
MaTerreEuro-MediterraneanPoetry Film Workshop Workshop for filmmakers and poets

Matera (Basilicata, Italy)From 18 April to 2 May 2019
























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Deadline23 November 2018

I am a blade of grass,a trembling blade of grass,and my homeland is wherethe grass trembles.A breath can transplantmy seed far away.

Rocco Scotellaro (My Beautiful Homeland, 1949)

MaTerre is a project by Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture Co-produced by Rete Cinema Basilicata e Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019In partnership with Lucana Film Commission, Albanian National Film Center, Balkan Film Market, Rattapallax, Meditalents, Università di Torino (CIRCE), Università della Calabria (DAMS), Universosud, Fabrique Entertainment, Noeltan Film StudioOfficial sponsors Banca BCC Basilicata, Banca EticaUnder the patronage of CNA, Confederazione Nazionale Artigianato e Piccola e Media Impresa

INFO:WhatsApp: +39 342 8648862 e +39 333 6482362Email: [email protected]

#Matera2019 #OpenFuture #CoMatera2019#MaTerre2019 #OpenCinema #ReteCinema


ENG Open call for filmmakers

Open call per filmmaker

Scheda di iscrizione/ Entry form




Io sono un filo d'erbaun filo d'erba che tremaE la mia Patria è dove l'erba trema.Un alito può trapiantareil mio seme lontano.

Rocco Scotellaro, (La Mia Bella Patria, 1949)

link to your sample of work (max 5 minutes); a short poem by a contemporary author from their country of origin that tackles the same themes presented in La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro (Earth, Freedom and Identity); copy of identity document; registration form; receipt of participation fee.

All material must be sent in Italian and/or English no later than 18:00 on 23 November 2018.The selection of candidates will be made at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the project and the results will be announced within three days from the date of closure of this "call" on the site Preference will be given to candidates who already have a proven track record in the film industry and with filming and post-production technologies in 360° immersive reality.The workshop will take place in English.

Registration, grant, travel expenses and accommodationEach filmmaker, at the time of application, must pay a fee of €100.00 for administrative fees by bank transfer payable to:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Only applications complete with all required materials will be considered. Any candidates selected but unable to participate for any reason are invited to communicate in writing the cancellation of their participation no later than 18:00 on December 3, 2018 to be able to identify the next-ranking candidates in a timely manner.There is no refund of the participation fee paid under any circumstance.At the end of the workshop a certificate of participation will be given to each participant.Each invited filmmaker will receive a grant of € 1,500.00 net.Travel expenses and half board accommodation in Matera will be at the expense of the organizers.

Tools available to the participantsEach invited filmmaker will have available the following technical material: 1 Apple iMac editing and post-production workstation; 1 GoPro Fusion 360° kit.It is strongly recommended to participants already in possession of equipment to bring to the workshop their own audio-video and editing tools (laptops, headphones, microphones, external audio recorders...) to better proceed with the production of films.

ReleaseEach filmmaker who subscribes to MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop fully accepts these Regulations. Those selected and invited to participate also agree to be photographed and filmed with audio and video tools throughout the project by authorizing the Rete Cinema Basilicata Association and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation to spread their images and voice for informative purposes only, educational and not for profit.

una poesia breve di un autore contemporaneo del proprio Paese di provenienza che affronti gli stessi temi esposti ne La Mia Bella Patria di Rocco Scotellaro (terra, libertà e identità); copia documento di identità; modulo di iscrizione; ricevuta quota di partecipazione.

Tutto il materiale dovrà essere inviato in italiano e/o inglese entro e non oltre le ore 18:00 del 23 novembre 2018.La selezione dei candidati sarà effettuata a giudizio insindacabile della Direzione Artistica del progetto e gli esiti verranno resi noti entro tre giorni dalla data di chiusura della presente "call" sul sito Saranno privilegiati i candidati che abbiano già una comprovata esperienza realizzativa in ambito cinematografico e con le tecnologie di ripresa e post-produzione di film in realtà immersiva a 360°.Il workshop si svolgerà in lingua inglese.

Iscrizioni, grant, spese di viaggio e alloggioCiascun filmmaker, all'atto della candidatura, dovrà versare una quota di Euro 100,00 per diritti di segreteria tramite bonifico bancario intestato a:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Saranno prese in considerazione esclusivamente le candidature complete di tutti i materiali richiesti. Eventuali candidati selezionati ma impossibilitati a partecipare per qualsivoglia motivazione sono invitati a comunicare per iscritto la rinuncia alla partecipazione entro e non oltre le ore 18:00 del 3 dicembre 2018 per poter in tempi utili scorrere la graduatoria.Non è prevista la restituzione della quota di partecipazione versata in alcun caso.Al termine del workshop verrà consegnato a ciascun allievo un attestato di partecipazione.A ciascun filmmaker invitato verrà riconosciuta un grant di Euro 1.500,00 netti.Le spese di viaggio e soggiorno a Matera in mezza pensione saranno a carico degli organizzatori.

