Download - May 2010 Newsletter

Page 1: May 2010 Newsletter


STOP PRESS…STOP PRESS…STOP PRESS…STOP PRESS… We have been advised that major works will be carried out on the pylon in the school field during the summer holidays from Monday 6th to Friday 20th August. Parents and Students need to be aware that the tennis courts,

Astroturf and field will be out of bounds for

everyone during this time.

Dear Parents and Carers,Dear Parents and Carers,Dear Parents and Carers,Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now well into our examination season

and with our vertical curriculum we have at times

five hundred students sitting examinations. The

staff have offered a rigorous revision programme

which will continue through the half term break.

The students continue to take every opportunity

to access this support and are focused on the

task ahead. Our Learning Gateway, Fronter has a

full revision programme for most subjects, so

your child can also revise on line with materials

created by their teachers. If your child is taking

examinations this summer please support them

by ensuring that they take advantage of these


We are very pleased to have been able to extend

our curriculum model into year 9 for the next

academic year, so that all our year 9 students

will follow a GCSE or equivalent examination

course of their choice, whilst still ensuring a

broad and balanced curriculum. The students

are very excited with this programme which

enables them a higher degree of choice at an

earlier stage in their education.

All secondary schools within Enfield have been

approached to participate in security screening.

On the last day of the half term the Borough

Commander and local police operated a security

arch at the school. Students and staff were

pleased to accommodate this initiative as it

raises for all of us awareness of personal safety.

We have also had assemblies on the theme of

internet safety. Please ensure that you check

your children’s internet access and the kind of

information they post on networking websites.

Further to our consultation on biometric registra-

tion, we have sent individual letters to each

student. Please ensure that you return the letter

to school. I am confident that the new technology

will enhance how we can support you as parents.

We are continuing to develop our technology to

ensure that parents get clear up to date informa-

tion through our learning gateway. If you have

not yet accessed your child’s record

electronically please contact Mr Andre at

[email protected],

to be issued with your password.

Our Chicago trip was very successful as you will

read on pages 8 and 9. It has given all of the

students involved a fantastic experience and for

the four students who will potentially receive

scholarships, a life changing opportunity. Thank

you for all the support you gave to the fundrais-

ing for this trip. We raised in total £11,007.33.

We were also very pleased to welcome Tessa

Sanderson to the school as our guest of honour

for the Celebrating Sports awards evening.

I wish you a restful break and thank you for your

continuing support.

Janet Cullen


Lyndsay Johnson, Tessa Sanderson and Janet Cullen

at the Celebrating Sports awards evening

Page 2: May 2010 Newsletter


Student VoiceStudent VoiceStudent VoiceStudent Voice School Council choose Jack Petchey Award WinnersSchool Council choose Jack Petchey Award WinnersSchool Council choose Jack Petchey Award WinnersSchool Council choose Jack Petchey Award Winners

The Jack Petchey Foundation allocates 10 awards to Lea

Valley High School each year. Winners receive £200 to

spend on enriching or supporting an area of school life. For

example, last year one student chose to take her Drama

class to the theatre, another chose to buy extra equipment

for the Duke of Edinburgh Award group.

Following a visit and information session from a representa-

tive of the Foundation, the School Council asked to organ-

ise nominations for the awards from the student body.

There will still be one staff award and one Principal’s award

but the other 8 are to be awarded between the year groups,

by the School Council.

The Criteria for Jack Petchey awards are:

• Effort

• Positive attitude

• Overcoming difficulties or problems

• Taking on personal challenges

Young people are often excellent judges of each others

strengths and frequently know more about the circum-

stances of their peers than the adults around them. Each

Tutor Group is offered the chance to nominate 2 members

of their class, with reasons. Names are then erased and the

School Council selects from unnamed descriptions. In addi-

tion, the year group for which the award is being considered

is not allowed to see the nominations or participate in any

way in the selection process. This ensures that everyone

has a chance to nominate and be nominated and

eliminates the possibility of favouritism or corruption.

I have been impressed by the systems that the working

party developed, by their enthusiasm and efficiency in

delivering and collecting nominations and by their sense of

commitment and fair play. Thanks also to Form Tutors for

helping facilitate the process during Lifeskills lessons.

The following students have received nominations this year.

Congratulations to:

( Year 10)( Year 10)( Year 10)( Year 10)

Chris Ogieva , Chloe Hughes-Cullian, Anthony Coombes

Murat Korkmaz, Lewis Gorman, Chloe Lane, Tice Mehmet

Sam Rose*

(Year 11)(Year 11)(Year 11)(Year 11)

Eylam Kara, Ema-Jane Jenkins, Alice Smith,

Darrick Coomsonm Lauren Price, Kelly Webb, Karay Ayan,

Paige Logie* Mohammed Aylan, Gemma Martin

(Year 12 & 13)Year 12 & 13)Year 12 & 13)Year 12 & 13)

Poppy Green, Daniel Noble*, Cirhesna Hibbert

Rob Kasongo, Rikki Masterton, Antolina Szpak,

Khalid Abdirabi

(* = Award winner)

Jo Danischewsky

Link Teacher for the School Council

Super HeroesSuper HeroesSuper HeroesSuper Heroes “I have learnt to share, to not talk as much as I used to and to stay focused. It’s a nice project. Give the teachers all the

respect, stay focused and you will enjoy it.”

Marco Faria, 9TWMarco Faria, 9TWMarco Faria, 9TWMarco Faria, 9TW

A number of students in Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in the

Superheroes Project, designed by the Secondary Support Service. The project was created to promote some of the

outcomes from the SEAL agenda, in particular, how to lis-ten, focus and work effectively together. There was also an emphasis on celebrating one’s own and others’ achieve-


Students studied a

range of well-known superheroes and vil-

lains. They considered the features of a true hero or villain, and

talked about their imagined habitats and

lifestyles. Following this research, students discussed how they would create

their own original characters. Using a range of mediums, from fabric to felt tips, and from glitter to fur, they then cre-ated figures, designed and cut out patterns, and brought

their imagined characters to life. Finally, students created a name, profile and a range of superpowers for their figure.

Throughout the eight-week project, the students’ conduct

was excellent and their achievement was celebrated when they participated in a Private View of their work. This fan-

tastic event was attended by their friends, staff and par-ents.

“I have learnt how to be kind and to share.” Nadean Pillay, 7EPNadean Pillay, 7EPNadean Pillay, 7EPNadean Pillay, 7EP

“Enjoy it. Don’t disturb others, as it will be wicked in the end.”

Jordan Knight, 7EPJordan Knight, 7EPJordan Knight, 7EPJordan Knight, 7EP

In behaviour support, we are all very proud of our students’

achievement. We hope you are too!

Alison Varndell

Director of Subject, Behaviour

Martin Heraud AwardsMartin Heraud AwardsMartin Heraud AwardsMartin Heraud Awards Two Lea Valley Students were

awarded the Martin Heraud Award for Endeavour earlier this term.

Lewis Gorman and Berfin Aydogdu and their proud parents were invited by the Enfield Rotary Club

to a lovely meal and ceremony where they received their award

for the hard work they have put into their

studies and the progress they have made. Along side students from other Enfield schools and their fami-

lies and teachers, as well as the Rotary Club members, the two stu-

dents had to make a speech to the crowded room, which they did very clearly and confidently,

as excellent representatives of Lea Valley High School.

“ I was so happy when I got my award and my family were really

proud of me. Don’t just wish for it...Work for it!”

Berfin Aydogdu 8DLBerfin Aydogdu 8DLBerfin Aydogdu 8DLBerfin Aydogdu 8DL

Helen Powell

Assistant Principal

Page 3: May 2010 Newsletter


Information, Advice & GuidanceInformation, Advice & GuidanceInformation, Advice & GuidanceInformation, Advice & Guidance World Book DayWorld Book DayWorld Book DayWorld Book Day

World Book Day took

place on the 4th

March 2010. We

celebrated World Book

day with a visit from

the Author, Bernard

Ashley. Bernard Ash-

ley worked with a wide

range of students

from all year groups in

two workshops. He was a captivating story teller and had

the students mesmerised with his tales. Afterwards he

signed autographs for the students.

