Page 1: May 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

May 2009/Iyar-Sivan 5769

Tidings Temple Ohabei Shalom - Judaism in Motion

What’s Inside: Page 2 • Leadership Messages Page 3 - 4 Worship • Shabbat Rishon • Shabbat Mishpacha • Rabbi Franken Installation • Confirmation Page 5 Project For Our Future Update Friday Night Lights Photos Page 6 - 8 Community • May B’nei Mitzvah • Todah Rabah • Mitzvah Day 09 • Congregational Trip to Israel • Community Photos Page 9 Auxiliaries Page 10 - 11 Lifelong Learning & Ansin Religious School News • Shari Churwin’s Message

• End of the Year Brunch

Page 12 Tributes Page 13 - 14 Yizkor Elohim

100 Blessings a Day Rabbi John Franken

the annual meeting is your chance to stand with your fellow congregants to set priorities, elect officers and trustees, and honor the service of outgoing ones. The annual meeting may be likened to Election Day - only for the synagogue rather than the government. Attending it, in my view, is therefore one’s other civic duty.

Finally, I would be most honored by your presence on June 5 at my service of installation as the Rabbi of Temple Ohabei Shalom. While I feel no personal need to be fêted (and, in all candor, would demur if I could), I recognize that an installation is a significant event in the life of a congregation. It affords the community the chance to come together, frequently after a period of uncertainty and stress, to heave a collective sigh of relief, celebrate, and express confidence in its collective future.

A service of confirmation, an annual meeting, a service of installation. All are ceremonies essential to synagogue life. I therefore hope you will join me in affirming the maxim of Pirkei Avot and not separate yourself from our community. Please join us on May 29, June 2 and June 5!

This year’s Confirmation class has selected its theme from Pirkei Avot (a tractate of wisdom literature): “Do not separate yourselves from the community.” It is a wise choice, one that bespeaks the value our students attach to their synagogue. TOS is theirs. They value the friendships they have made, the Jewish education they have acquired, and the support they have received in their intellectual, spiritual and moral development. Equally, they recognize that to be in community is to be in covenant with one another. They have learned how each one of us, by our sheer presence, contributes to the well-being of our community and each other.

Because community is central to the ethos of TOS, in this message I want to urge you to participate in three important community events - our service of Confirmation on May 29 (see pg, 4) our annual meeting on June 2 (see below), and my service of installation on June 5 (see pg. 4).

Our service of Confirmation is one of our most important services of the year. It is when our young adults affirm their lifelong commitment to Judaism and the Jewish people. Is it not right and proper, then, for the rest of us to accept their affirmation, applaud their commitment, to listen to their musings, and to honor the hard work and dedication?

Our annual meeting bears a similar degree of communal importance. It is, after all, when we come together to do the business of running this storied and proud congregation. TOS belongs to you, its members, and

Temple Ohabei Shalom Annual Meeting

Please join the Ohabei Shalom Community on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00pm

for our Annual Meeting.

Celebrate another wonderful year of innovative programming, Tikkun Olam, meaningful worship and lifelong learning. The 2009-2010 budget will be presented, new officers will be elected

and Presidential and Rabbinic reports will be given.

Light refreshments will be served.

We hope you will be able to join us for this celebratory night!

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A temple has many names. Perhaps the most common, in English but of Greek origin, is synagogue. And in Hebrew, the synagogue is called beit k’nesset. Both synagogue and beit k’nesset have similar meanings, which taken literally have nothing to do with religion, spirituality, holiness, prayer, or any other concepts of worship in particular. Rather, both terms mean: a place of gathering or assembly.

Similarly, the roles of cantor and rabbi are not restricted to prayer or sermonizing. The term rabbi comes from the Hebrew word rav, meaning “great.” Thus the title refers to a “great or exalted teacher or sage.” Historically, a cantor’s role may have been limited to that of Shaliach Tzibur, meaning “emissary of the congregation.” For a modern, Reform cantor, however, the role of Shaliach Tzibur during worship services is only a small part of the job.

Ultimately, we as Jews do not necessarily focus on faith and prayer as the central elements of our Judaism. How many among us have heard the viewpoint, or espouse it ourselves, that “I am not religious. I am more of a cultural Jew.” Regardless of one’s personal relationship with prayer and God, we share a common commitment to Jewish community. And here at TOS, we share a specific commitment to the TOS community.

I want to highlight a few upcoming events that, although they coincide with Shabbat services, have as much to do with the strength and health of our community as they do with prayer:

• On May 1, at 7 PM the TOS Adult Choir will be joined by the Boston Community Choir for a festive and exciting Gospel Shabbat.

• On May 8, at 6 PM we honor our students and teachers at the Ansin Religious School as we join together for Shabbat Mishpacha: Family Shabbat.

• On May 29, at 7:30 PM we will celebrate the achievements of our Grade 10 students at Confirmation.

• On June 5, at 7:30 PM we officially install and welcome Rabbi Franken as the Rabbi and community leader of Temple

Ohabei Shalom.

