Download - May 2015 Tidings

  • Our Mission Statement: Sharing the Word of God

    Through Worship and Teaching,

    With Love and Service, In Our Congregation and

    Our Community.

    Pastor Peterson 2 ___________________________ Trinity's Council News Notes of thanks 3-5 _________________________ Service to Others 6

    May/June Birthdays ____________________________ News for Women of TLC 7 Circle News

    Table of Contents

    Trinity Tidings Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA

    MAY , 2015 VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 5

    Church Council meeting minutes are located on the table in the lower lobby for your information.

    Mother/Child Banquet Friday, May 15th

    6:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church

    Fellowship Hall

    Tickets: $6.00 Adults $3.00 children 12 and under

    Tickets are on sale in the church lobby after worship.

    Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 at Old Trinity

    WTLC ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be held on June 7th.

    Please stop in the Fellowship Hall after the

    10:30 a.m. service and have some ice cream.


    Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

    Honor the LORD with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.Proverbs 3:9-10

    All tithes from the land, whether the seed from the ground or the fruit from the tree, are the LORD's; they are holy to the LORD.Leviticus 27:30

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


    Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is founded upon the Gospel: in Christ Jesus God loves everyone, always, no mat-ter what. We grow in our experience of this love through discipleship practices: worship, fellowship, prayer, studying the scrip-tures, helping others, telling the Good News to others, and sharing our wealth to support the mission of Christs Church. During the next month our congregation will emphasize the last of thesefinancial stewardship, or giving to support Christs Church.

    Our stewardship program will approach financial giving from a faithful Biblical perspective. We urge you to give as a spiritual practice. That is, we ask you to give in thankful response to all God has done for you, trusting that God will provide for those who trust in the Lord.

    Following the scripture verses atop this letter we ask you to pray over the question: What portion of my income is God calling me to give for Christs ministry at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church? We urge you to allow the following ideas, reflected in these verses, to guide your prayerful consideration of how you shall give:

    God calls and invites us to give in cheerful gratitude. God calls and invites us to give the first fruits of our labor. That is, God calls us to give back to God in gratitude before

    spending our money on other needs. God calls and invites us to plan out ahead of time how much we intend to give. God calls and invites us to plan to give a percentage of our income for Gods work. A tithe (10% of our income is an

    important standard throughout the Bible, and it can serve as a (challenging!) long term goal for giving.

    Many of us at Old Trinity support Gods work by giving to ministries other than those of our congregation. We praise God for your generosity to them! But if you believe Old Trinity is doing Gods work, we urge you to give at least a portion of your tithe or planned offering to our congregation.

    During worship on Consecration Sunday weekend, May 30th and 31st, we will ask all worshippers to indicate their intention to support Gods work at Old Trinity by completing a Plan for Giving Card. We urge any who do not intend to complete a card to worship with us on that day, too. The procedure will be done in such a way that no one will feel embar-rassed if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will send Plan for Giving Cards by mail to those who do not submit them during worship on Consecration Sunday weekend, but we will make no further solicitation. Thank you in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday!

    Rejoicing with you in following Jesus,

  • PAGE 3 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 5 Presidents Report

    Being the Easter season, one of its related symbols is the butterfly. The butterfly is a wonder of nature as a caterpillar, an insect worm that crawls along the ground, becomes a beautiful flying display. That roly-poly bug wraps itself in a cocoon only to burst out as a spectacle of nature. It truly is a kind of miracle. The death and resurrection of Jesus is a similar kind of event. Jesus walked the earth teaching of Gods love and mercy only to be put to death. He was placed in a tomb from which he burst from the dead. This rising from the dead resulted in the phenomenon of grace for all of our sins another miracle. Old Trinity finds itself in a position of once again being able to become the butterfly. In the past 160 years, the church has burst from the ground on the corner of 3rd and Fulton, has blossomed with beautiful stained glass windows in the sanctuary, has created a social program to help the homeless in her community, and has transformed its sanctuary to what we know today. Just as a butterfly deposits eggs which turn into slow-crawling caterpillars before becoming new butterflies, Old Trinity has had members who have deposited funds whose use is now being considered and which may enable the church to become something new. Through our cottage meetings, our members are slowly considering where God might be calling us to go in the future at Old Trinity. Ideas and possibilities have been proposed and will be discerned as new ministries and directions are considered. It is hoped that we will then be able to evolve in the way God wants us to go. In order for that to happen, you need to attend one of the cottage meetings to share your thoughts on the future of Old Trinity. There are still opportunities in May for you to attend one of these meetings. Please come and join the discussions. Help Old Trinity find the miracles God has planned for us.

