

Subaryono, Ir., MA., PhD.

Jurusan Teknik Geodesi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 1

Land Information Management?


Land Information?

Information Management?

Land Management?

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 2


Kata “tanah” dalam bahasa Indonesia seringkali mempunyai arti sangat umum, terutama jika dikontraskan dengan pengertian yang ada dalam literatur berbahasa Inggris.Contoh: soil science: ilmu tanahground control point: titik kontrol tanah land surveying: ilmu ukur tanah

soil = ground = land (???)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 3

Tanah (soil):lapisan teratas kerak bumi dan merupakan material ubahan dari batuan, mempunyai sifat-sifat fisik tertentu, sifat teknis, kemampuan menunjang kehidupan biologi, terdiri atas mineral dan bahan organik

Lahan (land):suatu wilayah daratan yang ciri-cirinya merangkumsemua tanda pengenal biosfer, atmosfer, tanah,geologi, timbulan, hidrologi, populasi tumbuhandan hewan, serta hasil kegiatan manusia pada masalalu dan kini

dalam kuliah ini, kata ‘tanah’ dan ‘pertanahan’ lebih mendekati pengertian land dalam bahasa Inggris

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 4


Tanah :ruang (space)alam (nature)faktor produksi (factor of production) barang konsumsi (consumption good) situasi (situation)properti (property)modal (capital)

……….. more

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 5

Tanah : terkait dengan aspek spiritual

sesuatu dimana manusia adalah bagian atau milik tanah daraipada manusia yang memiliki tanah

bagian dari komunitas (territoriality), terorial merupakan ekspresi kekuatan –

kekuasaan kelompok orang yang tinggal di suatu

wilayah dengan kepentingan yang sama akan membentuk kesatuan a.l kelompok berbasis wilayah - bangsa


subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 6


Aboriginal Australian Robert Kelly associates land with culture:

Land provides my physical needs and my spiritual nurture. It is aregeneration of stories.New stories are sung from contemplation of the land. Stories arehanded from parent to child, and are phrased in the language of thesacred place. When we lose a sacred place, we lose our past, ourancestry, our memory. In a very real, almost final sense, we loseourselves.

Land tenure security and land reformReproduction of this document in any form is prohibited without prior permission from the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) [htt p : / / ww w . un crd .o r . j p ].

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 7

sumberdaya ekonomi (economic resources) sumberdaya sosial (social resources) sumberdaya ekologis (ecological resources)

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• Diperlukan untuk kehidupan

• Tidak langsung dengan sendirinya memberikan manfaat

• Terbatas ketersediaannya

• Berbagai masalah terjadi baik karena bersumber pada proses natural maupun intervensi manusia





subaryono_tgeodesi 2012SISTEM








10subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 10



subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 11

• Proses geologi• Proses hidrologi• Perubahan iklim

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 12

• Perspektif yang berbeda• Persaingan memperoleh tanah• Penggunaan yang tidak berkelanjutan• Informasi yang tidak akurat

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 13



- prinsip ekologi- kondisi fisik dan biologi

PENGATURAN KELEMBAGAAN- politik- hukum- budaya- administratif

KELAYAKAN EKONOMI DAN TEKNOLOGI- teknologi tepat- surplus benefit

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 14

ketidakseimbangan antara kebutuhan dan ketersediaan tanah menimbulkan persaingan

persaingan cenderung menimbulkan konf lik

persaingan penggunaan tanah penggunaan tanah oleh berbagai

sektor kehutanan, pertanian, industri, pariwisata

pengembangan daerah urban vs rural

persaingan pengguna tanah pemodal besar vs kecil penduduk lokal vs pendatang

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 15

konflik antar pelaku pembangunan pemerintah, pengembang,

masyarakat konflik antar sektor pertanian, kehutanan, pertambangan, pariwisata, industrikonflik antar hirarki pemerintahan pusat, daerahkonflik pengembangan vs pelestarian

sources of conflict?

