Page 1: March 2013 Messenger

The Messenger

Points of Interest…


Easter Breakfast

Ladies Aid


New Books

Women’s Event

Pastor’s Message 1

Financials 2


Doctrine Review 4

Spanish Outreach 5

Pastoral Acts 6

Worship 7

Memorials 8

Miscellaneous... 9

Stewardship 10

March 2013

Have you ever been to Jerusalem?

Even in our day of modern travel, not

many of us have. Still, you know the

place and you know the place well.

Every year you travel there by faith.

Through His Word each year during

Lent the Holy Spirit, Creator of time,

takes you back in time to the last Pass-


No, you may not know the agreed upon

location of the Upper Room, but

you’ve been there and each time you

receive the Lord’s Supper you dine

with Christ as surely as His first disci-

ples did. You’ve never walked in the

shade of the Garden of Gethsemane,

but you’ve been there too. You’ve seen

your Savior there as the weight of the

world, the world’s sins, was laid upon

Him. You’ve heard His prayer to the

Father in which He willingly took upon

Himself your burden.

You’ve never walked the Via Dela-

rosa, but you’ve watched as Christ

stumbled down that Way of Sorrow,

bearing the cross you had earned.

Have you ever stood outside Jerusalem

on the hill called Golgatha? No again,

but you’ve seen it and oh, how you

love to see it! You see it often. You go

there every time your sins trouble you.

With guilt about to overwhelm you,

you’ve stood on that skull-shaped hill,

your body covered by the shadow of a

cross, so thankful to look up and see

your Savior.

What about Joseph’s tomb? Ever been

to the location that most suppose was

that actual tomb? Most likely not.

But, you don’t need to stand there in

person wondering if this one is Jesus’

actual empty tomb. You don’t need to

do that because the Holy Spirit’s Word

has taken you to the actual tomb. With

the eyes of faith He’s let you look right

in there along with the women, John,

and Peter. You’ve seen it. You know

it’s Jesus’ tomb. You know it’s empty.

You know Christ has bodily risen. You

know the difference that makes. Stand-

ing in person at the graves of loved

ones, you know those graves, and your

grave will one day be empty also.

When? On the day of Christ’s return,

the Day of the Resurrection. With Job

we look forward to that day saying, “I

myself will see him with my own eyes--

I, and not another. How my heart

yearns within me!”

Continued on Page 3...

Easter Breakfast

St. Marks Boy Pioneers will be serving Easter Breakfast Sunday March 31.

Free will offering will be used to purchase chairs for our meeting area.

Serving 6:30 to 9:30 AM.

Scrambled Eggs with Ham - Hard Boiled Eggs -

Coffee Cake and Hard Rolls, Cheese - Milk, Juice & Coffee

Let Us Go Again to Jerusalem

Page 2: March 2013 Messenger

Financials... The members of St. Mark’s Church contributed $214,371.94 in January.

$81,810.14 was received for the general operating fund in January and the operating needs

were $121,142.42, leaving a deficit of $39,332.28. There was a carryover of approximately

$41,000.00 from 2012, therefore no borrowing was needed. Expenses are generally higher be-

cause of Health Insurance, Pension, Workers Comp.& Property Insurance are all due in January.

$65,406.67 was received toward our goals for Missions, Lakeside, Property Maintenance, Debt

Reduction, Hispanic Outreach, and the ROC. The needs for our goals were $31,280.30. Contribu-

tions toward the goals were $34,126.37 above the needs.

$67,155.13 was received toward Future Generations, The Capitol Fund Campaign, to pay for the

school expansion and renovation. Needs were $17,760.00. Contributions were $49,395.13 above


Weekly contributions needs, for operations, is $27,200.00. $7,218.53 is needed weekly toward

goals for Missions, Lakeside, Property Maintenance, Debt Reduction, Hispanic Outreach and the


Submitted by, Larry Schuett, Treas.

Financials - Messenger Info Page 2

To include an article or notice in The Messenger, drop off your information

at the church office or e-mail to: [email protected]

The Messenger Deadline is the 15th of the month.

Information received AFTER that date is NOT guaranteed inclusion.


Articles, notices, etc., are only printed once - unless otherwise requested, and all articles are subject

to modification by the editor. Special requests will be taken into consideration, however please un-

derstand that for various reasons and space, your request may not be honored.

