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Page 2: MARKETS, ECONOMICS AND MORE: INSIGHT INTO THE POST … · Number of recorded natural disasters Mankind encroaching ever more into nature (1900 –2019) With huge damage already evident



Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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No one knows how this will pan out, though strong views (& false facts) abound…

Backdrop: Peering into my crystal ball - Words of caution

“The future isn’t what it used to be…”


“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future…”

Niels Bohr

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Advice: Plan for the worst and hope for the best...


The last such ‘seismic event’ was the GFC

This one is just bigger!

A discontinuous event: Best explained by Chaos theory?

Closest historical analogies to it might be:

Spanish flu (1918-1920) AND

The Great Depression (1929-1939)

This is a global reset ie. It will have a generational impact

New timeframes now apply ie. ‘BC' (before C-19); 'DC' (during C-19) & 'AC' (after C-19)

DC could be far longer than we think (hope)

Key to understand:

Past: The buildup phase

Present: Where we are now, & then:

Future: The likely implications…

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Black Death 1331 1353 75,000,000

Great Plague of London 1665 1666 100,000

1st Asia Europe Cholera Pandemic 1816 1826 100,000

2nd Asia Europe Cholera Pandemic 1829 1851 100,000

Russia Cholera Pandemic 1852 1860 1,000,000

Global Flu Pandemic 1889 1890 1,000,000

6th Cholera Pandemic 1899 1923 800,000

Encephalitis Lethargica Pandemic 1915 1926 1,500,000

Spanish Flu 1918 1920 100,000,000

Asian Flu 1957 1958 2,000,000

Hong Kong Flu 1968 1969 1,000,000

H1N1 Pandemic 2009 2009 200,000

Large pandemics (> 100,000 deaths)

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Global risks – likelihood vs. impact

Backdrop: WEF Global Risks 2020: Infectious disease - A known risk...

Source: WEF Global risks report, 2020

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Warning signs have been lurking for some time…

Backdrop: So, how was the world placed when C-19 hit?

Global imbalances have persisted, and indeed got bigger, for a long time

Physical (Finite Earth)



Most are unsustainable

(Herbert) Stein's Law (1976):"If something cannot go on forever, it won’t…“

In theory ‘yes’; But in practice…??

And then came the so-called 'Black Swans'

Opec+ collapse


Neither were unknowns, Neither expected; But certainly not together!

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Oil (WTI) price (1990 – 2020)




Backdrop: Black swan #1 - Oil

Crude oil prices under pressure for some time: Shocks becoming ‘common’

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US hotel occupancy rate

Daily global flights NYC subway fare swipes

Change in seated diners (YoY)

Source: BCA research

Backdrop: Black swan #2: C-19 Economic impact – Dire!

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DOW Jones Index: Price (LHS) vs. % change YTD (RHS)

March 16th: DOW Jones posts biggest 1-day point loss in history; Then, a significant recovery….

Backdrop: Black swan #2: C-19 Market impact



Fed cuts rates to 0% (again)

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Asian crisis / 'flu'

(1997) bubble




US property/ sub-prime crisis

‘Too big to fail’


C-19 (sovereign) crisis

‘Too big to bail’?!


$ Billions $100’s of Billions $ Trillions Tens of $Trillions!

+3 years +7 years +12 years

Backdrop: Financial markets: Monsters I, II, III & IV


1998: LTCM

'Crony' capitalism"Privatize gains; Socialize losses"

"If debt is the problem, then more debt unlikely to be the solution...“

Start of Moral Hazard

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Backdrop: The ‘Central Bank put’ was firmly in place…

“...the ECB is ready to do whatever

it takes to preserve the euro. And

believe me, it will be enough...”

July 2012 - Mario Draghi

“ previous recessions the Fed &

the government always acted

carefully, to avoid moral hazards or

political backlash. Today authorities

are under no moral, political or even

legal constraints to bail out the

economy and financial markets…”

April 2020 - Alpine Macro

Mario’s message was very clear & lead ‘inevitably’ to the current status

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US corporate debt: Non-financial corporate securities debt* (% of GDP)

Not unexpectedly, corporate debt levels rose (doubled); Well spent?