After school Year 7 Reading groupAfter school Year 7 Reading groupAfter school Year 7 Reading groupAfter school Year 7 Reading group

A number of year 7 students attend the after school reading

group on Wednesday afternoons with our library assistant

Ms Bateman. This takes place in the library and is aimed

at encouraging and raising the students’ reading levels. The

group is well attended and students’ are benefiting from the

extra support that they are receiving.

Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience –––– 28th June 28th June 28th June 28th June –––– 9th July 2010 9th July 2010 9th July 2010 9th July 2010

Work Experience for year 10 is fast approaching and stu-

dents should now be preparing to call their employers and

arrange their interviews. This is an exiting time for year 10

students as they prepare to experience two weeks in the

world of work. Should you have any queries please contact

me! All year 10 students will be sitting a maths exam on

the 30th June, letters have been sent home about this and

letters have also been sent to all employers to make them

aware of the situation. Students will be expected to attend

the exam and then continue on to their work placement

straight after.

UCAS HE Convention UCAS HE Convention UCAS HE Convention UCAS HE Convention

50 Year 12 students’ visited the UCAS HE Convention on

the 5th March 2010. The convention brings together

universities within the UCAS scheme to inform and guide

prospective university students. Visiting the convention

plays a vital part in helping students decide about what and

where to study within higher education. Prospectuses are

available from most of the stands at the conventions and

gives the students an insight as to what each of the univer-

sities offers.

AIM HIGHER HE Summer SchoolsAIM HIGHER HE Summer SchoolsAIM HIGHER HE Summer SchoolsAIM HIGHER HE Summer Schools

A number of students have applied for the Aim Higher Uni-

versity Summer school programme. The aim of the HE

Summer schools is to give students a taste of university life.

They are designed to show students the opportunities

higher education has to offer and give them the chance to

explore the options open to them. A number of our students

have been accepted into the summer school programme

again this year.

Helen Roberts

Assistant Director: Information, Advice & Guidance

School Sport Partnership School Sport Partnership School Sport Partnership School Sport Partnership Take 6 Basketball:Take 6 Basketball:Take 6 Basketball:Take 6 Basketball:

On Thursday 25th March, the Enfield PE Team in conjunc-

tion with Mini Basketball England organised a Primary

School Festival in Take 6 Bas-

ketball which is a small sided

version of the game designed

to make the game more acces-

sible to younger children.

We also had young leaders

from Lea Valley High School

and Bishop Stopford’s School

helping to run coaching ses-

sions and then run the tourna-

ment. The following 6th form

students assisted on the day;

Ryan Hek, Elizabeth Baidoo

Cari Philadelphia, Ben McErlean

Tanya Maphosa, Cyril Sarran

Dare 2 Dance Dare 2 Dance Dare 2 Dance Dare 2 Dance ---- Girls Dance Empowerment Day: Girls Dance Empowerment Day: Girls Dance Empowerment Day: Girls Dance Empowerment Day:

On Friday 23 April, around 80 girls aged 14-19 from across

the Borough took part in a street and break dance work-

shop. The idea behind Dare 2 Dance was to empower the

girls to think wider than

just performing dance but

also to think about other

pathways that maybe

open to them within the

area of Dance and Per-

forming Arts. The girls

learnt a number of moves

and routines across the

genre of street and break

dancing including body popping, they were also treated to

performances from some of the top female break dancers

in the country to inspire them to get involved in dance per-


Leadership Academy:Leadership Academy:Leadership Academy:Leadership Academy:

The Leadership Academy students have finished the 4 ses-

sions for this academic year and are now being encouraged

to use the skills they have learnt to volunteer at a number

of sports events across

Enfield and London in the

coming months. They will

be completing their Step

into Sport passports

which logs the amount of

hours they have volun-

teered and certificates

this so that the students

have something tangible

to use with their CV when applying to University or jobs.

The students are also in the process of organising a Multi

Sports Festival for Primary School students in July.

Page 4: May 2010 Newsletter


Careers FayreCareers FayreCareers FayreCareers Fayre

On Thursday 18 March we held a very successful Sports

Careers Fayre at Lea Valley High School. We invited the

Borough’s Leadership Academy students to attend along

with all the students in Key Stage 4 and 5 who are studying

PE and Sport pathways in the

curriculum. The sports hall was

set up as a marketplace and

students could speak with or-

ganisations and groups (Army,

Royal Navy, University sports

departments, Physiotherapists,

coaching organisations etc)

who advised them on the opportunities

and careers that are open to students in

the area of PE and Sport. There was also

plenty of interactive equipment to keep

the students entertained and lots of

informative literature to take away to

help make decisions on possible future


Tag RugbyTag RugbyTag RugbyTag Rugby

The Lea Valley and Enfield School Sports Partnerships in

conjunction with the RFU, Saracens and Enfield Ignatians

held the annual Borough Festival at Enfield Ignatians on

Tuesday 18 May. Over 200 students from 20 schools at-

tended the day. They played 6 games each in the form of

group stages and then the top two from each group played

in quarter finals, semi and then the final.

Eventually, after a fantastic final, Merryhills Primary School

beat Grange Park, who were the Cluster League Champions

from earlier on in the season, 10-9 after a second period of

extra time. It really was a fantastic day with so many stu-

dents from across the Borough playing to such high stan-

dard and with such enthusiasm and spirit.

Ahmed AbdullaAhmed AbdullaAhmed AbdullaAhmed Abdulla

Just before Easter, ex Lea Valley High School student Ah-

med Abdulla came and assisted Mr Oynucu, Mr Woodville

and Mr Turner with a training session for the Year 8 football

squad. Ahmed was a schoolboy at the Arsenal academy

while at Lea Valley but moved to West Ham Utd when he

was 16 and is now a professional at West Ham, playing

regularly for the Reserves and hopefully in the near future

looking to break into the first team squad.

The Year 8 boys went to see Ahmed play for West Ham in

the FA Youth Cup back in February and so he came in to

take the students through their paces, answer questions on

the life of a professional footballer and advise the boys on

the importance of education as well as a career in sport.

We wish Ahmed all the best in his football career and thank

him for giving up his time to work with the students.

Interhouse Results:Interhouse Results:Interhouse Results:Interhouse Results:

The next Interhouse competition is on Tuesday 25 May,

when the Year 7 students will compete in an Rounders


The 5 a side football was very successful before Easter,

with large numbers of boys and girls competing for their

House. The overall results for the football competition were

as follows (this includes the competitions for Year 9 and 10

Boys and Girls).

SR are overall 5 a side Football Champions for 2010

Tim Perkins

Partnership Development Manager


Our first match against Chase Community School in the

Enfield Cricket tournament! We were in the changing room

getting changed into our cricket kit, discussing our strategy.

Everybody on our team was ready and so was I. We made

our way to the Astro-Turf and met the pupils that we were

going to play against, they looked very good, and I mean

very good!. Most of them very tall and were experienced

players. Matthew our number one bowler was chosen to be

our Team Captain, Matthew and the Captain of the other

team stood up and flicked a coin to decide who would bowl

first. Matthew succeeded in giving us a healthy advantage;

we were bowling first that was our advantage because Mat-

thew, Ferhat and Fabien were our star bowlers of the team.

They scored a total of 7 wickets between them, tying down

Chase to 102 all out. Then it was our turn to bat, Matthew

and Ferhat went in to bat first, unfortunately Ferhat was

out for 3 runs, then Malcolm came in to the crease ready to

rock ‘n’ roll! Matthew scored us 54 runs and Malcolm

scored us 35 runs, with 8 more runs because of the wides

and no-balls, we finished on 103-1 our Glorious Victory! We

were free to cheer. With his 43 runs and 3 wickets, Mat-

thew was the man of the match. On behalf of myself and all

the Team I would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Oyuncu

for coaching us, his support and giving up his time to help

us out.