Many of these events include not just services, but dinners, onegs, receptions, etc. Please mark your calendars and call the Temple office if you have questions. So whether or not you appreciate or are enticed by a more literal concept of a worship service, please join your clergy, your community leaders and your community at this house of gathering for these celebrations of our community.

Kahal Kodesh Ohabei Shalom: Our Sacred Community Cantor Randall Schloss

President’s Message Jesse Cochin

Ava Berinstein William Price

Heidi Zimmerman Seiger

Teresa Betit Andrea Haber

E. Albert Levine

May Special Birthdays

May Special Anniversaries Dr. Alan Fine and Dr. Carol Rosenberg

Robert & Cherise Bransfield

I don’t think it is overstating to say we have been going through the toughest economic time any of us have ever lived through. We at TOS, like all Jewish religious centers, have been hit hard and need to learn to live with less. Nationally, the Union for Reform Judaism had to lay off nearly eighty staff members in order to survive. This caused the shut down of its regional offices. Across America, synagogues have been struggling with unmet revenue expectations and, as budgeting time approaches, we have to adjust our living standards to meet the new reality.

What makes us different is that we are more than just a building where we meet to pray. We are family. As a family, no one is willing to sit idly by and see any member of the family, or the family as a whole, fall through the cracks and suffer harm. We care for each other and we help each other. We are an amazing, caring group and I am proud to be the lay head of this family.

In my family, if my brother is struggling, I take care of him. If I struggle, he takes care of me. At TOS we have brothers and sisters who are struggling. Some are having great difficulty figuring out how they will pay their dues. Some are undoubtedly having trouble finding the next mortgage or rent payment.

We can do many things to help. Here are three suggestions. First, check in with your friends and family. Show you care by finding out who needs help, and connecting those folks with the right help, be it financial, psychosocial, or just plain neighborly. Second, if you have been so fortunate as to be relatively unscathed by our record economic downturn, take care of the rest of your TOS family. That might mean donating above and beyond what you normally do, so that others less fortunate can continue to be fully participating family members. Please give more generously than ever to the Temple so that we can continue to be the fully functional family which is looked up to by all others. Finally, assure your friends and neighbors that like all other hard times, these times shall pass and we will emerge vibrant and healthy, strong and secure, having done all that any family would do, to get through the hard times together.

I want it to be understood that so long as I am president of TOS we will NEVER turn a member away in hard times. We are all struggling to some degree. Please ask for help. We are family. We are here for you.

Page 3: May 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom


5:45 pm Snacks and Meet & Greet

Chapel Foyer

6:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service

Montague Chapel

7:15 pm Shabbat Dinner

$15 per adult & $10 per child RSVP required by Tuesday, May 5 to Amanda,

[email protected] or 617-739-9200.

May Shabbat Rishon Friday, May 1, 7:00 PM, Oneg to follow Join us as we welcome The Boston Community Choir (a.k.a. The Boston Pops Gospel Choir) back to Temple Ohabei Shalom for Gospel Shabbat.

Come hear 40 voices united in song as our guest choir participates in this special service. Invite your friends and neighbors to join TOS and our guests for this exciting Shabbat service and oneg to follow. Please note the earlier start time for our monthly Shabbat Rishon service, as we wish to make the evening more accommodating for all. This is a service not to be missed! Please contact the TOS office, 617-277-6610 with any questions you may have.


Daily Worship Service

Every evening at 6:00 pm and morning at 8:00 am (9:00am Sundays and legal holidays), a member of the congregation leads a short service. There are openings for new leaders. If this interests you, contact Ita N. Wiener at 617-734-7137 or Spencer Gould at 781-329-7439.

Friday, May 1 5:45 pm

Activities & Service Montague Chapel

6:30 pm Shabbat Dinner

$10, Adult $6, Child

RSVP to Amanda, [email protected].

Shabbat Mishpacha ARS Teacher Appreciation Shabbat

May 8, 2009

Join us for our end of the year teacher appreciation Shabbat

featuring the Ansin Religious School Students. The students

are excited to show off everything they’ve learned this year. This is a great opportunity

to thank your child(ren)’s teachers for all the hard work they do. We look forward to

seeing everyone there!

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Sara Atkins Rebekah Benjamin-Pollak

Amelia Cochin Elizabeth Cooley

Matthew D’artista Max Grossman

Daniel Hurwit Sarah Plovnick Hannah Rimm

Miranda Rosenberg Isabel Schegolev

Miriam Seldin-Stein





N It is with great pleasure

that we invite you to join us for the Installation of

John A. Franken

as Rabbi of our Congregation at 7:30 p.m. during Shabbat Rishon Services on Friday, June 5, 2009, in the Sanctuary Festive oneg to follow

6:00 p.m. Join us for Shabbat Dinner Adults $20.00 Children 12 and under $15.00 RSVP by May 20 617.277.6610 or [email protected]

Please join the Ohabei Shalom Community as we honor the Confirmation Class of 5769

Friday, May 29 at 7:30 pm, oneg to follow

Hillel taught: Do not separate yourself from the community. (P.A. 2:4)

Romey Shishko Sklar

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The Project For Our Future Update We are excited to report that construction on the Project For Our Future has finally begun! The parking lot has been reconfigured to make room for the construction vehicles and a new curb cut has been made to allow for the continued use of the parking lot during the construction process. The work will begin with digging a foundation for the elevator machine room and new entryway to the chapel. This is only the first part of the work. Special foundation piles for the addition will be drilled in a manner so as not to disturb our building’s foundation.

