

Marking Scheme —— Home Science

General Instructions :-

1) The marking scheme carries only suggested value points to the-answers. These are only

guidelines and do not constitute the complete answer. The students can have their own

expression and if the expression is correct the marks be awarded accordingly.

2) As per the orders of Honourable Supreme Court, the candidates would now be permitted

to obtain photocopy of the answer book on request on payment of the prescribed fee. all

examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out

strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the marking scheme.

3) All the Head examiners/ Examiners are instructed that while evaluating the answe scripts,

if the answer is found to be totally incorrect. The (x) should be marked on the incorrect

answer and awarded '0' marks.



Q1 i) 0-6 months -600 calories

ii) 6-12 months - 520 calories [½×2 = 1]

Q2 i) 100 days per year of guaranteed wage employment

ii) Unemployment allowance

iii) Builds infrastructure like roads, toilets etc.

iv) Run by gram panchayat for rural area

v) It is meant for unskilled labour

vi) Only job card holders are eligible.



1 rd

labour force is women

viii) No contractors allowed

ix) Any other (any two) [½×2 = 1]

Q3 i) Work in a bakery shop

ii) Work in a kitchen as an assistant to a chef

iii) Take cookery classes

iv) Supply tiffins

v) Demonstrator on T.V

vi) Any other


Q4 Need to save:

i) Inflation,

ii) Emergencies/unforeseen expenses,

iii) Provide security,

iv) Meet future goals

v) retirement/old age

vi) Raise standard of living

vii) Any other (any two) [½×2 = 1]

Q5 i) Economical

ii) Eco friendly

iii) Any other (any two) [½×2 = 1]




Q7 i) Feels awkward

ii) Feels conscious

iii) Shy

iv) Over confident

v) Any other [1×2 = 2]

Q8 i) Learn to refuse

ii) Keep away from them

iii) Join other group which has positive social values

iv) Take help from elders/share with parents.

v) Counsel them about its consequences.

vi) Equip them to make decisions about right and wrong behavior.

vii) Any other (Any four) [½×4 = 2]

Q9 i) Indoor and outdoor games- carrom, ludo, chess, etc.

ii) Give them cell phone to chat with friends

iii) Take them to public parks and amusement parks

iv) Encourage them to enroll in some hobbies like painting, reading, gardening, etc ..

v) Put on music/ television shows of their choice.


vi) Take them to cinemas, temples etc.

vii) Any other (any four) [½×4 = 2]

Q10 Responsibilities :-

i) Adjustment with husband

ii) Adjustment with husband's family

iii) Doing household chores

iv) Plan pregnancy

v) Taking decisions according to family needs

vi) Any other (any two) [½×2 = 1]


i) Accept other people and do not try to change anyone

ii) Time, money and energy management

iii) Educate herself on pregnancy and childcare.

iv) Open to suggestions/Ready to learn new things [½×2 = 1]

v) Any other (any two) [1+1 = 2]

Q11 i) Consistency-

a) Give liquid diet (e.g. dal soup)

b) Semi solid/ soft diets (e.g. custard, khichri)

c) Any other (any one)

ii) Cooking method - steaming/ blanching/ stewing (e.g.- mixed vegetable/idlis)

(any one)


EXAMPLE [½×4 = 2]


Q12 i) Religion: due to their religion they may abstain from eating certain foods,

e.g. Jains eat onions and garlic, Muslims eat halal meat and do not eat pork,

Hindus donot eat beef / any other example [½×2 = 1]

ii) Individual Preferences: they may change the form of food, according to

likes and dislikes for example if person does not like bottle gourd - they may

be given kofta or pao bhaji,/ any other example. [½×2 = 1]


[1+1 = 2]

Q13 i) Use spoon to taste food

ii) Wash hands with soap before handling food

iii) Keep food covered

iv) Immediately wipe spills

v) Do not handle food if suffer from skin disease/ boils

vi) Observe personal hygiene (Wear clean clothes/ keep nails trimmed/ cover


(any four) [½×4 = 2]

