Page 1: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

Table Rate Shipping Marketplace

Table Rate Shipping Marketplace Add-On module is allows the seller to create customshipping methods from the front-end. The seller can upload the shipping informationusing the CSV files. It can also include product weight, zip codes range, alphanumericzip codes.

The admin and the sellers can even create super shipping sets from their ends. Includecart price, shipping cost, shipping method name, select superset type as – free or fixed.

This shipping module is helpful for order confirmation, tracking number from seller andprint invoice. Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module helps the seller to manage theshipping in an easy way.

To use Table Rate Shipping Marketplace Add-On you must have installed Webkul MultiVendor Marketplace extension first.


Sellers/admin can add shipping rates using CSV file for table rates.Admin can assign shipping rates to any seller by entering the seller id.Seller and admin both can create sub-methods for Table Rate Shipping.The admin and the sellers can create Super Shipping Set.Shipping will be calculated based on ZIP and weight of the product.Shipping cost will be calculated as per the seller or vendor.The seller can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.Option to export shipping CSV file from the back-end.The seller can add Invoice & Packing slip address, VAT, TAX information.Ability to download Invoice & Shipping slip easily.The codes are open so it can be customized easily.Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes.

Admin Management

After the successful installation of the module, the admin needs to do configure somesettings for marketplace table rate. Follow thepath Stores>Configuration>Sales>Shipping Methods>Webkul Marketplace TableRate Shipping Detail.


Page 2: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

Now, the admin can manage the Table Rate shipping for marketplace sellers by going toMarketplace Management menu. There will be two new menu options available –Marketplace Table Rate Shipping Manager and Marketplace Super Shipping SetManager.

Admin Management – Marketplace Table Rate Shipping ManagerThe admin can find table rate shipping values under Marketplace Table Rate ShippingManager. Here, the admin deletes any existing shipping rate, add new table rate shippingrates through the CSV file. The table rate shipping grid will display the matrix of the CSVfile.


Page 3: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

The admin can also add shipping value for their products through the CSV file. When theadmin will click on “Add Shipping”, a new page will open as per the image below.

The CSV file will look like the image given below. Admin can upload shipping rates inbulk using this. Admin can give shipping method names and can also assign anyshipping rate to itself or any other seller by entering 0 for assigning to admin and seller idnumber for assigning to that particular seller.

**Note: Country Code must be as per the official ISO-2 (alpha-2) two letter countrycodes.

Admin Management – Marketplace Super Shipping Set ManagerThe admin can manage Super Shipping Set by navigating through MarketplaceManagement>Marketplace Super Shipping Set Manager. The following page will appearshowing all the super shipping sets.


Page 4: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

Add New Shipping Set

After clicking the Add New Shipping Set, the admin needs to fill in the following detailsfor the new shipping set:

Price From – Set the minimum price of the cart to use this shipping set.

Price To – Set the maximum price of the cart for this shipping set.

Method Name – Enter the shipping method name for this set.

Select Seller – Either select the seller name or the admin.

Shipping Type – Select Fixed option to enter the shipping price, else select Free optionto allow free shipping.

Price – Set the shipping method price for this set.

Seller Management

After the module installation, the seller can find the option of adding the shipping ratesfrom the CSV file under “Marketplace Table Rate Shipping” tab.


Page 5: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

Shipping CSV Format

The CSV format for Marketplace Table Rate Shipping is provided in the below image. Allthe fields in the CSV file are mandatory to fill.

Note: Country Code must be as per the official ISO-2 (alpha-2) two letter country codes.

After uploading the CSV file, the seller can see the uploaded values in the same formatas it is in the CSV file. The seller can edit or delete any existing record from the grid.

Add Shipping Method

The sellers can create their own shipping methods by simply clicking the Add ShippingMethod link. A pop-up window will appear, enter all the required shipping details and clickSave.


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Name – Enter the shipping method name for the customers.

Please Note: – The sellers should use the suggested shipping method name created byother sellers.