Our TOS staff, as well as many volunteers, have been busy cleaning the second floor of the Ansin Religious School to make way for the classroom renovations. The work on the second floor will involve reconfiguring the classrooms, installing new windows, and upgrading the heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The renovations will require some flexibility during the construction phase, as we will not be able to use the second floor classrooms while we are making these improvements. We expect to finish in plenty of time for the beginning of the school year in September.

Our fundraising efforts have gone well, although we still have a gap to close in order to complete the Project in its entirety. If necessary, we will do the work in stages, although the most cost-effective manner of construction would be to complete the project in one phase. If you have not gotten involved yet, now would be the optimal time!

Special thanks go to Alan Litchman, co-chair of the construction phase of the Project; to Larry Green, Ellen Harder, and Mark Lipof for their work in chairing the fundraising portion of the Project; and to Laura Trust, for chairing the preschool committee. We are pleased to report that interest in the new Diane K. Trust Center for Early Education has been strong and that we have a number of eager young students already registered. Respectfully submitted, Len Davidson, Project Chair

Friday Night Lights: This is NOT your Bubbe’s Manischewitz Congregants enjoyed a special pre-Passover treat at the end of March when Cantor Schloss and Eric

Rimm were the featured speakers for Friday Night Lights. Cantor Schloss spoke about the role of wine in Judaism and Eric spoke about the latest health research regarding alcohol. As wine enthusiasts, they led a deliciously "spirited" wine tasting after services. Thanks go to the Schloss and Rimm families for

all their preparation to ensure they brought only the very best wines for our enjoyment, as well as their very generous donation of special wines for the evening.

Shelley Schwartz & David Seldin Amy Hozid tasting some wines

Cantor Schloss & Eric Rimm, the featured speakers for the evening.

Cantor Schloss speaking to the group.

Eric Rimm & Dorothy Lebach sampling the

selection of wines available.

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Jewish Family and Children’s Service Greater Boston’s

Jewish Food Pantry

Temple Ohabei Shalom’s monthly contribution is

Canned Tuna, Salmon and Graham Crackers

Donations can be brought to the synagogue and placed in the baskets by the Chapel or near the elevator. You can also write a check to the Sisterhood of Ohabei Shalom with “Family Table” in the memo line or volunteer to drive our contributions to the collection center in Waltham just one Sunday a year, 9:30am - 11:30am.

If you are interested in helping, Contact Dottie Berman at 617-277-6610 or [email protected].

New Family Table bins have been placed in both the Rosenfield Office Building and Chapel Foyers. Please help us fill them with Tuna, Salmon & Graham Crackers!

Todah Rabah

We express our deep appreciation to the following individuals who have recently enriched the life of our community:

Shirley Spero for her exceptional generosity in difficult economic times.

Shelley Schwartz for all of her marketing assistance, including her recent donation of sandwich boards and signs.

Joshua Bilchik, May 2, 2009 Son of Brian Bilchik & Karen Shmukler

Josh’s Mitzvah Project supports the Starfish Organization in South Africa. Starfish aims to bring life, hope and opportunity to children who have been orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in South Africa. On a recent trip to South Africa, he experienced first hand the magnitude of the AIDS epidemic and decided he wanted to do something about it.

Mazel Tov to our B’nei Mitzvah!

Noa Shishko Sklar, May 16, 2009 Daughter of Joel Sklar & Adrienne Shishko

Noa is working with the Room to Dream Foundation for her Mitzvah Project. This foundation strives to improve a sick child’s quality of life by “improving” some part of his/her environment. Noa will be involved in all aspects of a project, from design conception to the actual room renovation.

Emily Kern, May 23, 2009 Daughter of Steve Kern & Margie Kern

For her Mitzvah Project, Emily designed and then commissioned ”comfort” dolls for children in orphanages in China. Once the dolls were assembled and sent back, she finished them by needle-barbing the eyes. All of the dolls had different styles, including hairstyles and color coordination. During April vacation, Emily and her mom visited China to personally deliver the dolls to her village’s orphanage, in Yunmeng, Hubei China.

Mitzvah Committee Your caring brings joy to those you visit! Thank you to the following Pesach Mitzvah visitors: Margie Kahn, Diane Rosen, Marcia Levine, Rhonda & Harvey Solomon, Lois Nathan, Esther Rubinovitz and Spencer Gould.

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Come Sing with our Choir! From novices to experienced singers, all are welcome! Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.

If you would like to participate, contact Karen Landman at [email protected]. For more information, contact Cantor Schloss at [email protected].

There are so many ways to get involved at Temple Ohabei an opportunity to volunteer that will help our community:

Front Desk Assistance A friendly face and warm phone manner help make our congregation welcoming to members, new and old! If you have time to volunteer in the front office and assist with greeting, answering the phone and light filing, we would welcome your help.