Nathaniel Vanderpuye 8BM

1st SR 23 points

=2nd MJ 19 points

=2nd DL 19 points

4th EP 18 points

5th SG 17 points

6th BM 15 points

7th TW 12 points

8th SC 10 points

Page 5: May 2010 Newsletter


PhotographyPhotographyPhotographyPhotography Photography GCSE has

been a new course to

the school this year.

Students have looked

at aspects of digital

photography including

colour, composition

and digital manipula-

tion. Students have

been looking at the

work of artist Julian

Opie and creating their

own versions of his

work. This picture was

taken as a simple col-

our photo and then

edited in PhotoShop to

give it the flat, simplified look that inspired by Opie. It was

created by Katie Gardner and is a portrait of Buddy Neville.

Aimee Lawrence

Teacher of Photography

Sport Relief 2010Sport Relief 2010Sport Relief 2010Sport Relief 2010 On Wednesday 17th March 2010, Lea Valley High School

Sports Council along side Mr N Woodville organised a mile

run around the school in aid of Sport Relief. The course was

based around the perimeter of the school field, the astro-

turf pitch and the outside of the school building; this being

an exact mile. All Students were able to donate £1 to wear

their trainers with their sport relief socks and run the mile

during the school day. Lower school Students chased two

sixth formers, Daniel Cole and George Luck, who were

dressed as hares! They ran along side their teachers,

including their Principal, Ms J Cullen.

The event was a complete success with students interact-

ing with their peers and staff to raise money. The students

and staff raised a total topping over £400. The money

raised will be donated to the Sport Relief Charity, where it

will help to transform the lives of poor and vulnerable peo-

ple, both at home and across the world’s poorest countries.

Emma Hayward

Deputy-Head Girl / Sports Council Chair

Aim Higher in ArtAim Higher in ArtAim Higher in ArtAim Higher in Art Three AS students from Lea Valley were accepted onto a

Saturday school at Chelsea School of Art and Design, one of

the top three Art schools in the country. The school ran over

three Saturdays and allowed students the chance to see

how a top art school runs, experience a taster of life as an

Art student and also to see what different courses they

could study. The students also took part in creative work,

making sculptures and using the professional photography

studios belonging to Chelsea Art School.

Five students from our AS and A2 year groups have been

accepted onto a two-week summer school at Central St

Martin’s School of Art, another of the top three Art schools

in the country. Students will be given a grounding in all of

the Art disciplines that Central St Martin’s offer. This will be

an amazing opportunity for our students to really further

their Art skills and experience university life. Congratula-

tions to Chloe Kidd, Chloe Wall, Rachael Christodoulou,

Naomi Hackett and Sophie Player, we can’t wait to hear all

about your time at Central St Martin’s!

Aimee Lawrence

Assistant Director of Year 8

Literacy at Lea ValleyLiteracy at Lea ValleyLiteracy at Lea ValleyLiteracy at Lea Valley Students in year 7, 8 and 9 have begun their new comic

strip during AM registration. They have been asked to

design their own comic strip, creating a character that

spends a day at Lea Valley High School. There have already

created a number of different characters who face various

quandaries. Meanwhile, the creative cultural workshop has

begun in earnest with students across key stage 3 partici-

pating in a cultural workshop where they are taking the

opportunity to learn about different parts of the world and

different cultures. As a starting point they have been

researching those countries that are involved in the World

Cup. Other students in the older years have been taking

advantage of essay writing workshops which have helped

them to improve their writing style and ultimately their


Tom Hawkins

Literacy Co-ordinator

Mathalon 2010Mathalon 2010Mathalon 2010Mathalon 2010 Our Year 9 students were invited to participate in the first

Mathalon at St. Mary’s High School in Cheshunt in March.

Teams of students had to participate in an online test and

then competed with the other schools being asked quick-

fire maths questions which they had to answer out loud.

Lea Valley were the only school selected to represent

Enfield and competition was tough against the five Hertford-

shire Schools, not helped by Lea Valley battling one student

down! Having a team of three against the other teams of

four members

The students did extremely well and managed to be placed

second, losing to The Broxbourne School. Congratulations

to the students who took part:

Jack Warren, Noor Owarish, Safia Dahir.

Helen Roberts


Page 6: May 2010 Newsletter


Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Duke of Edinburgh

Practice Expedition 24Practice Expedition 24Practice Expedition 24Practice Expedition 24thththth May May May May 20 6th form students completed their practice expedition

successfully this

spring. This in-

volved planning

a route for a 6

h o u r w a l k

through Epping

Forest to Gilwell

Park on Satur-

day, camping

overnight and

w a l k in g o n

through the forest to Theydon Bois on Sunday.

By the end of the practice, the teams were confident to

cook meals on trangia stoves, sleep under canvas, navigate

using a combination of map and compass and support each

other in a variety of situations. We were fortunate to have

rain so valuable

lessons were

learnt such as;

keep your map

dry or it will fall

to pieces, if your

tent is dry when

you get up pack

it before it gets

wet and back-

packs some-

times have waterproof covers. (See photograph!)

Thanks to Mr Cassidy, Ms Schofield and Mr Hawkins for

giving their weekend to the activity and (as some of the

usual staff that help were caught by the ash cloud) particu-

lar thanks to par-

ents who helped

with pick up at

short notice and

to Mr Astle who

kindly came and

collected the kit.

Student s now

need to bring their

logbooks in to sign

off the sections for

leisure, service and recreational activity, before their next


The qualifying expedition will take place at the end of Term,

and we will be making an overnight camp in the Screens

Park area near Chelmsford.

Well done to the Bronze group for willingness to engage in

and learn from new activities and a great team spirit.

Jo Danischewsky

Director of Enrichment

Jam Free Dance ProjectJam Free Dance ProjectJam Free Dance ProjectJam Free Dance Project Year 10 dance students Ryheim Scott and Jayden Gjuzi, members of Lea Valley’s Got Talent winning dance group;

Flava, took the opportunity offered to them to become in-volved in this exciting project organised by Enfield Borough

Council Arts Officer, Zoe Prosser and the Dance Arts Foun-dation.

Coached by danc-

ers and choreogra-phers from Sad-

dlers Wells Ballet Company, our stu-

dents worked on Saturday mornings with students from

other schools to put together a ballet inspired dance pro-duction which they performed once locally for their families

and again at Saddlers Wells!

Jayden and Ryheim enjoyed the experience, leaning about comtempory ballet, a dance style they had not worked in before. It was a great experience to work with the profes-

sional dancers from such a prestigious company, they felt they learnt a great deal to help them in their studies for the


Helen Powell

Assistant Principal

Jack Petchey Awards CeremonyJack Petchey Awards CeremonyJack Petchey Awards CeremonyJack Petchey Awards Ceremony Lea Valley High School was again chosen as the venue for the

Borough’s Jack Petchey event. Award winners and their fami-

lies were welcomed

by Neil Rousell, Co-

director of Education,

Children’s Services

and Leisure, the eve-

ning was compared

by Barbara Firth and

Chris Bullock, Grants

Officer for the Jack

Petchy Foundation,

talked about the

aims of the Foundation.

Jack Petchey was turned away from a job, being told he ‘wasn’t

good enough’ after completing active service during the war,

however, through his own hard work and enterprise by the

1990’s he had become one of the most successful entrepre-

neurs in Britain! His awards are given to young people who

have made a whole hearted and unselfish contribution to their

school, club or community. Leader Awards were presented to

adults who have demonstrated an outstanding ability and com-

mitment to encourage and motivate young people. The Lea

Valley Award was presented to Miss Tate.