Tools a disposizione dei partecipantiCiascun filmmaker invitato avrà a disposizione il seguente materiale tecnico: 1 postazione di editing e post-produzione iMac Apple; 1 kit GoPro Fusion 360°.Resta fortemente raccomandato ai partecipanti già dotati di attrezzatura di giungere al workshop con i propri strumenti di ripresa audio-video e di editing (computer portatili, cuffie, microfoni, registratori audio esterni...) per meglio procedere nella produzione dei film.

LiberatoriaCiascun filmmaker che si iscrive a MaTerre, Cantiere Cinepoetico Euromediterraneo accetta integralmente il presente Regolamento. I selezionati e invitati a partecipare accettano altresì di essere fotografati e filmati con strumenti audio e video durante tutto lo svolgimento del progetto autorizzando l'Associazione Rete Cinema Basilicata e la Fondazione Matera-Basilicata2019 a diffondere la propria immagine e la propria voce per soli fini divulgativi, didattici e senza scopo alcuno di lucro.

Open call per filmmakerPROGETTO: MaTerre, Cantiere Cinepoetico Euromediterraneo

TIPOLOGIA: workshop per filmmaker e poeti di area euromediterranea

OUTPUT: 1 film lungometraggio collettivo in realtà immersiva a 360° in 5 episodi da 15' circa ciascuno

LUOGO, DURATA E PERIODO: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), dal 18 aprile al 2 maggio 2019



DIREZIONE ARTISTICA: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETI INVITATI: Yolanda Castaño (Galizia, Spagna), Eduard Escoffet (Catalogna, Spagna), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italia), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, Francia), Nilson Muniz (Brasile/Portogallo)

RegolamentoRete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), il network dei professionisti e delle imprese cinematografiche della Basilicata, è project leader per l'area cinema e audiovisivi della Fondazione Matera-Basilicata2019 (Matera2019) con la quale sta producendo un film di poesia innovativo in realtà immersiva a 360° da realizzarsi all'interno di un workshop che si terrà a Matera dal 18 aprile 2019 al 2 maggio 2019.RCB e Matera2019 cercano 5 appassionati e talentuosi filmmaker di area euromediterranea che saranno invitati a partecipare al progetto e alla realizzazione del film.

Obiettivi Il workshop è destinato a 5 filmmakers di area euromediterranea (senza alcun limite di età) con competenze nella tecniche di ripresa e post-produzione di film in realtà immersiva a 360°.Esso sarà di tipo intensivo e teorico-pratico: ciascun filmmaker partecipante, partendo dalla poesia La Mia Bella Patria di Rocco Scotellaro, dovrà lavorare assieme a uno dei 5 poeti invitati al workshop (vedi legenda in alto) per produrre un episodio di circa 15 minuti del film collettivo. La produzione di ciascun episodio dovrà essere frutto dell’interazione tra i filmmaker e i poeti invitati con la comunità locale materana, esplorando la poesia, la luce, il suono e il paesaggio della città.Durante il workshop tutti i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di incontrarsi e confrontarsi con alcuni prestigiosi guest teachers provenienti dai campi della poesia, del cinema, del diritto e dell'antropologia.I filmmaker e i poeti invitati, con la supervisione dei Direttori Artistici e il coinvolgimento degli abitanti di Matera, realizzeranno un film partecipato lavorando al primo esperimento filmico di con-cittadinanza attiva.L’intero progetto sarà crossmediale e prevederà ampio uso di tecnologie e strumenti digitali sia in fase di produzione che di diffusione evitando ogni spreco e puntando al riuso, alla condivisione, alla sostenibilità ambientale ed energetica.Il film realizzato sarà presentato in anteprima mondiale a Matera verosimilmente nel mese di settembre 2019 e verrà poi fatto circuitare in tutta la rete internazionale dei partner di progetto. L'opera sarà licenziata Creative Commons, rilasciata sul web e sarà proprietà del patrimonio culturale generato da Matera2019.

Modalità e criteri di partecipazionePer partecipare alle selezioni ogni candidato dovrà inviare tramite email il seguente materiale all’indirizzo [email protected]: lettera di motivazione (max 2.500 battute); curriculum vitae con foto; link al proprio sample of work (max 5 minuti);


Open call for filmmakersPROJECT: MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

TYPOLOGY: workshop for filmmakers and poets from the Euro-Mediterranean area

OUTPUT: 1 collective feature film in 360° immersive reality in 5 episodes of about 15' each

PLACE, DURATION AND PERIOD: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), from 18 April to 2 May 2019



ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETS INVITED: Yolanda Castaño (Galicia, Spain), Eduard Escoffet (Catalonia, Spain), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italy), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, France), Nilson Muniz (Brazil/Portugal)

Rules Rete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), the network of professionals and film companies from Basilicata, is project leader in the cinema and audio-visual area of the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Matera2019) with which it is producing an innovative poetry film in 360° immersive reality to be realized within a workshop to be held in Matera from 18 April 2019 to 2 May 2019.RCB and Matera2019 are looking for 5 passionate and talented filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area who will be invited to participate in the project and the realization of the film.