If you can volunteer, please contact the main office at 617-277-6610. Thank you for your help! Vo


eer @



Save the Date Mitzvah Day 09

Sunday, November 8

Have you been wondering what happened to Mitzvah Day?

We will be holding our 4th Annual Mitzvah Day on November 8, 2009. Be

sure to mark your calendar to join the entire congregation in a day of mitzvot!

Many of the projects from the past years will be available, as well as some new and exciting opportunities. As always, we can’t do this

without your help. If you are interested in being a Project Captain this year or helping out with

Mitzvah Day, please contact Amanda, [email protected].

Brookline Area Networking Group Tuesday, May 19, 7 - 9 pm

Temple Ohabei Shalom

Join the Brookline Area Networking Group for their first monthly meeting at TOS. Under the auspices of the Brookline Clergy Association, the goals of the group are to provide a forum for people to network in order to advance their careers, from job seeking to gaining valuable feedback and advice on business ideas to sales and strategy.

The guest speaker will be Recruiter and Master Networker Ken Chin. He will talk about the essential and powerful uses of online social networking sites.

There will be two roundtable discussion opportunities during each meeting to afford participants a chance to meet many other people and solicit/share advice. Meetings will occur monthly at TOS and all are welcome.

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Haifa Tel Aviv Masada

Bedouin Dinner

Camel Riding Rappelling adventure

Desert jeep ride Ein Gedi

Dead Sea Spa Golan Heights

Jerusalem’s Old City Meet IDF Soldiers


Annual Brotherhood Breakfast Honoring Dottie Berman

Lou Goldman, Jonathan Atkins, Mayor Cohen & Dottie Berman

Harold Koritz, Sheila Cline & Dottie Berman

Dottie Berman & TOS President Jesse Cochin

Sisterhood Shabbat

Torah & Haftarah readers Margie Kahn, Diane Rosen, Ita N. Weiner & Rhonda Solomon.

Honorees Betsy Gould, Ita N. Weinter & Ellen Mosner.

Congregational Trip to Israel Led by Rabbi John Franken & Cantor Randall Schloss December 20, 2009 - January 3, 2010

Tour Highlights:

Trip includes roundtrip airfare, transportation, hotel accommodations, many meals, tour guide and security.

Trip guided by Keshet: The Center for Educational Tourism in Israel, Please join us for a meeting with Kayla Ship of Keshet on Thursday, May 7 at 6:30 pm. She will be visiting from Israel and is available to answer

questions and provide more information. Please contact TOS, 617-277-6610 for more information.

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Sisterhood News


Brotherhood News Jonathan Atkins & Louis Goldman Betsy Gould

Our Sisterhood Shabbat, created by Hilda Lopez, was a spiritual masterpiece. Ellen Mosner, Ita N. Wiener and I felt very honored to be given aliyaot, ark openings and beautiful bracelets due to our past leadership roles. Zita Samuels was eloquent as spokesperson for this service. Ita N. Wiener, Margie Kahn and Diane Rosen were superb as Torah readers, as was Rhonda Solomon chanting Haftarah. Hilda’s D’var Torah was equally great. Yasher Koach to all the sisters, and many thanks to Karen Landman for all her hard work.

Our next event will be on Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m. were we will be treated to a presentation by the first female President of Ohabei Shalom and three-year Sisterhood President, Sonia Ravech. In the past several years, Sonia has become a serious writer. She has written and published numerous essays and is a three year Sylvia Wolens Jewish Heritage award-winning author. Her prize-winning stories have been published in an anthology of Judaica. Sonia will be sharing with us some of her Jewish heritage stories. This event is open to the entire synagogue. Please join us! Call Estelle Katz (617) 566-3457 if you need a ride.

Save the Date: Sunday, June 14 at 3 p.m. we will have pianists Cheryl Berard and our own Julie Boris, along with special guests Cantor Schloss and David Sparr. Together they will orchestrate a concert of the highest caliber. This program will include music of Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and Poulenc. All are welcome! Julie’s last concert two years ago was wonderful and we are looking forward to this year’s concert. For more information, please call (617) 566-0738. The Book Club, led by Amy Hozid, will meet once a month on Sundays, from 11:30 to 1:00. For more info, look in future issues of Tidings or contact Amy Hozid at [email protected], or (617) 566-1939.

It is not too early to think about Rosh Hashanah. The Sisterhood is giving you an opportunity to sweeten the holiday for family and friends, by placing your honey order early. Look for a flyer in June Tidings.

On a personal note, I want to thank all my synagogue friends for their caring and support during my recent family tragedy of losing my nephew, Daniel. Your kindness has helped so much.

Our April event was the Annual Brotherhood Shabbat Service on Saturday, April 18, 2009. The brothers who participated in the service were treated to a light continental breakfast as they reviewed their assigned roles in the service. Immediately following the Service there was a Kiddush luncheon sponsored by the Brotherhood in Lissner Hall. Everybody in attendance loved the service and the luncheon that followed.

