Download - March 10, 2019


March 10, 2019

Welcome to Worship at New Hope Our Sunday worship stems from the Presbyterian branch of the Jesus movement, and you’ll find much of

what you need to participate in this bulletin. If you’re unfamiliar with these traditions, you can also simply let the prayers of the community carry you forward. There is no wrong way to come to God in prayer.

We’re glad you’re here.

During Today’s Worship Children are especially welcome in our worship services, because faith is formed by the practices that shape it. Red worship bags for young children (non-readers) and blue bags for older children (readers) may be found on the wall outside the sanctuary. An usher will help you locate one. If you would like a worship bag with your child’s name of it, you may fill out a request form found in the Outreach & Information Center in the narthex or call the church office (936.2200). Parents who pre- fer child care will find the infant nursery (ages 0-2) in Room 204 (main level) and the toddler nurse- ry (ages 3– pre-K) in Room 104 (lower-level). Worship Feast, an experience to help elementary-age children develop awareness of God’s presence and openness to mystery through a variety of prayer practices, is available during the service. Child- ren who wish to participate may be dismissed after the Gospel Reading. They will exit by the side (north) door and be escorted to the lower-level. Preparing for worship...Please silence cell phones upon entering the sanctuary. The need may arise for you to exit the service early. If so, please refrain from exiting during prayers, reading of scripture and choral anthems. Natural and appropriate exit points are during congregational hymns or sung responses. Your courtesy is appreciated. Also, as a kindness to fellow worshipers, please do not take flash photos during the worship service. Large-print bulletins and hearing enhancement equipment are available for ease of worship. An usher will be happy to assist you. At the close of worship, please return the unit to the sound booth at the rear of the sanctuary. The Eucharist (the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion) is celebrated weekly at New Hope, and is open to all the baptized. The Lord’s Supper and Baptism are inseparable. If you feel called by the Holy Spir- it to meet Christ in Communion, we believe that you are also being called to Baptism. We will not turn anyone away from the Lord’s Table, but we do invite you to speak to the pastor or a member of the Session about Baptism as soon as possible. Restrooms are located on the south side of the building, across the hall from the kitchen. When you exit the worship space, turn left and they are down the hall on the right. Following worship, we invite you to a time of coffee & conversation (or hot tea) in the narthex. Ushering for today’s worship: Craig Clarke, Kirk Garten, Bill & Linda Judd, Kristin Judd, Debbie McDanel, Joe Seidler. Liturgist: Elder Bill Lamey Sound Booth: Julie Nowakowski Last Sunday’s Attendance: 69 If You Are New to New Hope Information about our church can be found at the Outreach & Information Center in the foyer.

New Hope Cares For pastoral care and to notify the church of illness, hospitalization, or death, please contact the church office at 636/936.2200 ([email protected]). To arrange for home-bound Communion, contact Pastor James at [email protected] or 936.2200 x.11.



March 10, 2019 10:15 a.m.

THE GATHERING As the people gather, worshipers greet one another, welcoming newcomers.

Please silence electronic devices.


PRELUDE I Want Jesus to Walk with Me arr. Lloyd Larson

Prayer of Preparation This prayer is offered to help worshipers center the heart and mind for worship.

Eternal God,

you revealed to the disciples

the everlasting glory of Jesus Christ.

Grant us, who have not seen and yet believe,

the gift of your Holy Spirit,

that we may boldly live the gospel

and shine with your transforming glory,

as people changed and changing

through the redeeming presence of our Savior. Amen.


and also with you. the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


*HYMN 410 God is Calling through the Whisper W ŻŁOBIE LEŻY


God of grace and mercy,

you create a new order for our lives:

service before success,

faith before knowledge,

partnership over independence,

the cross over the crown.

Forgive us when we fall into the patterns of this world,

rejecting your call through our action or inaction.

Forgive us, O God, and move us to see the world

in the light of your great love.

Worshipers may reflect on this prayer and offer personal confession in silence.


CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Lord, Have Mercy Kyrie Eleison

1st time, Cantor/Choir

2nd time, Congregation


THE PEACE Greet those around you with: “The peace of Christ be with you,” responding, “And also with you.”



FIRST SCRIPTURE READING Deuteronomy 26: 1-11

PSALTER Psalm 91

You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord The choir will sing the verses and the congregation may join in on the refrain.


v.1 You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, v.3 You need not fear the terror of the night, who abide in his shadow for life, nor the arrow that flies by day; say to the Lord: “My refuge, though thousands fall about you, my rock in whom I trust!” R near you it shall not come. R v.2 The snare of the fowler will never capture you, v.4 For to his angels is given a command and famine will bring you no fear: to guard you in all of your ways; under his wings your refuge, upon their hands they will bear you up, his faithfulness you shield. R lest you dash your foot against a stone. R

EPISTLE READING Romans 10: 8b-13



(Cantor) One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.




In silent prayer and reflection you may renew the covenant into which you are baptized. If you would like to learn more about this sacrament, Pastor James would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about it.

CELEBRATION OF ENROLLMENT OF TRAVELERS This rite signals a transition from an open-ended time of exploration of the Christian faith to a time of final

preparation for baptism and affirmation of baptism. Those who are seeking to affirm their baptism (“affirmers”)

make public their intention to the congregation, who represents the larger Christian community. Affirmers write

their names in a large book as a sign of being called to renew the promises of baptism (affirmers). The book in

which the names are enrolled lies open at a place in the midst of the congregation where it can be easily seen.

You Have Called Us, vv.1-3 Bernadette Farrell

The choir will sing the refrain the first time. All repeat. Thereafter all sing the refrain once.

PRESENTATION OF AFFIRMERS Affirmers (Travelers), Companions, and Catechists (small group leaders) gather before the congregation

near the place where the book of names is located. They are asked about their intention to continue along

the path toward affirming their baptism at the coming festival of our Lord’s death and resurrection (Easter).


Presiding minister: People of God, as you continue your faith journeys, will you support

these brothers and sisters in Christ, chosen by God, through your prayers, your presence,

and your example? As you observe the disciplines of Lent, will you be for them a com-

munity of love and growth in God’s grace?

We will, and we ask God to help and guide us.

ENROLLMENT OF NAMES Each Affirmer writes his/her name in the Book of Enrollment. The Companion stands with the Affirmer as

he/she signs. During the signing, the congregation will sing the last two verses of You Have Called Us, along

with the refrain. After signing, they will gather in the aisles for the laying on of hands and the blessing. You Have Called Us, vv.4-5 Bernadette Farrell

*BLESSING OF CANDIDATES & AFFIRMERS All who are able, please stand. Companions and the congregation lay hands on the Affirmers, or on the shoulder of the person nearest them.

...that all your people may bear witness to your grace

and praise you forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.



ANTHEM I Have Decided to Follow Jesus arr. R. Kevin Boesiger



And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

…and join their unending hymn:

...Great is the mystery of faith:

7 are all in all, one God, now and forever.

As our Savior Christ has taught us, we are bold to pray,

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory,

forever. Amen.


COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLE Coming to the Table—Ushers will invite worshipers to the Lord’s Table by rows. All the baptized may come to the Table at the center and return by the outside aisles.

Receiving the elements—You may take the bread, dip it into the chalice and partake of both to- gether (intinction), or you may partake of the bread first, and then proceed to partake of the juice separately from the tray of individual cups. Gluten-free bread is available with Pastor James from the plate in his left hand.

COMMUNION MUSIC In All Our Grief and Fear We Turn to You arr. Thomas Keesecker

Bob Dencker & Connie Pettit

After the presider and communion servers have received the elements, and before the concluding prayer, the whole assembly is invited to share a moment of silent contemplation before God.




Prayer of Preparation, Revised Common Lectionary Prayers (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002), 73.