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 16

status tanah tidak jelas karena:• transaksi informal (informal transactions)• transaksi ilegal (illegality of transaction)• pemecahan bidang tanah ilegal (illegality of subdivision)• tanah negara vs tanah adat (religious/customary inheritance)• menghindari pajak (avoiding taxes)

Keandalan terbatas (limited reliability)• transaksi informal (informal transactions)• incomplete, outdated, potentially altered• kualitas tidak homogen (inhomogeneous quality)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 17

• tanah merupakan sumberdaya utama dalam kehidupan

• tanah memiliki keterbatasan• tanah berpotensi menimbulkan konflik• tanpa adanya intervensi, maka tanah

tidak selalu dapat memberikan yang terbaik – bahkan seringkali menimbulkan permasalahan (legal, social, ecological)

perlu land management -manajemen pertanahan …………

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Land management is the process whereby the resources of land are put into good effect

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Land management can be defined as:

• "the management of all aspects of land including the formation of land policies" (Dale & McLaughlin 1988)

• "the process whereby the resources of land are put to good effect" (Dale & McLaughlin 1988).

• "the process of managing the use and development of land resources in a sustainable way." (Bill Robertson lecture, Dept of Geomatics, University of Melbourne 1998)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 20

seni dan sains (art and science) pengambilan keputusan untuk mendukung tujuan tertentu dengan mempertimbangkan inventarisasi, alokasi/settlement, pengembangan dan penggunaan, serta konservasi sumberdaya tanah

Manajemen Pertanahan meliputi:

Pengelolaan data dan informasi

Perencanaan dan permodelan untuk tindakan alternatif planning

policy making (pengambilan keputusan kebijakan) yang fundamental dengan memperhatikan kondisi alamiah, dan masyarakatnya

implementing the policy: keputusan-keputusan rutin operasional oleh administrator pertanahan

Pemantauan dan review efektifitas kebijakan

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 21

tujuan: meningkatkan efisiensi

penggunaan sumberdaya

menyediakan incentives untuk pengembangan

melindungi lingkungan alamiah dari degradasi

menyediakan akses yang adil dan efisienmenuju keuntungan ekonomis dan pasar tanah

mendukung pelayanan pemerintah melalui perpajakan tanah dan pungutan lain yang terkait dengan peningkatan kualitas tanah dan lingkungan

Land resource management requires a more holistic view of land and a multi-disciplinary approach.

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Manajemen PertanahanLand Management (continued)

Land management mencakup tema aktifitas yang beragam, al:

• pengalihan hak atas`tanah serta keputusan dalam hal investasi dan perkreditan

• pembangunan dan manajemen pelayanan (al, suplai air, drainase, saluran limbah, jaringan listrik dan komunikasi, dsb)

• manajemen sumberdaya alam

• kebijakan penggunaan lahan

• pemantauan aktifitas di darat untuk menentukan dampak dan penggunaan terbaik

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manajemen pertanahan juga meliputi manajemen sumberdaya baik ditinjau dari perspektif lingkungan maupun ekonomis menuju pembangunan yang berkelanjutan

Sustainable Land Management (SLM): knowledge procedure that helps integrate land, water, biodiversity and environmental management (including input and output externalities) to meet rising food and fiber demands while sustaining ecosystem services and livelihood. (World bank,2006)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 24

land as wealth

land as commodity

land as scarce resources

land as community scarce resources

feudalism industrialpost war information

revolution reconstruction revolution

1800 1950 1980


land valuation and taxation paradigm


land market paradigm


land management paradigm

MULTI- PURPOSE sustainable development paradigm

Evolution of cadastres towards global land management approachsubaryono_tgeodesi 2012 25

Formulasi klasik proses pengambilan keputusan dalam manajemen pertanahan meliputi: identifikasi dan ranking tujuan mengembangkan metode-metode alternatif untuk mencapai investigasi konsekuensi tiap alternatif

Konsep penggunaan tanah tertinggi dan terbaik (highest and best use of land)

Highest and best use : terkait dengan atribut fisik, legal, desain, dan lokasional suatu properti terhadap kebutuhan pasar(market demand) dan feasibilitas finansial

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Analisis pasar berupaya mengidentifikasi the highest and the best use dari suatu properti berdasarkan pertimbangan dukungan pasar (demand), ketepatan waktu (absorption rates), dan pelaku pasar (probable users and buyers).

