Download - Marks of TheChurch

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch





     The Church of Christ possesses theinseparable unity of the human

    and divine elements (LG 8). TheChurch of Christ which is bothhuman and divine subsists in

    the Catholic Church…isgoverned by the successor of eterand by the bishops in communion

    with him (LG 8).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    !ut Lumen Gentium does not say "

    the Church of Christ is theCatholic Church. #ather$ theChurch of Christ only subsistsin the Catholic Church. Christ%sChurch ta&es its concrete form inthe Catholic Church (cf. Vatican IIDocument on Ecumenism, Unitatis

    Redintegratio 3; CCC 816).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    Can we nd outside the CatholicChurch the elements of the Church ofChrist? 

    'enitely YES! 

     There are a number of elements ofsanctication and of truth found outside the

    visible connes of the Catholic Church. These elements such as Bible, Holy Spirit,Bpti", are also armed by the otherChristian #eligions. The idea that theCatholic Church has no monopoly of theseelements is a force impelling authentic unitywith our Christian brothers. *or in truth$ t#eC#$r%# o& C#rit 'oe beyo t#e*iible li"it o& t#e Ct#oli% C#$r%#+

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    *inally$ t#i i t#e ole C#$r%# o& C#rit,#i%# i t#e %ree e pro&e to beOe, Holy, Ct#oli%, Apotoli%+ 

     These four characteristics$ inseparablylin&ed with each other$ indicate essentialfeatures of the Church and her mission. The

    Church does not possess them for herself+it is Christ who$ through the ,oly -pirit$ma&es his Church ne$ ,oly$ Catholic$ and/postolic$ and it is he who calls her to

    reali0e each of these 1ualities (LG 8;Denzinger-c!onmetzer, Enc!iridion"m#o$orum, De%nitionum etDe$carationum de Re#us &idei et 'orum

    (888, CCC 811).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    /. The Church as/. The Church as ONEONE2. The church is ONE because of her"

    2.2. SOURCE3 4 5the neLiving God in three ersons63 the Church shines forth as

    5a people made one with theunity of the *ather$ -on andthe ,oly -pirit6 (LG ))

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    2.7. FOUN-ER3 esus Christ who"

    9 came to redeem and unify the wholehuman race+

    9 prayed to ,is *ather 5that all may beone even as you$ *ather$ are in me and : in

     ;ou6 ( *n+ 1(1)

    9 instituted the ew Covenant intoa unity of faith$ hope and charity (cf. UR (-?).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    7. The church is ONE"

    ◦7.2. in the confession of onefaith received from theapostles+

    ◦7.7. the common celebrationof divine worship especiallythe sacraments+ and

    ◦7.?. the fraternal harmony ofGod%s family (cf. UR (; CCC81.)

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    ?. /s a *iible i' o& t#i$ity$ Christ put 5eter at thehead of the other apostles$ and

    in him set up a lasting andvisible source and foundationof unity of faith and of

    communion6 (LG 18).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    @. Church is a $ity.i.

    i*erity3 the universal Churchembraces not only eople ofdi=erent ran&s$ duties$ and

    ways of life$ but also particularChurches which retain their owntraditions while united under

    the Aicar of Christ (cf. LG 13).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    B. Church nity as a T/ . The divisionsamong Christians remain a maDor cause ofscandal before the world. O0%il bre/it# C#$r%# %o""$io include"

    ◦ B.2. #erey$ the obstinate denial ordoubt by bapti0ed person of a truth

    which must be believed by divine andCatholic *aith+

    ◦ B.7. poty, the total repudiation ofthe Christian faith+ and

    ◦ B.?. %#i", the withdrawal ofsubmission to the -upreme onti= orfrom communion with the members ofthe Church subDect to him.

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    E. E%$"ei" is concerned with theretori' $ity o& t#e C#ritiC#$r%#e. Aatican :: recogni0ed non3Catholic Christians$ for all who are Dustiedin faith through !aptism are incorporatedinto Christ and therefore have a right to becalled Christians and with good reason are

    accepted as brothers by children of theCatholic Church6 (UR 3). :t also calls for theactive involvement of all$ faithful and clergyali&e6 (UR .).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    F. The hope of full ecumenicalunity transcends humanabilities$ and must be

    grounded 5in prayer of Christfor the Church$ in the love ofthe *ather for us$ and in the

    power of the ,oly -pirit6 (UR()).

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  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    7. The sanctity of the Church has shoneout in the innumerable uncanoni0ed

    saints among the ordinary faithful andreligious$ who through the ages haveled holy lives.

