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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection



    Exchange Network Phase Pro!ect"#$S%

    $# Too&s #''&(cat(on

    Massach)setts De'art*ent o+ En,(ron*enta&Protect(on

    Vers(on ./0

    March .12 0331

    QA Tools Application System Design Document Last Updated: 2/21/2008 Page 1 of !

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    4e,(s(on H(stor5

    Vers(on Date Create6 75 4e,(ewe6 75


    Desc#iption: D#aft S$ST%& '()'*L%+%L D%S(), D-.U&%,T

    1"1 !//2008 &assD%P


    Updated %P(.S Dataase %pansion % Diag#am in 3Appendi 4 5 %P(.S

    %pansion D#aft %ntity elations6ip Diag#ams7 Page!9 to display p6ysicaldata type fo# eac6 tale column"

    Update P#elimina#y list of Automatic QA Tools +alidation .6ecs in

    3Appendi A 5 Automated +alidation .6ecs7 Page !89; ased on feedacf#om La

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    ./ Intro6)ct(on//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////1

    11 Purpose!

    1" Scope!

    1# Definitions$ Acron%ms$ and A&&reviations'

    1( Document )verview1*

    0/ S5ste* H(gh-Le,e& Des(gn O,er,(ew///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.0

    "1 S%stem +igh,-evel Design .oals$ Scope$ and )&/ectives1"

    "11 Data Polled and Maintained in E,DAS1#

    "1" Aggregate and Store 0omplete set of AQS Data in EP0S 2A3A41#

    "1# 0apitali5e on A3Now 67P su&mission to 6eed AQS 3aw Data to EP0S1(

    "1( 6ull AQS Data Exchanged to EP0S1(

    "18 Parse Data to EP0S )racle Data&ase1(

    "19 QA 7ools18

    "1: Node Plug,in Su&mits AQS Data through MassDEP Network Node to EPA18

    "1! Node Plug,in Su&mits ;pdated 2QA4 AQS Data to A3Now 2)ptional418

    "1' Air Qualit% Data 3eporting Pu&lic

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    #": EPA AQS Su&mission #1

    #"! Administrator 7ools #"

    #"' Air Monitoring

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection


    Tale 1: Definitions; Ac#onyms and A#eiations"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""">Tale 2: QA Tools Secu#ity oles and P#iileges"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""20

    Tale !: @e Se#e# 'a#d

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    ./ Intro6)ct(on

    ./. P)r'ose

    T6is document p#oides a comp#e6ensie a#c6itectu#al oe#ie< of t6e &assac6usettsDepa#tment of %ni#onmental P#otection %c6ange ,et

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    ./9 De+(n(t(ons2 #cron5*s2 an6 #

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    AQS T6e p#oIect: %c6ange ,et

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  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    0/ S5ste* H(gh-Le,e& Des(gn O,er,(ew

    0/. S5ste* H(gh-Le,e& Des(gn Goa&s2 Sco'e2 an6 O

    T6e &assac6usetts Depa#tment of %ni#onmental P#otection &assD%P9

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    =igu#e 1: -e#ie< of t6e AQS System .omponents

    0/./. Data Polled and Maintained in !DA"

    T6e eisting usiness p#ocess

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  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    Please see t6e Automated Data Pa#singSection !"2"B9 fo# mo#e info#mation ont6e Data T#ansfe#; Pa#sing/Upload p#ocess"

    0/./= %A Tools

    A comp#e6ensie @e*ased QA Toolset

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    0/./? Air %-ality Data 'e$orting P-blic ebsite

    T6e Ai# Quality Data &onito#ing @esite

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  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    9/ Deta(&e6 S5ste* O,er,(ew : $# Too&s

    Data collected f#om t6e #emote &assD%P Ai# &onito#ing Senso#s; once agg#egated in %*

    DAS; unde#goes a #igo#ous QA p#ocess" (t is 6ig6ly lao# intensie and manual; yet is#epetitie 5

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    B" %PA AQS Sumission: &assD%P

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    t6e solution

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    o =ield Analyst .ompliance

    o %PA AQS Sumission

    o Administ#ato# Tools

    o Ai# &onito#ing @esite


    @(LL ,-T 6ae t6e aility to oe##ide

    Potentially (nalid data

    State Use#

    @ill 6ae Access to:

    o Data .ompa#ison and )#ap6ing

    o &inute Data .ompa#ison

    o Data Upload and %nt#y

    @ill ,-T 6ae Access to:

    o =ield Analyst .ompliance

    o %PA AQS Sumission

    o Administ#ato# Tools

    o Ai# &onito#ing @esite


    @(LL ,-T 6ae t6e aility to oe##ide

    Potentially (nalid data

    =ield Analyst State Use#

    @ill 6ae Access to:

    o =ield Analyst .ompliance 5

    Satellite Application

    @ill ,-T 6ae Access to:

    o =ield Analyst .ompliance 5

    .onfigu#ation &oduleo Data .ompa#ison and )#ap6ing

    o &inute Data .ompa#ison

    o Data Upload and %nt#y

    o %PA AQS Sumission

    o Administ#ato# Tools

    @(LL ,-T 6ae t6e aility to oe##ide

    Potentially (nalid data

    Ai# &onito#ing Data @esiteAdminist#ato#

    @ill 6ae Access to:

    QA Tools Application System Design Document Last Updated: 2/21/2008 Page 21 of !