There will be no official Brotherhood meeting in May. There are so many things going on between April and May that the Brotherhood Executive Board has decided to forgo the May meeting.

Save the Date: Tuesday, June 9 will double as our Annual Meeting/Dinner with election of new officers. Special speaker to follow dinner, concluding with a dessert bar. The speaker and dessert reception is open to the entire synagogue community. An RSVP is required for those Brotherhood members attending the dinner segment of the evening’s program. A separate RSVP is needed for the speaker and dessert reception to Jerry, [email protected] or 617-731-5736.

The schedule is as follows:

6:30 pm to 7:15 pm - Meeting will be called to order and we will hold the Annual Election of Officers during dinner.

7:15 pm to 7:30 pm - We will spend 15 minutes remembering our dear friend, Ben Adler, as we transition to our speaker for the evening.

7:30pm to 8:15pm - First Ben Adler Men’s Health Program, with special guest Dr. David Dodson.

8:15pm to 9:00pm - Dessert Reception

Dr. Dodson will speak about The Y Chromosome – Carry at Your Own Risk. This is a pertinent and important topic for several reasons. Everyone needs to know what to expect in terms of men’s health issues and how they can prevent illness and disease, including their spouses, family and friends. This topic was also on the top of Ben Adler’s wish list and he would have been happy to see this program. Dr. Dodson graduated from the University of Ottawa School of Medicine with Honors and did his residency in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He did a fellowship in clinical nutrition at Boston Medical Center with a focus in preventive medicine.

He currently practices at the Marino Center for Integrative Health in Wellesley. Dr. Dodson is a past president of the Charles River District of the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) and is chairman of the Men’s Health Committee of the MMS. He also serves on the scientific advisory panel for the Sixth World Congress on Men’s Health. This program is open to public and we urge our members to invite their friends, families, neighbors and colleagues to join us for this informative and educational event!

Once again, we thank all congregants for remembering to either mail or bring in their stamped cash register receipts from the Butcherie to the Brotherhood.

Illness? Hospitalization? Birth? Simcha?

Please let us know...

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“A Taste of Judaism: Are You Curious?” Thursday evenings: April 30, May 7 & 14, 7:30 - 9:30 pm

Rabbi John Franken will be teaching "A Taste of Judaism: Are You Curious?" at Temple Ohabei Shalom. This program is all about showing people what is delicious about Judaism; our faith, our customs and our community. As members of our synagogue, you are welcome to attend and we encourage you to spread the word to friends and family members. Please see registration information below.

"A Taste of Judaism: Are You Curious?" is a free, three session program being offered for adults who would like to explore Reform Judaism's relevance in today's world. Students are invited to learn about Jewish perspectives on topics of spirituality, ethics and community.

These classes are designed for “beginners” with all religious backgrounds welcomed. Course content is not dependent upon any previous knowledge about Judaism. In the class, free and lively discussion of Judaism’s approach to living in our rapidly changing society is encouraged. Unaffiliated Jews, interfaith couples, in-laws of Jews or anyone seeking more knowledge about Judaism, including individuals from other religious backgrounds, will find this course a good beginning.

There is no enrollment fee, however, pre-registration is requested and space is limited. Contact Joyce Schwartz for more information at the Union for Reform Judaism office: 781-449-0404 or [email protected]

For more information, please visit the Reform Jewish Outreach website:

Lifelong Learning

ARS End of the Year Brunch! Sunday, May 17, 9:30 am

Parents and Students should join us as we...

Celebrate the end of the school year Present annual awards

Honor our graduating seniors Enjoy end of the year presentations

Thank our teachers and staff

We hope to see all of our students & parents for a festive and fun end of the year.

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On Sunday, May 3 the Ansin Religious School students will participate in various hunger & homelessness social action projects. Kindergarten - Grade 2 will be doing social action projects at TOS for The Women’s Lunch Place. Grades 3 & 4 will be doing the Walk for Hunger from St. Mary’s St. to Cleveland Circle and back (Parents required to walk with their child(ren), students without parents will stay at TOS). Grades 5 - High School will be participating in the Walk for Hunger.

All parents are encouraged to join their child(ren) on this morning!

Ansin Religious School News



r Cale


s! Last Days of School

High School: Monday, May 11 Grades K - 7: Sunday, May 17

For the Whole Family Shabbat Mishpacha – ARS Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Friday, May 8, 6:00 pm Come celebrate the end of the school year and the many accomplishments of our students and faculty. Join us as we say goodbye for the summer and thank our teachers, staff and graduating seniors. Dinner following services. RSVP required to Amanda for dinner, [email protected] by Tuesday, May 5.

End of the Year Brunch Sunday, May 17, 9:30 am Parents and students should join us to celebrate the end of the school year, present annual awards, honor our graduating seniors, enjoy or end of the year student presentations and thank our teachers and staff.

Confirmation Friday, May 29, 7:30 pm Join us for Erev Shabbat Services to honor this year’s Confirmation students.

Tot Shabbat First Friday of the month Friday, May 1, 2009, 5:45 pm Join Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss as they bring the Shabbat experience alive for the youngest participants in our community. The evening will include activities, music, dancing and optional dinner for all participants.