    ?. The Church%s holiness is a process of

    growing. Christians have always beenehorted to 5lay aside your former wayof life and the old self which deterioratesthrough illusion and desire…and put on

    that new man created in God%s image$whose Dustice and holiness are born intruth6 (E!+ )((-()).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    @. /ll in the Church are called to

    holiness (cf. 1 2!ess+ )3). /llthe bapti0ed are called to livethe full challenge of Christian

    holiness.B. :n reality$ Charity/Love isthe center of holiness$ uniting

    inseparably both worship of Godand service of our fellow humanpersons (LG )(; c+ CCC 8(6).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    C. The church asC. The church as CATHOLICCATHOLIC

    2.  The term 1Ct#oli%2 (G&. term$kath’olon) means universal$complete$ all3embracing. :t applies tothe Church in two di=erent ways"

    ◦ 2.2. *irst$ the Church is world3wide$sent to all people.

    ◦ 2.7. -econd$ being endowed with the

    5fullness of the means for salvation6$she announces the whole$ true faith6(cf. 4G 6; CCC 83/).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    7. The Church is 1Ct#oli%2 according toa Church *ather (t+ C"ri$ o *erusa$em)because she"

    ◦ 7.2. is spread throughout the world (cf. 4cts 18).

    ◦ 7.7. possesses all saving truth (cf. *n+

    1613).◦ 7.?. is sent to all peoples (cf. '5+161.).

    ◦ 7.@. can heal all &inds of sins (cf. *n+(/(3).

    ◦ 7.B. abounds in every &ind of virtue andspiritual gift (C"ri$ o *erusa$em,

    Catec!etica$ Lectures)

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    3. Vatican II explains the universality of

    God’s call to the whole world (LG 13;cf.

    CCC 831).4. The Church catholicity is oth a gift  

    and a task   which involves !ission and

    inculturation.4.". In its !ission the Church

    !anifests a asic respect for local

    Churches and cultures.

    4.#. The !utual interaction of the

    Christian !essa$e and hu!an culture is

    an on%$oin$& never%co!pleted process

    throu$h history.

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    B. The process of inculturationrespectfully draws the good

    elements within a culture$ renewsthem from within and assimilatesthem to form part of its catholicunity. The catholicity  of theChurch is more fully reali0ed whenit is able to assimilate and use theriches of a people%s culture for the

    glory of God (C II (/8). 5He haveto raise up more and more *ilipinoevangeli0ers$ formed in a *ilipino

    way6 (C II (1/).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    '. The Church as'. The Church as A3OSTOLICA3OSTOLIC2. The Church is 1potoli%2 in three

    basic ways"◦ 2.2. *irst$ because esus Christgrounded her permanently 5on the

    foundation of the /postles6 (E!+ ((/).◦ 2.7. -econd$ because she guards andtransmits their teaching and witness(cf. 't+ (810-(/)+

    ◦ 2.?. Third$ she continues to beinstructed$ sanctied and guided by theapostles through their successors (cf.CCC 8.-6/).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    7. Apotoli% S$%%eio. Theprincipal way the apostles“guide us still is through

    the potoli% $%%eio ofthe bishops$ assisted by the,oly -pirit (cf. CCC 861 f).

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    ?. The Church is 1potoli%2 

    because it is a hierarchicalcommunity $ whose unity infaith and communion are

    grounded in the successors ofthe apostles$ and especially of!eter" the chosen 5roc&$6 upon

    which Christ would build hisChurch (cf. 't+ 16; 18; c+ LG18).

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    ?.2. The Roman onti7 $ the !ope" as the #icar of Christ  and successor of eter$has supreme and universal power overthe Church.

    ?.7. The $ishops (the %verseers)$ assuccessors of the apostles$ in their role as

    teachers and pastors$ 5together with theirhead$ the -upreme onti=$ and neverapart from him$ have supreme and fullpower over the universal Church (LG ((+

    ?.?. This power and leadership of thehierarchy is a 5ministry of service6 bywhich our Lord esus is present in themidst of the faithful6 (LG (1).

  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    MO-ELS OF THE CHURCHMO-ELS OF THE CHURCH (/ccording to /very 'ulles)(/ccording to /very 'ulles)

    2. Itit$tio (,ierarchy" ope3College ofCardinalsI!ishops$ Clergy$ 'eacons$ Laity)

     7. Myti%l Co""$io (community oflove and peace)3 unity in love and charity

     ?. S%r"et (sign and instrument ofGod%s grace)

     @. Herl (proclaimer of the Kingdom of

    GodI bearer of the Good >ews) B. Ser*t (tas& of healing and

    humani0ing the worldImission true$good and Dust in the pursuit of the

    common good).


  • 8/9/2019 Marks of TheChurch


    MO-ELS OF THE CHURCHMO-ELS OF THE CHURCH (/ccording to the(/ccording to the &econd !lenary&econd !lenary

    Council of the !hilippines 'Council of the !hilippines '

    !C!((!C!(())2. Co""$io

    ◦ 2.2 unity3in3diversity

    ◦ 2.7 e1uality in dignity7. 3rti%iptio

    ?. Co""$io.i.Miio

    @. 3rietly, 3rop#eti% Ki'ly 3eople

    B. C#$r%# o& t#e 3oor

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