    Cottage Meetings in May:

    Now What? For Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

    During April and May, all members of the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church family will be asked to attend one small gathering to discern Gods calling for us as we move into the future. These cottage meetings will be scheduled at different times of the days and weeks of April and May to accommodate peoples schedules. We will try to keep each meeting to around twelve people to make it easy for all to participate. Several of these meetings will be held during the Sunday education hour in May. Well plan to keep all cottage meeting to around 90 minutes long. Possible topics for conversation may include: --How has God blessed you here? What do you most appreciate about our Trinity? --What, if anything, do you feel God is calling us to do differently? What changes would you like to see? --How should we (re)organize our ministries and budgets to reflect Gods call to us now?

    Please sign up for and attend one of these meetings for the good of our community of faith. Sign up sheets are on table in lower lobby.

    Sunday, May 3- 09:00 a.m. Sunday, May 3-12:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5-12:00 p.m.


    I'd like to thank everyone who baked an item for the Ronald McDonald House, we had to change plans slightly and I appreciate the flexibility. We are still talking about our May project so keep an eye out in the bulletin for that. As you go to the cottage meetings, please bring any suggestions you have for future projects as we'd love to hear new ideas. Let Gretchen Brandt know if you have any suggestions. Thanks!

    Community Ministry


    Spring is the season of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. Fellowship events are also in full bloom this season at Old Trinity. This is whats happening this month with Congregational Life

    May 3rd: Congregation Life committee meeting after worship May 10th: Mothers Day- we will recognize all mothers this Sunday during worship and all mothers will receive a small gift. Mothers are a gift from God and thank you for all that you do!! May 17th: Lemonade on the Lawn after worship May 24th: Pentecost Sunday- we will beautify the sanctuary with red geraniums for Pentecost. Geraniums will be on sale in the church lobby beginning May 3rd. After Pentecost we will plant the geraniums in the garden outside the church. May 31st: Trinity Sunday- this will be a day to celebrate all the ministries of the church and also to welcome new members. We are planning on having a reception in the fellowship hall this Sunday Please join us for these events!

    On April 19th, we bid farewell to Rose and Earl Dickerson and held a reception after worship to honor them and celebrate their many years of faithful service at Trinity. We thank them for being such a blessing to our congregation and wish them good luck and Godspeed as they begin the next chapter of their lives living with family in Cincinnati.


    Thank You TLC Congregation for Making Shirley Griffins Birthday so Special! By LeNan Hager

    Last summer at a ladies meeting at my home Shirley Griffin mentioned she was going to be 80 in April 2015. I believe she meant it to be a passing comment, but I jumped on it like it was a life preserver and I was floating in the oceanI looked over and said, we are going to celebrate that milestone, and she said, No you are not, I am going on a cruise. And that was it as far as she was concerned, but not me. In early March at a midweek Lenten service luncheon, I actually had the gall to tell the entire table of people I was sitting with, and I collectively we all decided we NEEDED to celebrate Shirleys birthday with a surprise celebration. We all know the rest of the story we managed to throw the biggest surprise for the busiest little bee in our congregation, and it was with the help of the entire TLC con-gregation and family. So I want to say special thank you to everyone who donated money towards her gift, a personally inscribed wind-up snow globe with the angel of gratitude inside. She loved it and I believe it was most appropriate.

