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Mass Market Applications of Massively Parallel ComputingMass Market Applications of Massively Parallel Computing

Chas. Boyd

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• Projections of future hardware

• The client computing space

• Mass-market parallel applications

• Common application characteristics

• Interesting processor features

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The Physics of SiliconThe Physics of Silicon

• The way processors get faster has fundamentally changed

• No more free performance gains due to clock rate and Instruction-Level Parallelism

• Yet gates-per-die continues to grow

• Possibly faster now that clock rate isn’t an issue

• Estimate: doubling every 2-2.5 years

• New area means more cores and caches

• In-order core counts may grow faster than Out-of-Order core counts do

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The Old StoryThe Old Story

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A Surplus of CoresA Surplus of Cores

• ‘More cores than we know what to do with’

• Literally

• Servers scale with transaction counts

• Technical Computing

• history of dealing with parallel workloads

• What are the opportunities for the PC client?

• Are there mass market applications that are parallelizable?

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Requirements of Mass Market SpaceRequirements of Mass Market Space

• Fairly easy to program and maintain

• Cannot break on future hardware or operating systems

• Transparent back-compatibility, fwd compatibility

• Mass market customers hate regressions!

• Consumer software must operate for decades

• Must get faster automatically

• Why we are here

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AMD Term:AMD Term:

• Personal Stream Computing

• Actually nothing like ‘stream processing’ as used by Stanford Brook, etc.

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Data-Parallel ProcessingData-Parallel Processing

• Key technique, how do we apply it to consumers?

• What takes lots of data?

• Media, pixels, audio samples

• Video, imaging, audio

• Games

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• Decode, encode, transcode

• Motion Estimation, DCT, Quantization

• Effects

• Anything you would want to do to an image

• Scaling, sepia, DVE effects (transitions)

• Indexing

• Search/Recognition -convolutions

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• Demosaicing

• Extract colors with knowledge of sensor layout

• Segmentation

• Identify areas of image to process

• Cleanup

• Color correction, noise removal, etc.

• Indexing

• Identify areas for tagging

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User Interaction with Media User Interaction with Media

• Client applications can/should be interactive

• Mass market wants full automation

• ‘Pro-sumer’ wants some options to participate, but with real-time feedback (20+ fps) on 16 GPixel images

• Automating media processing requires analysis

• Recognition, segmentation, image understanding

• Is this image outdoors or inside?

• Is this image right-side up?

• Does it contain faces?

• Are their eyes red?

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Imaging MarketsImaging Markets

• In some sense, the broader the market, the more sophisticated the algorithm required

• Although pro-sumers care more about performance, and they are the ones that write the reviews

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FFT PerformanceFFT Performance

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Game Applications of Mass ParallelGame Applications of Mass Parallel

• Rendering

• Imaging

• Physics

• IK

• AI

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19Ultima Underworld 1993Ultima Underworld 1993

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Dark Messiah 2007Dark Messiah 2007Dark Messiah 2007Dark Messiah 2007


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Game RenderingGame Rendering

• Well established at this point, but new techniques keep being discovered

• Rendering different terms at different spatial scales

• E.g. Irradiance can be computed more sparsely than exit radiance enabling large increases in the number of incident light sources considered

• Spherical harmonic coefficient manipulations

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Game ImagingGame Imaging

• Post processing

• Reduction (histogram or single average value)

• Exposure estimation based on log average luminance

• Exposure correction

• Oversaturation extraction

• Large blurs (proportional to screen size)

• Depth of field

• Motion blur

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Half-Life 2Half-Life 2Half-Life 2Half-Life 2


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Half-Life 2Half-Life 2Half-Life 2Half-Life 2


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Half-Life 2Half-Life 2Half-Life 2Half-Life 2


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Game PhysicsGame Physics

• Particles -non-interacting

• Particles -interacting

• Rigid bodies

• Deformable bodies

• Etc.

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Game Processor EvolutionGame Processor EvolutionGame Processor EvolutionGame Processor Evolution

Vertex Shader

Pixel Shader



Texture Creation

Mesh Modeling

PhysicsContent Creation Process

Game Stack




Real Time


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Common Properties of Mass AppsCommon Properties of Mass Apps

• Results of client computations are displayed at interactive rates

• Fundamental requirement of client systems

• Tight coupling with graphics is optimal

• Physical proximity to renderer is beneficial

• Smaller data types are key

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Support for Image Data TypesSupport for Image Data Types

• Pixels, texels, motion vectors, etc.

