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Page 1: May Road Runner

MESA, Ariz.-Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class (SW) John Casanova, received an honorary Diamonds in the Desert award, during the Hilton Phoenix’ sixth annual awards ceremony at the Hilton Phoenix East in Mesa, Ariz., May 6. A member from each branch of the armed services received an honorary award for their recent service in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Casanova had been part of a guard force at the camp Taji detainee camp at Camp Taji, Iraq before he reported to Navy Recruiting District Phoenix. “He was doing something so foreign to what the Navy had trained him to do and he was doing it professionally and very well,” said CMDCM (SS) Jerry Pittman, NRD Phoenix’s Command Master Chief. Pittman also served in Iraq and had previously met Casanova while touring Camp Taji, and was impressed by the job he was doing day in and day out. “He was instrumental in making sure that nobody made mistakes that you can’t make when you’re dealing with people who want to kill Americans,” said

Pittman. Although Pittman was impressed by the job that Casanova did, and has been doing since checking onboard as a recruiter, Casanova said that it was all just doing his job as a U.S. service member. “I did my job,” said Casanova. “I never really thought I would be awarded for it.” Even though he was just doing his part in service of his

country, the modest Sailor was very appreciative of being recognized by the public and of his fellow shipmates and warriors. “I’m speechless, I really wasn’t expecting this,” said Casanova. “You can tell they put a lot of time and effort in this event to show their appreciation for the military” Casanova is currently a recruiter at Navy Recruiting Station Paradise Valley.

Casanova Honored with Diamonds in the Desert AwardBy MC1(AW) Adrian Melendez

Volume 13, Issue 5 30 MAY 2010


Navy Recruiting District Phoenix Command Master Chief CMDCM (SS) Jerry Pittman pressents a Diamond in the Desert Award to Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class (SW) John Casanova at the sixth annual awards Diamonds in the Desert awards ceremony at the Hilton Phoenix East in Mesa, Ariz., May 6. Casanova was present-ed the award for his work while serving in Camp Taji, Iraq. U.S Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) Adrian Melendez.

Page 2: May Road Runner

Hey, Ship-mates! While I’ve been out pounding the deckplates around the

NRD, I’ve had the privilege of watching many of our best and brightest in action. I can’t help but be impressed about the quality of our leaders, and how the mix of tra-dition and training is helping them become even better Sailors. So with that in mind, I’m going to talk about a few thoughts on what I consider to be the funda-mental of leadership. So how do you lead? There are as many styles and tactics as there are leaders. Some work re-ally well; others well, not so much. But I think that there’s one element in virtually every suc-cessful leadership style that we as Naval Leaders need to take a hard look at and constantly refine as our Sailors and the mission changes. You guessed it, COMMUNICA-TION! After all my years of work-ing with Sailors and junior officers, there’s no doubt in my mind that the cornerstone of good leadership is communication. If you are a leader, you are ALWAYS talking with your chain of command. Communication and leadership are so tightly inter-twined, they are inseparable like a Sailor and the sea (except of us). A good leader is going to be making sure his or her Sailors are clued in on just about everything. That Sailors will know the “whats”

and “why fors” and will make sure the word gets passed down to every Sailor. Sailors with good leaders don’t wonder why the command did that because a good leader would have already explained it. Poor communication is a killer to both morale and mission accom-plishment and here’s how I know. As the CMC, I get the results of quality of life, retention, and a host of other surveys. They all say our Sailors want us to com-municate better. The most recent ARGUS survey on BUPERS listed the top 10 reasons our Sailors are leaving the Navy. Reason Number Six is communication within the com-mand. This is completely within our control as leaders, yet it has moved steadily up the list over time. Morale and command cli-mate were Reasons Four and Five – things that are directly affected by communication. So our Navy is losing some great talent because we are not using the simple and time-proven tactic of talking to the Sailors who work for us. It’s a fact that people who don’t know or understand what or why they are doing something will get frustrated. Because Sailors don’t understand the mission, they don’t have any ownership in it, and they don’t get the plan behind the mis-sion. This means our people have

Inside This Issue

Ombudsman’s Corner 4Safety 5 Hydroplane Team 6Zone 1 Olympics 8Armed Forces Day 9Re-Up at Boneyard 10Helping Hands 11Captain’s Cup 12Hike of the Month 13Grand Canyon 14Around the Fleet 15

Road Runner Staff

Cmdr. Darryl ToppinCommanding Officer

Cmdr. Derek WessmanExecutive Officer

CMDCM(SS) Jerry PittmanCommand Master Chief

MC1(AW) Adrian MelendezPublic Affairs Officer

Editor/Layout and Design

NC1 Steven PowellAssistant Public Affairs Officer

John BeringAssistant Editor

The Road Runner is a monthly newsletter produced by the U.S. Navy Recruiting District Phoenix Public Affairs. It is intended primar-ily, but not exclusively, for the use, informa-tion and entertainment of its active duty and reserve members, civilian employees and their families. Any views expressed herein are not necessarily the official positions of the U.S. Navy Recruiting Command or the U.S. Navy. The Road Runner staff encourage feedback from its readers. Please submit all articles, suggestions, ideas, comments, photos, compli-ments or complaints to MC1(AW) Adrian Me-lendez at [email protected], NC1 Steven Powell at [email protected], or John Bering at [email protected]


Leaders Continued OnPage 3


Good Leaders are Good at the Same ThingBy CMDCM (SS) Jerry PittmanNRD Phoenix Command Master Chief