ObjectivesThe workshop is aimed at 5 filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area (no age limit) with skills in shooting and post-production techniques of 360° immersive reality films.It will be of an intensive and theoretical-practical nature: each participating filmmaker, starting from the poem La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro, will have to work alongside one of the 5 poets invited to the workshop (see above) to produce an episode of about 15 minutes of the collective film. The production of each episode will have to be the result of an interaction between the filmmakers and the invited poets as well as the local Matera community, exploring the poetry, the light, the sound and the landscape of the city.During the workshop all participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with prestigious guest teachers from the fields of poetry, cinema, law and anthropology.The filmmakers and invited poets, under the supervision of the Artistic Directors and the involvement of the inhabitants of Matera, will realize a participative film, working on the first "active citizenship" film experiment.The entire project will be cross-media and will include extensive use of digital technologies and tools in both the production and circulation, avoiding any waste and aiming at re-use, sharing, environmental and energy sustainability.The film will be presented as a world premiere in Matera, most likely in September 2019 and will then be circulated throughout the international network of project partners. The work will be Creative Commons licensed, released on the web and will be the property of the cultural heritage generated by Matera2019.

Methods and criteria for participationTo participate in the selection, each candidate must send the following material via e-mail to the address [email protected]: motivation letter (max. 2,500 characters); curriculum vitae with photo;

link to your sample of work (max 5 minutes); a short poem by a contemporary author from their country of origin that tackles the same themes presented in La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro (Earth, Freedom and Identity); copy of identity document; registration form; receipt of participation fee.

All material must be sent in Italian and/or English no later than 18:00 on 23 November 2018.The selection of candidates will be made at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the project and the results will be announced within three days from the date of closure of this "call" on the site Preference will be given to candidates who already have a proven track record in the film industry and with filming and post-production technologies in 360° immersive reality.The workshop will take place in English.

Registration, grant, travel expenses and accommodationEach filmmaker, at the time of application, must pay a fee of €100.00 for administrative fees by bank transfer payable to:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Only applications complete with all required materials will be considered. Any candidates selected but unable to participate for any reason are invited to communicate in writing the cancellation of their participation no later than 18:00 on December 3, 2018 to be able to identify the next-ranking candidates in a timely manner.There is no refund of the participation fee paid under any circumstance.At the end of the workshop a certificate of participation will be given to each participant.Each invited filmmaker will receive a grant of € 1,500.00 net.Travel expenses and half board accommodation in Matera will be at the expense of the organizers.

Tools available to the participantsEach invited filmmaker will have available the following technical material: 1 Apple iMac editing and post-production workstation; 1 GoPro Fusion 360° kit.It is strongly recommended to participants already in possession of equipment to bring to the workshop their own audio-video and editing tools (laptops, headphones, microphones, external audio recorders...) to better proceed with the production of films.

ReleaseEach filmmaker who subscribes to MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop fully accepts these Regulations. Those selected and invited to participate also agree to be photographed and filmed with audio and video tools throughout the project by authorizing the Rete Cinema Basilicata Association and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation to spread their images and voice for informative purposes only, educational and not for profit.

una poesia breve di un autore contemporaneo del proprio Paese di provenienza che affronti gli stessi temi esposti ne La Mia Bella Patria di Rocco Scotellaro (terra, libertà e identità); copia documento di identità; modulo di iscrizione; ricevuta quota di partecipazione.

Tutto il materiale dovrà essere inviato in italiano e/o inglese entro e non oltre le ore 18:00 del 23 novembre 2018.La selezione dei candidati sarà effettuata a giudizio insindacabile della Direzione Artistica del progetto e gli esiti verranno resi noti entro tre giorni dalla data di chiusura della presente "call" sul sito Saranno privilegiati i candidati che abbiano già una comprovata esperienza realizzativa in ambito cinematografico e con le tecnologie di ripresa e post-produzione di film in realtà immersiva a 360°.Il workshop si svolgerà in lingua inglese.

Iscrizioni, grant, spese di viaggio e alloggioCiascun filmmaker, all'atto della candidatura, dovrà versare una quota di Euro 100,00 per diritti di segreteria tramite bonifico bancario intestato a:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Saranno prese in considerazione esclusivamente le candidature complete di tutti i materiali richiesti. Eventuali candidati selezionati ma impossibilitati a partecipare per qualsivoglia motivazione sono invitati a comunicare per iscritto la rinuncia alla partecipazione entro e non oltre le ore 18:00 del 3 dicembre 2018 per poter in tempi utili scorrere la graduatoria.Non è prevista la restituzione della quota di partecipazione versata in alcun caso.Al termine del workshop verrà consegnato a ciascun allievo un attestato di partecipazione.A ciascun filmmaker invitato verrà riconosciuta un grant di Euro 1.500,00 netti.Le spese di viaggio e soggiorno a Matera in mezza pensione saranno a carico degli organizzatori.

