
Day 1: READ Mark 1:21-28READ & RESPOND What’s the Point of today’s story?

What does it tell us about Jesus? Write or draw your answer below.

PRAY Jesus, you teach us in such powerful ways. You show us that you have all the authority of God. You can do anything! Thank you for loving us and

teaching us to follow God. Amen.

Day 4: READ Mark 1:40-45READ & SEARCH Words to find from our story:

PRAY Jesus today you showed us that you love even those people that others don’t want to be near. Thank you for showing us what real love and care for others looks like. We know you are watching out for us when we serve you.

May 9 & 10, 2020

Jesus Early Miracles Mark 1

Story Point: People came to Jesus and He healed them.

Key Passage: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Child’s Name: _______________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________This is the Key Passage thru 6/7.



Any other words you can find?______________________________________________________________________________

Day 2: READ Mark 1:29-34READ & CREATE

In today’s reading Jesus heals someone who has a fever. Take some time today to think of someone who is sick.

Make them a card. Write a favorite bible verse in your card (maybe John 3:16??)

Who did you make a card for? __________________________

What Bible verse did you put in the card for them?__________________________

PRAY God you take care of us. You are so amazing you can heal our bodies and

sickness. Thank you for creating doctors and nurses who care for our bodies.

Thank you for taking care of our hearts. Thank you for sending Jesus

to die on the cross and save us from sin.

God help us to show others

how great your love is.

Day 3: READ Mark 1:35-39

READ & PLAY Before reading today, have mom or dad hide a picture or item that reminds you of Jesus somewhere in your home. NOW read the story. Where did Jesus go? What was he doing when they found Him? Go hunt for the item your parent hid. When you find it. Spend some time with God in prayer. Use the following to help with ideas.

Thank you God for… God you give… God you are… God I love…

God please know… Amen.

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