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no stake in it. Without buy-in from the people we lead, we have trouble meeting our goals. We’ve all served at com-mands where it seemed that the only time we heard about anything was at Quarters. After that, scut-tlebutt was the communicator, and we all know how well that works. If this is your situation, you need to take action now or your Sailors and junior officers will stay disillusioned and confused. And your next leadership challenge will be disciplinary problems. Now I could try and dazzle you with a lot of communication theory, message and feedback diagrams, etc., but I don’t think that would get my point across very well. That’s definitely not the leadership I am talking about. The first thing I can tell you is to become a great listener. It’s critical that you know your folks understand what you are telling them. You have to ensure the communication is two-way, and

the message is clear. Anything less and communication is stalled. People would be amazed at what they could learn if they just shut up for a few minutes and listened. Listen, Learn and Lead! Have you heard that before, or are you talk-ing too much? So start listening more. Ask questions to make sure the message is getting through. Be nosy and inject yourself into things so that your folks know you are involved and willing to listen. The next thing I can tell you is to never stop learning. Navy policies, command mission, changes in the personnel system, all of it. The more you know, the more you can put things into con-text for your Sailors. And that’s a great word, “context.” Great communicators put things into context so under-standing is easier. The goal is seeing something from another perspective.

My last bit of Communica-tion 101 is to be interested. Watch your body language and project interest. It’s easy for people to pick up on the signs that you’re not interested, and then communica-tion stops. That takes practice and awareness. Now the best way I know to formally polish communication skills it to practice it. There are also at least 24 courses designed to help with communication on some level on NKO. Check out the “Professional Effectiveness” collection under Skillsoft Business and Simulation Courses. This goes back to what I said about always keep learning. Take it to heart. Listen to your Sailors. Listen to your junior officers. Talk to them and look them in the eyes daily. With active and effective communication, we can make sure we create the best possible generation of Navy lead-ers. Hooyah Shipmates!

Leaders Continued FromPage 2


“It’s critical that you know your folks under-stand what you are telling them.”

Machinist’s Mate 1st Class (SS) Brannon Ivey, from Navy Recruiting Station Flag-staff, Ariz., poses for a group photo, while dressed up as Smokey The Bear, with chil-dren from Killip Elementary School. Ivey is involved with numerous volunteer and community opportunities in Flagstaff and was asked by the school to dress as the fa-mous furry spokesman to teach the children about fire safety. U.S. Navy Photo

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NRD PhoenixOmbudsman

([email protected])Sandra Roberts (Phoenix Lead

Ombudsman) (602)621-1922

[email protected]

Megan Kenney (Phoenix)(760)505-5479

[email protected]

Lety Spaulding (Phoenix)(602) 432-6692

[email protected]

Sharla Boykin (Phoenix)(623) 792-0770

Elizabeth Garciasalas (El Paso)(505)554-8685

[email protected]

Aimee White (Tucson)(520)461-9201

[email protected]

FRG PresidentMegan Kenney (Phoenix)

(760)[email protected]

Dial-a ChaplinPhoenix area

Chaplin Terry Pletkovich(480)586-8728

Chaplin Dean Johansen(602)828-7773

Davis-Monthan AFB(520)228-4511

Fort Bliss(915)568-8728

Kirtland AFB(505)846-5691

The month of May has gone by and hopefully everyone had a safe Memorial Day Weekend. Kids are out of school and time to get in on the summer activities. I am sure that some of you will be taking vacations over the summer. Stay safe and have a lot of fun. There are many summer programs at the YMCA and at the Boys and Girls Club, or even in the schools, that you can take advantage of. The FRG has invited everyone to a movie on Friday June 18, 2010 at Harkins Theater.

The movie is Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaur. Time is 10:00 AM Cost is $2.00 per ticket at the door. Harkins Theater is located at North 40th Street and East Thomas Road on the South West Corner. After the movie we can go to Ci Ci’s Pizza. Cost is $4.99 per person. If you need directions please contact me at 602-621-1922. Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th. If you would like to volunteer in either the FRG or as an Ombudsman please contact either myself or Command Master

Ombudsman’s CornerBy Sandra Roberts

Blue Star Families announced the launch of Blue Star Museums, a partnership with more than 600 museums across America to offer free admission to all active duty military personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day 2010. Region partners are listed bellow. The complete list of participating museums is available at