Tools a disposizione dei partecipantiCiascun filmmaker invitato avrà a disposizione il seguente materiale tecnico: 1 postazione di editing e post-produzione iMac Apple; 1 kit GoPro Fusion 360°.Resta fortemente raccomandato ai partecipanti già dotati di attrezzatura di giungere al workshop con i propri strumenti di ripresa audio-video e di editing (computer portatili, cuffie, microfoni, registratori audio esterni...) per meglio procedere nella produzione dei film.

LiberatoriaCiascun filmmaker che si iscrive a MaTerre, Cantiere Cinepoetico Euromediterraneo accetta integralmente il presente Regolamento. I selezionati e invitati a partecipare accettano altresì di essere fotografati e filmati con strumenti audio e video durante tutto lo svolgimento del progetto autorizzando l'Associazione Rete Cinema Basilicata e la Fondazione Matera-Basilicata2019 a diffondere la propria immagine e la propria voce per soli fini divulgativi, didattici e senza scopo alcuno di lucro.

Open call per filmmakerPROGETTO: MaTerre, Cantiere Cinepoetico Euromediterraneo

TIPOLOGIA: workshop per filmmaker e poeti di area euromediterranea

OUTPUT: 1 film lungometraggio collettivo in realtà immersiva a 360° in 5 episodi da 15' circa ciascuno

LUOGO, DURATA E PERIODO: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), dal 18 aprile al 2 maggio 2019



DIREZIONE ARTISTICA: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETI INVITATI: Yolanda Castaño (Galizia, Spagna), Eduard Escoffet (Catalogna, Spagna), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italia), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, Francia), Nilson Muniz (Brasile/Portogallo)

RegolamentoRete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), il network dei professionisti e delle imprese cinematografiche della Basilicata, è project leader per l'area cinema e audiovisivi della Fondazione Matera-Basilicata2019 (Matera2019) con la quale sta producendo un film di poesia innovativo in realtà immersiva a 360° da realizzarsi all'interno di un workshop che si terrà a Matera dal 18 aprile 2019 al 2 maggio 2019.RCB e Matera2019 cercano 5 appassionati e talentuosi filmmaker di area euromediterranea che saranno invitati a partecipare al progetto e alla realizzazione del film.

Obiettivi Il workshop è destinato a 5 filmmakers di area euromediterranea (senza alcun limite di età) con competenze nella tecniche di ripresa e post-produzione di film in realtà immersiva a 360°.Esso sarà di tipo intensivo e teorico-pratico: ciascun filmmaker partecipante, partendo dalla poesia La Mia Bella Patria di Rocco Scotellaro, dovrà lavorare assieme a uno dei 5 poeti invitati al workshop (vedi legenda in alto) per produrre un episodio di circa 15 minuti del film collettivo. La produzione di ciascun episodio dovrà essere frutto dell’interazione tra i filmmaker e i poeti invitati con la comunità locale materana, esplorando la poesia, la luce, il suono e il paesaggio della città.Durante il workshop tutti i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di incontrarsi e confrontarsi con alcuni prestigiosi guest teachers provenienti dai campi della poesia, del cinema, del diritto e dell'antropologia.I filmmaker e i poeti invitati, con la supervisione dei Direttori Artistici e il coinvolgimento degli abitanti di Matera, realizzeranno un film partecipato lavorando al primo esperimento filmico di con-cittadinanza attiva.L’intero progetto sarà crossmediale e prevederà ampio uso di tecnologie e strumenti digitali sia in fase di produzione che di diffusione evitando ogni spreco e puntando al riuso, alla condivisione, alla sostenibilità ambientale ed energetica.Il film realizzato sarà presentato in anteprima mondiale a Matera verosimilmente nel mese di settembre 2019 e verrà poi fatto circuitare in tutta la rete internazionale dei partner di progetto. L'opera sarà licenziata Creative Commons, rilasciata sul web e sarà proprietà del patrimonio culturale generato da Matera2019.