Q14 Suffering from - Bulimia Nervosa [½ mark]


i) Salivary glands get swollen

ii) Ruptures and irritation in gastrointestinal tract

iii) Kidney disorders

iv) Bleeding from rectum

v) Dehydration/ Electrolyte imbalance (any two) [½×2 = 1]


Ways to help:

i) Educate them on consequences and misconceptions of bulimia

ii) Provide counseling to improve self esteem

iii) Keep a check on their eating habits

iv) Motivate them to adopt healthy life style.

v) Any other (any three) [½×3 = 1½]

[½+1+1½ = 3]

Q15 Method:

i) One tablet (4mg) is dissolved in 1 litre of water.

ii) Leave for 10 minutes before consuming.


i) One tablet in 20 litres of water,

ii) Leave for 20 minutes before consuming. [1]


i) Kills coliform

ii) Easy to use

iii) Quick (any two) [1]


i) Keep in dry place

ii) Should not be expired

iii) If water is more dirty, use 2 tablets and wait for 20 minutes before using.

(any two) [1]

[1×3 = 3]


Q16 i) Yellow colour because of metanil yellow

ii) Shape not uniform because of - Kesari dal [½+½ =1]

- Other food adulterated with metanil yellow

Besan/ sweet meats- jalebi/ladoo, jaggery, ice candy, faluda (any one)

- Other food adulterated with kesari dal:

i) Whole masoor (in whole form)

ii) Arhar dal (in split form)

iii) Besan (in powder form) (any one) [½+½ =1]

Health hazards of metanil yellow

i) Carcinogenic

ii) Abnormalities of skin, lungs, eyes, bones.

iii) Sterility

iv) Anaemia

v) Mental retardation

vi) Lead accumulation (any two) [½×2 =1]

Health hazards of Kesari Dal:

i) Pain and stiffness of knee, ankle and joints in males

ii) Paralysis of lower limbs/crippled(/ lathyrism) [½×2 =1]

[1+1+1+1 = 4]

Q17 i) Used stones instead of standard weights

ii) Used hollow weights

iii) Kept the balance on a slope

iv) Hung iron rings or one side of balance


v) Put magnet under the balance

vi) Sprinkled water / soaked peas in water

vii) Balance not correct

viii) Use of improper hand scale (any four)

Wise buying tips

i) Be alert- watch closely while weighing vegetables

ii) Refuse to buy if uses stones, insist on using stamped weights.

iii) Check his balance for magnet, iron rings, accuracy, etc.

iv) Buy from reputed shops / outlets which give bills

v) Check the weighing balance for accuracy.

vi) Any other (any four) [½×8 = 4]

Q18 Physiological conditions:

i) Too much pressure in the blood flow in the arteries/ blood pressure is more

than normal. [½]

Clinical Symptoms

i) Dizziness

ii) Frequent headache

iii) Palpitation

iv) Uneasiness (any three) [½×3 = 1½]

Dietary recommendations

i) Less salt or sodium free salt

ii) Avoid fried foods


iii) High fiber diet

iv) Plenty of water

v) Avoid processed foods like sauces, papads, chutneys with high salt content.

vi) Any other (any four) [½×4 = 2]

[½+1½+2 = 4]

Q19 Increase money income by using assets

i) Give a portion of house on rent

ii) Grow vegetables on vacant land (if available) and sell

Increase money income by using skills

i) Make articles and sell

ii) Use skills to do a job (tutor, carpenter, tailor)

iii) Any other

Increase real income by using assets

i) Grow vegetables in own garden/ kitchen garden

ii) Judicious use of family assets

Increase real income by using skills

i) Use of bargaining skills to save money

ii) Use skills to do own work

iii) Any other [½×8 = 4]



Chana Less spicy and add Folic acid, Vitamin A,

coriander leaves Iron

More quantity of chana Proteins

Bhature Stuff with grated paneer Calcium, Vitamin A,


Knead dough with Iron

beetroot/green leafy


Dahi Add pineapple pieces Vitamin C (revised ICMR)

Bhalla Stuff with raisins/ dates Iron, Zinc

Mango Pickle Replace mango pickle Vitamin C

with amla chutney with

less spices.