Free Museum Admissions to Active Duty Military, Families

Arizona State Museum Tucson, AZ

Desert Caballeros Western Museum Wickenburg, AZ

Heard Museum Phoenix, AZ

Museum of Northern Arizona Flagstaff, AZ

Phoenix Art Museum Phoenix, AZ

Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art Scottsdale, AZ

The Mini Time Machine Museum Tucson, AZ

Coronado State Monument Bernalillo, NM

El Camino Real International Heritage Center Socorro, NM

Fort Selden State Monument Radium Springs, NM

Fort Sumner/Bosque Redondo Memorial State Monument FT Sumner, NM

Jemez State Monument Jemez Springs, NM

Lincoln State Monument Lincoln, NM

Museum of Indian Arts & Culture Santa Fe, NM

Museum of International Folk Art Santa Fe, NM

National Hispanic Cultural Center Albuquerque, NM

New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum Las Cruces, NM

New Mexico Musem of Space History Alamogordo, NM

New Mexico Museum of Art Santa Fe, NM

New Mexico Museum of National History & Science Albuquerque, NM

The New Mexico History Museum Santa Fe, NM

El Paso Museum of Art El Paso, TX

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Safety Continued OnPage 19


Staying Safe in the Critical Days of SummerBy Lt. Randall Krekeler

Having fun is what summer is all about. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day poses the potential for greater risks to our recruiters. It’s a period when some recruiters will transfer since school is out (hence, more families are on the road traveling between duty stations); it’s when recruiters visit family and loved ones and often travel longer periods than they should without rest or a break; and it’s also a time for hiking, camp-ing, cookouts, water activities, and summer parties, which often combine alcohol consumption, hot weather, and high risk activities. NRD Phoenix values all of it’s Sailors and wants each and every one to remain safe through-out the summer by encouraging co-workers, families, and friends to make the season fun, make it safe, and then, make it home! It’s all part of the Navy Safety Center’s Live to Play, Play to Live Summer Safety 2010 Campaign. Here are some helpful hints from the Navy Safety Center for Summer 2010:

Heat safety - Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat rash are possible when you become overexerted in the heat. Put your health first so you can enjoy the summer. To prevent fatal injuries, know the signs of heat injuries and the steps to take to minimize risk.

Heat Cramps. Heavy sweating; painful spasms usually in the leg or abdomen muscles. Provide cool water, shade, and monitor.

Heat Exhaustion. Person experi-ences nausea, dizziness, weakness, headache, pale and moist skin, heavy perspiration, normal or low body temperature, weak pulse, dilated pupils, disorientation, faint-ing spells. Provide water, shade, elevate feet and seek immediate medical attention.

Heat Stoke. Person experiences headache, dizziness, confusion, rapid/strong pulse, and hot, dry skin, high body temperature of 106 or higher possibly leading to vascular collapse, coma, and death. Move to a cool shaded area, soak victim with water and fan, elevate feet and seek immediate medical attention. This is a medical emer-gency.

Carry Plenty of Water. No de-pendable sources of water exist in the desert regions. One gallon of water per person, per day is the absolute minimum that should be carried. When planning a hike, re-member that water weighs approxi-mately 8 pounds per gallon. When the water is half gone, it is time to turn back. Don’t forget extra water for your vehicle. Do not ration your water. It will only do you good if you drink it.

Dress Properly. In summer, lay-ered clothing slows dehydration and minimizes exposure. Good hiking shoes, loose fitting natural-fiber clothing, a wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen are a must. Desert temperatures can reach over 90° Fahrenheit and drop below 50° Fahrenheit in one day. Summer temperatures can reach 125° Fahrenheit in some locations.

Plan Your Trip Carefully. Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Learn how to use a map and a compass before you hike. It is easy to become disoriented in the desert where many landmarks and rock formations look similar

Water awareness – Your water fun depends on you, your equipment and other people who, like your-self, enjoy spending leisure time on, in or near the water. Let’s take a look at your responsibilities:

Always have a first-aid kit and emergency phone contacts handy. Adults should be trained in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion). Always use approved per-sonal floatation devices (life jack-ets.) Barriers can offer added protection against drowning. Power or manual covers will completely cover a pool and block access to the water; however, be sure to drain any standing water from the surface of the pool cover as a child can drown in very small amounts of water. Remove toys from in and around the pool when not in use. They can attract children to the

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Hydroplane Continued OnPage 7


Arizona Sailors get Chance to be Part of Hydroplane TeamByMC1(AW) Adrian Melendez

CHANDLER, Ariz. – Three Sailors had the chance of a lifetime to be part of hydroplane drag boat team during the 2010 Lucas Oil Firebird Spring Nationals Drag Boat Races at Firebird Raceway in Chandler, Ariz., April 30-May 2. Quarter Master 2nd Class Daniel Patterson, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) 2nd Class Pete Williams, both from Navy Recruiting Station Chandler, and Aviation Structural Mechanic Airman Joseph Jacobs, from Fighter Attack Squadron 125 based in Naval Air Station Lemoore, Calif., volunteered to be part of the boats pit crew during the three day event. “This was a blast. I love racing and the Navy gave me the opportunity to come out here and be part of this event,” said Patterson. “We just wanted to come out here and let people know that

the Navy is here (in Phoenix) and tell them a little about what the Navy does, as well as watch some racing.” Jacobs, who was recruited out of Chandler, was home on

leave and decided to come out and be part of the team, as well as do something a little different and exciting. “I’m really happy I got a chance to come out and do this,”

Retired Navy Com-mander Paul Becker takes the lead in the UL-14 “Go Navy” Hydroplane, dur-ing the 2010 Lucas Oil Firebird Spring Nationals Drag Boat Races at Firebird Raceway in Chandler, Ariz., April 30-May 2. Becker, a former Navy pilot, donated space on his boat for the Navy logos and had local Sailors as part of his pit crew during the three day rac-ing event. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Com-munication Specialist 1st Class(AW) Adrian Melendez

Aviation Structural Mechanic Airman Joseph Jacobs, from Fighter Attack Squadron 125 in Naval Air Station Lemoore, Calif., and Quarter Master 2nd Class Daniel Patterson, from Naval Recruiting Station Chandler, Ariz., pull in the UL-14 “Go Navy” hydroplane. Jacobs was on leave in his hometown of Chandler and volunteered to come to the races to be part of the team. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class(AW) Adrian Melendez