Backdrop: Leading to even more excess: For eg. US Corporate debt

Note: *Based on a sum of GDP figures, and an average of debt figures, for the previous four quartersSource: Refinitiv, US Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, FT

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Companies vs. Investors: Cumulative stock buybacks since 2008 ($bn)

Backdrop: Another eg. US share buybacks…

Corporations: The only net buyer of US stocks since the GFC…!

Source: breynold strategy / Canaccord Genuity

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Historical valuation norm based on marketcap/GVA & margin-adjusted P/E (MAPE)

Durable S&P 500 level (not breached at any point in the future)

S&P 500 Index (log scale)

Valuation gap

Source: Hussman Strategic Advisors

Backdrop: And, US equities were / are expensive…

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Top 5 companies as % of S&P 500 total market cap

Backdrop: With other extremes evident too

Source: BofA Global Investment Strategy. Bloomberg

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Z-score (𝝈) of March 2020 asset returns*

Backdrop: March ‘20: All hell broke loose - ‘A Minsky moment’

Source: BCA research

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US initial weekly jobless claims

Backdrop: US initial jobless claim – Mar '20

Source: U.S. Labour Department; Bloomberg

22m (14% of workforce) now unemployed (ex 'Gig' workers) ie. A decade of US job gains wiped out!

Great Depression:Peak: 25% (1933); > 14% '31 to '40

Great RecessionPeak: 10% in 10/09

RP: Pl update with latest #s

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S&P 500 Index: Current vs. Aug ‘86 – ‘88

The closest similarity?

Backdrop: Market crashes: A comparison

Peak-to-trough market decline %

Source: Forces /

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Market recovery time (months)Peak-to-trough decline (months)

1929 1987 2000 2008 2020 1929 1987 2000 2008 2020

Backdrop: Market crashes: A comparison

The Bear market over so soon!?


Source: Forces /

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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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What is a Megatrend?

Large, transformative forces

That will:

Define our future world over next 10+ years

Have far-reaching, global impact

C-19: Will impact on all aspects of our lives


Megatrends & C-19: Trends that will shape our future

Utilize this framework to assess the C-19 future world


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Number of recorded natural disasters

(1900 – 2019) Mankind encroaching ever more into nature

With huge damage already evident

Extreme weather: Increase in frequency & severity

Increased risk of ‘cascading’ disasters

US (1980-2018):

Natural disasters caused >$1,5tn in damage

The system is severely weakened

Growth at all costs: No longer viable

Significant LT implications: Monster V?

Megatrends & C-19: Finite Earth: The damage cannot be ignored

Source: EMDAT (2020): OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, University Catholique de Louvain - Brussels

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Days before and after Chinese New Year






0-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Reduced emissions post C-19 due to:


Reduced: Factory output; Manufacturing; Travel etc

Emissions fallen across the globe

China: 25% decreased in energy use & emissions

US: 50% YoY reduction in NYC carbon monoxide emissions

But business rearing / needs to get back to work

Unlikely to be sustained.

Though would be nice…

China daily coal consumptionbefore & after Chinese New Year (2014 – 2020)

Megatrends & C-19: Finite Earth: A short-term reprieve evident

Source: WIND

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Megatrends & C-19: Finite Earth: Future implications

The focus on ESG / Sustainability will become even more important

The S & G aspects taking prominence, for now

Added pressure on Fossil fuel industry

Greater emphasis on Stakeholder focus

ie. Not only Shareholders, but also Clients; Employees & Community

Both a Risk and an Opportunity

As: Individuals / Corporates / Organisations / Governments

How one responds will ‘speak worlds’

The client / consumer response will be ’fast & furious’ & possibly long-lasting

Every aspect of our lives likely to be impacted, at least for a while

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Business impact:

Not ‘business as usual’

Less Jobs!

More work from home / on-line

Supply chain management very NB

'Price' may never be the same again

Lockdown impact:

Divorces / births / depression / hunger etc

Work-life balance: Even tougher

Social unrest

Many more..

Megatrends & C-19: Demographics / Society: Likely outcomes

‘Normal’ isn’t coming back; Welcome to the ‘New Normal’…

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Retreat from globalisationAt global / country level

Return of the Nation State / Nationalism

Populist / Authoritarian leaders

Retreat from globalisation

Global cooperation at risk: EU; Other

Border controls

Onshoring; Control over strategic assets

China vs US: The Cold War just got hotter

Source of C-19 & China’s role?