Any other example / suggestions for one nutrient with reasons [2+2 = 4]

Q21 i) Should complain within two years of purchase

ii) Send registered AD to opposite party stating his complaint.

iii) Fill in prescribed form - write name and description, address of complainant

iv) Write name and description, address of opposite party/ company

v) Write facts relating to complaint - when, where it arose

vi) Attach bills, copy of registered AD sent to opposite party conveying the


vii) State the relief sought by complainant

viii) Attach an affidavit stating contents to be true and submit in appropriate forum

and pay fees. [½×8 = 4]


Q22 Advantages of labels

i) List of ingredients present which alerts consumer (for any ingredients he may

be allergic to/is vegetarian)

ii) Rate and cost effectiveness can be checked

iii) Standard marks indicate quality - can buy good quality

iv) Can contact manufacturer for complaint

v) Can refer to label as and when required

vi) Check date expiry/best before

vii) Any other (any three) [½×3 = 1½]


i) Blurred / small / not readable

ii) Do not give complete information

iii) Imitate popular brands

iv) Not in local language (any two) [½×2 = 1]



i) Consumer can use it any time

ii) Wide variety of products advertised

iii) Accessible from home / convenient

iv) Quick/ no time wasted

v) Cost effective

vi) Can compare rates, detailed features


vii) Easy mode of payments

viii) Can sell or buy from home

ix) Consumer can maintain records

x) Consumer can complain to the manufacturer in writing

(any three) [½×3 = 1½]


i) Frauds - can access personal information of credit card, address and dupe


ii) Exaggerated picture may be shown on the internet

iii) Cannot touch and feel the product before buying

iv) Risk of virus, spam while down loading (any two) [½×2 = 1]



S.No. Features LlC NSC

1 What is the time May mature after death/ Mature after 5 years and

period? longer period of invest- 10 years / shorter period

ment of investment

2 Maximum limit Investment limit accor- No limit of investment

ding to sum insured

3 Minimum limit According to policy Rs. 100

4 Loan Available Available

5 Tax rebate Available Available

6 Premature withdrawal Not allowed Not allowed


7 Interest taxable or / Interest tax free Interest Taxable

tax free

8 Rate of interest Low rate of interest Higher rate of interest

(w.e.f. April 2014)

9 When to invest? Investment / payment to Investment to be done once

be done periodically in lump sum in the beginning.

(every year/quarterly)

(Any five differences) [½×10 = 5]

Q24 i) Chemical for coffee stains- borax

ii) One more stain for which borax can be used -tea

iii) Chemical for grease stain - methylated spirit, or any other organic solvent


iv) One more stain for which methylated spirit can be used -lipstick/ ball pen

(any one) [½×4 = 2]

Precautions for removing stains

i) Choose the right chemical as per the stain and fabric

ii) Test the chemical in hidden corner of the fabric.

iii) Use diluted chemical and repeat if necessary.

iv) Work in a circular movement starting from outer towards centre.

v) Neutralize chemical with appropriate reagents.

vi) Rinse all traces of chemicals immediately after removing the stains. [½×6 = 3]

[2+3 = 5]

Q25 i) According to latest fashion

ii) Neutral colour skirt so that she can mix and match

iii) According to her choice


iv) According to body shape

v) According to personality

vi) Any other (any two) [½×2 =1]

To ensure emphasis

i) Contrasting coloured belt on waist, / contrasting coloured scarf/ any other

ii) Embroidery around the waist/ neckline/ sleeves/ any other

iii) Applique work on waist to attract attention/ any other

iv) Unusual buttons on shirt/ unique design on skirt/ any other

(any four) [½×4 =2]

Note: The student may also show through clear illustrations.

