

Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and OptimizationPART 2

3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

Table of Contents4 3 Essentials of Financial Sites’ Products and Services

5 Essential #1: Calls-to Action

6 Essential #2: Comparison Charts

7 Essential #3: Filtering

8 Reality Check: Extracting Products and Services Conversions


3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

From checking, to savings, mortgages, loans and credit cards — your bank has more to offer than your website has real estate.Or so you thought.

Consumers go through many financial cycles in their life — needs change and so do their preferences. You’ve likely got the products to support their needs, but in order to maintain their loyalty, your site has to provide the correct information, and experience.

And your site’s products and services can help each customer — if properly optimized for your audience.


3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

There are

essentials to earning a

well-optimized products

and services section…

Easy SwitchingsLike we said, we know you have a lot of products. But visitors aren’t going to buy them all at once, so make sure your navigation allows them to easily browse, without being lost or overwhelmed.

Give ‘em Easy AccessDon’t send visitors on a hunting expedition — clearly displaying product categories and subcategories will get their expectations in line right off the bat.

Allow for ComparisonMultiple credit cards? Savings? Account options? Variable loans? Make sure customers can easily compare products across the board so that decision making is a lot less cumbersome.

3 Essentials of Financial Sites’ Products and ServicesWhen customers are ready to dive into your product offering — whether they’re new or returning — ensure that the content is easy to find, digestible and comparable.



Clear CTAs enable visitors to quickly navigate through the product page.

CTAs that lead visitors to compare functions are easily found when first

entering the page.

3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

Essential #1


Information overload is already a natural problem when it comes to dealing in finances. Help visitors along the decision path by providing stand-out CTAs that guide them to their best choice — and guide your site to more conversions.


Bank of America

Clear charts allow users to easily compare benefits and inclusions of products before

moving to the next step.

3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

Essential #2

Comparison Charts

They say today’s savvy consumer comparison shops more than ever — and this holds true in finance as well. From simple checking to mortgages, allowing each visitor to easily see what each choice has to offer will help them choose the best fit, and trust that you have enough products and services to cover them should their needs change later on.


Prompts visitors to interact with drop-downs.

Enables visitors to feel in control while site can assist in picking

a product for them.

Provides opportunity to segment based on widget selections.

Imagery aids visitor to inquire more about each card.

Filtering feature on left-hand side eases the process of finding the

correct card for the visitor.

3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

Essential #3


Not only do you have multiple categories, but multiple products within each category. Make customer navigation through your site easy with sort, filtering and guidance — and having a little fun never hurt either.




The “Most Popular” badge was a key driver of behavior in this experience, generating a +15.03% increase on “Apply Now”clicks.

3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

Reality Check

Extracting Products and Services Conversions

A large global bank needed to determine the optimal layout and presentation of information for increasing call-to-action clicks in its online applications. So it teamed up with Maxymiser for some multivariate testing.

In order to understand the best way to achieve this, the test looked at variables around calls-to-action, copy and badges.


But for now, let’s move on to optimizing your locators…

3 Essentials of a Winning Products & Services Experience : : Best Practices in Finance Website Testing and Optimization, Part 2

But knowing what to optimize is only half the battle. Using A/B and multivariate testing will help you hone in on the best CTAs, filters and comparison capabilities for your site — and your live audience.

And when you’re ready, personalizing your site for each visitor in real time can really help you increase customer lifetime values, no matter which point they are in their financial life cycle.

It’s a complex online world out there — especially when it comes to your plethora of products.

If you are interested in speaking with someone at Maxymiser, please email [email protected].


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