Page 3: March 2013 Messenger

Pebbles from the ROC - Pastor’s Message continued… - ROC Rummage Sale Page 3

Pebbles From the ROC...

"How can I help our ROC Youth Center. "What can I do?" What a blessing it is when God's people just

want to help! "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Ephesians

2:10). Our love in Christ overflows. So how can you help? Food is always greatly appreciated. The teens

love pizza, hot dogs, cookies, chocolate brownies, salad and really anything you give. The ROC treasurer is

in need of a laptop to handle the accounting which would be passed on to future treasurers. You can help by

stopping down at THE ROC (213 N. 3rd St.) to help supervise for an hour or two. If supervising isn't what

you want, maybe stopping down to play a game of checkers (or another game) with a teen fits you better. If

you are somewhat of an artist, we need a memory wall at THE ROC where "graduated teens" can leave their

initials and date. An idea of a grape vine with signed grapes has been mentioned. If you are good at organ-

izing the construction of a float, we would love to have a ROC float for parades. If you like to share God's

Word, offer ideas and help for our daily Bible/Talk Time. We pray the ideas given to help will provide

something for you. Just stop on by at THE ROC or call or e-mail Pastor Mueller (920-261-4444, 206-9581,

[email protected]). What a blessing to work with you as one in Christ.

Please mark your calendar for July 18, 19,

& 20 for another ROC Youth Center rum-

mage/bake sale at the TSL (Trinity/St.

Luke’s) gym on Western Avenue. Start

putting aside (so sorry that we can't store

the items for you until the sale) your

clean, undamaged, and workable

items. Help is always appreciated to re-

ceive donations, sort, display items , bake

goodies, and also work the sale assisting

customers, receiving money, and to carry

out purchases. Please contact one of the

following with any questions or to volun-

teer. Thank you.

Ruth Uttech

920-261-6772 or

e-mail: [email protected]

Pam Erdman

920-261-9674 or

[email protected])

Joyce Zwieg


Pastor’s Message

Continued from Page 1...

So as our hearts yearn for Christ’s re-

turn, let us go again to Jerusalem. We

go praising God that we don’t need to

take a pilgrimage to some far away

land in search of forgiveness, peace,

and life. Instead, we go knowing that

Jesus pilgrimaged in our place. The

Holy Spirit, who sought us out and

brought us forgiveness, peace and life

in Jesus, takes us there through His

Word. May He again bless your jour-

ney to Jerusalem this Lenten season

and Easter morn!

Christ’s servant to you,

Pastor Jensen

Page 4: March 2013 Messenger

Doctrine Review - Hospital Visitation Page 4

A Little Review of Doctrine: Preparation for Holy Communion

in the Lord’s Supper? (1 Co

11:29) To deny these is to deny

the power of the sacrament, and

the very Word of God.

4. Finally, do I agree with what

this church teaches from the

Scriptures? (1 Co 10:17, Ro

16:17) Since the very nature of

Holy Communion expresses uni-

ty, a full accord with what we

teach is very necessary.

Now, if you’re considered a

communicant member of the

WELS and your answer to each

of the above questions is “yes”,

then you are prepared for Holy

Communion. Or as Martin Lu-

ther put it most simply in his

catechism: “He is properly pre-

pared who believes these words,

‘Given and poured out for you

for the forgiveness of sins.’”

The Lord’s Supper is not for eve-

ryone. Strong medicine benefits

mature people who need it, but

has the power to harm others.

Likewise: “Whoever eats the

bread or drinks the cup of the

Lord in an unworthy manner will

be guilty of sinning against the

body and blood of the Lord. A

person ought to examine himself

before he eats of the bread and

drinks of the cup.” (1 Co 11:27-


So, Holy Communion is for

those who can examine them-

selves. Such examination is what

we teach at St. Mark’s in our Pre

-Communion Classes. After-

wards, we keep that preparation

fresh whenever we preach and

teach God’s Word.

So, with what questions ought

we examine ourselves for Holy

Communion? From Scripture

four suggest themselves espe-

cially strongly:

1. Am I willing to admit to

God my every sin and my need

for forgiveness? (1 Jn 1:9) And

yes, such a confession also

means I sincerely desire no long-

er to pursue my sin.

