Page 1: March Prayer Requests of the homeless

March A R I S E

Thank You for Making Our Mission Yours!

Willam R. Southrey President & Chief Executive Officer 2009 Bacharach Boulevard, Atlantic City, NJ • Ph. 609-345-5517Follow us @

March 24 Pray that Debra Lewis, our Housing Loca-tor, has a blessed and Happy Birthday.

March 25 Guy P. asks for prayer that the peace and joy of Christ will renew everyone with a broken spirit and to let God direct their lives and restore hope. He also requests a special prayer over the staff of the Mission for the love everyone has shown.

March 26 Praise for Toni & Debbie who helped a woman move into transitional housing. Continue to pray that the mission receives additional transitional homes and bless the women recently placed. March 27 Praise and thanks to all the donors who continue to bless and support this Mission.

March 28 Pray for Yvette, that she may come to know the love of the Lord and that He will aid her in her recovery.

March 29 Pray that Ronald and his family receive healing. May the love of Christ be with them always.

March 30 Dale asks us to pray that his sister Jennifer is triumphant over her addition to drugs.

March 31 Mark asks for prayer for his family, friends and not so good friends, may God pull them close and protect them.

“Whither thou goest, I will go; & where thou lodg-est, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people."

– Ruth 1:16

Prayer & Praise I I I / M M X I

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a Stranger and you took

Me in . ”

- Matthew 25:35

Page 2: March Prayer Requests of the homeless 16 Pray for Ann who desperately needs nursing and home placement assistance that God may be a source of inspiration and encouragement during the waiting period.

March 17 Charles asks us to pray for a healing of his relationship with his mother.

March 18 Heather, a Mission resident, requests blessing and healing over cancer. Let God permeate her life and restore peace and trust in Him as she faces the challenges of homelessness and cancer.

March 19 Praying for Henri, a homeless resident, awaiting a lung donation & for the donor, family & the doctors who will perform the surgery that God will lift everyone up in his loving mercy.

March 20 Jack, a Mission resident requests, prayer for his loving grandmother Evon, who passed away recently, that God will take her into his home and remembers the never-ending belief she held for her grandson’s redemption and end to homelessness.

March 21 Alvin, a homeless resident at the Mission, requests prayer over the people receiv-ing medical attention in Mission Care, the surrounding hospitals as well as the homeless senior citizens and the handicapped. Pray that our Healer, Protector and Savior will watch over and comfort them in their times of need and despair.

March 22 Mark, a homeless man, requests the continued mercy, grace and light of God to direct his path in righteousness, to follow him in all things and remember his name in the book of life.

March 23 Joshua requests prayer and forgiveness, that the healing power of Christ will mend his broken family and restore love and peace in his life.

March 7 ASH WEDnESDAY On this Holy Day re-member our Lord who humbled himself in preparation for victory so that all would be redeemed and find an eternal home with him.

March 8 Pray that Rev. Frank Mohr, of the Mission's Operations Department has a happy & blessed birthday.

March 9 Pray for God's blessing over Mission President, Bill Southrey to maintain his health and continue to follow our Lord's amazing calling on his life.

March 10 Pray for the workers and volunteers at the Mission's Farm in Cape May County as they prepare for the spring planting.

March 11 Pray for Joanna & her daughter as they finalize details necessary for moving into their own apartment, that this transition goes smoothly, all details are provided for, that the protection of the Holy Spirit will be upon them & over their new home.

March 12 Michelle & family request prayer for the Holy Spirit to protect & watch over them, and for bless-ings over the Mission staff & the facilities to be able to help her meet the need of her family.

March 13 Diane, a Mission resident, requests prayer over her children that they will know the source of God's love and keep Him in their heart always.

March 14 Pray for Katherine, starting her journey from alcohol and drugs to recovery and a life filled with the Holy Spirit. Let Jesus permeate her heart & provide the strength she needs for the walk ahead.

March 15 Mike requests prayer over his homeless friends at the Mission, that everyone would be healed from their self-destructive behavior and draw closer to Jesus. Let the power of the Holy Spirit penetrate their hearts and aid them in their times of weakness.

March 1 James, a resident at the Mission, asks God to intervene in his homelessness, forgive and heal his weaknesses and come to his aid as he searches for a job. Restore him in mind body and health.

March 2 Fred requests prayer to be lifted up from homelessness and for God’s will to prevail over his life.

March 3 Pray that our Women's Evening Counselor, Betty Spruill, has a blessed birthday.

March 4 Alan requests prayer for all the homeless participating in the Work Readiness Program at the Mission, that the Holy Spirit will purify their minds, bodies and hearts, help them in their quest for sobriety and aid them in their walk with Jesus.

March 5 Pray over Mike who is a Mission resident in the Work Readiness Program, that the Holy Spirit will continue to comfort and direct his life. He also requests prayer over the staff and friends here, that God will defend and protect them from temptation.

March 6 Dominick requests prayer for his friend Herman, that Jesus' healing power will wash away his suffering. Aid him through addiction, recovery and homelessness. God bless them both.

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you. no branch can bear fruit by itself.

– John 15:4

Thou preparest a table before me...«“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.– John 14:2

Oh Merciful father, we RISE and lift up our hearts. For a new king has come, the redeemer of the world, your Son Jesus Christ. We earnestly prepare the way for your spirit to enter into our lives that we may be reborn in the hope that we may be of service to you and our heavenly work, nOW and Forever … Amen.

"Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly and riding on a donkey…" –Zechariah 9:9

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