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Massage Chair Buying Guidelines Most Important Items to Consider When Buying a Massage Chair

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Buying massage chair o�en requires significant investments and that’s why

buying decision should not be taken lightly. In addi�on, purchasing a chair

involves considering many other important issues, that’s the reason why we

are here to help you understand why buying a massage chair and which kind of

chair would be the best selec�on for you.

Why Buy A Massage Chair:

In these days, people have become too much busy than ever. Most of them

don’t get enough �me to do some daily exercises or go to professional massage

therapists to reduce their tension and stress. For those people, having a

massage chair is one great way to reduce tension and s�ffness from body.

Having such a chair allows person ge�ng massaged any �me staying at home.

That means persons don’t need to go outside to get massaged by a

professional therapist.

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If you are looking for a cost-effec�ve way for ensuring a healthier life,

purchasing massage chair would be the best decision for you in contrast to

going to spa centre or buying home gym equipment. Though this kind of chairs

look pricey as it usually costs from $800-$9000 dollar, but in the long run,

buying such chair is the most cost-efficient decision. How? Well, think it wisely.

If you decide to go to professional massage therapists, they will charge from

$60-$130 per hour depending on loca�on, masseurs’ experiences etc. On the

other hand, if you decide to buy home gym equipment, such equipment will

require you spending thousands of dollars. So having massage chair will

obviously be the best decision when you are trying to reach to a cost-efficient


Do you know massage chairs can provide some enormous health benefits that

an ordinary massage therapy or regular exercise can’t provide? Yap, that’s

100% true. Massage chair not just greatly works on reducing stress and tension

from muscles, but also helps alleviate anxiety, high blood pressure and

depression. A recent survey shows that chair massages are 32% effec�ve in

elimina�ng back and neck pains where ordinary pain killers fail to provide

sa�sfactory results. Even, some�mes massage chairs are used as a supplement

for the cancer pa�ents’ treatment as these chairs o�en help to alleviate side

effects of cancer like fa�gue and nausea and also improve the func�on of

immune system.

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What To Look For:

Today’s top quality chairs usually come with 3 to 8 common pre-defined

programs/ features. Even some chair manufacturers are offering customiza�on

feature to provide customized massages as per individuals’ requirements. Here

we will break down all the most important issues and features that you should

need to know if you want to find out a perfect chair for yourself.

Massage Techniques: Modern massage chair manufacturers have included

different massage techniques in different massage chairs. Even, some chairs

can simultaneously combine mul�ple massage techniques to provide more

intense massages. These chairs are capable of providing massages like Swedish

Massage, Sports Massage, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Tapping Massage,

Rolling Massage, Kneading Massage, Vibra�on Massage, Air Compressor

Massage, Zero Gravity, etc. So before buying this chair, you have to decide at

first- what type of massage technique you want to have from your chair and

make sure that the chair is capable of providing your desired massage.

Massage Programs: Some top quality massage chair manufacturers are

offering fully automated chairs. These types of chairs come with a �mer which

allows the users to get massaged simply by pressing a bu�on. Such chairs also

include scanning mechanism, which automa�cally scans an individual’s full

body to detect s�ff and stress areas and customize programs to deliver

appropriate pressure or massage to the stressed areas.

Massage Intensity: The intensity or strength of delivering massage vary from

brand to brand. Modern chair manufacturers some�mes provide the

opportunity to customize the strength of massage whenever needed. Actually

the intensity or strength of massage largely depends on the torque power

generated by the motor installed in the chair. That means the more motors, the

more torque powers, and the more massage strength will be. So you must

make sure that the motors installed in the chair are capable of genera�ng

enough torque power to provide your desired massage intensity.

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Massage Chair Size: Although most of the massage chairs are usually designed

to fit all body types and sizes, but if you are taller, thinner, shorter or wider

than average, you need to make sure that the chair fits with your body before

buying that chair.

Heated Massage: Latest chairs come with the feature of heated massage seat.

This heat massage greatly helps to increase blood circula�on throughout the

body and also eases pains and aches. So, if your desired massage chair comes

with this op�ons, it would be a plus point.

Massage Stroke: The length of massage stroke is really an important

considera�on in case of buying a perfect massage chair. A midrange chair

usually has massage stroke of around 20 inches which can’t cover everything

between neck and low back. Only high-end chairs can provide complete

massage covering everything between low back and neck which usually have

massage stroke of around 30 inches. Now it’s up to you that what range of

massage stroke you want to get from your chair.

Massage Airbags: Massage airbags can provide great relief from tension and

s�ffness by delivering pressurized air to small pouches, installed in the chair

seat, the chair backrest, and the o�oman and some�mes in the armrest or

headrest. If you feel that massage airbags are right for you, then make sure

that your desired chair include this airbag op�on.

Chair Upholstery: Modern chairs are usually covered with genuine leather or

synthe�c leather. Although genuine leather is preferred for all other home

appliances, but when it is related to massage, synthe�c leather is highly

recommended. It’s because this synthe�c leather has been par�cularly

engineered to use for massage chairs which can handle the significant amount

of heat generated from all the moving parts and hea�ng pads of chair. So if you

want to ensure the longevity of your massage chair in long run, obviously you

should choose synthe�c leather covering the chair.

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Always carefully consider the warranty op�ons that the massage chair

manufacturers are offering with their chairs. Warranty that is offered with the

chair is a good indicator of that chair’s quality. Because if the manufacturers

don’t have any belief or reliance on the quality of their chairs, they will

obviously not offer any warranty or money back guarantee with their products.

That’s the reason why some of the best chairs come with coverage of up to 3

years. So if you want to ensure the longevity of your massage chair, try to have

chair with extended coverage.

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Before Buying Massage Chair- A Few Things to Remember:

Carefully check the dimensions of your massage chair to make sure that

it will fit through your door and comfortably within your home.

Make sure that the parts of massage chair can be removed in case of

installing, moving or repairing the chair. Otherwise it would create hassle

for you in the future whenever you need to repair or move the chair.

If you have any par�cular physical problem or severe injury, consult with

your physician before making the purchase to avoid unwanted harm or


Buying massage chair is a long term investment for you. So try to get an

accurate idea about your desired chair. One simple way to do so is to

check out the customer reviews and tes�monials of your selected

massage chair. Always give more priority on customer reviews and

tes�monials rather than ra�ngs or words from sales representa�ves.

If you have any other ques�ons or query regarding massage chair, please

don’t hesitate. Feel free to contact with our knowledgeable sales team

any�me at 1-888-848-2630.

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