
Introduction to Lyme Disease

757 Nor land Ave, Ste 105 Chambersburg , PA 17201 (717) 217-6790 www.Nor

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” - Colossians 3:23

May is Lyme Disease Awareness month. After

an overwhelming response to our Lyme Dis-

ease seminar last month, I wanted to spend a

little more time on this subject. If you think this subject

is of no interest to you, please read the next paragraph

before moving on.

Pennsylvania has had more new cases of lyme disease

than any other state for the last two years. Pennsylvania

is also one of the top ten states ranked by reported cases.

Clearly, if you are living in Pennsylvania or the sur-

rounding states, you need to be concerned about lyme


Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bacte-

ria Borrelia Burgdorferi which is typically transmitted by

the bite of a deer tick. Common symptoms include fever,

fatigue, neck pain, headaches, joint pain, brain fog, and

more. Lyme disease is typically treated with antibiotics;

however, the ability to cure lyme disease is contested.

While many of you have heard and believe that the

“bull’s eye” rash is the first sign of lyme disease, many

people with the disease don’t remember having a “bull’s

eye” rash at all. Often patients will have a rash that looks

like a satellite, bruise, or spider bite.

Once you have lyme disease, the Borrelia Burgdorferi

bacteria can exist in three different forms in your body:

Spirochete, L-form (cell wall deficient), and Cystic form.

The bacteria changes shape to be able to hide from the

immune system, because your body can’t kill what it

doesn’t recognize. This can make lyme disease difficult

to treat.

There are ways you can help to prevent lyme disease:

Shower after coming in from outside

Use DEET as your insect repellent

Do “tick checks” on children, adults, and pets after

being outside

Spray your yard with insecticide to kill ticks

Keep high weeds/brush trimmed back from the edge

of your yard

Keep your grass trimmed low

Here’s how to protect yourself outside:

Walk in the middle of trails

Wear a long-sleeved shirt

Wear white or light-colored clothing to make it easier

to see ticks

Wear a hat and shoes (no bare feet or sandals)

Spray tick repellent on clothes and shoes

Wear long pants tucked into high socks

If you have further questions about this topic, please join

us for our encore presentation:

Wayne Myers, Pharm. D.

MAY 2016


RSVP: (717) 217-6790 or [email protected]

Lyme Disease We are happy to announce

Dr. Mauss will be presenting an encore presentation. We had

to turn people away in April. Don’t miss your chance,

reserve your seat today.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Mauss, DO

“Keep your face to the sunshine

and you cannot see a shadow.”

- Helen Keller


“I’m sorry,” said the clerk in the flower shop, “We don’t have potted geraniums. Could you use African violets in-stead?”

Replied the customer sadly, “No, it was geraniums my wife told me to water while she was gone.”

House of Grace is a Christ-centered life skills education and mentoring ministry with a mission to help meet the practical and spiritual needs of women. Located in Chambersburg, House of Grace is a safe, nurturing “home atmosphere” where women can learn and grow together, gain confidence and increased self worth, and obtain the skills and knowledge needed to become the persons God created them to be. To find out more call (717) 709-0085.

If coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) were a drug, pharmaceutical companies would be fighting over the patent. It’s

literally a “wonder pill” for treating and preventing heart disease. Unfortunately, many doctors are still in the dark

about CoQ10 facts and why it’s one of the most powerful natural supplements. Here are a five facts your doctor should be telling

you and the reasons CoQ10 are on our Top Five Supplements for Almost Anyone list:

1. Many cases of heart failure are actually caused by a lack of

CoQ10. CoQ10 sparks energy in every cell of your body including

your heart which is your body’s largest energy user. Without enough

CoQ10, your heart can’t pump blood as efficiently as it should.

2. The lack of energy we call “aging” is often just a CoQ10 deficit.

Your body naturally produces CoQ10 throughout your life, but pro-

duction drops as you get older. When people start CoQ10, they often

feel 10 years younger.

3. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant. It cleans up the destructive free

radicals that are by-products of the energy production process.

4. If you’re on a statin medication, you MUST take CoQ10. Not

only do statins stop cholesterol production, they also hinder your

body’s production of CoQ10. That’s why many people end up with

muscle aches and weakness while taking statins.

5. Not every CoQ10 supplement works. The form of CoQ10 you take affects how well it is absorbed into your body.

Research confirms that the Maxi-Sorb Q-gel delivery system from Country Life improves CoQ10 absorption three times

more than standard softgel capsule forms.

How much CoQ10 do you need? Take at least 100mg of a highly-absorbable CoQ10 daily. If you are not taking a highly-

absorbable version like Country Life’s Maxi-Sorb, you may need to double that amount, especially if you are taking a statin or

multiple heart medications. For best results, take CoQ10 with a meal. It’s more readily absorbed with food (especially some fat).

If you have any questions about CoQ10, please don’t hesitate to stop by and ask any of our knowledgeable team members!