2. Do I trust that Jesus accom-

plished everything necessary

to forgive my every sin? (1 Co

11:26) This, of course, is the

story of his life, death, and res-

urrection on our behalf.

3. Do I agree that Jesus’ very

body, which rose from the

dead, and his very blood,

which he paid for my salva-

tion—these are really present

Ladies Aid

Thursday, February 7

1 PM Lunch - Parish Center


Business Meeting

New Members Welcome!

What does Ladies Aid do?

Serves Funeral Luncheons

Serves Pre-Marriage Seminar Dinner

Donates to School

Sends Christmas Cards to

Shut-ins & Military

Prepares & donates lunch to the

Watertown Free Clinic volunteers

...and more!


Join us for lunch and a meeting!

1st Thursday of the month

September through May

Your Pastors Want to Serve You at the Hospital

When you are hospitalized, your pastors want to visit you. However, they need your help to do so.

If your hospitalization takes place at the local hospital in Watertown, PLEASE BE SURE TO


If hospitalization takes place outside of Watertown: please let one of the pastors know—even

in advance, if it is a scheduled surgery.

In time of emergency or as death is quickly drawing near: the telephone is your best avenue to

reach a pastor—and start by calling the church office, if possible.

The whole congregation is happy to pray on your behalf when you are ill. Simply let one of the

pastors know you’d like a prayer for you in church.

Page 5: March 2013 Messenger

The Work of Our Pastors & Others: Baptisms at Saint Mark’s?

Spanish Outreach - Communion Deacons Page 5

Spanish Outreach...

Just last month this

column capped off

2012 by noting that

we have experienced a smaller

stream of newer members, but

great growth in Christ among

our present members.

Well, one aspect of Christian

growth is a willingness to speak

up about our Savior. Recently,

three of our families invited

three other families to wor-

ship—and all are now good pro-

spects for instruction! (In fact,

Pastor Walther has already be-

gun to instruct one couple.)

Praise be to Christ! And thank

you for your prayers.

On a related note, we are

blessed to have several bap-

tisms pending. Please add your

petitions that the Holy Spirit

soon adopt more precious souls

into God’s family, as Christ

washes them clean.

In Spanish as in English, we are

now deep into the Season of

Cuaresma (Lent). Luke’s ac-

count of la pasión de nuestro

Señor (the Passion of our Lord)

is occupying our attention in

worship on Sunday evenings.

6:30 PM, Sunday, March 24th

will have us celebrating Pascua

de Resurrección (the Festival of

Easter). Snacks, refreshments,

and Easter eggs afterwards will

be provided by a generous anon-

ymous donor.

Bilingual worship for Easter will

take place on Easter Eve: Satur-

day, March 30th, at 6:00 PM.

Don’t forget: It’s your support

– your prayers and your offer-

ings – through which Christ

accomplishes the work above.


St. Mark’s Communion Deacons

Many years ago already, our church began offering Lord’s Supper in connection with nearly every wor-

ship service. This necessitated help from more men for the distribution of the sacrament than only our


In the summer of 2005, in connection with the reorganization of our congregation, these men were orga-

nized into a work group called Communion Deacons.

Have you noticed how faithfully they have served? Nearly never have we failed to see sufficient

help for the distribution of the sacrament!

Our communion deacons currently are: Lee Dahlberg, Casey DeFrain, John Deglow, Pastor Dolan, Jerry

Hahn, Carl Hochmuth, Pastor Hohenstein, Adam Igl, Pastor Iles, John Kaliebe, Jeff Korth, Jeff Kube, Jim

Lillo, Glen Lohr, Wayne Lohr, Bob Maxwell, Jim Meyer, Pastor Tim Mueller, John Nelson, Matt Not-

tling, Fred Raether, Pastor Scharf, Ben Schramm, Pastor Uhlhorn, Tim Wrobel

These men are not only responsible for assisting with the distribution of the sacrament during services.

From their ranks also are drawn those who alternate with the pastors in visiting shut-ins, and those who

witness with the pastors young people’s confessions of faith (prior to their receiving the sacrament).

