Page 1: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

MeasurementsMeasurements of of Ψˊ→Ψˊ→VPVP decaydecays at BESIIs at BESII

Zheng Wang

CCAST, Beijing,10039 China

For BES Collaboration.

The 3rd international Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) workshop

Oct. 12-15, 2004, Beijing, China

Page 2: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII



IHEP Zheng Wang

• Introduction

• PWA of Ψˊ→π+π -π0

• Study of Ψˊ→VP ((,,)(,,ˊ),K*K )• Summary

Page 3: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

BES Detector and the data Introduction

IHEP Zheng Wang









MKI MKII MKIII CBAL BESI BESII CLEOcTracking: Main Drift ChamberPhoton ID: BSCHadron ID: MDC(dE/dx)+TOF

6.42pb-1 continuum data (Ecm=3.65GeV) was used to estimate the continuum bg.

14 Million

Page 4: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

From “12% rule” to “ρπ puzzle”


IHEP Zheng Wang

J/ and ’ hadronic decays proceed via 3 gluons or a virtual photon, neglect the difference of S at J/ and ’ , the ratio of ’ and J/ BRs is :

Qh= )ee/J(B)ee)S2((B






•Suppression in VP mode ( & K*K ) revealed by MARK-II { M.E.B. Franklin et al, PRL 51 (1983) 963 }

• Suppression confirmed by BESI with higher sensetivity { Y.S.Zhu, Proc. of ichep ‘96, p.507 }

Page 5: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

ρπ Puzzle


IHEP Zheng Wang

“12% rule” holds for many exclusive hadronic final state, but violated in Ψ ́→ VP,VT decays compared with the expectation of “12% rule”, the outmost are Ψˊ→ρπ and K*K decays.

Qh values of main J/Ψ and Ψˊhadronic decays in PDG and previous BES results


Page 6: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Theoretical explanations


IHEP Zheng Wang

Brodsky, Lepage, Tuan: { PRL 59 (1987) 621 } Intermediate vector glueball Chaichian & Torngvist : { NP B323 (1989) 75 } Hadronic form factor Pinsky : { PL B236 (1990) 479 } Generalized hindered M1 transition Li-Bugg-Zou { PR D55 (1997) 1421 } Final-state interaction Brodsky-Karliner { PRL 78 (1997) 4682 } Intrinsic charm |qqcc> Fock components of the light vector mesons Chen-Braaten { PRL 80 (1998) 5060 } Fock state with cc pair in a color-octet

Page 7: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Theoretical explanations


IHEP Zheng Wang

Gerard-Weyers { PL B462 (1999) 324 } cc annihilation into 5g via 2 steps Feldmann-Kroll { PR D62 (2000) 074006 } Decays thru light-quark Fock component by a soft mechanism Suzuki { PR D63 (2001) 054021 } (2S) - vector glueball mixing Rosner { PR D64 (2001) 094002 } (2S) - (1D) mixing J. P. Ma { PR D65 (2002) 097506 } Relativistic Correction

Page 8: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

PWA of Ψˊ→π+π -π0hep-ex/0408047 submitted to PRL

IHEP Zheng Wang

14M Ψˊdata

2 good tracks , 2 good photons

One π ID.

electron veto(dE/dx & BSC)

µ veto

Kinematic fit (Prob(4C)>0.01)

J/Ψ→μμ decay veto(Mπ+π-<2.95GeV

Mass of π 0 cut

Samples of Ψˊ→π+π-π0


Continuum Data

Two photons invariant mass

Continuum contributions are subtracted incoherently in 3πevents.

Page 9: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

PWA of Ψˊ→π+π -π0

hep-ex/0408047 submitted to PRL

IHEP Zheng Wang

Except the suppression in Ψˊdecay, Dalitz plots for J/Ψand Ψˊ +π -π0 are very different.

ρ(770) band

J/Ψ→μμ decay veto

Page 10: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

PWA Ψˊ→ π+π -π0

hep-ex/0408047 submitted to PRL

IHEP Zheng Wang

•ML fit for the Dalitz plot.

•Helicity amplitude:

•ρ and its excited states.

•ρ was described by Gounaris-Sakurai(GS) parameter.

Ψˊ π



Page 11: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

PWA of Ψˊ→π+π -π0VP mode

IHEP Zheng Wang

• Ψˊ→ρ(770)π decay mode is observed for the first time.

• in Ψˊ→3π process. (770)π, (2150)π are dominant.

3π: (770)π: (2150) π

= 1:0.28±0.03:1.07±0.09

Page 12: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

PWA of Ψˊ→π+π -π0VP mode

IHEP Zheng Wang

Source Relative error(%)

Trigger 0.5

MDC tracking 4.0

Kinematic fit 6.0

Photon efficiency 4.0

Number of photons 2.0

Background estimation 3.6

Particle ID negligible

Total number of Ψˊ 4.0

Continuum subtraction 3.0

Total 10.5

For the ρ(770)π and ρ(2150)π the uncertainties of fitting with different high mass ρ sates and different background shapes are also included. (16.0% & )

Summary of the systematic errors on Br(Ψˊ→π+π-π0).