    Thank you to Pastor, Tom and the choir for singing to her during the Palm Service, especially when it is such a somber time. Thank you to Mary for all her help with emails and mailing lists. You were so helpful to me. Thank you to Ja-net, Nancy, Peg, Arlene and Guy all the people who helped me with all the details, helped me set up secretly, and keep Shirley occupied through service and through a made-up meeting upstairs so we could get everyone jammed into the corner of the Fellowship Hall. The biggest thank you goes to Shirley. Your tireless service to our congregation is a gift that no amount of words, gifts, testimonies or money could ever be expressed appropriately. You are our little engine that could, can and will. You are a gem and we thank God for you in our lives every day. We hope our festive 80th birthday surprise gave you a taste of the appreciation, love and gratitude we have for what you do for our church. Yes Shirley. Yes we did. We got one over on you! Happy Birthday!!

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! To Trinity Lutheran Church for all your prayers for my recovery of the broken ankle to the hip replacement surgery. Its been a long journey but I feel I am finally on the mend. Thank you for all the cards and phone calls. Thank you for your visits to the hospital and Alter-care. Special thanks to Pastor Peterson for his many visits and reassuring words. Special thanks to Janet Robertson for her many visits and for administering communion when I was unable to make it to church. It was so good to be able to go to church on Easter Sunday and see all of you again. Vivian Faelchle

    I am truly BLESSED to have my church family at Trinity Lutheran Church. Words cannot express how grateful I am for my surprise birthday celebration. I love each and every one at Trinity. Thank you LeNan Hager, Women of Trinity and everyone that helped in any way to make this surprise celebration happen. Peace and Love, Shirley

  • Service to Trinity in May Greeter 03 Bev Speasmaker 10 Arlene Dykeman 17 Diana Fisher 24 Nancy Gosnell 31Amy Heinlein Lectors 03 Judy Fortman 10 Christiane Buuck 17 Greg Brandt 24 Arlene Dykeman 31 Stephen Mayer Worship Assistant Jason McKitrick Cantor Neal Coryell Acolyte Adam Moneypenny Saturday Night Lectors 02 Mary Reed-Farris 09 16 23 30 Altar Guild LeNan and Guy Hager Communion Bread Baker LeNan Hager Open/Close Shirley Griffin, David Huskey Ushers Shirley Griffin-captain, Arlene Dykeman, Sheila Hively, Janet Robertson, Bev Speasmaker, Kirsten Kilhefner

    PAGE 6


    The next date for service at Faith Mission is Thursday, May 28th. Please be at Faith Mission by 6:30 p.m. Those serving at Faith Mission in April were the Downtowners.

    Samaritan Update from 3/23 4/21

    60 + lunch bags 2 State IDs 21 COTA Day Passes 2 $10.00Gas Vouchers socks, toiletry items, gloves Each month Trinity is able to help assist people with Cota Day Passes. We also assist people each month by helping them to get their State ID. Another program Trinity offers is gasoline for your vehicle. We currently work with a local BP station. Trinity continues to offer brown lunch bags with bottled water for those in need.

    Volume 9, Issue 5

    While serving at Faith Mission please take all safety precautions. Please wear closed-toed shoes, all clothing must cover arms and abdomen. Shorts must not rise higher than the knee. Long hair should be covered by a hair net. Volunteers who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to reschedule their service.

    May Birthday Wishes


    Remember to sign-up on SIGN-UP CENTRAL, the bulletin

    board in the lobby for this very important service to our

    community. Contact Gretchen Brandt at

    614/458-8208 or email: [email protected] or

    Contact Neal Coryell at 614/262-1168 if you would like

    to help during the week.


    June Birthday Wishes


    We need Counters to help count money on Sundays after the Sunday Service. We need to have two counters per Sunday and the counters would count each Sunday for a month.

    Any questions can be sent to Jason McKitrick. [email protected] [email protected]

    03 Delores Schmidt 03 Janet Robertson 04 Madeline DeRoche 06 Bradley Smith 09 Karen Gunderman 12 Geoffrey Wilhelm 14 Erika Lumbra 16 Mary Roberts 20 Vivian Faelchle 21 Grant Miller 25 Nathaniel Moes 27 Diana Fisher 27 Jake Bennett

    01 Kaitlyn Smith 06 Bill Esterline 06 Jill Brandt 06 Dianna Everett 07 Elizabeth Mote 10 Eugene Abahazie 12 Alice Gramlich (103) 17 Jason McKitrick 19 Marvin Buban 20 Bev Speasmaker 25 Lucas Lumbra 29 David Roberts 29 Megan Gibson 30 Sarah Van Horn 30 Christopher Smith


    PAGE 7

    The Rachel Circle will meet on Thursday, May 7th at 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Table prayers will be lead by Beth Fraley and the word is Faith.