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    o Ai# &onito#ing @esite


    @ill ,-T 6ae Access to:

    o =ield Analyst .omplianceo Data .ompa#ison and )#ap6ing

    o &inute Data .ompa#ison

    o Data Upload and %nt#y

    o %PA AQS Sumission

    o Administ#ato# Tools

    @(LL ,-T 6ae t6e aility to oe##ide

    Potentially (nalid data

    State Administ#ato#

    @ill 6ae Access to:

    o =ield Analyst .ompliance

    o Data .ompa#ison and )#ap6ing

    o &inute Data .ompa#ison

    o Data Upload and %nt#y

    o %PA AQS Sumission

    @ill ,-T 6ae Access to:

    o Administ#ato# Tools

    o Ai# &onito#ing @esite


    @(LL 6ae t6e aility to oe##ide

    Potentially (nalid data

    System Administ#ato# @ill 6ae Access to:

    o =ield Analyst .ompliance

    o Data .ompa#ison and )#ap6ing

    o &inute Data .ompa#ison

    o Data Upload and %nt#y

    o %PA AQS Sumission

    o Administ#ato# Tools

    @ill ,-T 6ae Access to:

    o Ai# &onito#ing @esite


    @(LL 6ae t6e aility to oe##ide

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    Potentially (nalid data

    9/0 Deta(&e6 S5ste* Des(gn

    T6e follo

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    8(g)re 9 Exa*'&e MassDEP @e< #''&(cat(on Te*'&ate Le+t Na,(gat(on Pane& Look an68ee&

    9/0/0 8(e&6 #na&5st Co*'&(ance

    As noted aoe; t6e =ield Analyst .ompliance &odule

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    gene#ate an &L .onfigu#ation file 9

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    Administ#ato#G p#iileges10" T6e follo

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    t6at mont6 acco#ding to t6ei# sc6edule t6at 6ae not een filled inyet if t6e &ont6ly eminde# (ndicato# is set to $es fo# t6e Log9

    Log Type to follo< 5 (f a =ield Analyst ente#s one Log; t6e

    Administ#ato# could #e?ui#e t6at t6ey continue to ente# t6is Log

    3454545 ield Analyst Deskto$ A$$lication

    T6e =ield Analyst Destop Application

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    T6e Potentially (nalid data s6ould e ale to e epo#ted to an

    AQS compliant fo#mat Du#ing #eie< of t6e Potentially (nalid data; State Administ#ato#s

    can decide 6o< to 6andle t6e data

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection


  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    t6e Ai# Quality data as it pa#sed into %P(.S" T6e#e a#e t

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    8(g)re = 8&ow D(agra* +or #(r $)a&(t5 Data 8(&es U'&oa6e6 thro)gh the $# Too&s

    9/0/> EP# #$S S)

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    9/0/1 #6*(n(strator Too&s

    T6e Administ#ato# Tools &odule 6as t

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    'T&L 4locs1: &ultiple 'T&L 4locs a#e located on eac6 page of t6e Ai#

    &onito#ing Data @esite" T6ey a#e used to display info#mation fo# any 3,on*AQS7 Data .ontent ,-T pa#t of t6e )oogle &aps; T

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    9/9 EPICS #$S Data

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    / De'&o5*ent

    T6is section identifies t6e diffe#ent options fo# a#eas #e?ui#ing installation and

    configu#ation in o#de# to suppo#t t6e QA Tools"

    /. O,er,(ew

    T6e follo

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    higher higher

    Memor% " .@ of 3AM ( .@ of 3AM or higher

    Disk Space"* .@ free hard diskspace

    (* .@ free hard diskspace or higher

    /9 Data

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    Exchange Network Node AQSMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection


  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node Phase (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    #''en6(x # : #)to*ate6 Va&(6at(on Checks

    T6e follo

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node Phase (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    @ind Di#ection

    Duplicate alues fo# mo#e t6an ! consecutie 6ou#s is potentially


    ,-; ,-2; ,-

    ,- ,-2 ,-

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    Exchange Network Node Phase (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection


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    Exchange Network Node Phase (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    cu##ently a compa#ison of ma/min 'i/Lo< alues a#e compa#edagainst no#ms fo# a &ont6ly set of %*DAS Data"

    .ompanion 34uddy7 Sites

    .ompa#e data alue to ae#age alue of su##ounding stations

  • 8/10/2019 massdep_aqs_sdd_qatools_v1.2.doc


    Exchange Network Node Phase (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    8(g)re > #I4Now Data $)a&(t5 Contro& Checks +or OBone

    QA Tools Application System Design Document Last Updated: 2/21/2008 Page 2 of !

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    Exchange Network Node Phase (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

    #''en6(x 7 : EPICS Ex'ans(on Dra+t Ent(t5 4e&at(onsh('D(agra*s

    EPICS AQ SchemaER Diagram

    8(g)re 1 EPICS #$ Sche*a Ent(t5 4e&at(onsh(' D(agra* "V(s(o 0330 Draw(ng%

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