Will there be a winner?

Megatrends & C-19: Shifts of Power: Politics

Source: BCA

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Megatrends & C-19: Shifts of Power: Playing the blame game…

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A useful framework

Asset managers & allocators will need to assess C-19 impact at asset class / sector / share level:

1. Beneficiaries vs

2. Rebounders vs

3. Detrimented (Terminated/Defaulters)

Balance sheet analysis will be key

Ability to survive, at min, the next 12-18 months

Focus on: Outlook / prospect statements

Declarations of ‘force majeure’

Winning 'sector': The lawyers, again…!?

Megatrends & C-19: Shifts of Power: Asset classes, sectors and shares

And then, critically: What is already priced in?

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Megatrends & C-19: Shifts of Power: Society


End of Capitalism / Return of Socialism?

Or is that just ‘Crony Capitalism??

Loss of civil liberties

'Haves' vs 'Have nots'; Inequality

Coming together vs Xenophobia

Public health

Universal Basic Income (UBI)

And many more...

Socialist policies gaining precedence: Who will (actually) pay for such?

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The Good:

Artificial Intelligence

Assists in tracking, testing, treatment

Big Data

Important role in prediction and early warnings

Cloud Computing

Used for modelling COVID-19 metrics

Online learning, digital conferencing

Opportunity: Digital/crypto currency…?

The Challenges:

Increase in cyber-security incidents

WHO website; Healthcare / NGO IT infrastructure

Increase in fake domains spreading false news

Increase in phishing scams

Wide-spread mass surveillance

Human rights / Civil liberty concerns

Privacy/security concerns

Plus: All the other ethical issues…

Megatrends & C-19: Technology: A likely winner, but...


The good news priced in? Regulatory risk

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Megatrends & C-19: Financial Repression: What is it?

“When authorities channel funds that would otherwise go elsewhere”



Exchange Controls

Prescribed Assets

The acronyms: QE, ZIRP, NIRP, MMT


With even more to be added

Their creativity will be shocking.

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US federal debt held by the public (% of GDP) 1850 - 2050

Total deficit(% of GDP) 2004 - 2050

Megatrends & C-19: Financial Repression: US public debt

By 2049, US federal debt projected to reach an unprecedented 144% of GDP

Source: US congressional budget office, long-term budget outlook, 2020

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Megatrends & C-19: Financial Repression: Rulebooks being re-written

Can the doors ever be closed again? The unintended consequences?


New waves of regulation: ‘DC’ & ‘AD”

Massive new debt burdens, everywhere

Central banks independent no more

Other institutions too

Now permitted?

Constitutional breaches eg. Fed Reserve Act


Key question:

Will CPI/ i-rates ever be allowed to rise again…?!

[As would trigger Monster IV ie. sovereign defaults]

Fiscal stimulus as a % of GDP (excluding guarantees)

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Megatrends & C-19: Financial Repression: Rulebooks being re-written

Stock markets

Delayed reporting

Price discovery a real concern

No more 'mark-to-market?

Strong ‘moral suasion’ in play

Eg. Buybacks & Dividends


Incentive to ‘kitchen sink’ results;

Apply for bailouts

‘Default’ on obligations; ‘Force Majeure’

Increased risk of more shenanigins…!

Increasing moral (& legal) hazard

“Many short-term emergency

measures will become a fixture of life. That is the nature of emergencies”

Yuval Noah Hariri; Mar '20

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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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World Uncertainty Index (WUI)Global Index. GDP weighted average. 1970Q1 to 2020Q1

Highest levels of uncertainty in the past 50 years

The post COVID-19 world: Global: Uncertainty at record highs

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Profile of the recovery



V-shape recovery

U-shape recovery

L-shape recovery

The post COVID-19 world: Global: Profile of the expected recovery

Warning: V-shaped is the least likely, even though many data points will look just like it!

