Download - May 2013

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May 2013

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Taking Care of Business

Carl G. (Anton) Peddinghaus, CEO

I am very happy that our PeddiTalk employee newsletter is once again back in publication. Hopefully, this will give you some information on your fellow Peddinghaus employees, and what is new in the company. I wish to thank Karen Zigrossi and Amary Tisdale for helping to put this newsletter together for us. How Are We Doing? Everyone is always curious to know how Peddinghaus Corporation is doing. We have been blessed with some wonderful customers who continue to support us. As you know, many of our customers are international, but lately we have seen more activity in the domestic market as well. We must all continue our teamwork so we can achieve our target of being Number One in North America. Our corporate goal is to continue investing in the future of Peddinghaus Corporation. I’m sure this is evident to all of you as we have added new employees, renewed the 401K match, and purchased the properties at 200 N. Washington and 1775 American Way (A.S.W.) here in Bradley. PeddiCafé is On The Way! Many of you here in Bradley have heard about the new PeddiCafé. Why do we make an investment in a dining area for our employees? Easy…every employee is important to us – and to their own family. All of us (especially me) need to eat healthier and get a little more exercise. Another

benefit is simple – a healthy employee also saves on health insurance and medical costs for the company and their family. The PeddiCafé will serve quality, nutritious meals to us every day. Our new employee and Director of Food Services, Marc Magiera, is a trained Chicago chef who will prepare healthy food that is absolutely delicious. (Our Harley tour customers already rave about his cooking ability). The PeddiCafé will be kicking off in a few short weeks, and we look for your support of this new venture. Customers Love to Visit Us! I want to thank our Bradley employees for your great cooperation during our April customer Motorcycle Fab Shop Tour. This year, we were able to invite 65 customers visit our facility in Bradley before they departed on a two wheeled tour of some great scenery and fabricator customers here in the Midwest. Our customers were “blown away” by what they saw in Bradley! Energetic, dedicated employees who greeted our guests like family members. The “Partnership Spirit” that was displayed was awesome to our customers, and left a remarkably positive impression on them. Here are just a few comments from Customer Attendees: “Three cheers for Peddinghaus, and everyone who made this tour possible!” - Larry Ingram, Hillsdale Fabricators, St. Louis, MO “Anton, you and your staff have created something incredible in Bradley…congratulations to my new Peddi-Friends” - Ted Peisha, Garbe Iron Works Aurora, IL “Wow, what an experience! What an honor to see all of you.” - Frank Von Schaijik, John Jones Steel, Timaru, NZ “Peddinghaus is supa! What an amazing tour of your facility” - Ty Bieckering, Van Dellen Steel Grand Rapids, MI “My thanks to Peddinghaus for a truly memorable, enjoyable, and wonderful visit – a truly

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invaluable experience” - Hollie Noveletsky, Novel Iron Works, Greenland, NH “What an awesome adventure – from the first minute to the last – thank you to everyone at Peddinghaus” - Gavin & Annie Lawry, Pegasus Engineering, Christchurch, NZ Keep Up the Good Work I wish to thank each of you for your continued hard work for Peddinghaus Corporation! It takes each of us to be successful, and I know that I can count on all of you for your continued support. Remember, my glass is always half-full; I hope yours is too! Pascal Peters Leaves a Big Impression

on Peddinghaus By: Lyle Menke

Pascal Peters travelled from Germany to Peddinghaus Corporation in October 2012. His goal was to be an intern at Bradley - to learn more about the company, our products, our employees, and the Peddinghaus way of doing business. Pascal already had a relationship with Peddinghaus…his father is the owner of Peters Stahlbau in Itterbeck, Germany with a BDL-1250 drill, installed in 2007. (But with Pascal, things often change…) Pascal started in Engineering and quickly contributed to the department. From there, he took a sales trip to Australia with Anton, with the opportunity to learn more about the structural steel

fabrication industry. This trip was an “eye opener” for Pascal. He saw how fabricators in Australia processed their plate and detail work, and realized how an efficient machine could help the Peters family business. Thus, he and his father purchased a new Peddinghaus FDB-1500 for Stahlbau Peters. So what were the logical next steps for Pascal’s intern training?

1. Working in the Assembly Dept to build his own FDB-1500 machine

2. Working with checkout to test the machine, and bring it to life

3. Working with the service/training guys to operate the FDB

4. Wave Goodbye to it, as it shipped from Bradley in a container in March

Pascal’s story doesn’t end there. While in Bradley, he impressed everyone so much, that he has a new job! In May, he started his role as a Salesman in Peddinghaus Germany. All of us at Peddinghaus know Pascal very well by now (for many, varied reasons!!!!) We look forward to him selling many Peddinghaus machines, and making things happen in Europe for many years to come.

