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Executive Summary:

This analytical study of Marketing communication and its relevance to BULLDOG, a

renowned male grooming products company in London, UK. BULLDOG has launched in the

UK in the year of 2006 and is spreading worldwide, the first step is observed at Sweden.

Purpose of this paper is aimed at helping the company to attract and communicate customers

about the uniqueness of brand, products and services. A good marketing communication plan

helps the company to create the image of a stable, effective and to attract the clients and to

repeat the business. A number of channels exists in communicating the marketing

communication efforts, are detailed in this analytical paper.

Key element of this paper lies in the effective communication development in the marketing

and the primary step involves in developing a plan that also includes the key message.

Understanding the target audiences, knowing of the benefits over the competitors and the

identification of the unique selling propositions etc. acts as the key elements of the marketing

communication system.

According to the theories of the previous analysis, implementation, evaluation of the strategy

etc. BULLDOG should have to develop its marketing communication system and to be

success in the future.

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Marketing Communication Process:

A number of theories have been established to support and analysis of the marketing

communication system.

According to, Chris Fill (2006), “The marketing communicator deals with the advertising,

marketing in direct strategy, branding and packaging, promotion and publicity, sales etc.”

“Marketing communication is the management process that integrates the marketing function

relates to audience to realize the wider brand and its consistency”, David Picton, (2005)

Buttle (1995) has detailed on the treatment of the marketing communications and elaborated

that few specialists in this field tried in attempting the production is comprehensive,

integrative theory for the marketing communications at both the interpersonal and in the

mediated levels.

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Analysis 1:

Role of the ‘Marketing Communication’

Marketing communication’s main role towards the company is to accelerate the sails of the

company’s product and it therefore, needs to develop better communication systems with the

target group.

The role of marketing communication is therefore, analyzed and evaluated for the

experimented company, BULLDOG

D.R.I.P. System:

This is strategic approach for the marketing communication system has proposed by Chris

Fill (2005) and structured the D.R.I.P. model for it. Acronym of this DRIP system stands for

Differentiate, Remind, Inform and Persuade.

D – Differentiate

R – Remind

I – Inform

P – Persuade

a. Differentiate

This process of differences is created in the product range or in the brand to its related

competitors as to create the market competition. This also achieved by the up to date

and the effective positions. So, the customers are able in identifying the products of

the company and the results are observed with the better market positioning.

b. Remind

It helps the target audiences to remember the product of the company and any new

developments are occurred. Customers get reminding from the seller and remind their

chosen better seller.

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c. Inform

Though it seems similar to the previous remind strategy, but differs with the

information only from the company regarding the products, new products, any

developments etc. It does not directly remind its customers or audiences.

d. Persuade

Audiences desire are reflected by it to take the action in the particular sets e.g. the

persuade acts in encouraging the buying of products. Customer choices are tracked

presents the accurate products in relating to it. So the persuade helps and accelerates

in buying of products.

Marketing Communication Mix:

The marketing communication system is constructed by the set of elements and they are

denoted as the marketing communication mix. The analyses of the marketing communication

mix elements are also important to critically analyze the role of the marketing communication


The elements can be listed as below:

1. Advertisement

2. Promotion in sales

3. Public relations

4. Selling personally

5. Direct marketing

Fill. C (2005)

According to the marketing assignment I was selected as the marketing manager of

BULLDOG by its coordinator, Simon Duffy and therefore, I have to set up a marketing

communication plan for the company. I will emphasize on the elements and role of the

marketing communication system.

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They are detailed below and the relevance with the BULLDOG is examined.

1. Advertisement

This tool acts as the identity of the company and most important activity in the

company to reach to the customers with its emotional and rational appeal and

according to the customers appreciation the acceleration in product selling is



i) Promotions in product selling

ii) Stimulating the demand for products buying

iii) Creating competitions among the similar companies

iv) Sales increase

v) Reinforcing and the reminding etc.

