Page 1: Mastering Patient Care

CO PD an d i t s co m o r b i di t ies Saturday 28 April 2018

9:30 am – 4:30 pm


Australian Best Practice Guidelines for COPD, Diabetes and chronic Heart Failure

Common co-morbidities of COPD, Heart Failure and Diabetes

Exacerbations of COPD and Heart Failure

Psychological factors in COPD

Panel Discussions

Inadequate and over treatment of COPD, Heart Failure and Diabetes and implications for clinical practice

Referrals and investigations for COPD, Heart Failure and Diabetes


Interactive Workshops

Workshop Inhaler tecnique in COPD

Workshop Interpreting spirometry

Case Study 1 - COPD & Heart Failure

Case Study 2 - COPD and Diabetes


Register assistance call 0451 871 001

OPC Featuring

Professor David PriceFounder & Chairman

Nominated speakers

Prof Peter Frith Prof David Price Prof Merlin Thomas Dr Anita Sharma Dr Kerry Hancock

Complementary, all inclusive event

Places are limited. Registration is essential

Once you have registered with your details, a

team member will be in contact to provide further

details regarding the pre-disposing activity.

Predisposing activity requirement


Spoon Spoon


RACV City ClubLevel 2, Club Pavilion

501 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Mastering Patient Care:


Category 1 40 CPD points

QI&CPD Program for the 2017-2019 triennium.

Activity: 125314

Join us for an engaging day

of learning, discussions & interactive workshops with

world-leading presenters.

Page 2: Mastering Patient Care

Presentation / Activity

9.30 – 9.45 am Participant sign in & refreshments

9.45 – 10.00 am Introduction to COPD

10.00 – 10.30 am Guidelines for COPD, Heart Failure and Diabetes

10.30 – 10.45 am Common co-morbidities of COPD, Heart Failure and Diabetes

10.45 – 11.00 am Exacerbations of COPD and Heart Failure: current state of the art in terms of differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention

11.00 – 11.30 am Review of delegate pre-disposing activity

11.30 – 11.45 am Psychological factors in COPD

11.45 – 12.15 pm Panel Discussion: Inadequate and over treatment of COPD, Heart Failure and Diabetes and implications for clinical practice

12.15 – 12.45 pm Group Discussion: Continue review of delegate pre-disposing activity (COPD, Heart Failure, Diabetes case studies)

12:45 – 1.15 pm Lunch

1.15 – 1.45 pm Referrals and Investigations for COPD, Heart Failure and Diabe-tes. When to refer, appropriate use of tests and biomarkers for guiding treatment

1.45 – 2.45 pm Workshop 1: Inhaler technique in COPDWorkshop 2: Interpreting spirometry

2.45 – 3.30 pm Group Activity: Case Studies- Case Study 1 – COPD and heart failure- Case Study 2 – COPD and Diabetes

3.30 – 3.45 pm Afternoon tea

3.45 – 4.30 pm Discussion of learnings

4.30 pm Event close

This independent

education event for

General Practitioners

is hosted by Optimum

Patient Care Australia

and supported by:


Gold Sponsors

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