Page 6: March 2013 Messenger

Page 6 Pastoral Acts - Membership Updates - Elders Work

Funerals… Date of Death Funeral

Richard Stange 1-26-13 2-2-13

Betty Eggert 1-28-13 2-4-13

Elizabeth (Betty) Fredrick 2-4-13 2-8-13

Glen Storrs 2-10-13 2-15-13

John Herzog 2-11-13 2-15-13

Franklin Schliewe 2-11-13 2-15-13

Baptism: Birth Baptism Parents

Faith Emmalee Mae Colvin 1-31-12 2-1-13 Rory & Stephanie (Sell) Colvin

Mason James Bingham 7-31-12 2-2-13 Dean & Kayla (Teich) Bingham

Ivy Jade Monroe Yerges 12-30-12 2-3-13 Sam Yerges & Leah Berger

Rachel Kae Koeck 2-12-13 2-12-13 Brian & Deborah (Hahm) Koeck

Bladmir Gonzalez Emilio 11-16-12 2-23-13 Bladimir Gonzalez & Genoveva Emilio

Weddings… None this month

The Elders Board rejoices to

report to you the following

developments ….

1. For the past eight years,

members of St. Mark’s have

labored to create a congrega-

tional atmosphere in which

each soul is encouraged regu-

larly to worship. We have

employed personal visits,

personal phone calls, person-

al mail, notes in the newslet-

ter, and bulk e-mails by the

hundreds of thousands to-

ward this effort. For five

years, St. Mark’s pastors

have personally visited mem-

bers age thirty and older

whom we have rarely seen in

worship. The Holy Spirit has

graciously crowned all our

efforts with success: What

were once more than half a

thousand able-bodied, local

members who never wor-

shipped with us … now num-

ber less than a hundred who

have not worshipped with us


2. No longer do we list as

members those for whom we

have no address, nor those

who have lived out of our

area for a number of years.

We have done our best to

track down these dear souls

and relay them to a nearby

WELS church. Lacking such

a church, we serve them at a

distance as best we can.

Eight years ago, we listed

members in half the states of

our nation. By God’s grace,

we now do a better job of

trying genuinely to get these

souls served.

The newly elected elders now

begin a new three-year cycle

of planning. They anticipate

enlisting more members to

phone and to visit less-than-

active members. They plan to

more thoroughly consider our

expectations for member-

ship—and the relationship of

those expectations to the pro-

cess of transfers, professions

of faith, adult confirmations,

and less-than-active mem-

bers. The elders also antici-

pate revisiting the congrega-

tion’s need for a part-time,

highly economical youth

worker position to reach

those in their twenties. The

elders board petitions your

prayers on its behalf—and

especially in regard to these

new efforts.

Elders Work:

Review & Preview

Page 7: March 2013 Messenger

Page 7 Worship Schedule - Good Friday German Service

Midweek Lenten services are 8:30 AM, 3:30 PM, &

7:00 PM on Wednesdays …

… Weekend services are 6:00 PM Saturdays and 7:30,

9:00, & 10:45 AM Sundays

Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3

Lent 3: John 11:46-53

“Jewish Leaders’ Plot & Prophecy”

Wednesday, March 6

Lenten Midweek 4: Luke 22:47-51

“People of Passion: Jesus Repairs Peter’s Damage”

Saturday & Sunday, March 9 & 10

Lent 4: John 12:20-33

“Greeks Hear God’s Voice Announce Christ’s Glory”

Wednesday, March 13

Lenten Midweek 5: Luke 22:54-62

“People of Passion: Jesus Witnesses Peter’s Denial”

Saturday & Sunday, March 16 & 17

Lent 5: Colossians 1:21-27

“Gentiles Are Reconciled to God through the Gospel”

Wednesday, March 20

Lenten Midweek 6: John 21:15-19

“People of Passion: Jesus Reinstates Peter”

11 AM, Saturday, March 23

Confirmation & Commissioning of the Class of 2013

Holy Week’s Services lead us into Christ’s suffering

and death on our behalf.

Saturday & Sunday, March 23 & 24

Palm Sunday: Hebrews 12:1-6

“We Focus on Jesus, Who Marched to His Death”

Thursday, March 28

Maundy Thursday: Hebrews 9:11-15

“Jesus’ Body & Blood Mean Our Redemption”

10 AM, Friday, March 29

German Good Friday: Ebäerbrief 2:14-18

“Warum starb Jesus?”