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said Jacobs. “I would have never thought that I would have been part of something like this while in the Navy.” The boat’s driver, Paul Becker, is a retired Navy Commander who flew A-4 Skyhawks, P-3 Orions and C-9 Skytrains during his 20 years of service. The UL-14 “Miss Critical Logic” hydroplane was known as the “Go Navy” hydroplane during the race weekend thanks to 6 foot “Go Navy” decals adorning the sides of the boat, and a Large “Fly Navy” decal on the front wing. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the Navy,” said Becker, whose boat is painted in a blue and gold color scheme resemblance of an F/A-18 Hornet from the Blue Angels flight demonstration team. “The Navy did a lot for me and I’m proud of the Navy. I’m proud of what we do, I’m proud of the people, and I wanted to share that with the race fans.” Becker said there are a lot

of similarities between driving a hydroplane and flying aircraft, and that the training the Navy has provided him has made it possible for the success he has as a racer today. “In each one of these (flying and racing) you have to think very far ahead and be ready for anything unexpected,” said Becker, who is also an airline pilot. “I owe everything to the Navy for providing me this opportunity, and I want to continue to show my gratitude.” Although the races where called early due to high winds and a dust storm Becker and his team of Navy volunteers enjoyed their time out at the races representing the service that they love. “This was really cool,” said Williams. “Paul is a great guy and it was great of him to have us out here to work on the team and to represent the Navy on his boat. You can really tell he loves the Navy and wants to show the Navy flag everywhere he goes.”


Quarter Master 2nd Class Daniel Patterson, from Naval Recruiting Station Chandler, Ariz., wipes down the UL-14 “Go Navy” boat prior to it’s first race at the 2010 Lucas Oil Firebird Spring Nationals Drag Boat Races at Firebird Race-way in Chandler, April 30-May 2. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class(AW) Adrian Melendez

A UL-14 “Go Navy” crew member and Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) 2nd Class Pete Williams, from Navy Re-cruiting Station Chandler, Ariz., place a six foot long “Go Navy” decal on the side of a hydroplane. The UL-14 boat is driven by Retired Navy Commander Paul Becker, a 20 year Navy pilot, do-nated the space on his boat for the “Go Navy” and “Fly Navy” decals as a way to continue to show the Navy flag and represent his service. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class(AW) Adrian Melendez

Hydroplane Continued FromPage 6

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9U.S. Navy photos by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) Adrian Melendez

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TUCSON, Ariz. – Location is everything. And when Logistics Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW) Camilla Hill decided to hold her re-enlistment in front of a F-14 at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, or aircraft “boneyard” in Tucson Ariz., May 22, it provided a fitting back drop for the once USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Sailor and Arizona native. Surrounded by family, friends, and shipmates, Hill took the oath of enlistment and then the group was taken on a tour of the facility, which is home to more than 4,000 historical combat aircraft. “I thought it would be a good opportunity to do something different,” said Hill of her choice for her re-enlistment location. “I wanted to be around historical parts of the Navy. I also wanted to give my family and my shipmates a chance to see part of the military most people don’t get to see.” Although the ceremony and the tour were exciting for Hill, she

said that having her family witness her re-enlistment was the most important aspect of the days events. “They’ve always been so supportive and I wanted to give them a chance to see a Navy ceremony and see what they’re

supporting,” she said. Hill hopes to next be accepted to the Blue Angels support team while continuing her Navy career and proud service to her family, friends, shipmates and country.


Hill Re-Enlists at Historical Military LandmarkBy MC1(AW) Adrian Melendez

Navy Recruiting District Phoenix Commanding Officer, Cmdr. Darryl Toppin, gives the oath of enlistment to Logistics Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW) Camilla Hill during her re-enlistment ceremony at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, May 22. U.S Navy Photo by MC1(AW) Adrian Melendez

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ALBUQUERQUE - Volunteers from Zone 1, Navy Operational Support Center Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Navy Recruit Officer Training Command, and family members, were part of more than 50 personnel who assisted in putting together 61 beds for the Ronald McDonald House in Albuquerque, May 18.

The Sailors from the Albuquerque area were personally requested by the Ronald McDonald House because of the work they have done in the past, and the staff knew that the Sailors were capable of getting the job done.

The group of volunteers had to remove and replace 61 beds in 31 rooms in a day with little interruption of the current families staying at the house. Sharon Nolan, Ronald McDonald House Operations Director said that the only way they could accomplish this feat was to get a large group of volunteers, and the Navy stepped up in force.

“We knew from the quality and speed of the work they had done for us in the past that they were the group for this ‘bed project.’ There would really have been no way to get a project of this size done in the time allowed without having well organized, well trained volunteers,” said Nolan.

The group started working at 9 a.m. disassembling the old

beds, and despite a delay in the new beds deliveries, they finished ahead of schedule.

“We had nothing but good praises from the staff at Ronald McDonald House and the Tempur-Pedic VP’s on how fast we got the job done. The difficult part was getting the box spring and Tempur-Pedic mattress up to the second floor,” said Logistics Specialist 1st

A Helping HandAlbuquerque Sailors assist local families with a good nights sleepBy MC1(AW) Adrian Melendez

Beds Continued OnPage 20


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Recruiters from Navy Recruiting Station (NRS) Sierra Vista talk to a local citizen at the 5th annual Sierra Vista West End Block Party, April 24. NRS Sierra Vista utilized the Navy events trailer during the event to generate interest of the Navy presence in the Sierra Vista area. Several of NRS Sierra Vista’s Future Sailors also attended the event in an effort to generate interest in the Navy. U.S. Navy photo by Logistics Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW) Camilla Hill

Zone 5 held their Quarterly Captain’s Cup at Reid Park in Tucson, AZ, April 10.