Modalità e criteri di partecipazionePer partecipare alle selezioni ogni candidato dovrà inviare tramite email il seguente materiale all’indirizzo [email protected]: lettera di motivazione (max 2.500 battute); curriculum vitae con foto; link al proprio sample of work (max 5 minuti);


Open call for filmmakersPROJECT: MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

TYPOLOGY: workshop for filmmakers and poets from the Euro-Mediterranean area

OUTPUT: 1 collective feature film in 360° immersive reality in 5 episodes of about 15' each

PLACE, DURATION AND PERIOD: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), from 18 April to 2 May 2019



ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETS INVITED: Yolanda Castaño (Galicia, Spain), Eduard Escoffet (Catalonia, Spain), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italy), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, France), Nilson Muniz (Brazil/Portugal)

Rules Rete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), the network of professionals and film companies from Basilicata, is project leader in the cinema and audio-visual area of the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Matera2019) with which it is producing an innovative poetry film in 360° immersive reality to be realized within a workshop to be held in Matera from 18 April 2019 to 2 May 2019.RCB and Matera2019 are looking for 5 passionate and talented filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area who will be invited to participate in the project and the realization of the film.

ObjectivesThe workshop is aimed at 5 filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area (no age limit) with skills in shooting and post-production techniques of 360° immersive reality films.It will be of an intensive and theoretical-practical nature: each participating filmmaker, starting from the poem La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro, will have to work alongside one of the 5 poets invited to the workshop (see above) to produce an episode of about 15 minutes of the collective film. The production of each episode will have to be the result of an interaction between the filmmakers and the invited poets as well as the local Matera community, exploring the poetry, the light, the sound and the landscape of the city.During the workshop all participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with prestigious guest teachers from the fields of poetry, cinema, law and anthropology.The filmmakers and invited poets, under the supervision of the Artistic Directors and the involvement of the inhabitants of Matera, will realize a participative film, working on the first "active citizenship" film experiment.The entire project will be cross-media and will include extensive use of digital technologies and tools in both the production and circulation, avoiding any waste and aiming at re-use, sharing, environmental and energy sustainability.The film will be presented as a world premiere in Matera, most likely in September 2019 and will then be circulated throughout the international network of project partners. The work will be Creative Commons licensed, released on the web and will be the property of the cultural heritage generated by Matera2019.

Methods and criteria for participationTo participate in the selection, each candidate must send the following material via e-mail to the address [email protected]: motivation letter (max. 2,500 characters); curriculum vitae with photo;

I am a blade of grass,a trembling blade of grass,and my homeland is wherethe grass trembles.A breath can transplantmy seed far away.

Rocco Scotellaro (My Beautiful Homeland, 1949)

link to your sample of work (max 5 minutes); a short poem by a contemporary author from their country of origin that tackles the same themes presented in La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro (Earth, Freedom and Identity); copy of identity document; registration form; receipt of participation fee.

All material must be sent in Italian and/or English no later than 18:00 on 23 November 2018.The selection of candidates will be made at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the project and the results will be announced within three days from the date of closure of this "call" on the site Preference will be given to candidates who already have a proven track record in the film industry and with filming and post-production technologies in 360° immersive reality.The workshop will take place in English.

Registration, grant, travel expenses and accommodationEach filmmaker, at the time of application, must pay a fee of €100.00 for administrative fees by bank transfer payable to:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Only applications complete with all required materials will be considered. Any candidates selected but unable to participate for any reason are invited to communicate in writing the cancellation of their participation no later than 18:00 on December 3, 2018 to be able to identify the next-ranking candidates in a timely manner.There is no refund of the participation fee paid under any circumstance.At the end of the workshop a certificate of participation will be given to each participant.Each invited filmmaker will receive a grant of € 1,500.00 net.Travel expenses and half board accommodation in Matera will be at the expense of the organizers.

Tools available to the participantsEach invited filmmaker will have available the following technical material: 1 Apple iMac editing and post-production workstation; 1 GoPro Fusion 360° kit.It is strongly recommended to participants already in possession of equipment to bring to the workshop their own audio-video and editing tools (laptops, headphones, microphones, external audio recorders...) to better proceed with the production of films.

ReleaseEach filmmaker who subscribes to MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop fully accepts these Regulations. Those selected and invited to participate also agree to be photographed and filmed with audio and video tools throughout the project by authorizing the Rete Cinema Basilicata Association and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation to spread their images and voice for informative purposes only, educational and not for profit.

Open call for filmmakersPROJECT: MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

TYPOLOGY: workshop for filmmakers and poets from the Euro-Mediterranean area

OUTPUT: 1 collective feature film in 360° immersive reality in 5 episodes of about 15' each

PLACE, DURATION AND PERIOD: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), from 18 April to 2 May 2019



ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETS INVITED: Yolanda Castaño (Galicia, Spain), Eduard Escoffet (Catalonia, Spain), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italy), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, France), Nilson Muniz (Brazil/Portugal)

Rules Rete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), the network of professionals and film companies from Basilicata, is project leader in the cinema and audio-visual area of the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Matera2019) with which it is producing an innovative poetry film in 360° immersive reality to be realized within a workshop to be held in Matera from 18 April 2019 to 2 May 2019.RCB and Matera2019 are looking for 5 passionate and talented filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area who will be invited to participate in the project and the realization of the film.