%0.58 6.10

Page 13: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

PWA of Ψˊ→π+π -π0VP mode

IHEP Zheng Wang

Results on BRs_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BR BESII (10 – 5 ) PDG04 (10 – 5 )

Ψˊ + - 0 18.1 1.8 1.9 8 5 Ψˊ 5.1 0.7 0.8 < 8.3 Ψˊ

(2150) + - 0 19.4 2.5________________________________________________

1st measurement or precision much improved.

Interference between ρand its excited states was taken into account.





Page 14: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Ψˊ→K*(892)K KSK+- +c.c.

hep-ex/0407037 , submitted to PRL

IHEP Zheng Wang

Dalitz plot in ˊK*(892)K KSK



Page 15: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII


hep-ex/0407037 , submitted to PRL

IHEP Zheng Wang

K* K*09.6±4.2 Evts. 65.6±9.0 Evts.Ψˊ K K* (892)±

Ψˊ→K0 K* (892)0

Br0(15.0±2.1±1.9)10 –5 Br±(2.9±1.3±0.4)10 –5

5.2±2.7 isospin-violation





Page 16: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Ψˊ→ , 0 ,ˊ,ωη,ωηˊ

IHEP Zheng Wang

VP mode , hep-ex/0408118


Ψˊ→φπ0 not seen

Ψˊ’( ’ +-, +- )





Page 17: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

EM Process: 0,,ˊ at Ecm=3650,3686,3773 MeV

EM process, hep-ex/0410031

IHEP Zheng Wang


For EM processes at continuum e+e- (VP) 0 , , ˊ

Pvp(S)=q3vp/3 ; q3

vp – momentum of V or P ; Fvp(s) – form factor .

For EM processes at Ψˊ (VP) 0, , ’ =R+cont (INT 0, P.Wang et al, PL B593 (2004) 89 )

BRs (M Ψ(2S) ) & Fvp obtained simultaneously.

Page 18: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

EM Process: 0, , ˊ at Ecm=3650, 3686, 3773 MeV

EM process, hep-ex/0410031

IHEP Zheng Wang

Ecm=3650 MeV L = 6.42 pb-1 Ecm=3686 MeV N Ψ(2S) = 14M Ecm=3773 MeVL = 17.3 pb-1




Page 19: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

0 form factor

VP mode , form factor

IHEP Zheng Wang

Curve A -- J.Gerard, PLB425(1998)365 F(0) ~ 1/s

Curve B –V.Chernyak, hep-ph/9906387 F(0) ~ 1/s2





Page 20: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Results of Ψˊ→VP

VP mode

’ Nevt B(’) (10-5) B(J/) (10-4)


Q (%)

(770) 5.1 0.7 0.8 127 9 0.40 0.08


1.93 0.23 9.2 3.7

’ 1.05 0.18 17.8 12.9

4.2 0.6 4.5 1.8

<4.3 < 1.6 15.8 1.6 < 0.7

’ 4.1 2.8 3.1 2.0 0.7 1.67 0.25 26 19

< 3.0 < 0.39 < 0.068

17.8 5.3 3.5 1.0 0.6 6.5 0.7 5.4 1.9

’ 9.1 3.6 3.3 1.3 0.7 3.3 0.4 9.7 4.5

K+K*-+c.c. 9.6 4.2 2.9 1.3 0.4 50 4 0.58 0.27

K0K*0+c.c. 65.6 9.0 15.0 2.1 1.9 42 4 3.6 0.8

BES Preliminary

17.078.1 67.0


33.087.1 64.1


28.087.1 68.0


Page 21: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Test of pQCD 12% Rule

IHEP Zheng Wang

PQCD 12% Rule test using BESII Ψˊ→VP results

12% Rule

Page 22: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII


IHEP Zheng Wang

Measured BRs or upper limits of VP channels: ˊ (,,)(,,’), K*K (12 channels)

In ˊ +π -π0, (770)π decay was observed for the first time. Br(Ψˊ )= (5.1 0.7 0.8)Χ10-5 . (770) & (2150) dominant.

Observe large isospin-violation in ˊ K*K channel.

F(0,,ˊ) at Ecm=3650, 3686, 3773 MeV measured.

Tested 12% rule for all these decay modes. Some suppressed, some consistent. 12% rule seems to be too simplistic. A theory which can quantitatively describe these data is desired. More and accurate J/ ,ˊ and continuum data are helpful to elucidate the J/ and ˊ properties as well as properties of strong interaction.

Thanks ! 谢谢!

Page 23: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII


Upper limit @90 % C.L.

• Most channels BRs are consistent.

• BES BR()>CLEO by ~ 3 because the different treatment of continuum BG. and the interference between ρ(770) and its excited state in PWA.

• BR(K*0K0) are deviated (different treatment of the continuum contribution)

IHEP Zheng Wang

Page 24: Measurements  of  Ψˊ→ VP decays at BESII

Br(Ψˊ VP) and FVP(S) for 0,,ˊ

VP mode, EM process

IHEP Zheng Wang

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