Cmdr. Derek Wessman, Navy Recruiting District (NRD) Phoenix Executive Officer, and CMDCM (SS) James Pittman, NRD Phoenix Command Master Chief, came out to the Zone Future Sailor meeting to watch the Captains Cup and both spoke with the Future Sailors and answered questions. The Future Sailors enjoyed having the chain of command present at the meeting, because it gave them a sense of the bigger picture of the Navy.

The competition consisted of five events in which the Future Sailors participate in; D.C. Olympics, Tug of War, Navy Knowledge, Fitness Relay and Drill Down NRS Saguaro Valley was awarded the Captains Cup trophy, Zone 5 pennant, and guidon.

The Zone 5 Captains Cup is held quarterly with the intent to ensure all Future Sailors are receiving the proper training, guidance, and mentorship at their respective Navy Recruiting Stations. The function brings all the Future Sailors from within the Zone together and creates a unique team building environment one which mentally and physically prepares them for boot camp.

NRS Saguaro Valley Triumphs in Zone 5 Captains CupBy LS2(SW/AW) Camilla Hill

Sailors from Navy Recruiting District Phoenix stand along-side Ma-rines on the Phoenix Suns basketball court at the U.S. Airways Center in Phoenix, May 23. Approximately 15 Sailors were part of the group of service members that were honored during game three of the NBA Western Conference Finals between the Suns and the Los Angeles Lak-ers. Official U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) Adrian Melendez


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Hike of the Month: North Kaibab TrailBy John Bering

Located on the North Rim or Grand Canyon National Park with an altitude of 8250 at the trail head caution is advised. Anytime hiking over the edge and into the abyss proper preparation pays dividends by lessening the chance of making it out via air-rescue. This day hike should not be undertaken carelessly but the rewards are stunning views, a terrific trail much less populated than those on the other rim and a refreshing dip in the springs.

Heavily forested with ponderosa pine, aspen and fir trees to the Coconino Overlook, the path seems to be much more like a trail carved in the Rockies but the red rock vistas serve as a reminder that the return trip will not be as enjoyable.

The overlook is 3/4 of a mile from the Rim and is doable for most folks of average fitness. Don’t go further if you have not adequately prepared for Grand Canyon trekking. From here the flora begins to change and upon arrival at the Supai Tunnel the deciduous forest is but a distant memory. There is a water spicket and outhouses on the north side of the tunnel as well as some large rocks arranged for lounging. Two

miles from the Rim there are still 3 more descending miles to the springs.

Soon after departing from the tunnel The Bridge in the Redwall appears off in the distance beyond a slew of switchbacks and lies just over half way to the springs.

Just past the bridge the trails ascends for several yards and it is a welcomed feeling in the legs to use different muscle groups. Descending goes hard on the calves whereas climbing burns the quads and lungs. Along the trail there are a few signs describing the various rock formations and one that speaks of the fauna found on this side of the canyon. The most fragrant signs of animals however are the 2 or 3 spots along the trail that the mules have declared as their group dumping grounds. The trail is muddy in these spots from the buckets of urine deposited by the beasts of burden. It’s not that bad though, just take a deep breath and walk around. The path winds past hundred foot walls to one side with hundred foot drop-offs on the other then on through red, mauve and green layers and suddenly you can hear the springs definitely roaring but still over a mile away. A few bends later and the springs come into view and then a fork in the trail, left to the springs and right to Cottonwood Campground.

The springs flow from several spots in the rock wall

creating a few streams and waterfalls. The outhouse and picnic tables are near a stream that has undoubtedly been damned by hikers to form small pools in order to cool off in after a long day on the trail. I pulled off my socks and boots and slipped my feet into the cool clear water. Soon after I was completely submerged and literally chillin’ just off the North Kaibab Trail. After a quick lunch I headed back up the trail with 5 easy miles done and 5 more to go up-hill.

Shortly after passing back across the bridge I caught a glimpse of a man and woman (mid thirties) hiking in the same direction. The woman was using trekking poles and I was cursing myself for the stupid decision not to bring mine this time. I finally caught up to them at the tunnel and found out that they had started on the South Rim the previous day and lodged at Phantom Ranch. They had intended on making a day hike up the North Kaibab and return to the river but did not fully anticipate how strenuous the hike would become. Fortunately they had made reservations at the Grand Canyon Lodge as a contingency plan and were extremely grateful when I gave them a lift from the trail head to the lodge as another 2 miles separate one from the other. The hike was 10 miles


Hike Continued OnPage 14

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round trip and, including an hour for a leisurely lunch and soak in the frigid spring water, it took 6 hours from start to finish. My 3 liter Camelbak, along with Clif Bars and Clif Shot Bloks along with a couple PB&Js for lunch was sufficient for the entire trip. The temperature was in the 60s at the trail head and 80s at the springs. By the time I got back up to the truck the temperature was in the upper 50s. The trail was shaded from the

sun for the majority of the day but there was a remarkable temperature difference when we were in full exposure. The North Rim can be as much as 40 degrees cooler than Phoenix in the summer but near the Colorado River the temperature will be similar to that of Phoenix. Recommendations: Don’t attempt hiking to the springs and back if you are not a seasoned hiker. Carry a packable poncho or rain jacket just in case.