For Students Grade 7 Step-up Night Monday, May 4, 6:00 - 8:30 pm Visit High School and see what it is all about for next year! Students who attend are excused from school that Tues.

Shari Churwin Director of Education It is difficult to believe that another school year is coming to a close. This is an exciting time for the ARS as many of our classrooms are currently being refurbished thanks to the Project For Our Future. As I look back on the accomplishments and challenges of the past year, a smile comes to my face as I remember all that has happened and all that we have done together. Our Shabbat Mishpacha series was better than ever this year, showcasing the many talents of our students. Who knew that early winter snow storms would have such an impact on the entire shul-in season? I want to thank our full time staff, Amanda Singer and Kate Mikesh, who have, time and time again, gone above and beyond the call of duty to help make the ARS such an warm and friendly place for each and every one of our students and families. I would also like to say thanks to our madrichim (teaching assistants) and teachers, who work hard everyday to fulfill the commandment of passing Judaism on to our children. Please come and thank our teachers and staff at our annual Teacher Appreciation Shabbat on Friday, May 8, 6:00 pm. I also want to thank the School Committee, led by Dina Brownstein, for their ongoing leadership and guidance, our parents for the deep commitment they have made to their children's Jewish education and our amazing students who march up the many stairs to their classrooms ready to learn with smiles on their faces! On our last day of school, Sunday, May 17, you are invited to join us as we rejoice and commemorate another fantastic year with a special brunch and presentations by all of the classes. I hope to see you there. ~Shari

Your ARS registration materials for the 2009 - 2010 school year were

mailed in April. Forms are due back to the school office by Monday,

May 4. If you have any questions or need new forms, please contact the school office.

Do you have unaffiliated friends that are interested in enrolling at the Ansin Religious School? There are Pre-K

through grade 10 class openings for the fall. Please have interested families contact Shari Churwin for more information: [email protected] or 617-739-9200.

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Honor your friends and loved ones with a TOS Tribute!

For more information, call the TOS office at 617-277-6610.

DID YOU KNOW? In 2009, taxpayers age 70.5 and older can give away up to $100,000 from their

IRA's directly to charities, TAX FREE! Please consult your financial advisor.

General Fund In Memory of R.K. (Shelley) Schwartz Rachel Klain Rachel Klain Enid P. Talambrias

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Lila and Joann Sesholtz Rabbi Franken Emil Kraner & Estra Chikh Rabbi Franken In Memory of Emil Kraner & Estra Chikh Alla Kraner Kiddush Sponsorship Beth & John Gamel Minyan Fund In Memory of Sylvia Koritz Marvin Meyer Mitchel Koritz David Pearlman Morns Pearlman James Steinberg Harry Fishman Ernest Weinterman Joseph H. Weinerman Sue Copeland Mary Feldman & Jacob Feldman Ita N. Wiener Sarah V. Keller Corinne E. Gilbert Sidney Ellis Steve Kern Sally Miller Robert Levine Fannie & Hyman Levine Edith Pollack Samuel White & Harry Eli White Catherine E. Glass Shepard R. Glass Kyra Berson Saul Kaplan Aaron Shinberg Jacob W. Shinberg Doris Zich Josephine Wilinsky Zich Shelia Shulkin & Louis Isenberg Marilyn Rosenthal Shurdut Family Rita C. Shurdut Nathan R. Levine Samuel Shapiro Palma Spunt Emil Zordan Elaine Cohen Esther M. Ruthfield Bruce A. Beal & Robert L. Beal Julius Beal Marlene Lebow Jean Lebow Rita Cohen Alice E. Ginsberg Louis Burke Dorothy Julia Burke Rosita & Aaron Shinberg Rose Ruth Shinberg Anita Leibowtiz Beatrice Borteck Mak Biondi Paul Benjamin Beal Richard Wennett Charles Wennett Dan & Eva Deykin David Yona Alexandra Gissin Shaya Tsytsarko & Naomi Kodysh Phoebe Langenthal Nathan Smith Zita M. Samuels Daniel Martin Lefman James & Norma Steinberg Abraham David Steinberg

Shirley Spero

Minyan Fund (cont.) In Memory of George Oshry Minnie Oshry Larry Green Morris Berson Stella Levi Samuel Cole &

Anita Stone Sara Gopen Weintraub S. Philip Gopen Milly Krakow & Martin Plovnick Simon Krakow

Prayer Book Fund In Memory of Esther Strachman Morris Dresner Brenda H. & David E. Rosengard Memorial Lecture Fund In Memory of Robert S. Rosengard Carol Rosengard Samuel Hazan

Due to construction, the Abitibi Paper dumpster has been removed from the parking lot. Thank you to everyone for bringing in your paper for the last year to support TOS and doing your part to protect the environment.