ObjectivesThe workshop is aimed at 5 filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area (no age limit) with skills in shooting and post-production techniques of 360° immersive reality films.It will be of an intensive and theoretical-practical nature: each participating filmmaker, starting from the poem La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro, will have to work alongside one of the 5 poets invited to the workshop (see above) to produce an episode of about 15 minutes of the collective film. The production of each episode will have to be the result of an interaction between the filmmakers and the invited poets as well as the local Matera community, exploring the poetry, the light, the sound and the landscape of the city.During the workshop all participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with prestigious guest teachers from the fields of poetry, cinema, law and anthropology.The filmmakers and invited poets, under the supervision of the Artistic Directors and the involvement of the inhabitants of Matera, will realize a participative film, working on the first "active citizenship" film experiment.The entire project will be cross-media and will include extensive use of digital technologies and tools in both the production and circulation, avoiding any waste and aiming at re-use, sharing, environmental and energy sustainability.The film will be presented as a world premiere in Matera, most likely in September 2019 and will then be circulated throughout the international network of project partners. The work will be Creative Commons licensed, released on the web and will be the property of the cultural heritage generated by Matera2019.

Methods and criteria for participationTo participate in the selection, each candidate must send the following material via e-mail to the address [email protected]: motivation letter (max. 2,500 characters); curriculum vitae with photo;


link to your sample of work (max 5 minutes); a short poem by a contemporary author from their country of origin that tackles the same themes presented in La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro (Earth, Freedom and Identity); copy of identity document; registration form; receipt of participation fee.

All material must be sent in Italian and/or English no later than 18:00 on 23 November 2018.The selection of candidates will be made at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the project and the results will be announced within three days from the date of closure of this "call" on the site Preference will be given to candidates who already have a proven track record in the film industry and with filming and post-production technologies in 360° immersive reality.The workshop will take place in English.

Registration, grant, travel expenses and accommodationEach filmmaker, at the time of application, must pay a fee of €100.00 for administrative fees by bank transfer payable to:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Only applications complete with all required materials will be considered. Any candidates selected but unable to participate for any reason are invited to communicate in writing the cancellation of their participation no later than 18:00 on December 3, 2018 to be able to identify the next-ranking candidates in a timely manner.There is no refund of the participation fee paid under any circumstance.At the end of the workshop a certificate of participation will be given to each participant.Each invited filmmaker will receive a grant of € 1,500.00 net.Travel expenses and half board accommodation in Matera will be at the expense of the organizers.

Tools available to the participantsEach invited filmmaker will have available the following technical material: 1 Apple iMac editing and post-production workstation; 1 GoPro Fusion 360° kit.It is strongly recommended to participants already in possession of equipment to bring to the workshop their own audio-video and editing tools (laptops, headphones, microphones, external audio recorders...) to better proceed with the production of films.

ReleaseEach filmmaker who subscribes to MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop fully accepts these Regulations. Those selected and invited to participate also agree to be photographed and filmed with audio and video tools throughout the project by authorizing the Rete Cinema Basilicata Association and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation to spread their images and voice for informative purposes only, educational and not for profit.

Open call for filmmakersPROJECT: MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

TYPOLOGY: workshop for filmmakers and poets from the Euro-Mediterranean area

OUTPUT: 1 collective feature film in 360° immersive reality in 5 episodes of about 15' each

PLACE, DURATION AND PERIOD: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), from 18 April to 2 May 2019



ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETS INVITED: Yolanda Castaño (Galicia, Spain), Eduard Escoffet (Catalonia, Spain), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italy), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, France), Nilson Muniz (Brazil/Portugal)

Rules Rete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), the network of professionals and film companies from Basilicata, is project leader in the cinema and audio-visual area of the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Matera2019) with which it is producing an innovative poetry film in 360° immersive reality to be realized within a workshop to be held in Matera from 18 April 2019 to 2 May 2019.RCB and Matera2019 are looking for 5 passionate and talented filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area who will be invited to participate in the project and the realization of the film.

ObjectivesThe workshop is aimed at 5 filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area (no age limit) with skills in shooting and post-production techniques of 360° immersive reality films.It will be of an intensive and theoretical-practical nature: each participating filmmaker, starting from the poem La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro, will have to work alongside one of the 5 poets invited to the workshop (see above) to produce an episode of about 15 minutes of the collective film. The production of each episode will have to be the result of an interaction between the filmmakers and the invited poets as well as the local Matera community, exploring the poetry, the light, the sound and the landscape of the city.During the workshop all participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with prestigious guest teachers from the fields of poetry, cinema, law and anthropology.The filmmakers and invited poets, under the supervision of the Artistic Directors and the involvement of the inhabitants of Matera, will realize a participative film, working on the first "active citizenship" film experiment.The entire project will be cross-media and will include extensive use of digital technologies and tools in both the production and circulation, avoiding any waste and aiming at re-use, sharing, environmental and energy sustainability.The film will be presented as a world premiere in Matera, most likely in September 2019 and will then be circulated throughout the international network of project partners. The work will be Creative Commons licensed, released on the web and will be the property of the cultural heritage generated by Matera2019.