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NILAI PASAR = MARKET VALUE (MV)harga jual yang paling mungkin dari suatu properti dalam pasar terbuka (most probable sale price of a property in an open market)

NILAI PENGGUNAAN = USE VALUE (UV)nilai suatu properti untuk penggunaan tertentu (the value of property for a particular use)

MV dapat sama atau tidak sama

dengan UV MV dari tanah pertanian di

pinggir kota yangsedang berkembang dapat bernilai jauh lebih tinggi dari UVnya

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Economics Social Legal, Governmental, Political Physical, Environmental, and Locational

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Faktor yangmempengaruhi nilai tanah (2)

Economicsterkait erat dengan kondisi ekonomi lokal, regional, nasional, dan internasional

Demand variables: tingkat employment, gaji, tingkat pendapatan dan daya beli, ketersediaan dana bunga bank, biaya transaksi

Supply variables: kuantitas ketersediaan tanah, pengembangan, konstruksi

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Faktor yangmempengaruhi nilai tanah (3)

Social manusia mempunyai keinginan dasar tentang teritorial

dan kebersamaan (companionship), gengsi (prestige) distribusi umur, pendidikan, tingkat kriminalitas

faktor sosial dapat membantu mengidentifikasi pola land use

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Faktor yangmempengaruhi nilai tanah (4)

Legal, Governmental, Political

peraturan perundangan incentive dan disincentive pengembangan tanah :

kontrol penggunaan tanah, zoning, perpajakan kualitas pelayanan oleh pemerintah: infrastruktur

transportasi, komunikasi, lingkungan, keamanan

faktor legal, pemerintahan, dan politik dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan kebutuhan tanah

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Faktor yangmempengaruhi nilai tanah (5)

Physical, Environmental, and Locational

• atribut tapak (site): ukuran, topografi, dan keadaan fisiktanah lainnya

• atribut situasi (situation attributes): terkait dengan posisi relatif obyek dengan obyek lainnya, seperti CBD, jalan toll, sekolah, fasilitas kesehatan

faktor-faktor tersebut dapat menjelaskan pola nilai tanah

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Tanah PerkotaanUrban land

According to the estimation of the UN concerning the number of megacities in 2015, Bombay (22.6 mill. inhabitants), Dhaka (22.8), Sao Paulo (21.2), Delhi (20.9) and MexicoCity (20.4) will be five of the worldwide six biggest megacities each with much more than 20million inhabitants.

100 years ago London (6.5) has been the greatest city(one million more inhabitants than New York), today it is a shrinking town.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 34

International Federation of SurveyorsArticle of the Month, August 2004Prof. Dr.-Ing. Theo Kötter, University of Bonn, GermanyRisks and Opportunities of Urbanisation and Megacities

Source:http: // gacitie s. uni- koe ln. de /do c ume nta tion /me ga ci ty/m ap /MC -2015 -PGM. jpg

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 35

kerumitan (complexity) saling ketergantungan (interdependency) pengetahuan yang tidak lengkap

(incomplete knowledge) kebutuhan jaringan infrastruktur kebutuhan investasi yang besar biaya transfer yang tinggi spekulasi tinggi fluktuasi tinggi


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Kondisi Faktual Pertanahan keterbatasan tanah kebutuhan yang meningkat perubahan tata guna tanah pasar tanah tuntutan preservasi dan konservasi

Perlu adanya manajemen untuk meningkatkan/memperbaiki kondisi pertanahan

Manajemen banyak melibatkan kegiatan pengambilan keputusan – Pengambilan keputusan yang “accountable”

memerlukan “model pengambilan keputusan” Model Pengambilan keputusan

memerlukan input informasi.subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 37

pengambilan keputusan yang terkait dengan pertanahan menyangkut aspek:

• Land tenureship• Land use• Land valuation• Land development


Land information management?