Bring snacks and water. Small first aid kit (I used duct tape to prevent a blister this trip) Enjoy the trail and tread lightly!

As the multitudes gathered on the South Rim inside Grand Canyon National Park we sat in complete solitude taking in the magnificence of the great chasm at our feet. The rustic bench crafted by park service employees sat just off the Transept Trail and was all ours to enjoy the breathtaking beauty laid out before us.

No matter where you view the canyon from it is a bewildering sight to say the least. The views from the south are spectacular but the throngs of tourists, bumper to bumper traffic and shuttle buses moving the hoards from point to point can get on your nerves rather quickly. To see the Grand Canyon sans extreme tourism and at much more appreciated summer temperatures the extra mileage is definitely worth getting of the well trodden South Rim paths and venturing to the North.

From Phoenix it is a 5 1/2 hour drive to Jacob Lake, Arizona. Highway 89 leads north out of Flagstaff cutting through the Navajo Reservation as it rounds the eastern edge of the canyon. After mile upon mile of

desolate landscape dotted with the occasional mobile home or hogan that sparsely populate the remoteness of the reservation suddenly the Vermilion Cliffs rise from the desert floor breaking up a monotone panorama.

Turning west on 89A the drive comes to life as you pass over Marble Canyon and are able to see the Colorado River. Just past the canyon named by Major Powell the exit to Lees Ferry would

take you to the white water rafting embarkation capital of the world.

On the 89A, roadside pit stops could also be made at either Cliff Dwellers, House Rock Valley and a historical marker or two but by this time the horizon dictates a sharp rise into the heavily forested North Rim country. Climbing up from the high desert floor the temperature drops and the windows

In Your Own Back Yard: North Rim, Grand Canyon National ParkBy John Bering

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Canyon Continued OnPage 20

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June 4 marks the 68th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. The following article was published August 1942 in the Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin, which would eventually be known as All Hands magazine.

The Battle of Midway Turning Point in the PacificReprinted from All Hands Magazine, August 1942

Early in June, near the island of Midway, about 1100 miles to the west of Pearl Harbor, units of our Army, Navy, and Marine Corps joined action with a strong Japanese Invasion fleet which was approaching our Midway outpost.

At about 9 a.m., June 3, Navy Patrol planes reported a strong force of enemy ships about 700 miles off Midway, proceeding eastward. Nine U.S. Army B-17 Flying Fortresses based on Midway immediately were ordered to intercept and attack the approaching enemy. The Japanese force was approaching in five columns and was composed of many cruisers, transports, cargo vessels, and other escort ships. The Army bombers scored hits on one cruiser and one transport. Both ships were severely damaged and left burning.

About dawn on June 4, several groups of Army medium and heavy bombers and U.S. Marine Corps dive bombers and torpedo planes took to the air from Midway to attack the approaching enemy. Four Army torpedo bombers attacked two enemy aircraft carriers through a heavy screen of enemy fighter protection

and a curtain of anti-aircraft fire. One torpedo hit on a carrier is believed to have been made. Two of the four bombers failed to return.

Six Marine Corps torpedo planes attacked the enemy force in the face of heavy odds. It is believed this group scored one hit on an enemy ship. Only one of the six planes returned to its base.

Sixteen Marine Corps dive bombers attacked and scored three hits on a carrier, which is to have been the Soryu. Only half of the attacking planes returned. Another group of 11 Marine Corps dive bombers made a later attack on enemy ships and reported two bomb hits on an enemy battleship, which was left smoking and listing.

A group of 16 U.S. Army Flying Fortresses carried out high-level bombing attacks, according three hits on enemy carriers. One carrier was left

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Scene on board USS Yorktown (CV-5), shortly after she was hit by three Japanese bombs on 4 June 1942. Dense smoke is from fires in her uptakes, caused by a bomb that punctured them and knocked out her boilers. U.S. Navy Photo by Pho-tographer 2nd Class William G. Roy

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smoking heavily. Shortly after the Marine Corps planes had

left Midway, the island itself was attacked by a large group of carrier-based enemy planes. They were engaged by a badly out-numbered Marine Corps fighter force, which met the enemy in the air as he arrived. These defending fighters, aided by anti-aircraft batteries, shot down at least 40 of the enemy planes. As the result, the material damage to shore installations, though serious, was not disabling. No plane was caught grounded at Midway.

Meanwhile, U.S. Naval forces afloat were being brought into position. Our carrier-based aircraft were launched and were proceeding to the spot where the enemy’s previous course and speed

would have placed him had he chosen to continue the assault. Unaware of the enemy’s of course, one group of Navy fighters and dive bombers searched along the reported track to the southeast until shortage of gas forced them to abandon the search. Some were forced down at sea when they ran out of gas. Most were later rescued.

A different flight composed of fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo planes concluded that the enemy was retreating. Fifteen torpedo planes from this group, located the enemy westward and proceeded to attack at once without protection or assistance of any kind. Although some hits were reported by radio, and although some enemy fighters were shot down, the total damage inflicted in this attack may never be known. None of the 15 planes returned. The sole survivor of the 30 officers was Ensign G.H. Gay Jr., who scored one torpedo hit on an enemy carrier before he was shot down.