Prayer of Confession, Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching & the Arts, Vol. 52.1, 54.

“You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord,” TEXT and MUSIC: Jan Michael Joncas, ©1979, OCP. All rights re-

served. Reprinted under One License #A-726483.

“You Have Called Us,” Words and Music: Bernadette Farrell, © 1995 OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under

One License #A-726483.

"Mass of Creation: Kyrie, Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation, and Amen." TEXT: Traditional liturgical. MUSIC:

Marty Haugen, ©1984, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under One License #A-726483.

THE SENDING *HYMN 165 The Glory of These Forty Days ERHALT UNS, HERR


*POSTLUDE On Eagle's Wings arr. Lloyd Larson

*Please rise in body or spirit. +Those arriving may be seated.



“I’ve Been Wondering…”

FAQs about Worship

What is Lent?

Lent is a season of the church year. It is a period of 40 days (not including Sundays) that

serves as a time of preparation for Easter. Lent, as is a liturgical season, is more restrained

and somber than during other seasons of the year, yet the Sundays in Lent witness not only

the Lord’s passion and death, but also his victory over sin and death. Even so, service mu-

sic containing “alleluia” is traditionally not sung during these weeks, which explains why

the Doxology and the Gloria Patri (“Glory be to the Father”) are omitted from the service.

The Lenten season is a journey with Jesus along the path to Jerusalem and the cross. It

is a time to repent, which literally means “to turn around,” to turn again to God with re-

newed trust and gratitude for the steadfast love and faithfulness of God. As such, Lent

serves as a time of preparing for baptism and the renewal of the baptismal covenant in the

journey toward Easter. The color of the season is purple, the color of royalty—and also the

color of the robe put on Jesus when he was mocked and beaten (John 19:2). Thus, purple

has become the color of sacrifice and penitence.

Why do we "bury" the alleluias for the season of Lent?

What we do with alleluias only makes sense in context with the larger meaning of Lent.

So let's start there. Lent arrives each year as the earth prepares to awaken from its winter

slumber. So, too, does the church prepare itself for renewal in the springtime of Christ's

resurrection. Lent is about the church recovering its center in the dying and rising of

Christ as well as preparing candidates being called by God to the waters of baptism. In

short, we all learn again how deep is our hunger for God. Marking this spiritual journey

are faith practices: communion with God, restraint from excess, and generous sharing.

We know these practices as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. When we bury alleluias

(removing them from our worship) for the season of Lent, we begin a "fast" from using a

word which is pungent with the fragrance of Easter. Like seed planted in the soil, we put

away our alleluias until that time (at the Great Vigil) when their return to the liturgy trum-

pets the glory of the resurrection. So, on Transfiguration Sunday, we sing an entire feast of

alleluias and, then, with reverence and joy, place them in a “coffin” for 40 days.



for Healing & Wholeness Allen Rudolph Patricia Rothermich (friend of Barbara Lynn) Marilynne Counts Chrystal Hood (stepmother of Patrick & Robin Murphy’s grand-son)

Jason Murphy (son of Patrick & Robin Murphy)

Greg Newman Hilary Stokes (daughter-in-law of Wynn & Katie Ward)

Susan Phillips Viennia Goorey (niece of Martha Lamey)

Casey Fisher (friend of Paul & Martha Hacker) Neil Harger (friend of Paul & Martha Hacker) Trish Hawley (co-worker of Barbara Newman)

Larry Vilmer (friend of Paul & Martha Hacker)

Ann Wienstroer Fern Stewart Carter Pulley (grandson of Deb & Edd Mackin)

Bob Trigg Sophia Walsh (granddaughter of Bobbi Cusumano)

Steve Thomas (cousin of Vicky Koonley)

Erma Lamey (mother of Bill Lamey)

Lyndia Bernabe (friend of Marilynne Counts)

Marion Sanders (grandmother of Marion Hamilton)