Methods and criteria for participationTo participate in the selection, each candidate must send the following material via e-mail to the address [email protected]: motivation letter (max. 2,500 characters); curriculum vitae with photo;


link to your sample of work (max 5 minutes); a short poem by a contemporary author from their country of origin that tackles the same themes presented in La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro (Earth, Freedom and Identity); copy of identity document; registration form; receipt of participation fee.

All material must be sent in Italian and/or English no later than 18:00 on 23 November 2018.The selection of candidates will be made at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the project and the results will be announced within three days from the date of closure of this "call" on the site Preference will be given to candidates who already have a proven track record in the film industry and with filming and post-production technologies in 360° immersive reality.The workshop will take place in English.

Registration, grant, travel expenses and accommodationEach filmmaker, at the time of application, must pay a fee of €100.00 for administrative fees by bank transfer payable to:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Only applications complete with all required materials will be considered. Any candidates selected but unable to participate for any reason are invited to communicate in writing the cancellation of their participation no later than 18:00 on December 3, 2018 to be able to identify the next-ranking candidates in a timely manner.There is no refund of the participation fee paid under any circumstance.At the end of the workshop a certificate of participation will be given to each participant.Each invited filmmaker will receive a grant of € 1,500.00 net.Travel expenses and half board accommodation in Matera will be at the expense of the organizers.

Tools available to the participantsEach invited filmmaker will have available the following technical material: 1 Apple iMac editing and post-production workstation; 1 GoPro Fusion 360° kit.It is strongly recommended to participants already in possession of equipment to bring to the workshop their own audio-video and editing tools (laptops, headphones, microphones, external audio recorders...) to better proceed with the production of films.

ReleaseEach filmmaker who subscribes to MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop fully accepts these Regulations. Those selected and invited to participate also agree to be photographed and filmed with audio and video tools throughout the project by authorizing the Rete Cinema Basilicata Association and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation to spread their images and voice for informative purposes only, educational and not for profit.

Open call for filmmakersPROJECT: MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

TYPOLOGY: workshop for filmmakers and poets from the Euro-Mediterranean area

OUTPUT: 1 collective feature film in 360° immersive reality in 5 episodes of about 15' each

PLACE, DURATION AND PERIOD: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), from 18 April to 2 May 2019



ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETS INVITED: Yolanda Castaño (Galicia, Spain), Eduard Escoffet (Catalonia, Spain), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italy), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, France), Nilson Muniz (Brazil/Portugal)

Rules Rete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), the network of professionals and film companies from Basilicata, is project leader in the cinema and audio-visual area of the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Matera2019) with which it is producing an innovative poetry film in 360° immersive reality to be realized within a workshop to be held in Matera from 18 April 2019 to 2 May 2019.RCB and Matera2019 are looking for 5 passionate and talented filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area who will be invited to participate in the project and the realization of the film.

ObjectivesThe workshop is aimed at 5 filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area (no age limit) with skills in shooting and post-production techniques of 360° immersive reality films.It will be of an intensive and theoretical-practical nature: each participating filmmaker, starting from the poem La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro, will have to work alongside one of the 5 poets invited to the workshop (see above) to produce an episode of about 15 minutes of the collective film. The production of each episode will have to be the result of an interaction between the filmmakers and the invited poets as well as the local Matera community, exploring the poetry, the light, the sound and the landscape of the city.During the workshop all participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with prestigious guest teachers from the fields of poetry, cinema, law and anthropology.The filmmakers and invited poets, under the supervision of the Artistic Directors and the involvement of the inhabitants of Matera, will realize a participative film, working on the first "active citizenship" film experiment.The entire project will be cross-media and will include extensive use of digital technologies and tools in both the production and circulation, avoiding any waste and aiming at re-use, sharing, environmental and energy sustainability.The film will be presented as a world premiere in Matera, most likely in September 2019 and will then be circulated throughout the international network of project partners. The work will be Creative Commons licensed, released on the web and will be the property of the cultural heritage generated by Matera2019.

Methods and criteria for participationTo participate in the selection, each candidate must send the following material via e-mail to the address [email protected]: motivation letter (max. 2,500 characters); curriculum vitae with photo;





Dichiaro di accettare integralmente il contenuto del Regolamento di partecipazione e di allegare al presente modulo tutto il materiale richiesto.I declare that I fully accept the content of the Rules for participation and attach all the material requested to this form.

Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) e del DLGS 196/2003.In compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Italian Legislative Decree number 196/2003, I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal details contained in this document.