Land-related information is an important and expensive resource that must be managed efficiently in order to maximize its potential benefits

Land management must be based on knowledge, knowledge depends on information, andinformation depends on the methods of data collection and the manner in which their results are communicated.

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Land information management?Land information management entails:

• Determining the requirements of the State and of the general public for land-related information;

• Examining how the information is actually used in the decision-making process, how information f lows from one producer or user to another, and what constraints there are upon that f low;

• Developing policies for determining priorities, allocating the necessary re-sources, assigning responsibilities for action, and setting standards of performance and methods for monitoring them;

• Improving existing land information systems or introducing new ones;

• Assessing and designing new tools and techniques; and

• Ensuring that matters of privacy and data security are respected.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 40


Model merupakan penyederhanaan mengenai fenomena di dunia nyata.

Model seringkali diupayakan untuk disajikan secara kuantitatif dan disajikan dalam bentuk matematik (mathematical model) variable

Pengumpulan Data bertujuan untuk memperoleh nilai untuk parameter maupun variabel yang ditetapkan

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 41

Pengambilan Keputusan?

pemilihan tindakan dari dua atau lebih alternatif

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 42

Prosedur Pengambilan Keputusan?

identifikasi masalah klarifikasi tujuan-tujuan khusus

yang diinginkan memeriksa berbagai kemungkinan

untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan

penetapan pilihan

keputusan sebaiknya berdasarkan atas fakta dan nilai (facts and values) INFORMASI

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 43







ModelPengambilan Keputusan


Data: himpunan rekaman fakta (set of facts) yang dapatdiamati dan diukur

Informasi: data yang telah diolah menjadi sebuah bentuk yang berarti bagi penerimanya, dan bermanfaat untuk pengambilan keputusan

Data/informasi pertanahan: data/informasi yang terkait dengan tanah

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 45

Land is an invaluable resource which requires to be managed

Land information is indispensable for land resource management

land information is a national resource that should be managed

A systems’s approach to land information management facilitates the optimization’s of input and otput of resources required for land resource management

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 46

Kondisi Informasimasa lalu dan masa kini

masa lalu masa kinikebutuhan rendah tinggi

jenis sedikit banyak

isi (content) terbatas, statis

variatif, dinamis

volume kecil besar, melimpah

penggandaan lambat cepat

distribusi lambat cepat

penyajian mono-media multi-media

sistem sederhana kompleks

lokasi tetap berpindah

pengelolaan manual komputer

upaya pengadaan

pengumpulansubaryono_tgeodesi 20

seleksi12 47

Perlu tersedianya: manajemen informasi pertanahan sistem informasi pertanahan




• Diperlukan untuk kehidupan

• Tidak langsung dengan sendirinya memberikan manfaat

• Terbatas ketersediaannya

• Berbagai masalah terjadi baik karena bersumber pada proses natural maupun intervensi manusia







subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 48

A LIS is a tool for legal, administrative and economic decision making and an aid for planning and development, which consists: on the one hand of a database containing data for a defined area, and on the other hand of procedures and techniques for the systematic collection,updating, processing and distribution of the data.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 49

A LIS is a tool for legal, administratif and economic decision making and an aid for planning and development, which consists: on the one hand of a database containing data for a defined area, and on the other hand of procedures and techniques for the systematic collection, updating, processing and distribution of the data.

Key Words:

tool and aid : for legal, administratif and economic

decision making, planning and development

database containing data for a defined area, and on the other hand of

procedures and techniques for the systematic collection, updating, processing and distribution of the data.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 50

The base of LIS is a uniform spatial referencing system for the data in the system, which also facilitates the linking of the data within the system with other land-related data

Land information Systems:The combination of human and technical resources,together with a set of organizing procedures, that produces information on land in support of a broad range of managerial requirements. It is built upon the cadastre

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 51


a methodically arranged inventory of data of the properties within a certain country or district based on a survey of their boundaries

a complete and up-to-date official register or inventory of land parcels in any state or jurisdiction containing information about the parcels regarding ownership, valuation, location, area, land use and usually buildings and structures thereon

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 52

A cadastre is a complete and up-to-date official register or inventory of land parcels in any state or jurisdiction containing information about the parcels regarding ownership, valuation, location, area, land use and usually buildings or structures thereon.

