Page 1: Marking schemes in TEFL

Marking Schemes in TEFL

Correcting Student’s Work in TEFL

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In keeping with the notion of maintaining transparency within the classroom

environment and demystifying the learning process, it is suggested that marking schemes

should be clear and understood by the students.

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TEFL Teachers should, for instance: Ensure a consistent system and standard of marking

across the board; and Ensure that marking is regular and that both effort and achievement

are recognised .

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When marking homework, class work and tests, teachers should where possible attempt

to mark students relative to their ability within the level rather than use an absolute

scale. This enables weaker students to experience success, which is vital to their

motivation and development .

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A piece of work with teacher’s comments and corrections can be very helpful. It may be a good idea to use correction codes to indicate where an error is and what type of error it is.

This leaves it up to the student to do some work in order to find the corrections for


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A piece of work with teacher’s comments and corrections can be very helpful. It may be a good idea to use correction codes to indicate where an error is and what type of error it is.

This leaves it up to the student to do some work in order to find the corrections for


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