• Image data more important than float32s

• Data declines in size as importance drops

• Bytes, words, fp11, fp16, single, double

• Bytes may be declining in importance

• Hardware support for formatting is useful

• Clock cycles required by shift/or/mul, etc. cost too much power

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I/O ConsiderationsI/O Considerations

• Like most computations that are not 3-D rendering, GPUs are i/o bound

• Arithmetic intensity is lower than GPUs

• Convolutions

• Support for efficient data types is very important

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GPU Arithmetic Intensity ProjectionGPU Arithmetic Intensity Projection

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GPU Arithmetic Intensity ProjectionGPU Arithmetic Intensity Projection

• 2-3 more process doublings before new memory technologies will help much

• Stacked die?, 2k wide bus?, optical?

• Estimate at least 4x increase in nr of compute instructions per read operation

• Arithmetic intensities reach 64??

• This is fine for 3-D rendering

• Other data-parallel apps need more i/o

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I/O PatternsI/O Patterns

• Solutions will have a variety of mechanisms to help with worsening i/o constraints

• Data re-use (at cache size scales) is relatively rare in media applications

• Read-write use of memory is rare

• Read-write caches are less critical

• Streaming data behavior is sufficient

• Read contention and write contention are the issue, not read-after-write scenarios

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Interesting TechniquesInteresting Techniques

• Shared registers

• Possibly interesting to help with i/o bandwidth

• Reducing on-chip bandwidth may help power/heat

• Scatter

• Can be useful in scenarios that don’t thrash output subsystem

• Can reduce pressure on gather input system

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• Key element of almost all image and video processing operations

• Scaling, glows, blurs, search, segmentation

• Algorithm has very low arithmetic intensity

• 1 MAD per sample

• Also has huge re-use (order of kernel size)

• Shared registers should reduce arithmetic intensity by factor of kernel size

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Processor Core TypesProcessor Core Types

• Heterogeneous Many-core

• In-Order vs. Out-of-Order

• Distinction arose from targeting 2 different workload design points

• Software can select ideal core type for each algorithm (workload design point)

• Since not all cores can be powered anyway

• Hardware can make trade-offs on:

• Power, area, performance growth rate

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Local Memory Accesses Streaming Memory Access


e B






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Workload DifferencesWorkload Differences

General Processing

• Small batches

• Frequent branches

• Many data inter-dependencies

• Scalar ops

• Vector ops

Media Processing

• Large batches

• Few branches

• Few data inter-dependencies

• Scalar ops

• Vector ops

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Lesson from GPGPU ResearchLesson from GPGPU Research

• Many important tasks have data-parallel implementations

• Typically requires a new algorithm

• May be just as maintainable

• Definitely more scalable with core count

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APIs Must Hide ImplementationsAPIs Must Hide Implementations

• Implementation attributes must be hidden from apps to enable scaling over time

• Number of cores operating

• Number of registers available

• Number of i/o ports

• Sizes of caches

• Thread scheduling policies

• Otherwise, these cannot change, and performance will not grow

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Order of Thread ExecutionOrder of Thread Execution

• Shared registers and scatter share a pitfall:

• It may be possible to write code that is dependent on the order of thread execution

• This violates scaling requirement

• The order of thread execution may vary from run-to-run (each frame)

• Will certainly vary between implementations

• Cross-vendor and within vendor product lines

• All such code is considered incorrect

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System Design GoalsSystem Design Goals

• Enable massively parallel implementations

• Efficient scaling to 1000s of cores

• No blocking/waiting

• No constraints on order of thread execution

• No read-after-write hazards

• Enable future compatibility

• New hardware releases, new operating systems

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Other Computing ParadigmsOther Computing Paradigms

• CPU –originated:

• Lock-based, Lockless

• Message Passing

• Transactional Memory

• May not scale well to 1000s of cores

• GPU Paradigms


• May not scale well over time

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High Level APIsHigh Level APIs

• Microsoft Accelerator

• Google Peakstream

• Rapidmind

• Acceleware

• Stream processing

• Brook, Sequoia

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Additional GPU FeaturesAdditional GPU Features

• Linear Filtering

• 1-D, 2-D, 3-D floating point array indices

• Image and video data benefit

• Triangle Interpolators

• Address calculations take many clocks

• Blenders

• Atomic reduction ops reduce ordering concerns

• 4-vector operations

• Vector data, syntactic convenience

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Processor OpportunitiesProcessor Opportunities

• Client computing performance can improve

• Client space is a large un-tapped opportunity for parallel processing

• Hardware changes required are minimal and fairly obvious

• Fast display, efficient i/o, scalable over time

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