Reproduced from The South African Journal of Surveying andMapping, Vol. 22, Part 5, 309-320, 1994

The Role of Land and Geographic Information Systems InEconomic and Environmental Management

Ian P. Williamson

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 53


LAND TENUREtitles mortgage

secure legalright


LAND VALUE assessment of land value

collection ofproperty tax

LAND USE policies and spatial planning

control ofland use

LAND DEVELOPMENT construction planning and permits

regulation and implementation


subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 54


Cadastre is a parcel-based and up-to-date landinformation system containing a record of interests in land( e.g., rights, restrictions, and responsibilities).

It usually includes a geometric description of land parcels linked to other records describing the nature of interests, ownership or control of those interests, and often the value of the parcel and its improvements.

It may be established for fiscal purposes (valuation and taxation), legal purposes (conveyancing), to assist in the management of land and land use planning (planning and administration), and enables sustainable development and environmental improvement.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012

certainty of ownership security of tenure reduction in land disputes improved conveyancing stimulation of land market security for credit monitoring of the land market facilitating land reform management of state lands greater efficiency in land planning improvement in physical planning support land resource management

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 56

Legal cadastre – parcel-based description of interests or rights in real property; typically supported by titles or deeds, and registry.


define property rights describe the extent (spatial, sometimes

temporal) of property rights support land transfer provide evidence of ownership program administration (e.g., enforcement

of laws, targeting of incentives) public land management

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 57

Fiscal cadastre – property valuation and taxation

Functions: information base for property taxation distribution of funds from public funds monitoring and supporting land markets information for growth management and land

use planning

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 58

Adjudication - official determination of rights in land

Demarcation - marking of the limits of each land parcel on the ground

Survey - measurements and mapping – including description ofrelevant information

Registration - registering the information in an official registration systems

Information Management - managing the informaton to facilitate decision making

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 59

Parcel (general):Land parcel or lot, plot, plat:A continuous area of land within which unique andhomogeneous interests are recognized

Cadastral Parcel :A continuous area of land within which unique andhomogeneous legal (property) are recognized

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 60

Criteria Simplicity (easy to understand and use;

reasonably permanent)

Uniqueness (unambiguous) Accuracy (a relevan criterion if required that

identifier contains spatial information)

Flexibility (to be compatible with various systems, flexible to incorporate future advances in computer for land-data systems)

Economy (cost of initial implementation of land-data systems; cost of operating)

Accessibility (easy assignment and interpretation)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 61

Typical LIS: cadastre as a primary component maintained by unit of government

responsible for tracking land ownership, control

parcel oriented relatively large (cartographic) scale bridge between legal and technical land descriptions

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geographic location individual land parcels legal titles specific description of land parcels economic, social, cultural and administrative data land use physical data data concerning owners, users and occupiers

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equitable taxation better land transfer better land development process better planning assistance in economic decisions by

private management safety in the use of land greater justice

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LIS Players/stakeholders:

government- central- local

public- community

land-related business and NGOs- developer- banking- insurance- conservation and environmental protection

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 65

Information Systems


Information Systems


Information Systems



Other Spatial

Information Systems


Information Systems



subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 66

Sistem Informasi Pertanahan (3) Land Information Systems

IS can be eitherfunction-oriented or provision-oriented

Function-oriented systems serve organizations intheir own activities.The purpose of such systems is to facilitate and to achieve greater efficiency in the work within the organization.