The evening was inspirational, award winners and their families

enjoyed singing, musical and dance performances from young

people from the Borough, including Lea Valley’s dance group,


Lea Valley is very proud of its winners who were presented with

their certificates and medals on the evening as well as being

awarded £200 to spend to benefit other students at school:

Lea Valley winners were:

Pamela Milla, Karolina Kierpacz, Mihaela Volosciuc, Kyle Kenny

Hannah Parker, Nii-Larte Lartey, Safia Ali, Jashua Cutler, Kate


Page 7: May 2010 Newsletter


InclusionInclusionInclusionInclusion Jamie’s FarmJamie’s FarmJamie’s FarmJamie’s Farm

Four year 8 students and three year 7 students visited

Jamie’s Farm in Bath for the first week of the Summer

Term. Within the first few minutes of arriving at the farm,

mobile phones, i-pods and mp3 players were confiscated,

along with the any sweets, crisps and chocolate that

students happened to be carrying! This initial ceremony was

to set the tone for the week, as hard work and exercise

were fuelled by lashings of beautifully-prepared low-salt,

low-sugar, additive-free food.

Many of the students thrived in this rural environment,

thoroughly enjoying working with the animals and very

quickly bonding with site staff. Activities included feeding,

medicating, mucking out and herding different kinds of

livestock. All students also went horse-riding on at least

one occasion and some of the students cooked delicious

food which we all enjoyed. A few students even had the

opportunities to go to an auction.

Each of the students encountered moments of difficulty,

but all seemed to grow in confidence as the week

progressed, taking part in all that

farm life had to offer. The week

had a positive affect on the

students, and all of them rose to

the occasion and embraced many

of the experiences on offer.

The ethos of the farm was to

create a family atmosphere. In

between long stints of outdoor

work, students and adults ate

together, discussing what they

had been doing and what they wanted to do before they

went home. The students were encouraged to speak pleas-

antly and politely to each other, remembering manners

when asking for things out of reach further along the dining


Group and individual reflection, with ‘shout-outs’, where

students praised other people’s achievements, were also

very powerful experiences. The students learnt a lot about

themselves and grew to value each other.

To top it all, the weather was amazing all week and we were

all very sad to leave. While some looked forward to their

first takeaway all week, others offered to give up all of their

electronic gadgets if they could only stay on the farm


Alison Varndell

Director of Subject, Behaviour

Celebrating Sports AwardsCelebrating Sports AwardsCelebrating Sports AwardsCelebrating Sports Awards Lea Valley High School hosted

this prestigious awards cere-

mony attended by Olympic Gold

Medallist, javelin thrower Tessa

Sanderson and His Worship the

Mayor of Enfield, who pre-

sented the awards.

Angelina Rowntree in Year 13 was runner up in the Young

Sports Volunteer of the Year category and Lyndsay Johnson,

who coaches our highly successful girls football team who

impressed the American scouts so much in Chicago, was

runner up in the Coach of the Year awards.

Stephanie Holloway

Director of Specialsim

Page 8: May 2010 Newsletter


CHICAGO 2010CHICAGO 2010CHICAGO 2010CHICAGO 2010 After six months of fundraising and organising 12 boys

and 12 girls from years 10 – 13, Lea Valley’s senior boys

and girls football teams embarked on a trip of a lifetime

with five very excited members of staff during the Easter

holidays. After a rather rough landing in Chicago and a

17 stop El ride into Downtown, to say everyone was tired

when we got there was a understatement.

The first morning, not so bright eyed but very excited, the

group were visited by a representative from Challenger

Sports UK, who spoke to the students on the possible

coaching opportunities available to them in the USA.

After tales of signing autographs, being treated like a

star and the actual realization that they could embark on

a football coaching career in the USA, the students were


Still on a high, the players made their way to the lake-

front for a training session, with the city skyline in the

background. The staff put the players through their

paces and seriously, we have never seen some of these

students work so hard. It was clear from this moment

that this trip had already had an effect on their attitudes.

After a shower and a quick nap it was off to see the

sights, with a walk up Michigan Avenue to Millenium

Park, via the Water Tower Place and the Chicago River.

The highlight was the Chicago Bean. I don’t think there

has ever ‘bean’ so much appreciation for modern art!

The night’s entertainment was a Chicago Bulls game.

Though tired, all the staff and students thoroughly en-

joyed this. They met the Benny the Bull mascot and

loved the general atmosphere, usually only reserved for

football in the U.K. The highlight however for most stu-

dents was ‘We’re gonna do the wave’ – a song sang and

echoed by LVHS students and Mr.Jones very excitedly as

they got the whole upper section of the United Centre to

do a Mexican Wave.

In the morning the serious side of the trip began with a

visit to Robert Morris University. The students were

taught by the Dean of Business about the history of Chi-

cago and how they can live the American Dream – by

just setting their goals higher. Then they met the Head

Women’s coaches who educated the students about

scholarships to America. After photographs for a Univer-

sity magazine, gifts from the University and a tour, many

students were talking about how they wanted this –

studying in America. Aspirations were already raised.

That evening after a long trip to Rockford, the staff and

students met up with players and parents from the Rock-

ford Dactyls/Raptors for dinner at the Machine Shed.

Each player was linked up with a ‘buddy’ and by the end

of dinner they had been given even more gifts and were

chatting like they’ve known each other for weeks. To say

they were excited was an understatement.

“I am so impressed with your players. I wish I could get my girls to play with such

passion and tackle as hard as these

girls. They have so much raw talent”

American Coach

Page 9: May 2010 Newsletter


After a much needed sleep in it was game day. A mixture

of nerves and excitement greeted the staff at breakfast.

But by the time we reached the fields at the Puma Col-

lege Showcase all were much more focused. It was the

boys to play first and, after a shaky start, they were

exceptional. Mussa, Alex, Theo and Khyber particularly

stood out. The game finished 1-1. Their second game

was against much tougher opposition though, a Rock-

ford side that contained many players who already had

their scholarships secured. Even though the game

finished with LVHS on the loosing end, every one of the

boys were outstanding, with George and Sammy giving

solid performances in the middle.

The girls were up next, and they were ready and focused.

The first game against a much bigger and fitter Rockford

team proved to be a reality check for the girls. However

they took the loss on the chin and their second game

was inspiring. There were so many stand-out perform-

ances as the girls held an excellent Chicago Fire team to

a draw, even though they were mostly aged 17 and 18

and train together 2 or 3 times a week. Mollie, Katie,

Wendy and Ayse were particularly outstanding. I person-

ally have never seen these girls play so well; they were a

true credit to Lea Valley High School.

Buzzing from their day of football the students headed

straight for the pasta party for them and their buddies,

organised by the Rockford Park District. This evening

made you proud to be a Lea Valley teacher. Many of

these students were completely out of their comfort

zone, however they responded remarkably. The way

they, without instruction, socialised with the American

players and behaved impeccably, was a true credit to

the school and their parents.

The word tough could not even begin to describe the

second day of football. Exhausted and sore, both sets of

players had a morning game that would push them to

their limits. But still the character and determination

came out, and even though each team were on the loos-

ing side, they left the field with everyone extremely proud

of the determination and heart they showed.

The final night gave us a final dinner – where the stu-

dents dressed to impress. After wonderful food at

‘Champs,’ there was a small presentation for Players’

Player of the tournament which was awarded to Theo

Jones and Mollie Kmita, Coaches MVP for Alex Childs

and Ayse Mustafa and Most Improved Player for Danny

Burke and Katie Gardner.

With the football over, all that was left for the final day

was Shopping!! Something all students were excited

about . With Abercrombie and Fitch, Macy’s and Vans to

name but a few, many students had to purchase bigger

carry-on bags to take all their new clothes home.