    HANNAH CIRCLE will met on Monday, May 18th at 12:30 P.M. Bring your lunch and refreshments will be provided. Bible Study Leader and Hostess will be Judy Fortman. Continue to save your coins to contribute to the RED EYES-LADIES FUND by placing them in the glass jug found in the lower main lobby.

    Remember to save ink and toner cartridges to help pay for church supplies. The cartridges are recycled and we are given an online coupon from Staples.

    Recycled Generosity

    Thank you for your recent donations of pop tabs, soup labels, points for schools and greeting card faces. All of these items are put to good use to raise funds and help the environment as well.

    Rachel Circle is collecting bath size bars of soap for Lutheran World Relief. The soap will be collected from March through September, 2015.

    There will be a basket in the lobby both Saturday night and Sunday morning to hold your donations.

    If you remember last year our campaign was very successful we helped over 600 people with our soap. Maybe we will do even better in 2015. Thanks for your support and soap. Sharon Thacker

    UPDATE ON TLC CAREGIVERS EASTER BREAKFAST We served over 50 Trinity members and friends at our Easter breakfast this year. The breakfast was a big suc-cess. The TLC Caregivers could not have done it without the help of our members and friends. TLC Caregivers members that helped make the breakfast so nice were Nancy Gosnell, Janet & Dennis Robertson, Bill Dross, Peg Beeson, Sharon Thacker, Sharon Heinlein and Shirley Griffin. Many thanks to Trinity members that helped us including Pam and son Mark McClelland, Sa-rah & Dana VanHorn, David Huskey and Nora Wiegerig. We are so happy for all your help.


    May 15 at 6:30 PM.

    The theme this year will be MOMS ROCK. Please come and enjoy a special evening with us. There will be good food and exciting things to do at the dinner. Tickets will be on sale before and after 10:30 a.m. service starting April 26. The cost for tickets is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for chil-dren 12 and under.

    Thank you for the prayers and cards upon the death of Bob Robertson, the brother of Dennis. We appreciate your support to our family during our time of loss.

    Janet and Dennis Robertson

  • Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff

    Pastor: Charles Peterson

    Minister of Music and Organist: Dr. Tom Wells

    Administrative Assistant:

    Mary Reed-Farris

    Custodian: Lori Large-Beshara

    Were online! Check us out at

    Non-Profit Organization


    Columbus, Ohio

    Permit No. 740

    The deadline for submission of

    articles for the June Trinity

    Tidings is Wed. May 20th at 12:30

    p.m. Assembly of the June Trinity

    Tidings will be Tuesday, May 26th

    at 10:00 a.m.

    Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215

    Phone: 614-224-6818 Fax: 614-224-6799

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ

    Congregation. The members of Trinity Lutheran Church recog-

    nize that God loves, Forgives, and calls each of us uncondition-ally and that every human being is created in the image of God. As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we seek to understand Gods love for us and struggle to be faithful messengers of that love in the world. Although our world is a place of alienation and broken-ness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. In response, we join hands with all our sisters and brothers, grateful for the unique gifts that each of us has to offer, regardless of our race, age, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, national origin, or economic status. We cele-brate together both the diversity of Gods creation and our unity as Gods people.

    Trinity Tidings Committee

    Mary Reed-Farris-Editor Assembly Sharon Thacker Georgianna Mickles Myra Kilhefner Shirley Griffin

    Suggesios for the Triity Tidigs are always welcoe

    Office Hours Monday 8:30--12:30pm Tuesday 8:30-12:30pm

    Wednesday 8:30-12:30pm Thursday 8:30-12:30pm

    Friday 8:30-12:30pm

    May 2015 Please inform us if you relocate:


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