1 PM, Friday, March 29

Good Friday: Hebrews 2:14-18 & John 19:29-30

“By His Death, Jesus Destroyed the Deadly Devil”

7 PM, Friday, March 29

Good Friday: Teen Tenebrae

The Easter Season celebrates Christ’s resurrection and

its benefits for us.

6 PM, Saturday, March 30

Easter Eve Bilingual

6 AM, Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunrise: John 20:1-9

“Mary Reports the Empty Tomb to Peter & John”

Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunday: 1 Peter 1:3-9

“Jesus’ Resurrection Gave Us a New & Heavenly Birth”

Worship This Month...

German Service: 10 AM, Good Friday Morning

More than a century-and-a-half of worship in the German language at St.

Mark's will continue this month. 10 AM, Friday, March 29th, will serve as the

setting for this year's German Good Friday service.

The sermon will ask: "Warum starb Jesus" ("Why did Jesus die?"). Hebrews

2:14-18 will answer that question. German liturgy and German hymns will

accompany the day's worship. Pastor Walther will officiate.

Everyone is invited to attend this special occasion.

For more information, call the church office at 262-8500.

Page 8: March 2013 Messenger

Memorials/Giving in Celebration Page 8

Memorials – for St. Mark’s Church, School, Missions, School Building Fund, the ROC, St. Mark’s Scholarship

Fund, etc. These memorials have been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of the following:

We apologize for names missing or misspelled.

Ken Beck

Earl & Sue Zubke,

Merle Zastrow

Mae Behling Phil & Barb Mallow, Norm & Sharon

Melcher, Judge & Mrs. Arnold K.

Schumann, Ralph & Mary Lou

Schmidt, Jean Zurheide, Carol J.

Schmidt, Wally & Merla Stark, Ray &

Erla Nickels, Robert & Marian Heese,

Randy Roeseler, Ellen Geiger, Marie


Jon Fisch

Keith & Rhonda Christian

Oscar Hackbarth

Delores Schmidt

Charles (Chuck) Haseleu

Ron & Joyce Zwieg, Suzanne Herzog,

Jack & Shelby Erdmann, Sylvia Test-

er, Jerry & Joanne Brandt, Randall &

Darlene Schultz, Ken & Jeanne Klein,

Graham & Gloria Anderson, Wes

Altweis, Jerrold & Betty Lillge, Wil-

liam & Mary Schultz, Marlene &

George Raether, Roger & Sandy Her-

bert, Erich & Helen Zellmer, Dorothy

Mekelburg, Fae Ann Mekelburg, Ei-

leen & Gerald Sell, Marlin & Lor-

raine Kube, Beverly Saniter, Daniel &

Sandra Rullman, Richard & Shirlee

Reynolds, Robert & Diane Schmidt,

Gregg & Linda Lippens, Mildred

Polensky, Trudy & Lee Rickerman,

Ron & Kay Uhlhorn, Al & Sharon

Oestreich, Joanne Hemker, Weth-

onkitha Club, Jim & Karen Huhn,

Diane Haseleu, Yvonne Habermann,

Laura Kohn, John & Jean Milroy, Jeff

& Julie Glaznap, Eric & Carol Schlo-

esser, Ralph & Mary Lou Schmidt,

Rod & Janet Pike, Judy Quam, Den-

nis & Georgene Schramm, Arline

Hildebrandt, Robert & Marian Heese,

Ronald & Marliss Steindorf, Everett

& Marleen Borth, Tom & Penni Nick-

els, Terry & Beth Lundsten, Larry &

Yvonne Schuett, Earl & Sue Zubke,

Wayne & Nancy Lohr, Tim & Deb

Archambeau, Ruth Sellnow, Caroline

Arndt, Karl Wagner, Randall & Don-

na Roets, Rita Langer, Randy Roese-


William K. Kaercher

Mr. & Mrs. Don Grulke, Mr. & Mrs.