This tour tested the students both mentally and physi-

cally and more than anything the students shone

through. The goal of the trip was to inspire these stu-

dents and to give them an experience that will open

doors and motivate them to aim higher. Some students

returned home, after being scouted by American Univer-

sities, with the very real possibility of a football scholar-

ship. Others found their career path in coaching. How-

ever all students returned home with new found friends

both at home and abroad and with a bond with their

teammates that is as strong as ever and memories to

last a forever. This really was a trip of a lifetime.

Since returning, eight students from years 11, 12 & 13

have been contacted regarding scholarships and are in

negotiations with the Universities, a fantastic tribute to

their skill and hard work and the dedication of all the

staff and parents involved in the organisation of the


Sara Mussell

Teacher of Business

Giving the last words to Sammy Locker-Townsend

(we heard them throughout the trip)

“I’m going to America to play, nothing is

going to stop me - I wish I could stay

here now, I love it!”

Page 10: May 2010 Newsletter


Learning GatewayLearning GatewayLearning GatewayLearning Gateway Parents: Have you signed up for the

Learning Gateway yet? Do you want to access live information about your child’s

learning at Lea Valley High School? Including:

ο Morning/Afternoon attendance information

ο Lesson Attendance information

ο Behaviour and achievements

ο Timetable information

ο Contact details held for you and your child

ο Letters from the school

If you would like to gain access to this system please com-plete the form on the website or contact me, Jason AndréJason AndréJason AndréJason André, at school, and I will send you a username and password to en-

able you to access the the system

Curriculum NewsCurriculum NewsCurriculum NewsCurriculum News

Fronter in ScienceFronter in ScienceFronter in ScienceFronter in Science

Over the past term the Science department has been work-

ing very hard on putting resources on Fronter for our GCSE

classes. Students can access them by going to , clicking on the learning gateway link and

then using their normal school login details.

Resources available to aid revision include:

Online versions of the textbook

Revision podcasts for your phones and mp3 players

Past exams with answers

Interactive exams with animated answers

Links to the BBC bitesize website for the specific course the

student is doing

It is essential that all GCSE classes are making good use of

these resources in order to prepare for their exams. The key

exam dates in science are:

Biology 1: 9th June (re-sits for Year 10 & 11)

Chemistry 1: 16th June (all of Year 10 and re-sits for year 11)

Physics 1: 24th June (all of Year 10 and re-sits for year 11)

Revision sessions for Science run every Wednesday from


Martin Cassidy

Deputy Director of Science.

Key Stage 3 MathsKey Stage 3 MathsKey Stage 3 MathsKey Stage 3 Maths

Assessment season is well underway in the Maths Depart-

ment. Year 7 and 8 students have completed their end of year assessments, and their results will be published in

their summer reports. Year 9 students successfully com-pleted their SATs examination and are expected to do extremely well.

A group of 20 AG&T students from year 7 and 8 competed

in the prestigious UK Maths Challenge aimed at the top third of students in the country. Students sat an hour exam

paper testing their mathematical knowledge and under-standing. Results are expected back in early June and the top students in the country will be invited to compete in the

Junior Mathematical Olympiad. Good luck to all those who took part!

On 3rd March, Key Stage 3 students celebrated World

Maths Day by taking part in an online mental maths compe-tition against over 1 million students from 235 countries all

over the world including Sri Lanka, The Philippines, South Africa, Hungary, United Arab Emirates and Turkey, to name

a few. Altogether Lea Valley students answered nearly 100,000 correct answers and united with over 56,000 schools to set a new world record! All students enjoyed the

competition but special congratulations must go to Joseph Namooa-Foster who answered the most number of correct

questions and Nina Gamboa who had the highest score. Well done!

Here are the top scorers and best classes in each year group:

Key Stage 4 MathsKey Stage 4 MathsKey Stage 4 MathsKey Stage 4 Maths

Exam season is underway and revision sessions are avail-

able for all year 10 and 11 students.

Maths Mondays take part after school on the maths

corridor for year 11.

Tuesday lunchtime session runs in MA2 for year 10.

A Level revision also continues after school.

There is also a Saturday session on 5th June. Please ensure

you sign up with you class teacher.

Remember “fail to prepare and be prepared to fail”

Students must ensure they have all the necessary equip-

ment in preparation for the exam and bring these to every lesson as well:

Calculator, Pens and Pencils, Ruler, Protractor, Compass

GCSE Maths Exam DatesGCSE Maths Exam DatesGCSE Maths Exam DatesGCSE Maths Exam Dates

Alex Raphael

Subject Leader for Key Stage 3 Mathematics

Top ScorerTop ScorerTop ScorerTop Scorer Best ClassBest ClassBest ClassBest Class

Year 7 Hale Temizturk 7x2

Year 8 Nina Gamboa 8y1

Year 9 Farirai Mzila 9x1

ExamExamExamExam DateDateDateDate TimeTimeTimeTime

Linear Higher (non- calculator) Mon June 7 13:15

Modular Unit 3 (non calculator) Mon June 7 13:15

Linear (calculator) Fri June 11 09:00

Modular Unit 3 (calculator) Fri June 11 09:00

Unit 2 Stage 2 (calculator) Mon June 21 09:00

Unit 2 Stage 1 (non- calculator) Wed June 30 13:15

Are you making the most of Fronter?Are you making the most of Fronter?Are you making the most of Fronter?Are you making the most of Fronter?

There are revision materials on Fronter for all

curriculum areas. Make sure you are using it!

If you have any problems accessing Fronter,

please see Mr André

Page 11: May 2010 Newsletter


nation to succeed through excellent predicted grades or

coursework folders at Grade A already. Additionally, many of

Lea Valley’s Sixth Formers have shown academic success

with successful offers from some top Universities up and

down the country such as Sheffield, Leeds, Birmingham,

Liverpool, Nottingham, Sussex, Southampton. Good luck in

your A Levels!

A group of six Sixth Formers recently got involved in the run

up to the election by attending a ‘Question-Time’ event at

Latymer School, with several MPs in attendance from the

three main parties. The students enjoyed watching their

own personal version of the ‘televised debates’ and were

impressed by the questions that many young people asked

in the audience. Political fever ran high in other areas of the

school, with many students in Year 8, 9 and 10 running

mini-mock elections. 10MJ ran a mock election on behalf of

their year group and were surprised with the Labour major-

ity! This interest in politics and debate is fantastic news as

Lea Valley has signed up to involve its students in the Mock

Bar Trial for another year running: with some of our top

students being challenged to play the part of barristers,

witnesses and criminals in a ‘real-life’ courtroom drama.

Get ready to don your wigs and gowns!

With exam season approaching, Key Stage 4 have been

enjoying intensive revision programmes to ensure we have

even more students achieving the top grades. With tailor

made classes available nearly every day of the week

(except Sunday!) in all subjects, including Mr. Hawkins’

exceptional essay writing workshops, we look forward to

some impressive GCSE and A Level results.

KS3 students have numerous exciting opportunities open to

them this summer term! Excitingly, the MFL department

have started to offer keen linguists the chance to learn

Mandarin Chinese on Mondays after school with Mr.

McIntosh, a fantastic opportunity which very few schools in

the country offer. Additionally, a group of 20 AG&T students

from year 7 and 8 competed in the prestigious UK Maths

Challenge aimed at the top third of students in the country.

Students sat an hour exam paper testing their mathemati-

cal knowledge and understanding. Results are expected

back in early June and the top students in the country will

be invited to compete in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad.

Good luck to all those who took part!

Moreover, the English department have challenged the

whole of KS3 to a poetry-writing competition, entitled

‘Poetry From Your Culture’. Students, using their culture as

their inspiration, will compete to be the winner for their year

group and the have the opportunity to read their poem out

at a Cultural Celebration Night planned for next Academic

year. Good luck!

Rachel Connell

Able, Gifted & Talented


We are having a busy time in English! Last half term Year

sevens were given the fantastic opportunity of creating their

own chocolate design as part of the "Marketing Chocolate"

Scheme of Work. This half term they have been studying

Poetry; students are learning how to identify poetic tech-

niques such as rhyming couplets, metaphors and similes.