Good workmanship

i) Allowance at hem and seams

ii) Stitched with matching coloured thread

iii) Thread used is strong

iv) Reinforced at underarms.

v) Seams interlocked

vi) Enough fasteners on plackets of shirt / skirt

vii) Any other (any four) [½×4 =2]

[1+2+2 = 5]



Q1 i) Calories - 350 calories

ii) Calcium - 1200 mg [½×2 = 1]


Q2 i) 100 days per year of guaranteed wage employment for rural people

ii) Unemployment allowance for rural people

iii) Builds infrastructure for rural people like toilets, roads etc.

iv) Women gets 1/3rd reservation for jobs.

(any two) [½×2 = 1]

Q3 (i) Work in a tailoring house

(ii) Work in an upholstery shop

(iii) Work in a boutique.

(iv) Open repair shop

(v) Any other. (any two) [½×2 = 1]

Q4 Reason for supplementing-

i. Inflation / not able to meet the needs of family

ii. For better standard of living

iii. Increased demands of family

iv. To achieve family goals

v. Any other (any two) [½×2 = 1]

Q5 i) Breaks the surface tension of water

ii) Does not leave a scum on clothes

iii) Clothes become whiter

iv) Can be used in both soft and hard water.

v) Saves time

vi) Any other (any two) [½×2 = 1]



[1 mark]

Q7 i) Tendency to take risks

ii) Adolescents can think of many alternatives to their problems

iii) Become critical

iv) Become assertive

v) Become argumentative

vi) More confident

vii) Self conscious

viii) Any other (any two) [1×2 = 2]

Q8 i) Counselling

ii) Sensitise the family

iii) Provide support

iv) Keep her/him occupied constructively

v) Any other. (any four) [½×4 = 2]

Q9 i) Take them to parks for walks

ii) Enrol in some hobbies

iii) Make him visit relatives -of same age or have them come over

iv) Take him to social functions

v) Any other. (any four) [½×4 = 2]


Q10 Responsibilities

i) Getting children married

ii) Settling children in their vocation

Taking Care of

iii) aged parents

iv) own health

v) their teenage children

vi) finances (any two)


i) Adopt healthy life styles

ii) Keep full time help for taking care of elderly

iii) Support and guide children

iv) Participate in social causes ( e.g. teach poor children, etc)

(any two) [½×4=2]

Q11 i) Change in frequency: Give small meals at frequent intervals. e.g; panjiri to lactating

woman in morning and fruits in mid morning/any other example

ii) Nutrients: One nutrient is increased or decreased, for example, high fibre for

constipation and low fibre for diarrhoea / low salt for high blood pressure /

any other example. [1×2 = 2]

(½ mark for example and ½ for explaination)

Q12 Availability:

Food is selected according to seasonal availability, for example, peas in winters are

selected and included in most of the dishes, Replace expensive foods with cheaper

alternatives like locally available foods ( use curd/ tomato puree instead of tomatoes)/

Any other example


ii. Family traditions:

Families make traditional foods on some occasions like gujiya on holi/ they refrain to

eat meats on certain days of the week / Any other example

(½ mark for example and ½ for explanation) [1×2 = 2]

Q13 i) Clean work surfaces with hot water and disinfectant.

ii) Wipe spills immediately.

iii) Walls tiled or painted with washable paints

iv) Washable counters and floors

v) Seal all crevices and cracks (any four) [½×4 = 2]

Q14 Reason - Anorexia nervosa [½ Mark]


i) Irregular menses

ii) Stunted growth

iii) Muscle wasting

iv) Oedema

v) Bone loss

vi) Malnourished

vii) Kidney failure

viii) Heart shrinks (any two) [½ ×2 = 1]