Fig: Elements of marketing communication mix (Wilson. C, 2008)

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According to the guidance given by Chris Fill (2005), I will have to fulfill the activities as

mentioned below:

i) Maintaining liaison in the channel of members and the stock availability has to be


ii) Awareness and support in the channel members have to be maintained in the

marketing communication needs.

iii) Communicational consistency

iv) Advertisement messages should be delivered among the members

2. Promotion in sales

It effectively works in the sales of the product as it is accelerated and is

complementary to the advertisement. Promotions acts and encourages the customer

trying the products after they bought it. According to Fill (2005), the promotions are

two types:

i) Manufacturer to Customer

ii) Retailer to Customer

Promotion Types

David Picton (2002) has suggested two promotional strategy and they are as follows:

1. Push promotion

2. Pull promotion

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Fig: Push-Pull strategy

First one, push strategy acts in communication between the seller and the buyer,

depends on the use of medium. The communications may be interactive or non-


Next one, the pull strategy according to the request of the consumer it pulls in the

delivery channel.

3. Public relations

PR or the public relations are concerned professional workings in the public message

and shapes the function of the communication, CR (Community relation), in the crisis

management, relation with the customers, and other relations in every sector of the


Three types of public relations (PR) are categorized

i) Public relation in Finance

ii) Product public relations

iii) Public relations in crisis

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4. Personal Selling

It involves the oral communication with the potential buyers of the product along with

the intention of sale of goods. Personal selling focuses on the development of the

relationship with its buyer and however, its ends with ‘close the sale’ attempt.

5. Direct marketing

It is a form of the advertisement that does not use the common traditional formal

advertising process or the channels e.g. TV, radio or newspaper. It reaches the

targeting audiences directly and promotes them in buying the products.

Some of the key elements of direct marketing are as follows:

i) Direct mailing

ii) Email marketing

iii) Telemarketing

iv) D2D or Door to door marketing

v) Voicemail marketing

vi) Coupons

vii) TV marketing

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Analysis 2:

Marketing Communication elements and SOSTAC

There are various approaches in the communication elements and they are proposed by the

different marketers. Fill (2005) has suggested two elements of communication process and

they are:

A. 3Ms


A. 3Ms

The 3Ms represent the combination of the three elements and they are accordingly,

a. Men

This is the manpower of the organization or company. A successful and skilled

manpower are capable of managing and handling the resources in it. To improve

and develop the proper skilled manpower, any organization should have to set up

strategic process in recruitment in selection process.

b. Money

One of the most important elements of any organization is money and therefore,

proper budgeting system needs to adopt the strategic steps by its managerial body.

Two methodologies are involved,

i. Scientific

ii. Heuristic

c. Minutes

Times are represented by this term Minute. These resources are limited and cannot

bind it for use in the future. This time is more important for developing the

marketing strategy and techniques, company management and in every effort.

(Smith. P.R., Taylor. J., 1998)

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This is the acronym of 6 effective communication strategies:

i. Situation analysis

ii. Objectives

iii. Strategy

iv. Tactics

v. Actions

vi. Control

(Smith P.R., Taylor. J., 1998)

Fig: SOSTAC Diagram

(Source: Smith P.R., Taylor. J., 1998)

The marketing communication strategies are illustrated below and examined its relevance to

our company, BULLDOG

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1. S – Situation Analysis

Company or the organizations situations in relating to sales, share of market, profit-

loss etc., is involved in it. PESTEL (Political, Economical, Social, Technological,

Environmental and Legal) analysis of the company, marketplaces, strengths,

weakness etc., is in this category.

2. O – Objectives

It throws the question, ‘What are we doing?’ to the company or organization and

involves the short term mission and long term objectives. Objectives should have to

taken in clear and defined way and therefore, it makes the management task and

controls easier. A strategic objective should be SMART where it comprises of

Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time specific)

3. S – Strategy

The summarized message of this section is, ‘How we get there?’ it drives the tactics in

the same directional way. A good strategy should include, Marketing mix, spends,

times, budgeting etc.