Other torpedo planes proceeded to press the attack after the enemy had been located. In spite of heavy losses during these attacks, the torpedo planes engaged the attention of the enemy fighters and anti-aircraft batteries to such a degree that our dive bombers were able to drop bomb after bomb on the enemy ships without serious interference. Navy dive bombers scored many hits and inflicted upon the enemy the following damage:

The Kaga, Akagi, and Soryu, aircraft carriers, were severely damaged. Gasoline in planes caught on their flight decks ignited, starting fires which burned until each carrier had sunk. Two battleships were hit. One was left burning fiercely. One destroyer was hit and is believed to have sunk.

Shortly after this battle, a force of about 36 enemy planes from the damaged carrier Hiryu attacked the U.S. aircraft carrier Yorktown and her escorts. Eleven of 18 Japanese bombers in this group were shot down before their bombs were dropped. Seven got through our fighter protection. Of the seven, one was disintegrated by a surface ship’s anti-aircraft fire; a second


Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class Clifton R. Bassett, of Bombing Squadron Three (VB-3), is carried from the flight deck of USS Enter-prise (CV-6), 4 June 1942. He had been wounded by Japanese aircraft while VB-3 was attacking Hiryu. Bassett was radioman/gunner of the SBD “Dauntless” scout-bomber flown by Ensign Bunyan R. Cooner, USNR, seen here at top center wearing an inflatable life jacket.

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dropped its bomb load into the sea and plunged in after it; while a third was torn to shreds by machine gun fire from U.S. fighter planes. Four enemy bombers escaped after scoring three hits.

Shortly afterward, 12 to 15 enemy torpedo planes escorted by fighters attacked Yorktown. Five succeeded in launching torpedoes, but were destroyed as they attempted to escape. Yorktown was hit and put out of action. The damage caused a list which rendered her flight deck useless. Her aircraft, however, continued operating from other U.S. carriers.

While this attack on Yorktown was in progress, some of her own planes located the carrier Hiryu in company with battleships, cruisers, and destroyers. Our carrier planes immediately attacked this newly-located force. Hiryu was hit repeatedly and left blazing from stem to stern. She sank the following morning. Two of the enemy battleships were pounded severely by bombs and a heavy cruiser was damaged severely.

During the same afternoon (June 4), a U.S. submarine scored three torpedo hits on the smoking carrier Soryu as the enemy was attempting to take her into tow. Soryu sank during the night.

Just before sunset (June 4) U.S. Army bombers delivered a heavy bomb attack on the crippled and burning ships. Three hits were scored on a damaged carrier (probably Akagi); one hit was scored on a large ship; one hit on a cruiser was left burning; and one destroyer was believed sunk.

By sundown on June 4 the United States forces had gained mastery of the air in the region of Midway.

At dawn (June 5) our forces were marshalling their strength for further assaults against the enemy fleets which

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SBD “Dauntless” dive bombers from USS Hornet (CV-8) approaching the burning Japanese heavy cruiser Mikuma to make the third set of attacks on her, during the early afternoon of 6 June 1942.

The burning Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryu, photographed by a plane from the carrier Hosho shortly after sunrise on 5 June 1942. Hiryu sank a few hours later. Photo Donation of Kazutoshi Hando, 1970.Midway Continued On

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by now had separated into several groups, all in full retreat.

In the afternoon of June 5, Army Flying Fortresses attacked enemy cruisers again and scored three direct hits upon one heavy cruiser. One the return ship, one of these planes was lost; a second was forced down at sea 15 miles from the Midway. All except one of the crew of the second plane were rescued. Early on June 6 an air search discovered two groups of enemy ships, each containing cruisers and destroyers.

Between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m., U.S. carrier planes attacked one group which contained the heavy cruisers Mikuma and Mogami and three destroyers. At least two bomb hits were scored on each Japanese cruiser. One of these destroyers was sunk.

The attacks were carried on until 5:30p.m. Mikuma was sunk shortly after noon. Mogami was gutted and subsequently sunk. Another enemy cruiser and a destroyer also were hit during these series of

attacks. It was during this afternoon (June 6) that the

U.S. destroyer Hammann was torpedoed and sunk by an enemy submarine. Most of her crew were rescued.

Repeated attempts were made to contact the remainder of the Japanese invasion fleet but without success. The battle was over.

The following is a recapitulation of the damage inflicted upon the enemy during the battle of Midway.

Four Japanese aircraft carriers, the Kaga, Akagi, Soryu, and Hiryu were sunk. Three battleships were damaged by bomb and torpedo hits, one severely. Two heavy cruisers, Mogami and Mikuma were sunk. Three others were damaged, one or two severely. One light cruiser was damaged. Three destroyers were sunk and several others were damaged by bombs. At least three transports or auxiliary ships were damaged, and one or more sunk.

The Battle of Midway was a complex and widespread action involving a number of

engagements lasting more than three days and nights. Even our active participants in the numerous attacks and counter-attacks are unable to give an accurate account of the damage inflicted by any group in the many individual and unified attacks of our Army, Navy, and Marine Corps personnel.

USS Yorktown (CV-5) being abandoned by her crew after she was hit by two Japanese Type 91 aerial torpedoes, 4 June 1942. USS Balch (DD-363) is standing by at right.

Aerial photograph, looking just south of west across the south-ern side of the atoll, 24 November 1941. Eastern Island, then the site of Midway’s airfield, is in the foreground. Sand Island, loca-tion of most other base facilities, is across the entrance channel.

