research (H-20001-00-E000061),


E-Science (16-02-03-6034) grant.


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