Provision-oriented systems serve organizations which do not use the information themselves - but have the task to provide other organizations with information.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 67

adopsi cara berfikir ilmiah dan sistematikjenis dan volume informasi pertanahan yang semakin besarsifat informasi yang dinamisperubahan sikap manajemen yang tertutup menjadi transparanperubahan praktek manajemen hirarkis menjaditerdistribusikebutuhan memperoleh informasi secara cepat dan akuratketersediaan teknologi

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 68

to seek a return on the government's investment in collecting and maintaining the land-related data

to cover organisational costs in the provision of land information products and servicesto increase efficiency in the allocation of resources within a jurisdiction through market forces

to increase efficiency in the management and use of resources within organisationsto enable market forces to influence demand and supply of land information products and services

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 69

• to keep government costs in distribution to a minimum by discouraging unnecessary use of the land information services

• to generate income to support the expansion of services and thereby encourage service growth

• to provide an incentive for the use of spare capacity by enabling agencies to generate and utilise additional revenues.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 70

A Global Land Management Perspective

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 71

The land Management Paradigm

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 72

Integrated Land Use Management for Sustainable Development.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 73

• 30 years ago: learned about GIS• 20 years ago: digitized data• 10 years ago: learned about duplication of efforts

from learning to use hardware and software to• data acquisition (how and from where to

get the data)• data quality (why these data do not

fit our purpose?)• data integration (can we get better

information from all these data?)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 74

Required Reading:

Dale P.D. and McLaughlin, J.D., Land Information Management, Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1988 (especially chapters 1 and 2).


A list of suggested references for understanding the lecture material. eg.

C a d a s t re 2014 : htt p : / / ww w . swiss t o p o . c h / fi g- wg7 1 / D o cs/C a d2 014 in d ex. ht m

FIG Statement on the Cadastre:htt p : / / ww w . sl i . uni me l b .e d u .a u / f i g7/c a d a s t r e /s t at eme n t _o n_ cadastre. htm l

Henssen, J.L.G. and Williamson I.P. Land Registration, Cadastre and its interaction: A world perspective. Proceedings of FIG XIX International Congress, Vol7, Helsinki, Finland: 14-43 (1990).

Larsson, G., Land Registration and Cadastral Systems, Longman Scientific and Technical: London, 1991.

MacNeill, J.W. 1971, Environment Management, PrivyCouncil Office, Government of Canada, Ottawa.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 75


Phillips, A., Williamson, I.P. and Ezigbalike, I.C. 1998. The Importance of Metadata Engines in Spatial Data Infrastructures. Proceedings of AURISA '98, Perth, Western Australia, 23-27 November, CD-ROM. at htt p : / / ww w . sl i . uni me l b .e d u .a u /r e s e a r c h / p u b l i c a t i o n s/ I P W _ p u b l . ht m l

UN/FIG Bogor Declaration on Cadastral Reform:http: //www. sli. unime lb.e du.a u/ fi g7/Bo go r/ Bo go rDe c larat io n. htm l

UNECE, Land Administration Guidelines, Meeting of Land Administrators [go to Meeting of Officials on Land Administration]

Williamson, I.P. The assessment of a Swiss Cadastre from an Australian perspective, The Australian Surveyor, Vol30, No7, pp423-453.

Williamson, I.P. A Modern Cadastre for NSW, PhD Thesis, UNISERV S-23, School of Surveying, University of New South Wales, 1983 (unpublished).

Williamson, I.P. The role of the cadastre in statewide land information systems. The Australian Surveyor, Vol31, No8, 567-581 (1983).

Papers by Prof Ian WIlliamson and other researchers:h t t p : / / ww w .s l i . u n i m e l b . e d u . a u / r e s ea r c h / p u b l i ca t i o n s / I P W_ p u b l . h tm l

US Dept of Commerce, 1987. The Multi-purpose Cadastre: A ModernApproach to organising Land Data and Information, NOAA, 12pp.

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 76

1. Peran GPS/GNSS dalam Manajemen InformasiPertanahan

2. Peran Sistem Informasi Geospasial dalamManajemen Informasi Pertanahan

3. Peran Penginderaan Jauh dalam ManagementInformasi Pertanahan

4. Peran Infrastruktur Data Spasial dalam ManajemenInformasi Pertanahan

Tugas Kelompok (anggota 5-6 orang) Menyusun makalah dengan salah satu judul tsb diatas Dipresentasikan dalam bentuk power point Diserahkan minggu depan (30 Nov 2012)

subaryono_tgeodesi 2012 77

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