  • 1. Impact of the variations of pCO2 on coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi during a mesocosm bloom experiment and its directcontribution to carbon export Sollberger, S. (2009) Unit de chimie ocanographiqueee Universit de Li`geee

2. IntroductionMethods Results Discussion ReferencesContents 1 Introduction Storage and release Ocean acidication2 Methods Experimental framework Modeling Statistics3 ResultsCalibrationCalcication4 DiscussionNew calibrated versionImpact on marine calcication2 / 20 3. Introduction Methods Results Discussion ReferencesINTRODUCTION3 / 20 4. Introduction MethodsResults Discussion ReferencesCO2 storage and release 4 / 20 5. Introduction MethodsResults DiscussionReferencesExperimental resultsCalcicationDierent experimental frameworks: acid/base addition, gas injection,etc.Dierent expressions: PIC:POC, PIC:Chla, PIC production, TAcor , etc.Dierent results: from reduced to enhanced calcication under highpCO2Methods Calcication rate AuthorsAcid/base addition Riebesell et al. (2000)Acid/base addition Zondervan et al. (2001)Acid/base addition Zondervan et al. (2002)Gas delivery Sciandraet al. (2003)Air bubbling Engelet al. (2005)Air bubbling Delille et al. (2005)Air bubbling Iglesias-Rodriguezet al. (2008)Air bubbling Bellerbyet al. (2008)Gentle air bubbling Fenget al. (2008) 5 / 20 6. Introduction Methods Results Discussion ReferencesObjectivesTo calibrate a model to dierent pCO2 sTo test the eect of pCO2 on calcication6 / 20 7. Introduction Methods Results Discussion ReferencesMETHODS7 / 20 8. IntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussion ReferencesExperimental framework @ 180, 410 and 710 atmInduced bloomDaily sampling 8 / 20 9. Introduction MethodsResultsDiscussion ReferencesCoccolithophore modelAdapted from Joassin (2006)9 / 20 10. IntroductionMethods ResultsDiscussion ReferencesTable Look-Up test Adapted test: considers sample of small size in contrast to others, e.g.ANOVACalcicationPIC:CellPIC:ChlaTAcor :CellTAcor :Chla ValidationNormal distributionEquality of the variances Prerequisites often omitted10 / 20 11. Introduction Methods Results Discussion ReferencesRESULTS 11 / 20 12. Nutrients 13. Calcication 14. Introduction Methods Results Discussion ReferencesSignicant similitudes or dierencesM2 M3 M4M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 M2 M3PIC:Cell M4 M5 M6 M7 M8M2 M3M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 M2 M3PIC:Chla M4 M5X M6 M7 M8Gray boxes illustrate a valid test 14 / 20 15. Introduction Methods Results Discussion ReferencesDISCUSSION 15 / 20 16. IntroductionMethods Results Discussion ReferencesModelingNew calibrated version More stable than the old versionAdapted to this experimentNo currently tested as a prediction tool16 / 20 17. IntroductionMethods Results Discussion ReferencesIs calcication reduced under high CO2 ?Impact of pCO2No signicant dierences on calcication between mesocosmsVariations of calcication in a same treatment ImprovementsExperimental design Gentle adaptation Variations in temperature, irradiance, etc. Longer scale processesStatistics Dynamic system High nutrients input17 / 20 18. IntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussionReferencesReferences I Bellerby, R. G. J., Schulz, K. 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