4. T – Tactics

It involves the details of the strategy that involves the relevant sequencing system,

budgeting, profit-loss etc. The tactics are the practical strategy taken for the future


5. A – Action

Effective communication achieved by the proper action of the planned action. ‘Each

tactical communication tools needs to be planned as a mini project’ (Smith, P.R.,

1997). It keeps tracks the necessary occurring to be accomplished in the internal

activities of the company and accordingly proposes to create and delivered them

timely. The action makes the development of each of the communication tools into

the mini project that involves the critical path analysis and detailed Gantt charts.

6. C – Control

After the effective implementation of all the tactics, action, it needs strategic control

to monitor them and future control to analyze the effectiveness and development in

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favor for the organization. It emphasizes on identifying and monitoring the correct

communication plans and the various areas of the marketing communication research

e.g. testing.

Crucial elements relevant to BULLDOG:

The SOSTAC elements define the effective constituents to set up the successful

company or organization. BULLDOG is new and modern male grooming products

company and therefore, it needs to analyze and implement the SOSTAC elements.

To my context, I will propose the crucial element for the BULLDOG is the first

element of it, S – Situation Analysis. It needs to analysis its present structure,

position regarding to other competitors, development of the Marketing

communication concept etc.

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Analysis 3:

Emotional and Rational elements and its Appeal for BULLDOG

Products marketing of any company depend on the emotional and rational communication

process with the target group. The successful company has to focus on its elements and

select them that can be used in the proper advertisement process to reach to the customers

along with the strategic messages.

Smith P.R., Taylor. J., (1998), has analyzed the elements and appeals regarding to the

marketing communication process. We will look for the existences of the elements and

find out the relevant appeals to make the connection with the customer and set up proper

communication process.

1. Rational Appeals

Product ingredients are focused in it and the appeals are made in connection with

expressing the beneficial sides of the ingredients and its usefulness to the target group

and user.

The rational appeals can be grouped as follows:

i) Straight-selling / Factual message: clear and straightforward information of

the production are focused. Printed ad is of better use.

ii) Technical and scientific evidences: Product analyses are focused based on the

technological and scientific lab evidences are presented to the customer to

understand their needs.

iii) Demonstration: Features of the ingredients, benefits, manufacturing, etc. are

demonstrated for better understanding.

iv) Testimonials: The actual usage and the user experiences are presented in the

testimonials. It seems more preferred by the advertisers.

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v) Comparison: Compare and contrast are presented evaluating the similar

competitor in the market to attract more customer as to expand the business.

Relevance to BULLDOG

The Bulldog Company may appeals to the customers with its rational elements in the

following way,

a. The Bulldog products are animal friendly and has no harm to them

b. Contains 100% natural product

c. Takes special care for Male skin

d. Fragrances and colors used are natural

e. Chemicals with the controversial issues are never used e.g. Sodium Laureth Sulfate

[CH3(CH2)10CH2(OCH2CH2)nOSO3Na] etc., are not used.

f. Natural essential oils are present.

We can see the existence of these appeals on their websites too.

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2. Emotional Appeals

The emotional appeals are used to attract the target group and customers and they may

be presented as follows,

i) Fear: negative aspects are used to attract the customers in relating to the

physical injury that may occur due to the improper usage of it.

Social rejection or the disapprovals are appealed as threat e.g., ‘Fragile’,

‘Smoking causes heart attack’ etc.

ii) Branding: The branding creates a great emotion to the customers as the logo or

brand used attracts them leaving the products itself.

iii) Humor: Stimulation among the target group or customers are created to attract

their sudden attention and following the presentation of the products.

Relevance to BULLDOG

Though the logo or brand of Bulldog is newer, it does not have any emotional appeal yet. But

however, Simon Duffy, Coordinator of Bulldog tries to focus the logo in his way of thinking

that may be fruitful in the recent future. They are,

i) Male personality are presented by the Bulldog mascot

ii) Differs from other skincare products as to create manly expression

iii) The Mascot of Bulldog communicate friendly as the animal are best friend to man

iv) Canine breed of Bulldog is loyal

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Analysis 4:

Future Advertising of BULLDOG (According to the Wharton article)


The Wharton article emphasizes on the strategic analyses on the future implications of

advertising strategy and we will find out its relevance to our products of BULLDOG brand.