Students are now preparing to write their own poems based

on their culture which they will be entering into an internal

competition "Poetry Festival". We are very excited to read

their works of art!

Year eight have the pleasure of studying one of Shake-

speare's greatest plays this term; Macbeth. They will be

looking at stagecraft, Shakespeare's clever use of language

and the play in performance. Students have shown great

interest in this scheme and we look forward to seeing some

of their performances in class!

Year nine have had an extremely busy term; the first part of

the term was spent preparing for the SATS exams and

ensuring that all students were confident with what was

expected of them in the exams. Students have now

completed those exams and results will be with them next

term! Year nine are also currently studying Poetry from

other Cultures and will also have the opportunity to take

part in the "Poetry Festival". Good Luck!!!

Key Stage 4 students have completed all pieces of course-

work and now the emphasis is on solid revision for their

G.C.S.E exams. Students are advised to take advantage of

the fact that there is Saturday AM revision for both year

groups and Tuesday afternoon Revision 3.30-4.30pm for

year 11. Their English G.C.S.E exams are Tuesday 8th June Tuesday 8th June Tuesday 8th June Tuesday 8th June

2010 and Thursday 10th June 2010. 2010 and Thursday 10th June 2010. 2010 and Thursday 10th June 2010. 2010 and Thursday 10th June 2010. The English

Department wish you all the best of luck- we know you will

pass with flying colours!!!

Key Stage 5 students have also completed all pieces of

coursework and are now revising hard for their exam on

Tuesday 8th June 2010. Tuesday 8th June 2010. Tuesday 8th June 2010. Tuesday 8th June 2010. They must ensure that they read

their texts again(Pride and Prejudice and The God of Small

Things) and are confident with the poems. The Key Stage 5

team would like to take this opportunity in commending the

AS English Literature groups for all of their hard work in

completing their coursework to the highest standard; we

are extremely proud of you!

Bahar Bostan

Deputy Director of English

Able Gifted and TalentedAble Gifted and TalentedAble Gifted and TalentedAble Gifted and Talented LVHS continues to celebrate the success of its gifted and

talented students, with many showing they have excep-

tional ability in and out the classroom.

Lea Valley’s fast-track Maths and English A Level groups

continue to excel, with many of them showing their determi-

Page 12: May 2010 Newsletter


Year 7Year 7Year 7Year 7

It has been a very successful year for our current Year 7

cohort. It has been a challenging journey at times but I

know from speaking to many Year 7 pupils that it has been

a very rewarding experience. The students have settled into

their routines and work extremely well within the school’s

framework of expectations. I have enjoyed getting to know

many of the students and it has been fantastic hearing

about all the great achievements that have been occurring.


I would like to thank all parents and carers for their ongoing

support in making sure that all students attend school in

full uniform. Please can I remind you, all students should

return in September wearing appropriate school shoes as

well as navy blue skirt or trousers, a white shirt, a navy ‘V’

neck jumper, a blazer and a tie so that they are ready to


Parents EveningParents EveningParents EveningParents Evening

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your

attendance at Parents Evening. There was a very good turn-

out of 80% at the Consultation Evening on the 13th May.

The students all took home their colour coded reports which

highlighted their progress since the start of the year. All

parents found this evening useful. If unfortunately you were

unable to attend, then your child’s target sheet will have

been sent home and teachers will be making contact with

parents for whom they have specific concerns. If you would

like to speak to a member of staff or find out in more detail

about your child’s progress, please call the school on

01992 636666 or me on 01992 704692.

Enrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment Opportunities

‘U Can 2’ is a funded project which aims to give students

some fantastic life experiences that they might not other-

wise have the opportunity to take part in. We have been

able to put together a range of exciting extra-curricular

activities for a selected number of students within the year

7 cohort. These include an instructed eight week skiing

course, a four week rock climbing course and a four week

GoKarting course.

The first of the activities have successfully gone ahead, with

one group enrolled on the rock climbing course and the

other on the skiing programme. The feedback from both

staff and pupils has been incredibly positive and all are

excited to continue developing new skills over the coming


I would like to wish all students and their families a safe

and enjoyable summer holiday. As always, thank you for

your continued support and I would forward to working with

you again next year.

Danisha Patel

Director of Year 7

Joe Rowlands

Assistant Director of Year 7

Year 8Year 8Year 8Year 8 Year 8 have made a real effort this year to try to meet or

exceed their target levels. Overall they have settled down

into a hard working, and successful cohort of students with

an excellent dynamic. There are lots of good Year 8 role

models that other students can look up to, especially within

the school council.

Enrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment Opportunities

The students have thoroughly enjoyed their enrichment

opportunities this year, for example the day trip to Duxford

Aeroplane Museum, three days on the Isle of Wight, and a

visit to Jamie’s Farm where they had the rare opportunities

of handling young animals and seeing how a farm works.

They are very much looking forward to further trips next

year. We are looking into offering an opportunity for horse

riding and hope to visit the Isle of Wight again next year, for

a longer period this time, as the students enjoyed it so



Year 8 are excited about the prospect of the ‘rollover’ time-

table which will mean that they become Year 9 from July.

This will be a very important year for them as they will do

their SATs and will choose their options for GCSEs.

Anti Bullying Assemblies and After School ClubsAnti Bullying Assemblies and After School ClubsAnti Bullying Assemblies and After School ClubsAnti Bullying Assemblies and After School Clubs

Over the last term, the students have been involved in

presenting assemblies focused around the theme of bully-

ing. The students really enjoyed taking part in these and

there have been some wonderful performances. We have a

range of after school clubs designed to support and enrich

the school experience of students at Lea Valley so please

encourage your children to attend. If you are unsure about

what is available please contact the school or myself for



Please continue to support us with ensuring your child is in

full school uniform in the morning and that they arrive on

time. Please try wherever possible to make dental or medi-

cal appointments for your child outside of school hours.

Please make sure you contact the school when your child is

absent or send them to their SWC with a note.

Rae Vernon

Director of Year 8



Have you made your choices yet?

Page 13: May 2010 Newsletter


Year 9Year 9Year 9Year 9 Year 9 have had a very good start to the summer term. We

would like to pay tribute to the superb, mature attitude the

students showed towards their SATS. The atmosphere

within the exam hall was a pleasure to behold. I have little

doubt that many students achieved, developed and ex-


Academic AchievementAcademic AchievementAcademic AchievementAcademic Achievement

Year 9 students have already started to reap the benefits of

their academic endeavour. Modern Foreign Languages and

Physical Education have already entered approximately 30

students onto the GCSE course. We have witnessed with

great pride the dedication and commitment these students

have applied to their courses. We look forward to seeing

this replicated throughout the year group as GCSE’s



A very successful football, basketball and netball season

came to an end. Outstanding sporting achievement meant

that Lea Valley High School continued to shine as a sports

collage. Particular mention goes to Gaille, Kirkland, Ian,

Holly, Louis, Hakeem, Leonidas and Damani.

Enrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment OpportunitiesEnrichment Opportunities

Congratulations to Damani, Adrian and Moses. With hard

work, dedication and a touch of flair they have become

talented musicians in an excellent band. We look forward to

hearing them for many years to come. Equally we would like

to recognise Goldie for her creative writing talent. Lea Valley

High School wishes her every success in the completion of

her first book.

Special MentionSpecial MentionSpecial MentionSpecial Mention

Assemblies have recognised the achievement of the follow-

ing students: Blessing, Adrian, Lauren and Tadhg. Well

done for your achievements


Year 9 attendance is 93.1%. Ms Lawrence has developed

attendance clinics, competitions and rewards to promote

high attendance so that all students meet their potential.

Congratulation to 9MJ, 9DL and 9EP who have attendance

above 95%.

Thank you for your continued support and we all look

forward to your children excelling in Year 9.