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2020Q1 saw record portfolio outflowsHit harder than DMs

Huge recent capital outflows

Weaker balance sheets; Institutions; Capabilities…

Unable to just print currency

Challenge: Unrest (today) vs controlling inflation (tomorrow)

Oil producing countries to be hardest hit

Possible upside

Low oil prices should assist many

Younger: Less C-19 impact

Infrastructure packages: Commodity uplift?

Higher Beta play into recovery

If less damaged, should recover sooner…

The post COVID-19 world: Global: Impact of C-19 on Emerging Markets (EMs)

Source: IIF daily portfolio flows tracker:

The USD: “An exorbitant privilege”, shared with many DMs, but not EMs

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Emerging market currencies: YTD % change vs. US$ (9th January to 11th April 2020)

The post COVID-19 world: Global: Emerging Markets: Currency impact

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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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The post COVID-19 world: SA: Not starting from a position of strength!

Already in recession; With worse to come

Longest business cycle downswing in history: 74 months

SARB 2020 GDP (f): (6.1%) ie. the biggest fall in SA since the Great Depression

Outlook very dependent on the lockdown ie. duration & ambit

Already amongst the worst ‘Misery index’ scores globally

Unemployment; Inequality; Poverty, and the like

Very limited fiscal room to manoeuvre

Impact of years of corruption & economic mismanagement

Recent credit down-grades

Tax revenue collapsing + Huge emergency spending; R500bn C-19 economic package

Fiscal deficit likely to exceed 10% of GDP

Worse than both WWs: -11.6% (1914); -10.4% (1940)

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SA Government Debt (% GDP) 1979 - 2019

The post COVID-19 world: SA: SA public sector debt

Source: CEIC Data

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The post COVID-19 world: SA: Asset class impact

SA real i-rates: Were amongst the highest in the world

Slowing economy + lower inflation (oil price) etc => Ability to cut rates

With more likely to follow.

ZAR is vulnerable, even if appears cheap

Lower rates; Weak growth; Capital outflows

SARB: Independence at risk? Recent actions? Would be a key concern!

SA Fixed Income

Poor outlook: Weak ZAR + Inflation risks (LT) + credit downgrade + increasing debt burden

Bond yields up sharply ie. higher discount rate / hurdle

SA Equities

More positive: Weak ZAR usually good for SA equities; Arguably cheap; Inflation?

Offset by: Weak economy; Weak EPS; Higher discount rates

Vital for SA to avoid debt trap…

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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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Megatrends and C-19

The post C-19 world: Global

The post C-19 world: SA


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Conclusion: Overall

We are living in unprecedented times; A discontinuous event

The second crisis in 12 years ie. we have all experienced both Monsters III & IV

Don’t waste a good crisis

Hopefully no Monster V too!

Especially with such weakened balance sheets!

Little will be the same as ‘BC’

This too will pass, but the effects will last for long after

Some aspects for only ‘12-18’ months; But others ‘forever’…!

The implications are likely to be profound:


The challenges are clear, the solutions less so…

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Conclusion: Capital markets

The (global) authorities are ‘all in’

They have stabilized the markets (for now); Huge post-crash bounce

SA is in a fragile position

Capital markets remain distorted

LT Implications? Inflation?

Fed response / market rally has been huge; Is it sustainable?

The tussle is between:

The poor economic data ie. the ‘real’ economy versus

The response of the authorities & its impact on the ‘financial’ economy

Plus: An assessment of how much is already priced in: Even harder

Likely a bumpy environment ahead, with volatility...

There are, however, always opportunities…

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Conclusion: Some suggestions

Asset allocation remains key ie. Both SAA + TAA (flexibility)

Including currency calls

Preference for: Hard (real) assets; quality; liquidity

Key: Avoid default risk ie. Large debt/gearing is of concern

Yield is always NB, but don’t be desperate/silly!

» Many DM gilts look like poor value

Stock /sector picking will be of even greater import

Jurisdiction & taxes matter greatly

Alternate Investments can be considered, but with all the T&Cs

It remains as much about: Return OF capital, as the Return ON Capital…!

Choose: Good advisors Good asset managers

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“…and once the storm is over, you won’t remember how youmade it through, how you managed to survive. You won’teven be sure it is really over. But one thing is certain. Whenyou come out of the storm you won’t be the same person whowalked in. That’s what the storm is all about…”

Haruki Murakami (Japanese writer)

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