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pool. Never leave a child alone near water – at the pool, the beach or in the tub. Enroll children over age three in swimming lessons taught by qualified instructors. But keep in mind that lessons don’t make your child “drown-proof.”Older children risk drowning when they overestimate their swimming ability or underestimate the water depth Traffic Safety – Over the past decade, one-half of the total Navy and Marine Corps traffic deaths occurred during the warm weather months.

Always Maintain a Safe Speed. Assess current driving conditions and adjust your speed to those con-ditions. Under certain conditions, the posted limit may be too fast.

Cool It On the Road. Don’t worry about the behavior of other drivers; concentrate on driving safely and don’t drive when angry, upset, or tired.

Don’t Drink and Drive. Choose

a designated driver. A designated driver is not someone who is the most sober; it’s someone who did not drink at all! Wear your seat-belt. There is no better defense against drunk drivers.

Avoid Distractions. Make adjust-ments to vehicle controls – such as radio, air conditioning, or mirrors – before beginning to drive or after the car is no longer in motion.

Recognize the Signs of Fatigue. When they begin to show, get off the road! Take a short nap in a well-lit area. Do not simply stop on the side of the road.Eyes closing or going out of focusPersistent yawningIrritability, restlessness, & impa-tienceWandering or disconnected thoughtsInability to remember driving the last few milesDrifting between lanes or onto shoulder

Outdoors Survival Skills- Follow-ing these simple steps will keep you safe and bring you home alive.

Inventory supplies and equipment

you may need, such as an internal/external-frame backpack, first-aid kits, a flashlight, a compass, maps, and a whistle in case you get lost.Always hike with a buddy or a group of four. In case someone is hurt, another can stay with the victim while two go for help. Also, tell someone where you’re headingWear absorbent clothing to prevent hypothermia in case of exposure to water or cold temperature. It is always best to layer your clothing.Wear the proper hiking boots and make sure you waterproof them at least 24 hours before heading out. If buying brand-new boots before your hike, make sure you break them in to avoid hot spots that can turn to blisters.

NRD Phoenix encourages everyone to be aware of sum-mertime risks and incorporate risk management into their plans. The potential for injury often is over-looked in anticipation of summer activities. By reminding each other of these risks, we help to preserve our most valuable asset: our human resources.

Have fun this summer, but prepare for success.

Path continued fromPage 5

Since 2008 the Armed Services and the YMCA have partnered up to provide optimal physical fitness facilities for service members stationed away from military installations. This is a free service to military members and their families.

Requirements for membership are:Have at least one year left at the command- Attend the YMCA eight times a month - Have a YMCA within eight miles from the recruiting station- If there is not a YMCA within eight miles from the recruiting station the service o

member is authorized to find a gym that allows six month contracts near the station.

To enroll or for renewal of either the YMCA or another gym contact FCC Jason Infantolino at [email protected].


Page 20: May Road Runner

are finally opened. Jacob Lake is 44 miles north of the park and the Jacob Lake Inn has cookies and pies are made from scratch daily and worth the stop.

The South Rim is very heavily touristed and rises from the desert whereas the north side is heavily forested and 2,000 feet higher in elevation. At 8,800 feet the park is not able to stay open to the public year round due to heavy winter snows. Both Rims are spectacular but are also completely different from one another.

The view of the canyon draws your eyes right through the lobby of the Grand Canyon Lodge as you enter the main doors. Massive windows line the outer wall of the great room that is filled

with couches and chairs in order to provide peaceful and unobstructed views for miles and miles of geological splendor.

The Transept Trail leads away from the lodge and towards the campground a mile and a half away. The definition for transept found at is “any major transverse part of the body of a church, usually crossing the nave, at right angles, at the entrance to the choir.” Very appropriate, for this church is Grand Canyon National Park and the trail hugs the rim offering outrageous views in every direction. We came upon a bench that was vacant, as was the rest of the trail except for a handful of hikers, and sat in silence except for nature’s choir of wind through the trees complementing the avian

symphony.Shortly after we drug

ourselves away from the most wonderful rest spot on the continent we saw a Goshawk take flight and upon entering the campground a Kaibab Squirrel, with its distinctive black body and silver tail, scampered past us and up a tree.

The entirety of Grand Canyon National Park is a spectacular place. The views from the rims are breathtaking but if you want to really experience the canyon (without backpacking) spend some extra time and head north, don’t do a drive-by on the South Rim like millions of others do every year. If you make the effort to get to the North Rim make sure to stop for desert in Jacob Lake too.

Canyon Continued fromPage 14


Class (SW/AW) Lucinda Davis from Navy Recruiting Station Albuquerque.

Tempur-Pedic Brand Development & Integration Director, Mike Mason, who donated the beds, was impressed by the speed and quality of the work that was done by the Navy team.

“The Navy did themselves quite proud, we couldn’t have done it without them,” said Mason.

After a long day of hard work, all the Sailors involved could walk away knowing that they made a tremendous positive impact in their community, and the lives of those who will be staying at the house.

Replacing all 62 beds in one day and knowing that every family that stays at the RMH (Ronald McDonald House) will have a good nights rest,” said

Davis. “In addition, the 62 “old” beds were donated to young-adults in foster care who are now entering the community on their own.”

The Ronald McDonald House is a 30-bedroom lodging facility, which offers temporary lodging and services for families with ill children being treated in

the metro area. Since 1982, the House has served more than 33,000 families. The House helps reduce family stress while their child is in medical treatment. The house an staff keep them together in a home environment, supporting their physical and emotional needs while their children heal.

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