Country Code – Select the country from the list.

Region Code – Enter the region code of available region.

Weight From – Set the minimum weight value to allow this shipping method.

Weight To – Set the maximum weight value for this shipping method.

Zip From – Enter the first zip code.

Zip To – Enter the last zip code.

Price – Set the cost of this shipping method.

Numeric Zip Code – If Yes then enter the numeric zip code else select No to enter thealphanumeric zip code.

Alphanumeric Zip Code – Enter the alphanumeric zip code.

Note: If there is only one seller product in the shopping cart, then if the conditions setby the seller like the product weight, zip code, country match then all the Table RateShipping methods will get displayed at the time of checkout.


Page 7: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

Seller Management – Super Shipping SetThe seller can also create a Shipping Super Set by navigating through My Account>Marketplace Table Rate Shipping Superset. Please Note: – If multiple shipping optionsare available to the customer, priority will be given to the super shipping set and thecommon shipping name between the sellers will get displayed to the customer at thecheckout time.

Super Shipping Set Information:To add a new super shipping set, the seller needs to fill in the following details:

Price From – Set the minimum price of the cart to use this shipping set.

Price To – Set the maximum price of the cart for this shipping set.

Shipping Method – Enter the shipping method name for this set.7/18

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Super Set Type – Select Fixed option to enter the shipping price, else select Free optionto disable shipping price.

Price – Set the shipping method price for this set.

Click Save to apply your changes.

To update or edit an existing super shipping set, click the Edit icon under Action.

To remove a super shipping set, click the Delete.

Example Table Rate Superset –

Consider that we have two sellers –

Seller(S1) with a product(P1) and seller(S2) with a product(P2). Now, if the sellers (S1)and (S2) have set up their superset shipping name as “Best Way Delivery” and theirproduct’s (P1) and (P2) price lies between the shipping price range, then when acustomer puts these products (P1) and (P2) into the cart and goes for the checkout thecustomer will see the “Best Way Delivery” method displayed and the shipping cost thatis reflected would be the sum of the shipping price of sellers products(P1+P2).

Seller S1’s Super set –


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Seller S2’s Super Set –

**Note: Superset has the highest priority so when the superset is applicable to the cartthen shipping rule will not apply.

Now, the buyer will add the product to the shopping cart and will View and Edit theshopping cart to estimate the shipping and tax. After this, the buyer will select theTable Rate – Best Way Shipping and tap the “Proceed To Checkout” button.


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Tapping the “Proceed To Checkout” button will bring the below page where thebuyer can see the selected shipping address and the shipping method. Here, click the“Next” button to proceed further.


Page 11: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

The customers can also see the selected Shipping Method on the Order Review pageas well. Clicking the “Place Order” button will complete the purchase.


Page 12: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

Note: In Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module, the shipping rate will be calculatedaccording to seller’s product weight and customer’s delivery address.

After the order has been placed the customer can view the order details under theiraccount with the total shipping charges as shown below.


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Seller Order Management – Marketplace Table Rate Shipping

Once the order is placed by the customer then the seller can see that order in their“Order History” as pending status. Please check the below image for the betterunderstanding.

Now, if admin sets the “Allow Seller to Manage Order” option “Yes” then the seller canmanage the orders from front-end. Now the seller can generate invoices for their orderedproducts, generate tracking number and shipment for the orders of their products. Even


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the seller can notify the customers by sending them emails, cancel/refund the order andeven print the order.

View Shipment Details –

Shipping Slip –


Page 15: Marketplace Table Rate Shipping For Magento2 · Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes. Admin Management After the successful installation of the module,

View Invoice Details –


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View Invoice Slip –


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Order HistoryThe seller can also download the PDF of Invoice slip and Shipping slip under My OrderHistory.

Shipping Slips


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Invoice Slips

That’s all for Table Rate Shipping Marketplace Add-On still have any issue feel free toadd a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at


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