Page 1: Master Degree Dissertations Management & Entrepreneurship

Master Degree Dissertations

Management & Entrepreneurship Group @ UniBG

Group: Global Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship @ UniBG

Fan page: Center for Young & Family Enterprise - CYFE

UNIVERSITY OF BERGAMODepartment of Engineering


Page 2: Master Degree Dissertations Management & Entrepreneurship

Center for Young & Family Enterprise2Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Key questions

• When to start?

• Goals?

• Innovativeness/originality?

• Length & size?

• Alone or in a team?

• Degree of interaction with firms?

• Resources needed?

Page 3: Master Degree Dissertations Management & Entrepreneurship

Center for Young & Family Enterprise3Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

The dissertation with our group: an international & entrepreneurial opportunity

• Synergies with international projects

• Opportunities of internal (e.g. within CYFE) and external internships (e.g. in international projects or local firms)

• Deep relation with entrepreneurial activities and firms

• Work in a young and very dynamic environment

• Global context

Page 4: Master Degree Dissertations Management & Entrepreneurship

Center for Young & Family Enterprise4Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Main areas of interest and research

• Family Business prof. Minola, prof. Cassia

• Venture Creation and Young Entrepreneurship prof. Minola, prof. Cassia

• Social Innovation Management prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Golini

• Technology, Strategy and Growth prof. Cassia, prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Minola

• Global Trends prof. Cassia, prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Golini

• Other

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise5Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG


• Family as the oxygen that feeds the fire of entrepreneurship

Family can ignite entrepreneurship at both individual and firm level: a in-depth investigation of real cases

• Learning Patterns and Approaches to Family-Business Education.

Reflection and simulation on a real live case teaching with FBs

• Family Business Theories: trajectories of influence with mainstream management theories.

What drives FB scholars contribution? Is FB contributing back to management?

Family Business (prof. Minola, prof. Cassia)

Management of the relationships within the family

Management of the relationships with non-family members

Succession planning

Training & development of potential successor

Selection of successor

Closure of the process





12% 4%



Only 12% of FBssucceeds over the 3 generation

Page 6: Master Degree Dissertations Management & Entrepreneurship

Center for Young & Family Enterprise6Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Venture Creation and Young Entrepreneurship (prof. Minola, prof. Cassia)


• How many young start a business?

Facts and figures about the phenomenon of youth entrepreneurship in this territory and in Italy

• Youth entrepreneurship definition

What is the definition of such phenomenon? Is it a matter of age or being first generation entrepreneur? What is their education?

• Young and Family Entrepreneurs

The effect of family business exposure (role models, resources, social norms, etc.) on young entrepreneurship

• Entrepreneurial University

Can universities generate more entrepreneurs? What aspects of university governance and teaching matter?

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise7Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Social Innovation Management (1/2) (prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Golini)

• The role of NGOs in sustainable supply chainsHow does involvement and role of NGO (partner, service supplier, advisors, critics) in SSCM practices? Which factors affect this (clock speed, social and environmental aspects, SC configuration). News and corporate report revision, case studies.

• Sustainability in n-tiered supply chains: the role of sub-contractors in sustainable evaluation and verification archetypesDifferent models to manage multi-level SC (direct or mediated relationship with n-tier suppliers, role of sub-contractor and antecedent of their engagement). Literature review, News and corporate report revision, case studies.

• Is global sustainable? Exploring an oximorousHow does geographical dispersion of suppliers affect firm capabilities to manage sustainable supply chain? Which approaches and capabilitiesare needed, especially in of globalized context? A comparative analysisacross similar but differently dispersed SCs

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise8Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Social Innovation Management (2/2) (prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Golini)

• Sustainable production networks: the role of MNCs production facilitiesHow do MNC use their plant to manage sustainability of their manufacturing network and SC? Can environmental and social issues affect the role of a plant? Literature review, News and corporate report revision, case studies.

• Project portfolio management in social innovation projectsPeculiarities and mechanisms of Project Portfolio Management (PPM) in the domain of social innovation. What differs with respect to other contexts (e.g., project selection and evaluation, monitoring tools, feasibility analysis and stakeholder engagement).

• Manufacturing strategy and performance: the moderating role of entrepreneurship and and small business ownershipWhat is the role of concentrated ownership, entrepreneurial behavior and orientation in affecting the outcomes of manufacturing option and mechanisms? How can entrepreneurial strategy interact with SC management? Evidence from the GMRG survey.

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise9Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Technology, Strategy and Growth (prof. Cassia, prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Minola)

• The enterprise digital transformation: new growth strategiesAlthough the impact of digitization is not new, the digital economy is entering a new stage that presents unprecedented opportunities with big data, social media, mobility, cloud computing. Which are the main growth strategies beyond the strategic approaches of the “analog” economy?

• Surviving strategies for the newspapers in the digital age of communicationCurrently, the industry is struggling to survive and some critics predict its complete demise. How newspaper companies need to reinvent themselves to thrive in the digital age? Which new strategies to be implemented?

• The impact of the Internet on the global growth and recoveryHow Internet can drive the economic growth, boost recovery and create new jobs? Exploring the relation between technology and growth within a global strategic view.

• Some of the topics can be scientific investigation of topics covered during the courses of Strategic Management and/or International Business and the related project works.

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise10Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Global Trends (prof. Cassia, prof. Kalchschmidt, prof. Golini)

• Strategies for a growing complex and uncertain global economic outlook.We live in a time of increasing volatility and extraordinary changes, driven by new uncertainties and ambiguous value systems. How to face the unpredictability coming from a so deeply interconnected world? New emerging approach to strategy. Theory and cases.

• The new global energy scenarioThe global energy scenario is changing rapidly (renewable, shale gas, increasing demand from emerging countries). Which are the technological, economic, strategic and geopolitics trends?

• The rising global interdependence: the impact on companies, society and countries

Some of the topics will be scientific investigation of topics covered during the courses of Strategic Management and/or International Business and the related project works.

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise11Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

How to apply


Applicationvia e-mail

Personal information (ID number, birth date, e-mail & mobile contacts, etc.)CV, Personal statement, motivation and commitment

Academic presentation (bachelor degree score, current average score, list of remaining exams & credits, expected graduation session)

Deadline: January, 31st 2014


[email protected]

Subject: Dissertation

Due to the limited number of research works available, the topics will be assigned on the basis of:1. Student’s motivation and commitment2. Curriculum evaluation3. Degree of confidence with English

Area(s) of interest

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Center for Young & Family Enterprise12Department of EngineeringManagement & Entrepreneurship Group @UniBG

Questions & Answers

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