Daryl Hundt, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Mes-

serschmidt, Mr. & Mrs. AJ Ritschke,

Alice Zietlow

Lorraine Kubly

Mr. & Mrs. Earl Zubke,

Bernice Zimmerman

Edward Kuckkan

Marie Dobbratz,

Margie Eickelberg

Jacqueline Kube

Everett & Marleen Borth

Dwayne Michael

Dorothy Zubke

Rev. Richard W. Mueller

Ron & Joyce Zwieg,


Patricia Nass

Dorothy Zubke

Ruth Nass

Dorothy Zubke, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle

Borth, Alice Zietlow

Edward Punzel

Edward & Shirley Zubke

Shirley A. Retzlaff

Donald & Arlene Grulke, Daryl &

Debra Hundt, Paul & Mardelle

Schuett, Mike & Bev Schilling

Arthur J. Ritschke

Ron & Joyce Zwieg

Lucile Roeseler

Carole Christian

James Schoenike

Bill Christian,

Norman & Coralli Griep

Richard Stange

Wm. & Mary Schultz

Elizabeth Stelter

Yvonne Habermann, Ron & Marliss

Steindorf, Linda Stark, Carol Schloes-

ser, Terry & Beth Lundsten, Sandy

Radloff, Carolyn Smith, Richard &

Sandra Kren, Rev. & Mrs. James


Herbert Thurloff

Phyllis Gerth, Clyde Gerth, Jeff &

Ginger Checki

Aurelia & Sigmund Widzinsky

Elsbeth Fuchs, William & Heidi

Lund, Faith Zoellick, Randy Roeseler

Gertrude Zubke

Edward & Shirley Zubke; Caroline

Arndt; Mark, Peggy, Kimberly &

Elizabeth Hafenstein; Earl & Sue

Zubke; Merle Zastrow; Allen &

Christine Rose; Michael & Sharon

Slechta; Charles & Beverly Klug;

Donald & Marjorie Jaeger; Eugene &

Audrey Zautner; William & Barbara

Cichanofsky; William & Mary

Schultz; James & Lynne Schultz; Jim

& Arlene Krause; Audrey Scharp; B.J.

Stoltenburg; Daniel & Lucilla Klein;

Roland & Theresa Holzhueter; Garry

& Cheryl Peter; Butch & Gayle Berg;

Bruce & Shelby Hahn; Dave & Sue

Ebbert; Bob & Pam Brassfield; Don

& Sandy Messerschmidt; Gil & Lau-

rie Brennecke; Dorothy Zubke; Judy

Schreiber; Florence, Sharon & Diane

Buedler; Howard & Bev Zubke; Wal-

ter & Merla Stark; Roger & Beatty

Hamann; Carol Conard; Edwina Cata-

lani-Davies; St. Mark’s Ladies Aid;

other Family & Friends

In Honor of...

Bob & Carol Schmidt gave a gift to

St. Mark’s School Building Fund and

to St. Mark’s Church in honor of their

60th wedding anniversary on February


Page 9: March 2013 Messenger

St. Mark’s Mission - Meals-on-Wheels - Ladies Aid Page 9


St. Mark’s will be delivering Meals-on-

Wheels the week of March 18-22. If you are

willing to help, please call Yvonne at

920-261-5844. Thank you!

Ladies Aid

Thursday, March 7th

1 PM Lunch

Guest: Mayor Ron Krueger

Business Meeting

All women are invited!

Ladies Aid… Serves Funeral Luncheons & Annual Pre-Marriage Seminar Dinner

Prepares & Serves Breakfast &/or Lunch for Visiting Choirs & Instrumentalists

Invites Guest Speakers - Enjoys Entertainment - Learns through Pastoral Topics

Supports the Capitol Fund Campaign - Sends Christmas Cards to Shut-ins & Military

Prepares & Donates Lunch to the Watertown Free Clinic Volunteers

Donates to Church Projects

Interested? Join us for lunch and a meeting!

1st Thursday of the Month: September through May

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

Our Mission…

To serve all people in God’s world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of Holy Scripture.

Our Objectives…

1. To proclaim Law and Gospel

2. To strengthen believers through the means of grace

3. To equip believers in sharing the Gospel of Jesus with others

4. To provide a Christian Day School

Page 10: March 2013 Messenger

Stewardship: Cradle Roll - Women’s Conference - New Books Page 10

Women’s Conference…

Even as God led the Israelites through the

desert after they left Egypt, he also leads

us on our journey through this life. Instead of

a pillar of cloud or fire, he has given us the Bi-

ble, the basic principles he wants us to follow,

and ample examples from which we can learn.

While the truths of Scripture are constant, a

study of the application of those truths will be

very helpful for all Christian women who find

themselves in leadership positions.