A Closer Look: CoQ10

Seek to Gain Wisdom

Proverbs 24:13-14 – Eat honey, my son, for it is good;

honey from the comb is sweet to your taste. Know also that

wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future

hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

The word “wisdom” in this passage means “to seek to be

wise.” Honey is, indeed, sweet in our mouths but to be wise

or skillful is honey for your souls. James tells us how we can

determine if we have such wisdom.

James 3:13 – Who is wise and understanding among you?

Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humil-

ity that comes from wisdom.

James 3:17 – But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first

of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full

of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Give some honey to your soul … seek to gain wisdom.


You Have Questions, We Have Answers Are you overwhelmed with all the medications you are

taking? Are you feeling less energetic and fatigued? Are you

concerned that your current combination of medications may

be having a negative impact on your health? Has your doctor

prescribed you a medication to treat a side-effect of another

medication? Have you reached a stage in your life where

you’re just not feeling as good as you should? Are you ready

to make the necessary life changes in order to reach optimal


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want

to consider scheduling a personalized MTM consultation with

one of our trained, professional pharmacists.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a service that is

provided by a pharmacist to help improve your therapeutic

outcomes by optimizing your drug therapy. During an MTM

the pharmacist does a Comprehensive Medication Review

(CMR), where they sit down with you for a one-on-one meet-

ing to…

Go over all of your medications,

Screen for drug-drug interactions,

Verify appropriate medication use and compliance,

Assess medication use for safety and effectiveness,

Minimize side effects, and

Look for cheaper alternative medications.

After the MTM, the pharmacist will contact your physician(s)

regarding any recommended alterations to your drug therapy.

The goal of the MTM is for you to leave with all of your ques-

tions answered, a copy of a comprehensive list of your medi-

cations with recommendations, and a Medication-Related

Action Plan (MAP) that contains a list of actions for you to

use at home.

An MTM consultation will help improve the communication

between you and your health care providers, which in turn

empowers you to optimize your medication use for better out-

comes. It is important that your pharmacist be included in

your health care team. Pharmacists are medication experts that

undergo years of training in managing medication therapies

and are readily available to

answer your questions while

being able to collaborate

with your physicians as


Experts estimate that there

are 1.5 million preventable

adverse events that occur

each year in the United

States due to medication-

related issues, which results

in $177 billion in injury and

death related expenses. The best way Norland Avenue Phar-

macy can help to prevent these adverse events—and save you

money—is by helping you manage your own medication regi-


Stop in or call us at Norland Avenue Pharmacy any time to set

up an MTM encounter with one of our trained pharmacists or

to inquire more about this valuable service.

“Norland makes things easy and simple.” - Greg

“I like everything about Norland Avenue Pharmacy. The service is good, the

drive-thru is convenient, and the upscale gift selection is great.”

- Dusty

“The people at Norland Avenue Pharmacy are so nice and friendly.

They really try to help.” - George



What our customers have been saying...

In this Issue:

Introduction to Lyme Disease .................................. Pg 1

A Closer Look: CoQ10 ............................................. Pg 2

Proverbs to Live By .................................................. Pg 2

You Have Questions, We Have Answers ................ Pg 3

May 1-14: 20% OFF ALL JEWELRY Perfect for Mother’s Day, stop in and check out our great selection of jewelry. Lottie Dotties and Ginger Snaps are all included in the sale.

May 31: FREE LYME DISEASE SEMINAR Guest Speaker: Dr Mauss, 7pm Last month’s seminar filled up quickly, so we are offering an encore presentation. Be sure to reserve your spot, seats are limited.

Seating is limited. Please reserve your spot:

(717) 217-6790 or [email protected].

Supplement Your Beauty Routine

757 Norland Avenue Suite 105 Chambersburg, PA 17201






Return Service Requested

Your skin is composed of three layers: the epider-

mis, dermis, and hypodermis. Cosmetic products,

like creams, serums, and lotions, work primarily on the top layer

of the skin, the epidermis, reinforcing the skin’s barrier function

and improving its protective abilities. However, the visible signs

of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles, decreased elasticity and

firmness, and dryness, are all symptoms of what’s happening

beneath the surface—in the skin’s dermal layer.

Over time, the skin’s essential supportive structure starts to

break down. Collagen levels decline and elastin loses its spring

causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear on the skin’s surface.

The older we get and the more exposed our skin has been to

stressors and UV light, the more we need ex-

tra help to support smooth and supple skin.

Maxi-Skin, Collagen + C&A’s unique tri-

layer approach affects the collagen metabo-

lism directly from the inside to help reduce

the appearance of wrinkles and increase

skin elasticity by helping replenish natural

collagen production. Maxi-Skin is available

in both tablet and powder form. Ask about it


Tracie Roles

FREE Lyme Disease Seminar!

Tuesday, May 31st 7:00pm

Speaker: Dr. Mauss

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