Page 1: March Bible Reading Plan

1-Mar-11 Mark 1:1-152-Mar-11 Mark 1:16-343-Mar-11 Mark 1:35-454-Mar-11 Mark 2:1-125-Mar-11 Mark 2:13-286-Mar-11 Mark 3:1-127-Mar-11 Mark 3:13-358-Mar-11 Mark 4:1-209-Mar-11 Mark 4:21-4110-Mar-11 Mark 5:1-2011-Mar-11 Mark 5:21-4312-Mar-11 Mark 6:1-1313-Mar-11 Mark 6:14-5614-Mar-11 Mark 7:1-2315-Mar-11 Mark 7:24-3716-Mar-11 Mark 8:1-1217-Mar-11 Mark 8:13-3818-Mar-11 Mark 9:1-1319-Mar-11 Mark 9:14-5020-Mar-11 Mark 10:1-3121-Mar-11 Mark 10:32-5222-Mar-11 Mark 11:1-1123-Mar-11 Mark 11:12-3324-Mar-11 Mark 12:1-1725-Mar-11 Mark 12:18-4326-Mar-11 Mark 1327-Mar-11 Mark 14:1-1128-Mar-11 Mark 14:12-4229-Mar-11 Mark 14:43-7230-Mar-11 Mark 1531-Mar-11 Mark 16

March 2011 Bible Reading Plan - Dare Youth

The  Book  of  Mark  

Who  Wrote  it  ?  The  book  was  wri-en  by  John  Mark.  He  was  an  assistant  and  understudy  to  Paul,  Barnabas  and  Peter.  

Who  was  it  wri2en  to  and  why?  The  Gospel  of  Mark  is  a  Gospel  of  ac?on!  It  talks  of  miracles  more  than  any  other  and  was  wri-en  with  an  evangelis?c  purpose.  It  was  wri-en  to  those  who  did  not  know  much  about  Jesus,  the  Old  Testament  or  the  Gospel  so  that  they  may  believe  in  Him!    

The  Greatest!!  So  Jesus  called  them  together  and  said  "You  know  that  the  rulers  in  this  world  lord  it  over  their  people,  and  officials  flaunt  their  authority  over  those  under  them.  But  among  you  it  will  be  different.  Whoever  wants  to  be  a  leader  among  you  must  be  your  servant.  And  whoever  wants  to  be  first  among  you  must  be  the  slave  of  everyone  else.  For  even  the  Son  of  Man  came  not  be  be  served  but  to  serve  others  and  to  give  his  life  as  a  ransom  for  many."  Mark  10:42-­‐45  (NLT)  

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