Geek Speak!

Each issue we will try to share some “geek” knowledge from our crack geek team!

Tyler says…. Before you leave your seat, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete!

Shad says…. When life gives you questions, Google has answers, so use it!

Submit questions for our “geeks” to

[email protected]

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In Memory of Jerry VanVleck, Jr., Maintenance Dept

July 23, 1979 – April 11, 2013

In this issue, we would like to take time to honor Jerry VanVleck, Jr. who passed away unexpectedly in April. He is survived by his family, wife Mandy & young children, Logan and Macey. Jerry began his career at Peddinghaus Corporation in February 2007 working in our Bradley Maintenance Dept., eventually working his way up to Assistant Maintenance Supervisor. During his time at Peddinghaus he was involved in, and responsible for so many things. Most recently he was an integral part of our PeddiCafé planning and construction, and once you see the café you will understand exactly what that means. Jerry was one of those guys that just quietly made it happen, and always with a smile on his face. His loss is felt in the hearts of all of us at Peddinghaus and we thank him for everything he did for us on a daily basis. He will be missed. The Jerry VanVleck, Jr. Memorial Fund has been established at Homestar Bank. Contributions for his family can be made at any Homestar Branch. Also,

his friends and family will be holding a benefit at Stampede Saloon in Manteno, IL on August 11th beginning at noon. If you wish to help with the benefit, please contact either Brian Meadows at (815) 549-9080 or Brianne Volpe at (815) 351-5065.

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Get to Know your Team Member: PCSC

Meet Mr. Mack Green, Jr., aka Big Mack or Biggie!

Mack started at Peddinghaus Corporation of South Carolina October 21st, 1997 and he currently works in the Machine Shop, although he has also worked in the Weld Shop. Mack is an important member of our team, as well as one of our First Responders at PCSC. Mack applied with PCSC because he wanted a position with an employer that was different and challenging, and now he has been with Peddinghaus for 15 years and counting! A few interesting Big Mack Facts: He has a 28 year old son, Maurice Antonio Fulton, his favorite movie is The Terminator; favorite food, Macaroni and Cheese and the last book he read was The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. He also enjoys lifting weights and helping others. His motto to live by is, “Don’t overload yourself, but strive for better.” Mack we are proud to have you as a member of our team and thank you for sharing a bit of your story with us!

Get to Know your Team Member: PC

Say hello to Tony Digregario!

Tony is one of PC’s newer employees starting on June 16th 2012, working in the 200 Washington building. Since his hire date, Tony has been an important part of our PeddiCafé construction team! He came to PC because of the good benefits, competitive wages, room for advancement and continuing education assistance! Tony shares his life with his wife, Geneva, son Nick and their English Bulldog, Tessa. He and his family run a small hobby farm where they raise various livestock naturally, with no antibiotics or growth hormones, along with a food plot that provides for them throughout the year. He enjoys camping in the summer and cooking in the winter, Lasagna, the movie Diehard and the most recent book he read was Electrical Systems based on the 2005 NEC. Additionally, Tony says that working for Peddinghaus has been a great experience. He has had the opportunity to utilize his previous knowledge and abilities, as well as learn many new things. He’s met many new people and made some very good friends. Welcome Tony and thank you for sharing!

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Peddinghaus Mill Creek Bass Tournament

By: Andy Fritz

The 19th annual Peddinghaus Mill Creek Bass Tournament was held May 5th, 2013. Mill Creek is an 800 acre impounded lake near the town of Marshall, IL, and the tournament teams are compromised of PC employees and their acquaintances. This year there were 23 teams competing and below you will find the PC employee results:

1st Place: Bill Trubach & Andy Fritz, 11.75 lbs

2nd Place: Mark Jennings & Jim Stewart, 11.58 lbs

6th Place: Trent Horn & Mark Kattenbraker 9.35 lbs

7th Place: Paul Milk & Brad Jansen, 8.76 lbs

8th Place: Greg Kubick & Jeff Dummer, 8.45 lbs

9th Place: Dave Eckhoff & Mike Eckhoff, 8.25 lbs

15th Place: Kris Konik & Pete Costones, 5.29 lbs

Mark Jennings missed taking the “Big Bass” honors by .12 of a pound! A photo of Mark with his 3.93 lb bass is above.