Firma del partecipante/Participant’s signature

Nome/Name Cognome/Surname

Luogo e data di nascita/Place and date of birth



Codice fiscale/Tax code


Sito web/Website:

Cellulare/Cell Phone:

Partita IVA/VAT:


link to your sample of work (max 5 minutes); a short poem by a contemporary author from their country of origin that tackles the same themes presented in La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro (Earth, Freedom and Identity); copy of identity document; registration form; receipt of participation fee.

All material must be sent in Italian and/or English no later than 18:00 on 23 November 2018.The selection of candidates will be made at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the project and the results will be announced within three days from the date of closure of this "call" on the site Preference will be given to candidates who already have a proven track record in the film industry and with filming and post-production technologies in 360° immersive reality.The workshop will take place in English.

Registration, grant, travel expenses and accommodationEach filmmaker, at the time of application, must pay a fee of €100.00 for administrative fees by bank transfer payable to:

Rete Cinema Basilicata su Banca BCC BasilicataIban: IT92L0859704200000050006473Bic/swift: ICRAITRRGL0

Only applications complete with all required materials will be considered. Any candidates selected but unable to participate for any reason are invited to communicate in writing the cancellation of their participation no later than 18:00 on December 3, 2018 to be able to identify the next-ranking candidates in a timely manner.There is no refund of the participation fee paid under any circumstance.At the end of the workshop a certificate of participation will be given to each participant.Each invited filmmaker will receive a grant of € 1,500.00 net.Travel expenses and half board accommodation in Matera will be at the expense of the organizers.

Tools available to the participantsEach invited filmmaker will have available the following technical material: 1 Apple iMac editing and post-production workstation; 1 GoPro Fusion 360° kit.It is strongly recommended to participants already in possession of equipment to bring to the workshop their own audio-video and editing tools (laptops, headphones, microphones, external audio recorders...) to better proceed with the production of films.

ReleaseEach filmmaker who subscribes to MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop fully accepts these Regulations. Those selected and invited to participate also agree to be photographed and filmed with audio and video tools throughout the project by authorizing the Rete Cinema Basilicata Association and the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation to spread their images and voice for informative purposes only, educational and not for profit.

Open call for filmmakersPROJECT: MaTerre, Euro-Mediterranean Poetry Film Workshop

TYPOLOGY: workshop for filmmakers and poets from the Euro-Mediterranean area

OUTPUT: 1 collective feature film in 360° immersive reality in 5 episodes of about 15' each

PLACE, DURATION AND PERIOD: Matera (Basilicata, Italy), from 18 April to 2 May 2019



ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce



POETS INVITED: Yolanda Castaño (Galicia, Spain), Eduard Escoffet (Catalonia, Spain), Domenico Brancale

(Basilicata, Italy), Aurélia Lassaque (Occitania, France), Nilson Muniz (Brazil/Portugal)

Rules Rete Cinema Basilicata (RCB), the network of professionals and film companies from Basilicata, is project leader in the cinema and audio-visual area of the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (Matera2019) with which it is producing an innovative poetry film in 360° immersive reality to be realized within a workshop to be held in Matera from 18 April 2019 to 2 May 2019.RCB and Matera2019 are looking for 5 passionate and talented filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area who will be invited to participate in the project and the realization of the film.

ObjectivesThe workshop is aimed at 5 filmmakers from the Euro-Mediterranean area (no age limit) with skills in shooting and post-production techniques of 360° immersive reality films.It will be of an intensive and theoretical-practical nature: each participating filmmaker, starting from the poem La Mia Bella Patria (My Beautiful Homeland) by Rocco Scotellaro, will have to work alongside one of the 5 poets invited to the workshop (see above) to produce an episode of about 15 minutes of the collective film. The production of each episode will have to be the result of an interaction between the filmmakers and the invited poets as well as the local Matera community, exploring the poetry, the light, the sound and the landscape of the city.During the workshop all participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with prestigious guest teachers from the fields of poetry, cinema, law and anthropology.The filmmakers and invited poets, under the supervision of the Artistic Directors and the involvement of the inhabitants of Matera, will realize a participative film, working on the first "active citizenship" film experiment.The entire project will be cross-media and will include extensive use of digital technologies and tools in both the production and circulation, avoiding any waste and aiming at re-use, sharing, environmental and energy sustainability.The film will be presented as a world premiere in Matera, most likely in September 2019 and will then be circulated throughout the international network of project partners. The work will be Creative Commons licensed, released on the web and will be the property of the cultural heritage generated by Matera2019.

Methods and criteria for participationTo participate in the selection, each candidate must send the following material via e-mail to the address [email protected]: motivation letter (max. 2,500 characters); curriculum vitae with photo;

INFO:WhatsApp: +39 342 8648862 e +39 333 6482362Email: [email protected]

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