Three ways to help

i) Educate them on consequences and misconceptions of anorexia

ii) Provide counselling to improve self esteem


iii) Keep a check on their eating habits

iv) Motivate them to adopt healthy life style

v) Encourage them to have their meals with the family.

vi) Any other (any three) [1½+1½ = 3]

Q15 Reason: Chlorine will kill the coliform micro-organisms whereas alum will remove

only suspended particles. [1 mark]


i) Mix 1 teaspoon of bleaching powder in 1 glass of water

ii) Then take 3 tea spoon of this water from this glass and

iii) add in 20 litres of water

iv) Leave for 30 minutes [½×4 = 2]

[1+2 = 3]

Q16 i) Yellow colour because of metanil yellow

ii) Shape not uniform because of - Kesari dal [½+½ = 1]

- Other food adulterated with metanil yellow

iii) Besan / sweet meats- jalebi/ladoo, jaggery, ice candy, faluda (any one)

- Other food adulterated with kesari dal:

iv) Whole masoor (in whole form)

v) Arhar dal (in split form)

vi) Besan (in powder form) (any one) [½+½ = 1]

Health hazards of metanil yellow

i) Carcinogenic

ii) Abnormalities of skin, lungs, eyes, bones.


iii) Sterility

iv) Anaemia

v) Mental retardation

vi) Lead accumulation (any two) [½×2 = 1]

Health hazards of Kesari Dal:

i) Pain and stiffness of knee, ankle and joints in males

ii) Paralysis of lower limbs/crippled (/lathyrism ) [½×2 = 1]

[1+1+1+1 = 4]

Q17 Ways shopkeeper can cheat

i) Used table / hands span / arms span to measure the cloth

ii) Used bend / broken rod

iii) Stretched the fabric while measuring

iv) The measuring rod used may not be standardized [½ mark each]

Wise buying tips

i) Be alert - watch closely while fabric is being cut

ii) Refuse to buy if uses table/hands span/arms span

iii) Insist in using a straight measuring rod.

iv) Take bills

v) Buy from reputed shops (any four) [½ mark each]

[½×8 = 4]

Q18 Jaundice

i) Infection in liver

ii) Increase in bile pigments above the normal range

(any one) [½ mark]


Clinical symptoms

i) Fever

ii) Abdomen pain

iii) White tongue

iv) Dark yellow urine.

v) Pale skin and eyes

vi) Chalky stools

vii) Nausea

viii) Weakness (any three) [½ mark each]

Dietary recommendations

i) Bland diet

ii) Light and digestible

iii) Avoid fried/ fat free foods

iv) Lots of liquids

v) Diet rich in easily digestible carbohydrates

vi) Initially low in proteins and fibre

vii) Any other (any four) [½×4 = 2]

[½+1½+2 = 4]

Q19 Direct real income (without use of money)

i) Using skills of family members and doing own job- tailor own clothes, study

on own instead of taking tuitions /any other

ii) Use community facilities like library, parks, government hospitals, etc.

iii) Bargain prices.


iv) Use assets judiciously- grow vegetables on vacant land.

v) Parents teaching own children etc. (any four)

Indirect real income ( with use of money)

i) Buy good quality products( goods) which last for a long time

ii) Hire a good servant and enjoy his/her services

iii) Use perks / reimbursements given by company e.g. car, house, telephone bills.

iv) Barter/exchange home made products with friends

(exchange jams and pickles) (any four) [½×8 = 4]


Family Meal Modifications Reasons

Chana Less Spicy and add Folic Acid

Coriander Leaves

More Quantity of Chana Proteins, Zinc

Bhature Stuff With grated Paneer Calcium, Protien

Knead Dough with curd Vitamins, proteins and


Dahi Add Pineapple Pieces Vitamin C

Add More Curd Calcium

Bhalla Stuff With Cashew Nuts Zinc

Mango Pickle Replace pickle with Amla Vitamin C

Chutney with Less Spices

Add Salad (Carrots) Vitamin A

Tomatoes Vitamin C

Any other (any four)