Sam Fox

Director of Year 9

Year 10Year 10Year 10Year 10 Year 10 students have now begun their GCSE examina-

tions. Attendance and behaviour in exams has been

excellent thus far and I anticipate excellent results in

August. Revision has been going well for the year group for

many weeks now. There has been an excellent turn out for

Saturday and after school revision sessions which have

been incredibly positive experiences for both students and

teachers alike.


I would like to take this opportunity to request your child

attends all exams with the correct equipment and in full

uniform, despite the beautiful summer we are expecting.

Summer Sports CalenderSummer Sports CalenderSummer Sports CalenderSummer Sports Calender

The winter sports season is officially over and many staff

have spoken with me about some strong year 10 prospect

for the summer sports calendar. Training for the cricket and

Athletics teams have been going well and I expect to be

commenting on their significant accomplishments in the

next summer newsletter.

Work ExperienceWork ExperienceWork ExperienceWork Experience

The maturity and professionalism that many have shown in

securing their work experience placement is most

commendable. Students have had the responsibility of find-

ing their own placements which means they have linked

them to their future career aspirations and we have had

many high quality placements, for example: Law Firms,

Fashion & Design and Engineering


Unfortunately the year 10 attendance has shown a small

decrease in recent weeks. I would like to congratulate our

100% attendees Danny Bio, Dean Herencia, Yusuf Kalipci,

Daniel Salumu and Jaida Staines for a fantastic achieve-


Thank you for your continued support.

Tim Albone

Director of Year 10


28th June28th June28th June28th June————9th July9th July9th July9th July Enjoy your work experience , use this as an opportunity to discover

the world of work and be an excellent ambassador for Lea Valley

High School.

If you need any guidance call

Mrs Roberts on 01992 704690

Page 14: May 2010 Newsletter


Year 11Year 11Year 11Year 11 Achievements:Achievements:Achievements:Achievements: Year 11 students have now begun their GCSE examina-tions. The students have generally settled into the exam period very well with student behaviour being excellent during the first whole year group exam - RE on 18th May


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support to date and to remind you that the first week back after half term is a very busy one for examinations including

those for core subjects:

Mathematics Monday 7th June and Friday 11th June 2010

English Language

Tuesday 8th June and Thursday 10th June 2010

There are also many other examinations for options sub-jects during that week. Therefore, students should use time over the half term carefully to ensure they are fully prepared for these exams. Remember that there are revision materi-

als on Fronter, accessible from home.

Please also ensure your child attends all exams in full

uniform and with the correct equipment.

AttendanceAttendanceAttendanceAttendance: High levels of attendance are directly linked to high levels of academic achievement. Therefore please ensure your child attends school every day in order to prepare fully for their


SportsSportsSportsSports I would like to congratulate the Year 11 boys in the senior boys football team who recently participated in the Middle-sex cup final and finished runners up in the competition. I would also like to congratulate Nuria da Cunha for her recent success in Judo competitions completed outside of


Jack Petchey Award for Year 11Jack Petchey Award for Year 11Jack Petchey Award for Year 11Jack Petchey Award for Year 11 A big well done to all the students below who were nomi-nated by other students in Year 11 to receive the Jack

Petchey Award for effort and achievement at school: Eylem Kara, Emma-Jane Jenkins, Alice Smith, Darrick Koomson Lauren Price, Kelly Webb, Koray Aysan and

Gemma Martin.

Paige Logie went on to win this award for her fantastic effort regarding fundraising for the Chicago Trip and captaining the football team. In addition she has made good academic progress this year and shown a very positive

attitude to learning. Well done Paige!

Revision:Revision:Revision:Revision: Over the past half term students have had many opportuni-ties to participate in coursework catch up and revision activities. Well done to all students who attended the Subject Saturday and after school revision sessions. Please look out for the timetable for May half term revision sessions and students should attend as many as they

possibly can.

Prom and Graduation: Prom and Graduation: Prom and Graduation: Prom and Graduation: Please can I take this opportunity to remind you that the Year 11 Graduation ceremony will take place on Tuesday 6th July 2010. We would like al students as well as their

parent and carers to attend this event.

In addition, the Year 11 Prom will take place on Wednesday 7th July 2010 at Forty Hall, Enfield. Tickets are available for £20 from the Finance Office and should be purchased

with a signed parental consent form.

Have a happy and productive holiday Year 11. Make sure you are REVISING and come back ready to achieve your

very best in your examinations. Take care & thank you.

Jo Tate Director of Year 11

Sixth FormSixth FormSixth FormSixth Form Exams SeasonExams SeasonExams SeasonExams Season By the time of reading this the students will be deep into the exam season. To ensure success, we have given them an extensive support and revision programme, including Saturday and after-school revision sessions as well as pre-exam sessions which occur immediately before the exams. Please encourage the students to attend all ses-sions, it has been proven that the sessions work and do

help improve grades.

University OffersUniversity OffersUniversity OffersUniversity Offers Congratulations to all of our 6th form students who have applied to University. It’s been a fantastic return! All students have received offers through UCAS with majority of

students being given their 1st choice.

UCASUCASUCASUCAS The year 12 students will be starting their UCAS (University & Colleges Admission System) process after half term. There will be a number of workshops in; writing personal statements, choosing the right University and student finance commencing after half term. There will also be an opportunity to visit Universities to help our student with their choices. Furthermore there will also be a UCAS invitation evening for parents to familiarise themselves with

the process.

Prospective Sixth FormersProspective Sixth FormersProspective Sixth FormersProspective Sixth Formers Those students in Year 11 wishing to come to sixth form next year will be given an interview. During the interview they will be given advice and guidance with their course choices. We are very much looking forward to welcome

them in our Sixth Form centre.

Ben Siaw

Assistant Principal, Sixth Form


As you are aware we are now in our summer examination season. On four occasions this year we will need to use the dining hall as well as the assembly hall and sports hall, due to the large numbers of students sitting an exam at the same time. We therefore need to inform you that we will have to operate a limited catering service in our dining hall

on these days as outlined below:

• Monday 7th June 2010 – morning break will be as normal and a sandwich lunch will be offered to students

at lunchtime

• Tuesday 8th June 2010 – morning break will be

cancelled and lunch will operate as normal

• Thursday 10th June 2010 – morning break will be as normal and a sandwich lunch will be offered to students

at lunchtime

• Friday 11th June 2010—morning break will be cancelled

and lunch will operate as normal

Thank you for your support and understanding in this


Tracey Baxter

School Operations Manager

Page 15: May 2010 Newsletter


AttendanceAttendanceAttendanceAttendance Whole School Attendance: 92%

Overall Attendance in each Year Groups:

Year 7 93.4% Year 8 92.9%

Year 9 93.1% Year 10 90.1%

Year 11 90.5% Year 12 90.1%

Year 13 93.8% Year 14 93.3%

We are proud to announce that the following forms had the best atten-dance in their year.

7BM - 96.3% 8EP – 95.9% 9EP – 95.7%

10MJ – 93.4% 11EP – 93.7% 12DL – 93.8%

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 100% atten-

dance to school!

