

Ali Mandile

Michael Carlson

GENERAL INFORMATION Founded: 1630 by John Winthrop and others, at

Massachusetts Bay Became a State: February 6, 1788

6th state to ratify the Constitution Colony Named for: Massachusetts tribe word

means “large hill place” Major Cities: Boston, Quincy, Plymouth, Salem,

Lexington, Concord

CLIMATE & GEOLOGY Colonists in the New

England colonies endured bitterly cold winters and mild summers.

Cold winters reduced the spread of disease.

Land was flat close to the coastline but became hilly and mountainous farther inland.

Soil was generally rocky, making farming difficult.

ECONOMY Major Industry: Agriculture (fishing, corn, livestock),

Manufacturing (lumbering, shipbuilding) New England's economy was largely dependent on

the ocean. Fishing (especially codfish) was most important to

the New England economy, though whaling, trapping, shipbuilding, and logging were important also.

Eventually, many New England shippers grew wealthy buying slaves from West Africa in return for rum, and selling the slaves to the West Indies in return for molasses. This process was called the "triangular trade."


Colonial Map Current Map

COLONIAL MASS. FLAG Roger Williams stated the cross

was a symbol of the antichrist, so John Endicott, the Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, ordered the cross removed from the Colonial Red Ensign.

The Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony found Endicott had "exceeded the lymits of his calling" and punished him by forbidding him to hold public office for one year.

Then they gave the citizens permission to do as they wanted with the flag design, and without exception, they all removed the crosses from their flags.


On a white field is a blue shield emblazoned with the image of a Native American, Massachusetts.

He holds a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. The arrow is pointing downward representing peace.

The white star represents Massachusetts as one of the original thirteen states. Around the shield is a blue ribbon with the motto: "By the Sword We Seek Peace, but Peace Only Under Liberty".

Above the shield is a arm and sword, representing the first part of the motto. Flag adopted 1915, amended 1971.


Colonial Mass. Current Mass.

ALL HAIL TO MASSACHUSETTSWords and Music by Arthur J. Marsh (1895-1966)

All hail to Massachusetts, the land of the free and the brave!

For Bunker Hill and Charlestown, and flag we love to wave:

For Lexington and Concord, and the shot heard 'round the world; All hail to Massachusetts, we'll keep her flag unfurled.

She stands upright for freedom's light that shines from sea to sea:

All hail to Massachusetts!

Our country 'tis of thee!

All hail to grand old Bay State, the home of the bean and the cod!

Where Pilgrims found a landing and gave their thanks to God.

A land of opportunity in the good old U.S.A.

Where men live long and prosper, and people come to stay.

Don't sell her short, but learn to court her industry and stride:

All hail to grand old Bay State!

The land of Pilgrim's pride!

All hail to Massachusetts, renowned in the Hall of Fame!

How proudly wave her banners emblazoned with her name!

In unity and brotherhood, sons and daughters go hand in hand:

All hail to Massachusetts, there is no finer land!

It's M-A-S-S-A-C-H-U-S-E-T-T-S.

All hail to Massachusetts! All hail! All hail! All hail!

MAYFLOWER 1620•66 day voyage from Plymouth, England to Plymouth, MA

•102 passengers: PILGRIMS

•41 were Christian Puritans known as Leiden Group: left England seeking religious freedom

•Plymouth was the second successful permanent English colony in North America


November 21, 1620

Official constitution of the Plymouth Colony

First written framework of government in the United States

Established to prevent dissent between Puritans and Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower upon arrival


•Founded by John Winthrop, Governor

•Strict rules

•“We shall be a city upon a hill”

•Very religious: Puritan


•March 5, 1770

•A crowd in Boston threw snowballs at British soldiers

•5 people were shot

•Propaganda was used by Bostonians to depict the British soldiers as opening fire on the crowd, when they may have been acting in self defense against an angry crowd

•The fact that it was named a “massacre” when only 5 people died also shows the power of the media.


Like a great many towns in New England, Boston has its naming roots in old England. Boston, Massachusetts is named after Boston, Lincolnshire, and is

situated about 100 miles north of London on the North Atlantic Sea.

Massachusetts began life as the Massachusetts Bay Colony

(Company) in 1629.

RELIGION•Pilgrims came for religious freedom

•Puritans came for religious purification

Intolerant of other religions Many religious groups banned

from MA Exiled religious dissenters

such as Roger Williams and Joseph Hooker, who then founded other colonies

PURITAN LIFE•Very strict rules

•Town centered around the church

•No celebrations of holidays/weddings

•Heavy emphasis on reading the Bible, so education was important


•Husbands and wives forced to live together to promote family stability

•Risked losing children if they had inadequate education

•Passed sumptuary laws to keep people in separate social classes

• Illegal for the lower class to have silver buckles on their shoes, etc.

•Those who broke the laws were subject to public ridicule and fines


Laborers & Servants





Nobility really didn’t come over to Colonies Were content with what

they had Day laborers &

Servants Restricted on coming to

the Colonies because of lack of money

Social positions were mostly determine by ownership of land


The structure that evolved in colonial society differed from that of English society in three important respects. 1. First, the process of

transplantation sheared off the top level of English society—the nobility.

2. Second, the composition of American classes was not the result of direct transplants from England.

3. Third, the parts of society were present in somewhat different proportions.

WOMEN WITHIN COLONY The male was the head of the

house hold Women did not have the vote

and could not, in most cases, hold property.

Their opportunities were severely restricted.

Some practiced a trade, such as blacksmithing or printing, but almost none made a name in business.

Women were in great demand, not only as companions or to satisfy sexual appetites, but as partners in the enterprise of settlement.

COMMUNICATION-horseback messengers-newspapers-broadsides-town criers.

-Freight was carried on pack horses or in clumsy two-wheeled carts drawn by horses or oxen. In winter, home-made sleds were used.

-By 1654 the 'Common Road' from Boston to Providence, R.I. was opened and later this was extended to New York City and called 'The Shore Road'. Then came the famous colonial highway the Boston Post Road between Boston and New York City." Today, U.S. Route 1 is still frequently called the Boston Post Road. Route 1 was the first interstate highway in the United States


The first post office was established in Massachusetts in 1639 in the home of Richard Fairbanks, which also served as a tavern.

It is believed that the tradition from England of dropping mail off at coffee houses and taverns was adopted by the earliest Bostonians.

'For preventing the miscarriage of letters; & it is ordered, that notice bee given that Richard Fairbanks his house in Boston is the place appointed for all letters which are brought from beyond the seas, or are to be sent thither, are to bee brought into; and hee is to take care that they bee delivered or sent according to their directions; and hee is allowed for every such letter 1 penny, & must answere all miscarriages through his owne neglect in this kind; provided, that no man shalbee compelled to bring his letters thither, except hee please.' "

MEDIA•The first newspaper was started in 1704 called the “Boston News-Letter”• Originally appeared

on a single page, front and back

• John Campbell, a bookseller and postmaster was its first editor

• At first, filled with news from England

• Eventually included news from Boston and surrounding areas






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