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St. John AME Church Friends & Family Day

By: Mary Lewis

On Sunday, April 20th, St. John AME Church celebrated Friends & Family Day. The speaker for the occasion was the Reverend Keith Davis, Pastor of Smith Grove AME Church of Winston Salem North Carolina. During the service, 3 of the church members were recognized for their hard work over the years at St. John AME church. All 3 women are Cancer Survivors, Mrs. Vivian McCray, Ms. Lou Bertha McGill & Mrs. Ruth Gibson. Each lady was presented with an 11 x 20 portrait of themselves done by Edward McCrea Photography. (In additional to his photography, Ed works in our Assembly Dept.) Each portrait has a story to tell about strength of character and continuing in service to their church. Over $16,000 was raised during Friends & Family day which was started under Pastor Rev. Willie Holmes.

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I never knew!

Each issue we will feature a small blip about something you might not have known! This issue we feature SSSL:

SSSL, the “other” side of Peddinghaus

By: George Sirois

Some people know, but most do not, the workings of SSSL. A very small division of PC where used machines are traded in, rebuilt and resold with the same warranty as a brand new machine. A lot of work goes into these machines, more than the old rumor of a wash and a new paint job! Our SSSL employees have to be skilled in everything, from building electrical panels to rebuilding a hydraulic cylinder. Amazingly, we do all of this work without any overhead cranes. Most of our work is done via the assistance of a fork lift and good ol’ fashioned elbow grease. On average, we produce two machines a month, but remember, we have to tear the machine apart first and then build it. A major accomplishment for 5 employees on the floor. When it comes to check out, some of the newer machines require more electricity than our building has. We have to hook the machines to a diesel generator outside to make them run. Just another step in our process that requires more than just plugging it in you might say!

Focus on Safety

Dates to Remember:

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Peddinghaus Corporation, Bradley

Thursday, May 30th, 7:00 am – noon

Sign up today to save a life!

Page 9: May 2013

Look what my kid did!

Kansas Turkey Hunt

By: John Lukas

On April 7th, 11 year old Mark Lukas, son of John Lukas (Bradley MS), shot this 19lb 10 oz turkey while hunting with Gene Pearcy of Kansas Whitetail Adventures.

Mark shot his turkey at 15 yards with his 20 gauge shotgun.

This was Mark’s first Kansas Turkey Hunt.

Congratulations Mark!

Look what my kid did!

National Junior Honor Society

By: Linda Crews

Bradley Belding, son of Linda Crews (PCSC), is being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society on May 8th 2013 at his school.

Bradley is in 7th grade and attends Williamsburg Academy in Kingstree, SC. He enjoys hunting,

fishing, football and Xbox!

“Way to go Brad!”

Mom loves you and is very proud of you!

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Pay it Forward! Volunteerism

By: Ed Drzewiecki

We all see people around us that need help. We want to help them. We know deep down that we are supposed to help them but we don’t know how. In my case, it has been part of my life since my daughter was 3 years old, 25 years ago. We had just moved to Michigan and lived out in the country. It was a common sight to see deer, in fact we had and still do, have a small herd of deer in our backyard in the morning. The big building boom started right about then and we would see all of this construction going on. One day we were driving to the store and my three year old daughter said, “Where are they going to live”? My wife turned around and said “what”? My daughter said, “Where will the deer live when all of the houses are built?” My wife and I just looked at each other. It was a wake up call for us to hear our three year old daughter and realize that she was more aware than we were. From that moment on, slowly but surely, we began to get more involved. Started slowly, mostly recycling but then started to get more involved with what was going on around us. My daughter was always trying to adopt different animals all around the world. We went to Toronto to walk up the Canadian Tower for the World Wildlife Fund, 1,776 stairs to the top in 40 min! My daughter was waiting at the top for us. Now, she is very active in an organization called, “The Greening of Detroit”. She is a certified urban forester. She and other volunteers will take groups of corporate and school volunteers out and plant trees in some of the blighted neighborhoods in Detroit. She does six to eight plantings, usually around 100 trees each, a year rain or shine. She has been doing this now for 3 years and they are making a difference in the Detroit area. My wife, Linnette, is a nurse. She does volunteer work at a free clinic in a small town near our home. The numbers of folks out there with no insurance and no money is staggering, especially since the bottom dropped out of the economy in Michigan.

