
AF_AG01_ Recruitment and professional developmentUnit 3: Planning and recruiting

Unit 1: Human Resources Department an overview

One of the main tasks in HR Department is the planning and recruitment of staff.In this unit the student will be able to see candidate selection process.

To increase efficiency in the hiring and retention as well as ensure consistency and compliance in the process of selection and recruitment planning, it is recommends the following steps :

Step 1: Identify vacancy and evaluate need. Step 2: Recruitment. Step 3: Reception and screening of

candidates. Step 4: Communication with applicants. Step 5: Selection tests. Step 6: Interview. Step 7: Check the documentation and

references. Step 8: Take a decision. Step 9: Medical exams. Step 10: Hiring. Step11: Reception Step 12: Initial training and testing period.

In this unit we study from step 1 to step 5.

First of all, you have to know more specific vocabulary.Please click on the following link. It's a Quizlet where you can learn vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. Spend your time doing all the proposed activities.

planning and recruitment in hr department

Now you are ready for understanding better the following steps.

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Step 1: Identify vacancy and evaluate need.

One of the most important tasks of HR departments is planning .The department must determine what amount of workers are needed and where should be allocated .

Identify vacancy

To do this planning the HR department will get information from department heads of the company.

Each department head must fill out a form specifying the needs of their department.This inform is sent to the Department of Human Resources to verify a vacancy and determine the professional profile of candidates.

Verification and evaluation the need

The HR department analyzes the request for additional staff. There are several methods HR department can use. Some of them are the following:

1. Direct observation.2. Questionnaire.3. Interviews with individual and group supervisors and workers.4. Method mix combining these techniques .5. Notebook of the tasks performed by workers every day.

Then, all the conclusions will be written in a document. This has to show all the characteristics of the candidate.With all this information, the company culture and the objectives we can determine the professional profile.The main aspects that reflect the professional profile are:

1. Training.2. Specific Knowledge.3. Aptitudes and skills.4. Personality.5. Others elements such as motivation and professional interest.

Activity1) The head of the production department requested the HR department to hire a plant supervisor. They will be hired full time and indefinitely. The supervisor of the plant will be helped by three subordinates. In addition, the candidate must have a university degree and experience in the workplace ( 3 or 4 years minimum). The candidate must be start in June.

The main tasks will be:

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- Check that the operators start the shift on time .- Check the operation of the machines.- Meet weekly with their principal subordinate to improve the operation .- Be responsible for the workers .

With all of this information fill in the following report.

Proposed provision jobs



Position in the organization:

Qualitative dataFunctionsTasksTrainingExperience

Quantitative dataNumber of positionsWorking hoursStart work dayDuration

Step 2: Recruitment.

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Now the company is aware of the need to hire someone to fill the vacancy.Furthermore, the company may choose to cover the vacancy by own workers ( internal recruitment) or look in the labor market ( external recruitment).

Internal recruitment:

There are a lot of company who decide to cover their job vacancy with their own workers. These have a specific internal personnel selection policies. The aim is to motivate their workers.If the company want to succeed the selection must meet the following requirements:

1. Vacancies shall be negotiated beforehand with workers' representatives .2. The vacancies will be known to all staff of the company.3. The process should be transparent.4. The company can design specific tests.5. All workers must be properly informed of the requirements that must be taken to cover

the job.6. The vacancies shall be published as well as the place where they should send their

applications and dateline.

External recruitment:

Moreover, the company can find a suitable candidate outside. There are several reasons why the company can decide that. Some of them are :

a) The company don't have enough skilled workers.b) The aim is to provide the company with new employees.c) Finally, the company wants to change the age structure of the departments.

The main sources of external recruitment are:

1. Public Employment Service.2. Press ads.3. Job portals on Internet.4. Temporary employment agency.5. Private employment agency.6. Job bank students.7. Spontaneous offers.8. Network contacts.

Activities1) Internal recruitment:

Imagine you are working in the human resources department and will be responsible for preparing an announcement for a vacancy.

Design an advertisement to be published on the website of the company, with exclusive access of employees, specifying the following requirements of the job:

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1) Department.2) Job vacancy ( title, dependency, hierarchy)3) Profile of the position.

- Degree.-Training courses.- Minimum experience.- Languages.

4) Functions of the job.5) Requirements for people applying for job.

- Minimum seniority required in the company.- Selection process.

6) Annual remuneration.

Don't forget to specify the deadline for submitting the application since the publication of the announcement.

Finally, remember that the head of HR department should always sign the announcement.