‘Future of Advertising’ a project was carried out by the Wharton School’s SEI centre for

Advanced Studies in Management to find out the strategy of advertising in the coming future

and critical analyses and further implication guidelines.

We can find out the strategic message after the careful analysis and emphasizes on the steps

taken and the success revealed accordingly.

The future advertising approaches and be indexed in a sequence depending the works


i) Partnership with the Internet Search engine:

Google Inc. a famous and more visited web search engine may facilitate

the advertising to a great extent. ‘Future Advertising Project’ took huge steps in

examining this and found that this strategy may helpful as it will show the product

information in its first pages of search and people can easily pick it up

YouTube, a popular video website of Google Inc. and the project

‘Fast.Forward’ was taken by them where a mini clip of advert was shown just before

immediate the video begins. This could be of better value for future advertising

process for any modern company like BULLDOG.

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ii) Brand, Internet and Customer:

“The internet is becoming more ubiquitous, more social and also more immediate and

that is upsetting all sorts of business models” – Kevin Werbach, Professor at the

Wharton has critically analyzed the interactions and dependence among the three of

Brand, Internet and the Customer. According to him, the ‘Fast.Forward’ project on the

YouTube channel was able to collect a huge number of 12,500 viewers as well as the

subscribers in a very few days.


iii) Model of Portfolio:

Director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, Yoram (Jerry)

Wind has advised in creating, “a Portfolio Model” for the advertising that will the

companies in crafting the unique strategy by a combination of traditional and new

media. She also told, “We want to bring that same approach to advertising”

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Fig: Portfolio model

iv) Advertising in Social networking sites:

Facebook, a well known social networking site can play the

vital role in communicating with the customer.

Twitter can also play in internet advertising process in the way of

social communication like Facebook too.

v) ARF’s Strategy:

The ARF (Advertising Research Foundation) headed by Mr. Joel Robinson has

found the efficacy of TV ads though it is seen that the modern Tivo players can

skip the TV ads.

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vi) Walk the Talk

Communication processes in two ways are found more crucial for the product

advertising and success. Catherine Findiesen has expressed that, “We are using

multimedia to get the word out, and the lesson we have learned is that you have to

vary things according to the medium”. Thus the two way communication system

over the internet where the seller and buyer can take part in interactive

conversation and thus modern and efficient advertising improvement.

vii) ‘Survival of the Fastest’

A modern approach backed by the Google Inc. in the UK that features the videos

about the best practices and the new ideas in ecommerce.

BULLDOG, as being the UK based company can take advantage of this strategy.

So the Future of Advertising offers the combination of the old media that exists as the

powerful media for the marketers.

And from my point of view, as being the Marketing manager of BULLDOG, I will propose

our coordinator, Simon Duffy to adopt the modern business and advertisement techniques for

the products of BULLDOG for its utmost success.

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Marketing communications and the practices are therefore, influenced by marketers and

different strategies like promotional services, electronic advertising etc.

The professional’s relating to the marketing communication has to understand the huge

buying behavior in the target market before or after the actual purchase. Efforts and time

spent in the buying process are dependent on different types of buying conditions and

situation. DMU or the decision making units affect this process of buying behavior. The

implementation of various marketing communications techniques and strategies, ensures the

carrying the buyers in each stage with success.

The techniques of marketing communication system that equipped with the cleaner and clear

understanding of both the buying attitude and buying process and develop the

communications strategy to cover the mental situation of the buyer according to the buying

resources allowed.

Fig: Simple buying process (Smith. P.R., Taylor. J, 1998)

The reasons and the motives range from the rational and to bizarre. Buyer beliefs and

attitudes affect the motives and also the individual’s opinion and perceived things.

For the BULLDOG case, I will suggest the company to take strategic decision in according to

the Situation analysis of it and making the combination of both the traditional and modern

marketing mix and develop the communication technology to the greatest extent.

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