Join us as we come together to better understand

God’s desire for each of us as laid out in the Bi-

ble, with a special focus on the unique calling

God has for women as leaders, and then discuss

the application of these Biblical truths to our var-

ied personal lives.

Hosted by

WELS Women’s Ministry Committee

Friday & Saturday, July 19 & 20

Conference Location…

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

11831 N. Seminary Dr.

Mequon WI 53092

Details, cost, on-line registration, etc.

New Books…

Pastor E. P. Kauffeld has written a complete

Bible Story book of 68 Old Testament stories

and 78 New Testament stories. Mrs. Kauffeld

has written a Bible Story book of 23 Old Tes-

tament and 53 New Testament stories for younger chil-

dren. Each story has a colored picture of the old, old

Bible stories, giving a visual picture of Bible times.

These books have been printed by Pastor Shawn Kauf-

feld - Books of the Way. This project was undertaken

because the Lutheran Church no longer prints a Bible

History book for children and for parochial schools.

Today our children and homes really need a reliable Bi-

ble Story book so that these wonderful stories of the Bi-

ble can be read again and again, and the progression

through the Bible to the coming of Christ in the New

Testament can be thoroughly understood.

To purchase call or e-mail the Kauffelds:

920-261-7755 or [email protected]

Searching the Scripture:

Lower Level: Pre-School - 2nd Grade = $15.00

Intermediate Level: 3rd - 8th Grade = $25.00

These books were written for parochial schools, Sunday

Schools, VBS, home-schooling, and for the home for

children and for family devotions. In addition a Word

Search and Crossword puzzle for each of the stories in

the Intermediate Level (250 pages) is available for


Cradle Roll - Stewardship Brief

One of the true blessings that Christ has given to our congregation is a good number of births and

baptisms every year. Each year we average well over 50 infant baptisms.

In baptism the Holy Spirit does all the work, washing away sins, creating faith in Christ, and claim-

ing another little one for the Father’s eternal kingdom. Yet, after a child has been baptized into Christ, we the

members of the congregation take the joyful responsibility of encouraging the parents to bring up their child in

the nurture and admonition of the Lord, making sure that each newborn grows up knowing and appreciating Jesus

as well as the meaning of her/his baptism.

While we together take many steps to do this encouragement, one of the first steps is our Cradle Roll program.

Volunteers coordinate and your offerings supply parents with regular, timely, age-appropriate materials for the

children. These materials remind parents of the joyous privilege they have to be raising a child of God. They also

provide resources and tips for parents to bring Jesus to their children daily and are one tool we use for keeping

young families connected to Jesus and our congregation.

Page 11: March 2013 Messenger

2011 2011 2013 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 6PM Church Service

3 Church Services

7:30, 9:00 & 10:45AM

9/10:30AM Bible Study

(B-2) (Prof. Kiecker)

9AM Kids 4 Christ

6:30PM Spanish Service

45PM Sch. Min. Bd.

6PM: Praise Singers

7PM: Adult Handbells

7PM Women’s Bible

Study (B3)

7PM Leadership Bible

Study (B2)

8PM Standing Bds

5 12:10 “Let’s Do

Lunch” (PC)

7PM AA Mtg (B1)

6 Church Services at 8:30A, 3:30 & 7PM

10AM Golden Living

2:30 Highland House

3:45 Gr. 6-7 Catechism

4:30-6:30 Lenten Meal

7PM Bible Info Class

7 6AM Dawn Patrol (MP)

9AM/4PM Bible Class

1PM Ladies Aid (MP)

6PM Ladies Choir

6:45PM Chorale

8PM Men’s Choir

8 9

6PM Church Service

10 Daylight Savings Time Begins Church Services

7:30, 9:00 & 10:45AM

9/10:30AM Bible Study

(B-2) (Prof. Kiecker)

9AM Kids 4 Christ

6:30PM Spanish Service

11 School Dismisses

at 11:30AM 6PM Praise Singers

6:30PM: Academic

Fair at School

7PM Adult Handbells

7PM Ministry Council

12 12:10 “Let’s Do

Lunch” (PC)

7PM AA Mtg (B1)

13 Church Services at 8:30A, 3:30 & 7PM

10:15AM Marquardt

2:30PM Johnson Arms

3:45 Gr. 6-7 Catechism

4:30-6:30 Lenten Meal

7PM Bible Info Class

14 9AM /4PM Bible Class

10:30AM Zinzendorf

6PM Ladies Choir

6:45PM Chorale

8PM Men’s Choir

15 16

6PM Church Service

17 Church Services

7:30, 9:00 & 10:45AM

9AM Pre-Communion


9/10:30AM Bible Study

(B-2) (Prof. Kiecker)

9AM Kids 4 Christ

6:30PM Spanish Service

18 9:50AM WHS C2

10A-Noon Circuit Mtg.