“Do not spoil or destroy My world.” (Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:13)

Page 13: May 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom


Yizkor Elohim - We lovingly remember

Connie Goldstein Edward Goldstein * Alfred Harris Max H. Levy Harry L. Lipkind * Simon Marlin Helen Rosenthal Jacob Scheinfeldt Norman B. Tobias * Hattie Wilson * Henry Wyner * Louis J. Adler Milton Grossman William Newman Hyman L. Schloss * Ethel Shapiro * Robert Charles Tirk * Ellen Lotte Urbach Jennie Wingersky May 8-14 Isaac Cohen * Bertha Marget Krinsky Rose Belitsky Ostrower Alice Samsen Sigmund Solomon Joyce Sumberg August Caro Hubert DeLynn Kolman Fleisher * Joseph Gersh Solomon Goldfarb * Solomon Goldkrand * Mildred Greenberg Irene Grund * Louis Isenberg * Abraham Kirstein Louis A. Macey * Ida Olansky * Bertha Obst Simons * Nellie Bernstein * Rosa Levi Cohen * David Goldberg Grete Lebach Abraham Levy Hanna Niditch Leo James Schildhaus Ralph Sobell * Walter Vanderwal Paul Bloom Sara G. Cohen * Margery Effenson * Rabbi Menahem M. Eichler Max Hoffman * Louis Kamin Saul Kaplan * Leonard Kudisch Florence Levine *

Esther Levinsky Joseph Rosenfield * Charlotte Rosnick Barnett Samuels * Bessie Samuels * Marie Stern * Rabbi Menaheim M. Tichler Solomon Caro Max Gerstein * Anna Lou Gracia George Kaplan Julius Lebach Celia Leibowitz Rae Needleman Edward E. Ginsburg Barney Hurwitz Morris Ralby * C. Sidney Shapiro Irving Adler Joseph Keezer * May 15-21 Solomon Ascher Ada Dorfman Esther Gilder Pearl Kirstein Morris Landman Sabet Y. Mangoubi * Shaul Mashal Jane Morningstar Janice Olins * Augusta R. Spector * Marilyn Belz Richard Caplan Sarah Herman Samuel J. Katz Sarah Martha Nathan * Flora Resnick * Margaret Beal * Karl Burack * Moses Gunsenhiser Ira Margolis * William Roginsky Bertha Sheinwald Isabella Sheinwald Wolfe James Smith * Abraham P. Spitz George Zakon * Abraham B. Beal * Jefferson S. Favermann Baruch Fox Alla M. Khlyap * Mildred Leifer Julius Lowenstein Esther R. Rosenberg * Abraham Schlesinger Benjamin Somer Sarah Rose Epstein

Bessie Hoffman * Morris Levin Abraham Levy * Joseph Libby Blanche L. Marks Esther Merriman Martin Orenberg Jacob Perlis Florence Plovnick Michael Reece Lillian L. Rolde * Max Shapiro * Beatrice Spector Rabbi Dudley Weinberg Cantor Erwin Wolkowich Ben Adler Clara Libby Beal * Harry Geisinger Abraham Gershon * Mary Greenhood Elinore Hootstein Harry Katz Sarah Cohen Menachem Sadie L. Rosenthal * Yetta Schmelzer Leon I. Shapiro * Charolotte G. Wyzanski Celia R. Cherry * Louis Cohen Stanley Gaynor William Hurwitch * Alfred Jacobson Louise Jacobson Gordon B. Lassow Sidney Newman * Rena Riess William Egon Schrage Herbert Siegal May 22-31 Henrietta Hyman Adler Meyer Brodsky * Barney Fagelman Marjorie Golov Muriel Smith Hurwitz Florence J. Kimball Eliza Levy Philip Miller Jacob Newman Mannah N. Shrago * William Sulkin Sumner Trombly Millie Wolkowich * Anna Zimet Lena Belis * Samuel Freiberg Samuel Goldman Annette Gordon *

May 1-7 Solomon Basch * Isaac Bornstein Florence Feinberg Louis Horwitz Hyman Hurwitz Maria Kandiner Beatrice Keizer * Frances Klatzkin Paul Markson Sofiya Podvalny David Presson William Rubin * Rose Serkess Ira Smith * Jennie Beal * Harold Chatis Elinore Green Fine * Suzanne Gardel Harry Janock Harry Levine Beth Z. Lurier Louis Markwett Mark Radlo * Sarah Sorkin Emma E. Frank Joseph Kanter * Mose Mechaber Lester Mintz Arlene Oppenheimer * Gertrude Stanger David H. Winnick * Anne Cogan Esther G. Goldenberg Pauline S. Goldenberg * Anna Koufman * Samuel Rodman Herman Schultz Solomon Shapiro Robert A. Sherman Basia Voltson Taten'ka Vorobyeva Samuel Alman Mona P. Beal * Goldie Chernus Clara Goldfarb * Louis M. Gropman * Maurice H. Hambro Carrie A. Janock Marjorie Kapsten Joseph Leifer Dora Marzynski * Janet F. Small Henry Wyzanski Samuel Anthony Ida Aronson * Harry Flamenbaum Charles W. Ginesky *

Joseph Helfgot, wife of Susan Whitman-Helfgot, father of Emily, Jonathan, Benjamin and Jacob Daniel F. Lehman, nephew of Betsy and Spencer Gould

Nettie Moskowitz, mother of Laura Moskowitz Eufegenio Soto, uncle of Hilda Lopez-Soto

We extend our deepest sympathy to their families. Those listed below are recorded in our Book of Remembrance, windows or on memorial plaques. An asterisk indicates that the plaque will be illuminated during the week of yahrzeit.