If you need a guide how to prepare the document please read the following example :

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Detailed Job Description

Job title: (insert job title)

Reporting to: (insert supervisor’s title)

Salary: (insert salary per hour, per annum or total package including base salary, superannuation, commissions or benefits)

Hours: (insert average number of hours per week or type of employment such as casual, full-time)

Location: (insert the location of the position and any travel required)

Purpose of the position(Insert a short paragraph which describes the overall purpose of this position and how it contributes to the goals or function of the business. Include the authority level, for example, “manager” or “support staff”)

Responsibilities & duties

Responsibility 1 – (insert responsibility or duty of the position including frequency or duration of work, effort and skill required, complexity of tasks and equipment required)Work standard: (insert what aspect of the responsibility will be reviewed to determine if the job is being done correctly, for example, time frame, or number of completed tasks per week)

Responsibility 2 – for example, “to manage the daily operations of the office including organising mail, couriers, catering and travel. Staff need to be able to use MS EXCEL confidently, to arrange global travel and to work on their own.”Work standard – for example, “at the end of each working week, all catering events for the following week must be finalised.”

Responsibility 3 – (insert additional items as needed)Work standard – (insert additional items as needed)

Academic & trades qualifications

Essential qualifications (insert list of essential qualifications, for example, Certificate in Office AdministrationDesirable qualifications (insert list of desirable (but not essential) qualifications, for example, Advanced Excel course)

Work experience & skills

Essential experience (insert list of essential experience, for example, Minimum two years general administration/ reception experience)Desirable qualifications (insert list of desirable (but not essential) experience, for example, Experience working within a manufacturing environment)

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Personal qualities & behavioural traits

Essential qualities or behaviours (insert list of essential qualities or behaviours, for example, Written and verbal communication skills)Desirable qualities or behaviours (insert list of desirable (but not essential) qualities or behaviours, for example, Attention to detail)


Details of relationships relevant to this role (insert position name and details about the supervision given and received, for example, “This position will trained by the General Manager with ongoing support and supervision”) (insert details of the relationships involved both internally and externally. An example of external relationships would be “customer relations”)

Employee signature:Manager’s signature:Performance review period: (insert review period, for example, “every three months”)Next review date:

2) External recruitment:

The company can also opt to find the most suitable candidate from outside the company. There are different ways. One of them is writing an announcement in a newspaper. Look at this ads in the newspaper and answer the following questions:

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1. What kind of company is offering the job? Is it a small, medium or large company. It is a national or an international company, where is the company located?

2. What type of work is offered?3. Explain what qualifications are required for the job.4. Do the candidates need to have a particular skill? 5. Do you think experience is an important point?6. What is the salary offered?7. Is there any further requirement in the ad?

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Step 3: Receiving applications and screening of candidates.

At this point, the human resources department receives all of candidates applications from inside and outside the company and will have made a shortlist of ones who the most fit the profile sought.This analysis is shared with the department where the vacancy is.

Now they are ready to start the pre-selection process. In the pre-selection process we must take into account the following aspects:

1. General aspects:, Documents , grammar , expression, neatness....2. Training and experience.3. Gaps in the time. We should check if there are doing a course or if the candidate has been unemployed for a long time. 4. Incoherencies.5. Job changes. We check whether the candidate has worked in a lot of jobs and the reason for the change. Once all applications are studied the human resources department makes an initial selection. The applications are classified into three groups:

a) Applications to consider.b) Applications that can be taken into account.c) Applications rejected.

All applications classified in section a) or b) will become part of selection process. The rest of them become part of database.


1) Suppose you are working in the HR department and its head entrusted to make a selection of the CV for a vacancy in the payroll department. The new employer will be in charge of make The new employee must make payroll processing and low disease by workers' social security.

You have to decide what are the criteria you will use for classify all CV.

Please use the following table for describing your criteria.

Education - Level of education minimum and maximum required

Professional experience - You have to decide if the experience is an important point or not.

- If it is important then, you will need to determine how many years

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of minimum experience is required, which in previous jobs will be important that the Applicant has worked, etc.

Interests - Many times we know more about the applicants through their interests.

-- You have to decide what kind of interests should be taken into consider for the company to select potential candidates

Additional skills - Often, additional skills of the candidates can make the difference between them.

- You have to decide which are the most appropriate skills for a vacancy in the payroll department: computer, languages, driving license, etc.

Any other consideration - Neatness, expression, grammar, etc

Step 4: Communication with applicant When the pre-selection has finished the company should respond to all requests as soon as possible . The best way is to write a letter or send an email thanking for their interest in the job offered by the company .All the candidates have been discarded should receive a communication where the company explains that they profile do not fit the vacancy.This communication can help the company image.Of course all the pre-selected candidates should be called for further selected tests.


1) Imagine you are the person who will inform all applicants if they have been selected or not. Write a brief letter explaining why the company has decided not to select the candidate.

The letter must contain the following:

- Thanks for having participated in the selection process .- Explain to the candidate profile is not appropriate for the position.- Inform the documents is kept in the department database.- Encourage them to continue participating in future selection processes .