@ St. Luke’s

6PM: Praise Singers

7PM: Adult Handbells

7PM Women’s Bible

Study (B3)

19 1:30 PM OWLS Mtg.


7PM AA Mtg (B1)

20 Church Services at 8:30A, 3:30 & 7PM

10AM Golden Living

4:30-6:30 Lenten Meal

8PM Confirmation


21 6AM Dawn Patrol (MP)

9AM /4PM Bible Class

6PM Ladies Choir

6:45PM Chorale

7PM Depression Mt.B1

8PM Men’s Choir





23 9:45AM

Confirmation Pictures

11AM Confirmation &

Commissioning Service

6PM Contemporary

Church Service

24 Palm Sunday Church Services

7:30, 9:00 & 10:45AM

6:30PM Spanish Easter


7:30PM Fiesta

25 6PM: Praise Singers

7PM: Adult Handbells

7PM Caregivers (B2)

26 12:10 “Let’s Do

Lunch” (PC)

7PM AA Mtg B1


SERVICES 10:15AM Marquardt

3:45 Gr. 6-7 Catechism

6PM Ladies Choir

6:45PM Chorale

7PM Bible Info Class

8PM Men’s Choir

28 Maundy

Thursday 8:30A, 3:30 & 7PM

Church Services 10:30AM Zinzendorf

4:30-6:30 Lenten Meal

In Parish Center

29 Good Friday

10AM German Svc.

1PM Good Friday

Church Service

7PM Tenebrae Svc.

30 10-11:30AM: Easter

Rehearsal – Adult

Choirs + Orchestra 6PM Easter Eve

Bilingual Church



Easter Festival Services

6AM Sunrise Service

7:30, 9:00 & 10:45AM

6:30-9:30AM Easter

Breakfast in School

March 2013- St. Mark’s Ev. Lutheran Church Calendar

215 N. 6th Street, Watertown, WI 53094 – Phone (920)-262-8500

December 2011- St. Mark’s Ev. Lutheran Church Calendar

215 N. 6th Street, Watertown, WI 53094 – Phone (920)-262-8500


Page 12: March 2013 Messenger
Page 13: March 2013 Messenger

St. Mark’s Ev. Lutheran School March 2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

Church 6pm

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Church Services 7:30, 9,


Board SM 5pm Market Day PU 2pm

Booster Club @ 6:30pm

Chapel 8:10 A.M.

Lent - Church 8:30, 3:30 &


LPS Play @ 1:30pm &


St. Mark’s Academic Fair

Judging 1 to 8pm

LPS Play @ 7pm

Church 6pm

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Church Services 7:30, 9,


LPS Concert 2pm

LPS Play @ 7pm

Daylight Savings Time


Early Release

11:30 am

Curriculum 11:45 am

Principals’ Conf. 1pm

St. Mark’s Academic Fair

Open House 6:30pm

Chapel 8:10 A.M.

Lent - Church 8:30, 3:30 &


Church 6pm

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Church Services 7:30, 9,


Pre-Communion Welcome


Faculty Mtg. 3:30 P.M.

Chapel 8:10 A.M.

Lent - Church 8:30, 3:30 &


Church 6pm

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Palm Sunday

Church Services 7:30, 9,


PreK-5th Grade Sings

A-L in 9am

M-Z in 10:45am

Faculty Mtg. 3:30 P.M.

Chapel 8:10 A.M.

LLHS Easter Concert 7pm

Maundy Thursday

3rd Quarter Ends

45 Days

Church 3:30 & 7pm

No School

Good Friday

Grades 6-8 Sing @ 1pm

Church 1 & 7 pm

Church 6pm


Easter Church Services 6, 7:30, 9,


Alpha & Omega Choir

Sings A-L in 9am

M-Z in 10:45am

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