Page 14: May 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom


Yahrzeits, continued

Marshall Kates Roman Krigsgaber Mildred Levin E. Geoffrey Nathan * Max Shlanger Sidney T. Small Kunia Zelfond Leo J. Altman Louis H. Epstein * Max Frank Zelda Greenhood Henry G. Segal * Anna Sobell * Major L. Stern * Ralph Bloom Max Krauskopf * Simon Pearl * Rachel Hayman Berg Annabelle Berson David Friedman Harold Goldstein Aron Kocherovskiy Mary Winnick Rome * Israel Sagoff * Marisha Sindolovskiy Henrietta Cobe Selma Gordon * Harry Greenfield * Abraham Katz Leslie Loeb Harris Peyser Ida Rosen *

Paul Steinhauer Donald N. Urdang Martin Zanger William Ambuter * Dr. H. Arthur Berson Ida Marvin Braun Bella Fisher Max W. Goldman * Frances Hausman Fannie Miller Lillian Myers * Edward Wingersky * Jennie Berk Harold Harmon Marilyn Howard Harris Joffe Phillip Winnick * William A. Feinberg * Sumner David Goldberg * Charles H. Hertz Toby Kaufman Allan Meyers Evelyn Posner Annie Touro Leo Chavis Isaac Endlar * Henrietta J. Fishel Samuel Greenhood * Phillip Halpern Leon Laserson Myron Sherman *

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Page 16: May 2009 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom





May at Temple Ohabei Shalom May 1 5:45pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Tot Shabbat Dinner, RSVP required 7:00pm Shabbat Rishon: Gospel Shabbat 2 10:30am Shabbat Service: Bar Mitzvah of Josh Bilchik 3 ARS Walk for Hunger 9:15am ARS: Pre-K - Grade 7 9:30am Adult B’nei Mitzvah 4 6:00pm ARS: High School & Grade 7 Step-up Night 5 3:30pm ARS: Grades 3-7 6 7:00pm Sisterhood Event with Sonia Ravech 7 6:30pm Israel Trip Meeting with Keshet Israel Tours 7:30pm A Taste of Judaism: Are you Curious? 8 6:00pm Shabbat Mishpacha: ARS Teacher Appreciation Shabbat, Dinner to follow, RSVP required 9 10:30am Shabbat Service 10 9:15am ARS: Pre-K - Grade 7 9:30am Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class 11 6:00pm ARS: High School (Last Night of School) 12 3:30pm ARS: Grades 3-7 14 7:30pm A Taste of Judaism: Are you Curious? 15 6:00pm Erev Shabbat Service 16 10:30am Shabbat Service: Bat Mitzvah of Noa Shishko Sklar

17 9:15am ARS: Kindergarten - Grade 7 (Last Day of School) 9:30am ARS End of the Year Brunch 9:30am Adult B’nei Mitzvah 12:15pm Final Youth Even (Grades 3 - 12) 19 7:00pm Brookline Area Networking Group - all are welcome! 22 6:00pm Erev Shabbat Service 23 10:30am Shabbat Service: Bat Mitzvah of Emily Kern 25 Memorial Day: TOS office closed 29 7:30pm Confirmation and Erev Shabbat Service 30 10:30am Shabbat Service

June 2 7:00pm Temple Ohabei Shalom Annual Meeting 5 5:45pm Tot Shabbat 6:00pm Congregational Shabbat Dinner, RSVP required 7:30pm Shabbat Rishon: Installation of Rabbi Franken 6 10:30am Shabbat Service: Bat Mitzvah of Sylvie Florman 9 6:30pm Brotherhood Annual Meeting 7:30pm Brotherhood Speaker & Dessert Reception 14 3:00pm Sisterhood Piano Concert


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Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sun./Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Temple Ohabei Shalom is the area’s only Reform synagogue providing daily prayer for those in need of solace or a quiet moment of introspection.

Each daily worship leader commits to one 20-minute weekly service. To become a leader, please call the synagogue office (617) 277-6610.

May Candle Lighting Times

1 - 7:25 p.m. 8 - 7:33 p.m. 15 - 7:40 p.m.

22 - 7:47 p.m. 29 - 7:53 p.m.

Leadership Staff and Executive Board John A. Franken, Rabbi Randall M. Schloss, Cantor Emily G. Lipof, Rabbi Emerita Steven Davis, Executive Director Shari A. Churwin, Education Director Kim Singer, B’nei Mitzvah Educator Kate Mikesh, Dir. Informal Education David Sparr, Music Director

Jesse Cochin, President Arnie Greenfield, Vice President Edward Jacobs, Vice President Kathy Jonas, Vice President Cathryn Stein, Vice President Bob Loeb, Treasurer Martin Shore, Assistant Treasurer

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