Year 7

Eida Attalah-Sawyer, Delal Aytac, Takunda Chikasha, Chloe Dipple, Maria Georgiou, Regina Gul, Rafal Janicki, Surajit Kar, Melisa Karakoc,

Halil Kaya, Charlotte Kearney, Kema Manu, Zeynep Mehmet, Colleen Napier, Peter Nguyen, Ozlem Opan, Harry Powell,

Nikita Ramrattan, Amie Sarr, Edgar Stancinskij, Hale Temizturk, Sophia Thomas, Demi Venis, Daniel Waldock, Ellie Williams,

Kareem Williams, Syreeta Williams,

Year 8

Taylan Cakir, Emily Hayward, Yahya Hussein, Fabien Kelly-King, Derrick Nartey, Erhan Osman, Jennifer Pomfrett, Wasamunu Sitali,

Tarik Temizturk, Nathaniel Vanderpuye,

Year 9

Deniz Alp, Jemima Asare, Joseph Attipa, Shirley Bekker, Ashley Caplin, Joseph Christodoulou, Ismail Duran, Josephine Fadare, Charlie Frisby, Joni Hasani, Ilayda Kocagul, James Lepe, Mitchell Mafukidze, Kanza

Maluakilu Capela, Moise Manzumba, Junias Mbona, Yvonne Oparaku,

Goldie Willett,

Year 10

Danny Bio, Dean Herencia, Yusuf Kalipci, Sophie Kristiansen,

Daniel Salumu, Jaida Staines,

Year 11

Nuria Da Cunha, Daenelle Dawkins, Alexandros Demetriou,

Voldessa Farrell, Grace Nsubuga, Stephanie Twumasi, Mihaela Volosciuc,

6th Form

Wendy Danso, Lee Heaney, Rafet Celebi, Mustafa Oztas,

Individual Form Group Attendance

Research has shown that

achievement is directly linked to attendance. Students with a

high level of attendance in-variably perform better in class

and in examinations. The number of GCSEs they pass

at Grade C will affect the amount of money they can

earn as an adult. School atten-dance makes a real difference

to GCSE results. The more qualifications students have

the more they are likely to


Important information:

As you are aware staff at Lea Valley High School are committed to im-

proving attendance. Our aim is to help you make your child’s school life a happy and enjoyable experience. To support your child’s education you

have an important role to play and we therefore ask you for your assis-

tance and co-operation, in the following:


As attendance and attainment is closely linked the Department for Chil-

dren Schools and Families have set 95% minimum attendance level as

being acceptable rate.

Students should attend school unless they are ill. You may be asked to provide medical evidence for absences over three days or irregular

illness. On the first day of any absence please ring the school on the attendance line – 01992 704646 or get a message to the SWC for your

child’s year group to let them know why your child is absent. A note

describing the reason for the absence must be sent in with the child on

their first day of return to school.

Days off for shopping, birthday’s etc are not acceptable and will not be authorised. Continued unauthorised absence may lead to you being

prosecuted for your child’s non-attendance. Prosecutions may result in fines of up to £2,500 per parent per child. You may also run the risk of

receiving a Penalty Notice for your child’s continued unauthorised ab-sence. This means that for students with unauthorised absence from

school (i.e. any absence that the school has not given permission for) then their parent/carer may be subject to a prompt fine of either £50 (28

days) or £100 (42 days).

Penalty notices will be used as a deterrent to prevent a pattern of

unauthorised absence developing. They will be issued by post to a student’s home after just one warning and cases of absences without

acceptable cause will also include excessive holidays in school term time

and persistent late attendance.


Punctuality is an important life-skill for students to learn. It is important

that your child arrives at school on time. Arriving late can be very wasteful of children’s school time – just 10 minutes lateness each day is the

equivalent of over 6 full days in a year. Regular attendance including punctuality helps your child become reliable and organise – two qualities

valued by employers.

All students MUST be in school by the latest 8.45am everyday. Any pupil

arriving after this time will be marked as late and may be marked as an Unauthorised Absence. Any student that arrives late to school in the

morning will be kept for a 15 minute detention after school on a Tuesday or Thursday. Any student that is late twice in a week will be given an

automatic DOY detention which is 40 minutes.

Your child’s student welfare co-ordinator is as follows:

Sue Wright SWC Yr 7 01992 704 617

Sue Wright SWC Yr 8 01992 704 617

Kelly-Marie Richardson SWC Yr 9 01992 704 619

Kelly-Marie Richardson SWC Yr 10 01992 704 619 (attendance)

Sue Balmer SWC Yr 11 01992 704 618








Form Class

Year 7









Form Class

94.00 94.40 89.80 90.50 94.30 92.60 92.60 95.90 92%


Year 8Year 8Year 8Year 8






Form Class

Year 9

94.20 95.00 90.90 92.60 90.70 93.10 92.70 95.70








Form Class

Year 10

90.10 93.40 89% 87.30 88.80 91.20 90.30 91.70 88.80

10SC 10MJ 10BM 10KH 10TW 10DL 10SR 10SG 10EP






Form Class

Year 11

85.50%92.10%84.70%91.40%90.80% 92.10%93.20%89.50%93.70%

11SC 11MJ 11BM 11KH 11TW 11DL 11SR 11SG 11EP






Form Class

Sixth Form

% 90.80 93.80 84.20 90.60 93.70 93.40 95.00 93.60

12BM 12DL 12EP 12KH 12MJ 13BM 13DL 13KH

Page 16: May 2010 Newsletter

A C H I E V E • D E V E L O P • E X C E L


TELEPHONE 01992 763666 - FACSMILE 01992 760152

WEBSITE - EMAIL [email protected]


New Timings for the School DayNew Timings for the School DayNew Timings for the School DayNew Timings for the School Day I am pleased to inform you that the consultation process about the new timing of the school day is now complete. Thank you to all parents and carers who contacted me with

their views following my article in the previous newsletter.

The changes need to happen to accommodate all students as the numbers of applications to join Lea Valley increases. Our school is growing in popularity due to, among other factors, our students’ examination success and the recent confirmation by Ofsted of the high standard of education and care our students receive. The 6th form in particular is growing rapidly as students achieve the GCSE grades which open up the options of A Levels and other level 3 courses for them, more students choose to continue their studies at Lea Valley due to the high standard of personal-ised teaching and pastoral care they receive here. We anticipate all places being filled across all year groups in

September 2010.

To accommodate these larger numbers of students, we will be changing the structure of the day by introducing a staggered lunch time: Key Stage 3 (years 7 – 9) and Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11) will have their lunch at different times, thus reducing queues in the canteen and improving students’ access to facilities such as the Library and Infor-mation Technology. In addition we are reviewing the use of tutor time and will use the longer tutor period to focus on

improving literacy and numeracy skills.

The new school day from September will be as follows:

Tayo Akamo

Vice Principal

New school day from September

8.45 – 9.15 Tutor time

9.15 – 10.15 Period 1

10.15 – 10.30 Break

10.30 – 11.30 Period 2

11.30 – 12.30 Period 3 /Lunch KS3

12.30 – 1.30 Lunch KS4 / Period 3

1.30 – 2.30 Period 4

2.30 – 2.35 Break

2.35 – 3.35 Period 5

Dates for your diaryDates for your diaryDates for your diaryDates for your diary

Monday 7th June

8.45 AM

School starts for 2nd Half

Summer Term

Monday 14th June

6.30 PM

Friends of Lea Valley meeting.

All parents / carers welcome

Monday 21st June National Sports Week

Tuesday 22nd June

6.30 PM

Welcome and Introductory meeting for parents & carers of new Year 7


Wednesday 23rd June Sports Day

Monday 28th June Year 10 start work experience

(2 Weeks)

Wednesday 30th June


Year 10 required in school

for Maths exam

Tuesday 6th July

7PM Year 11 Graduation evening

Wednesday 7th July

7.30PM Year 11 Prom, Forty Hall

Thursday 8th July Enrichment Day

Friday 9th July INSET Day, school closed to


Monday 12th July


UCAS Information Evening

Timetable Rollover –

New timetable for academic year

2010 – 2011 starts

Friday 16th July School reports issued to parents

Monday 19th July

6.30PM Friends of Lea Valley AGM

Friday 23rd July End of year. Students depart


Wednesday 1st September Inset Day, school closed to Students

Thursday 2nd September Autumn Term starts

KS3 Poetry From

YOUR CULTURE Competition!

Write a poem that expresses your culture!

Compete against your year group, Win a fantastic prize and take part in a Cultural Celebration Night!

Speak to your English teacher for more details

Entries from parents very welcome written either in English or your home language email to

[email protected] or send to

Helen Powell at the school

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