A couple of years ago I got involved in providing a meal once a month to the residents of a rescue mission here in town. It started out as a group of folks from Peddinghaus taking food to the people at the mission, Reverend Ed and his wife. Reverend Ed is one of those guys you see in movies except he looks like any one of us, just a regular guy. But that is where the similarity ends. He runs the “GIFT OF GOD STREET CHURCH/RESCUE MISSION”. He provides a place to sleep, a good meal and guidance for people with no other place to go. He‘s a no nonsense man of God who is out there everyday with and for those people. I feel blessed to be able to help him is some small way. It’s not difficult it get involved. Check with your church. They always have a list of organizations and people that need help. Look in the newspaper for organizations that help old folks take care of their homes or need a hand every now and then getting groceries or other small errands. We found out about Reverend Ed and the Gift of God through Karen in Human Resources. She has a list of organizations that could always use some help. In fact, I can use some help the last Wednesday of the month at the mission. Reverend Ed just expanded the mission to include women in need so our monthly meal is now up to around 30 people. The need is there. We all need to know that someone cares about us. It doesn’t take a lot. Every little bit helps. Our job is to help support the good people, like Reverend Ed, that make it their life’s work helping people and animals in need. They need to know that people care too. Your life will be enriched in so many ways when you help. The big bonus is that your kids will see the work you do and want to get involved in something they believe in. Several years ago I happened across a line in a book and it has stuck with me. The line is: “That which you manifest is before you”. That line is a part of my daily thoughts and it represents how I feel about volunteerism. “The little things we do today will bring about greater things in the future.”

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Pay it Forward

By: Sherri Funk

Paying it forward – what does that phrase really mean? Is it just a play on words from the movie from 2000 starring Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt? There is no right or wrong answer, paying it forward is a wonderful concept that allows compassion to carry on from one person to another. Paying it forward does not have to involve money, it can be a random act of kindness such as leaving a note on someone’s desk to have a good day, or a quick email to say thank you for helping me with that project. For me paying it forward is helping the person in the grocery line who is a few dollars short when she needs to get her prescriptions refilled, or helping the less fortunate students at the local schools. It is letting the person who appears to be in a hurry have my place in line at the grocery store. It is helping someone without the expectation of repayment. As far as the person who receives the random act of kindness, they are simply asked to pay it forward. Perhaps you pay it forward when you volunteer to be a team mom, coach, or help at your church. Consider the possibility… if each person reading this article paid it forward, or did a random act of kindness to one or two more people the concept of paying it forward would spread like wildfire. Perhaps after reading this article you will be more attentive wherever you are for opportunities to help someone or do something nice for someone you don’t know. Plant the seed of paying it forward, and watch it grow! I wrote the above piece prior to the passing of Jerry VanVleck, and I was lucky enough to have sent an email before Jerry’s passing to tell him and his boss how much the Accounting Department ladies appreciated them. Jerry had quite a few projects going on, but despite how busy he was,

every time he stopped to drop off an invoice or pick up a check he was smiling and enjoyable. How lucky are we that we were able to pay it forward and share our appreciation for Jerry (and Todd). . .

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We love our New Babies!

Welcome to the world Justin David West

Son of Brad West, Field Service

Arrived April 25th, 2013 @ 10.54 pm

Justin’s Stats:

8 lbs, 1.5 ounces

20.5” long

Congratulations Brad, Merry & family on your precious little boy!

That’s one proud papa!

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Welcome New Hires

January 2013

Lauren Bertrand, Inside Service

Glynn-Michael Barrineau, Assembly

Tyler Wulffe, Machine Shop

Ron Blankenship, Assembly

February 2013

Celly Mitchell, Assembly

Rickie Reiniche, Jr., Assembly

Karl Wiler, Field Service

Joe Busby, Field Service

March 2013

Simon Holmes, Machine Shop

Rory Monto, Field Service

Ed Hardee, Machine Shop

Alex Paquette, Weld Shop

Craig Wilhoyt, Field Service

Dustin Burch, Weld Shop

Adam Morse, Panel Shop

Congratulations to our Service Award Employees!

January 2013 Joe Gero, Weld Shop, 10 years

Todd Hartman, Weld Shop, 25 years

Dave Benjamin, MS, 5 years

Ted Trybek, Sales, 15 years

Bruce Hemphill, Field Service, 15 years

Frank Wilson, Assembly, 15 years

Ed Hanson, SSSL/SR, 5 years

Wayne Burrows, Stockroom, 5 years

Chip Moore, Inside Service, 5 years

February 2013

Ed Brzezniak, Engineering, 5 years

Keven Clicker, Weld Shop, 5 years

Kris Konik, Check Out, 5 years

March 2013

Jeff Collett, Assembly, 5 years

Dave Eckhoff, Assembly, 5 years

Dale Angell, Inside Service, 5 years

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