Any four suggestions for a nutrient with reasons [2+2 = 4]


Q21 i) Should complain with in two years of purchase

ii) Send registered AD to opposite party stating his complaint

iii) Fill in prescribed form - write name and description, address of complainant

iv) Write name and description, address of opposite party/ company

v) Write facts relating to complaint- when, where it arose

vi) Attach bills, copy of registered AD sent to opposite party conveying the


vii) State the relief sought by the complainant

viii) Attach an affidavit stating contents to be true and submit in appropriate forum

and pay fees. [½×8 = 4]

Q22 Advertisements: Advantages

i) Consumer gets information of new product available in market

ii) Knows how to use

iii) Knows special features

iv) Chooss from variety of products

v) Any other (any three) (½ mark each)


i) Exaggerated and misleading

ii) Complete information is not given

iii) shown very briefly - cannot refer to it whenever needed

iv) Negative impact on impressionable minds (mindless copying)

v) Any other (any two) (½ mark each)


Internet --Advantages

i) Consumer can use it any time

ii) Wide variety of products advertised

iii) Accessible/ convenient from home

iv) Quick/ no time wasted

v) Cost effective

vi) Can compare rates, detailed features of products

vii) Easy mode of payment

viii) Can sell, buy from home

ix) Consumer can maintain records

x) Consumer can complain to the manufacturer in writing

(any three)


i) Frauds - can gain personal information of credit card, address and dupe


ii) Exaggerated picture may be shown on the internet

iii) Cannot touch and feel the product before buying

iv) Risk of virus, spam while down loading

(any two) [½×10 = 5]



S.No. Features PPF PF

1. Who can invest? Anyone can invest in it. Only salaried persons

can invest

2. Length /time period 15 years can be extended earning period

to another block of 5

year and so on

3. Maximum Limit 1½ lakh (per annum can get extra PF

w.e.f (1.8.14) deducted to a limit of

basic salary+DA , etc

4. Minimum limit Rs 500 per annum 12 % of basic salary

is deducted every month

5. Loan Available between 3rd Available any time of

to 6th year earning period

6. Tax rebate available available

7. Premature withdrawal Allowed after 6th year Not allowed

once each year 50%

of 3rd preceeding


8. Interest taxable or Interest taxfree Interest taxfree


9. Rate of interest (w.e.f 8.7% 8.75%

1st April 2014 )

10. When can one Option of paying once every month cut from

deposit? in a year or in instalments salary

( not more than 12 in a


Any five differences [1×5 = 5]


Q24 i) Chemical used for Tea stains - borax

ii) One more stain for which borax can be used - coffee

iii) Chemical used for Ball pen - methylated spirit

iv) One more stain for which methylated spirit can be used: lipstick/grease

Precautions for removing stains

v) Choose the right chemical as per the stain and fabric

vi) Test the chemical in a hidden corner of the fabric.

vii) Use diluted chemical and repeat if necessary.

viii) Work in a circular movement starting from outer towards centre.

ix) Neutralize chemical with appropriate reagents.

x) Rinse all traces of chemicals immediately after removing the stains. [½×10 = 5]

Q25 Selection of fabric

i) Soft, comfortable

ii) Easy to maintain

iii) Air permeable

iv) Good conductivity

v) Pastel colour

(any two)

For Rhythm

i) Repetition --repeat piping on neckline, hem and cuff/ any other

ii) Gradation-Embroider flowers of varying sizes/ any other

iii) Radiation- have puff sleeves/ any other


iv) Parallelism-Pleats in skirt of frock/ any other

v) Alteration- Embroider alternate row of flower and lines on upper bodice /any


(any four)

Good workmanship

i) Allowance at hem and seams

ii) Stitched with matching coloured , strong thread

iii) Fasteners at shoulders

iv) Large neckline/ suitable placket openings

v) Flat seams / French or Run And Fell seams.

(any four) [½×10 = 5]

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