Steve Hanson (uncle of Marion Hamilton)

Kim Ballard (aunt of Marion Hamilton)

Donnie Myers (brother-in-law Paul & Marty Hacker)

Clarence Siebert (friend of Paul & Marty Hacker)

Frances Fleschert (granddaughter of Jim & Debbie Phillips)

Michael Ray Carole Cassetta (mother of Rick Cassetta) Harley Steiner (uncle of Connie Pettit)

Carole Pearson (friend of Donna Huffman)

Willie Williams (friend of Paul & Martha Hacker)

Nancy Coacher (friend of Nancy Seals)

Jim Kunzler (brother-in-law of Paul Hacker) Zoe Moyich (daughter of Martha Hacker’s friend) Mary McConkey (friend of Linda Dencker) Jared Antle (nephew of Shari Mahon) Louise Howell (friend of Ruth Reilly) Robin Murphy Virginia Norland (grandmother of Julie Langasek)

Melissa Robin Irvine (daughter of Bill & Ruth Irvine)

Betty Reed (friend of Barbara Newman) Arnold Sanders (grandfather of Marion Hamilton)

Marsha Hanson (step-mother of Marion Hamilton)

Alexandra Riordan (granddaughter of Wynn & Katie Ward)

Pat Camden (grandmother of Bill & Martha Lamey’s son-in-law)

Dan Riordan (son-in-law of Wynn & Katie Ward)

Violet Koehler (mother of Elaine Barbee and Ruth Connor)

Phyllis Wamsley (cousin of Barbara Lynn)

Mary Fritz (friend of Jim Pettit)

Joyce Denkman Hannah Shroyer (great-grandchild of Allen & Carolyn Rudolph)

Rev. Len Aurich (step-father of Connie Pettit)

Michael McCallister (cousin of Laura Eikmann) Dona Holmes (mother of Gay Spears)

Bernadette Alcantar (sister of Martha Lamey’s sister-in-law) Erin Murphy (daughter-in-law of Pat & Robin Murphy) Barbara Clarke Burton (sister of Craig Clarke) Sam Kahn (uncle of Martha Lamey) Tammy Morales & family (friend of Bill & Martha Lamey) Bob Mudrovic

of Joy & Thanksgiving for the wedding of Elizabeth Eikmann & Monica Duwel (Feb. 2)

for the Grieving Ann Rademan & family on the death of her cousin, Don Fritschie Jim & Connie Pettit on the death of their friend, Jared Sanz-Agero Kathy Salter & family on the death of her aunt, Dorothy Desrochers (Feb. 19) Allen & Carolyn Rudolph on the death of his sister, Sylvia Yaekle (Feb. 13)

for New Hope’s Affirmers Jerry Dyer Rhonda Dyer Kathy Gibbs Bill Lamey Martha Lamey

Barb MacShane Kellen Tucker Leslie Tucker Laura Vinyard

for the World & its People the victims of the tornado in Alabama our brothers & sisters in the United Methodist Church

Striving to welcome and include all, worship God,

grow in Christian faith, serve others,

and be God’s love in the world.

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Q. James, Pastor Dr. Gay Holmes Spears, Director of Music Ministries

Laura Meinert, Office Manager




Jerry Dyer

Kirk Garten

Bill Lamey

Alyssa Murray

Sue White


Paul Hacker

Lynn Harmon

Terry Martinez

Julie Nowakowski

Jim Phillips


Camellia Callahan

Ruth Irvine, Clerk of Session

Margo Van Mill

Patrick Tilk

Stan Whiteley


Sharon Barnes

Mark Besselman

Robert Dencker

Carolyn Doerr

Linda Judd, Moderator


Sue Dittmar

Barbara Lynn

Robin Murphy

Todd Rasche

Joe Seidler


Rhonda Dyer

Donna Huffman

Greg Marshall

Connie Pettit

Mary Waltman

1580 Kisker Road St. Charles, MO 63304 636/936.2200

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