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Maybe you have some doubts about how to write this type of letter. Don't worry. Click on this link where you can find some examples:

Writing job candidates

Step 5: Selection tests and interviews.

Often companies decide to do selection tests. These companies may want to evaluate some skills like intelligence, personality and knowledge of the candidates. Not all the companies decide to carry out these kind of test. Although the test is performed only serve to complete the selection process.The main selection tests are:

1. Intelligent test.2. Questionnaire personalities and interests.3. Testing and professional knowledge.4. Language test.5. Group dynamic and assessment centre.

Most companies chose a combination of tests and interviews, however, it depends on the type of position that the company wants to cover. The following table gives an example of selection instruments that could be used.

Workplace Necessary instruments Recommended instruments

Manager - Interview - Personal questionnaire - Assessment center

Intermediate and technical with job experience

- Interview - Personal questionnaire - Intelligence and aptitude test

Technical graduate without experience

- Interview - Personal questionnaire- Intelligence and aptitude test

- Testing professionals- Group Dynamics

Assistant - Interview - Personal questionnaire-Intelligence and aptitude test

- Testing professionals

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1) A company wants to open a new restaurant in Madrid. You are working in the HR Department and its head orders you to make a list with the most appropriate instruments for making the selection of personnel for in the following cases. You must choose at least two instruments in each case.

1. The restaurant manager.2. Responsible for maintenance.3. The maitre.4. Inexperienced receptionist .5. Inexperienced clerk.6. Experienced waiter7. Cleaning staff with or without experience.

Justify your decisions.

2) Do you know what an assessment centre is? In the following article, made by The University of Edinburg, there is a clear explanation. Read carefully and try to match the highlighted words to the definitions in the box below .

Introduction to assessment centresAssessment centres are very common in (A) graduate recruitment.They are usually a day or two days in length and tend to take place towards the end of the (B) recruitment process, often after you have sat online tests and had a first round interview.The process tends to be (C) pressured and exhausting, but most candidates report that they enjoy the exercises and the opportunity to make their own assessment of the organisation.Purpose of assessment centres Assessment centres contain different exercises designed to test your (D) suitability for the job and organisation.Recruiters can see how you operate in a variety of situations, to get a fair and comprehensive picture of your abilities. They can see what you can do, rather than just what you say you can do in an interview.They are beneficial for (I) applicants too. They give you the opportunity to demonstrate a(F) range of skills, not just your effectiveness at being interviewed.How you will be assessedYou will be assessed on your performance in a range of activities, against pre-determined criteria the employer has identified as being important. (H) Employers often explicitly tell you what criteria they will measure you against.A final (I) overall assessment will be made at the end of the centre.The exercises are designed so that you can demonstrate a particular (J) competency (such as communication) in more than one exercise. This means you have more than one (K) chance to meet each part of the criteria, so don’t worry if one exercise doesn’t go particularly well.You are not in competition with the other candidates. You need to meet the (L) standard as set by the employer. Everyone in your group could be successful or no one in your group could be successful. Often you’re not being assessed on what you know, so much as how you think. Just be yourself - at your

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Definitions:1. someone who has studied for and got a degree (= qualification) from a university.2. Adv, acceptable or right for someone or something.3. the act of persuading someone to join an organization4. a difficult situation that makes you feel worried or unhappy:5. pl, someone who asks for something officially, often by writing.6. pl, a person or company that pays people to work for them.7. considering everything or everyone8. an important skill that is needed to do a job.9. the opportunity to do something.10. a level of quality, especially a level that is good enough

Now you have to write a sentence with each word underlined.

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Having reached the end of the unit you should be able to:

- identify the main steps in the hiring process.

-recognize the need of a new vacancy and how to know evaluate it.

-distinguish between internal and external recruitment and decide when it will be best to carry out one or other.

- consider the importance of a good pre-selection of candidates as well as a selection of good CV.

- recognize the importance for the company to have good communication with all applicants especially those candidates not selected.

- identify the different types of tests that company can use to evaluate candidates.


One of the responsibilities in the human resources department is hiring employees.The CV and cover letter are two documents used by the candidates to access the selection process. If you are working in the human resources department you should know how to prepare a CV and cover letter as well as to distinguish between good or bad CV.

If you want to know how to elaborate a CV on line click this links. There you can see different types of CV.


We usually attach a cover letter with our CV. Would you like to know how to write your own cover letter? Then click these links.


Sometimes we are not sure how to elaborate a good CV if you want to know how to do it please click on this link where you can find an examples of good and bad CV.


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Sometime we are not sure if we have to prepare a resume or CV. Do you know what is the difference? If you want to understand when we have to use one o the other read the following article in this web.


Finally, we have studies different kinds of tests. Have you ever done it? If you want to practice you can find some examples in these links.


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